    if ($signUp->emailExists($email)) {
        $_SESSION["status"] = "It looks like you&rsquo;re already signed&ndash;up. Do you need to <a href=\"\">reset your password</a>?";
        header("Location: /join-us/");
    } else {
        // Send the user an email to confirm their email address
        // Go ahead and get them signed-up and set their identifying number
        $_SESSION["id"] = $signUp->insertArtist($email, $hash);
        // Let them know to check for the confirmation email
        $_SESSION["status"] = "Great! You&rsquo;re all signed&ndash;up. We&rsquo;ve sent you an email with a link to click so that we can confirm your email address. <i>Be sure and double check your spam folder</i> :)";
        // Kick them to edit their profile
        header("Location: /profile/edit/");
} else {
    if (isset($_GET["confirm"])) {
        $email = $signUp->confirmEmail($_GET["confirm"]);
        if ($email === null) {
            $_SESSION["status"] = "We received an unknown confirmation key somehow.";
            header("Location: /join-us/");
        } else {
            include_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/app/model/profile.model.php";
            $profile = new Profile();
            $_SESSION["id"] = $profile->gimme("id", "email", $email);
            $_SESSION["status"] = "Thanks for confirming your email.";
            header("Location: /profile/");
    } else {
        if (isset($_SESSION["id"]) && !empty($_SESSION["id"])) {
            header("Location: /profile/");