public function execute()
     if (!$this->getUser()->getRights('shop', 'settings')) {
         throw new waRightsException(_w('Access denied'));
     $model = new shopTypeModel();
     $data = array();
     $data['id'] = waRequest::post('id', 0, waRequest::TYPE_INT);
     switch (waRequest::post('source', 'custom')) {
         case 'custom':
             $data['name'] = waRequest::post('name');
             $data['icon'] = waRequest::post('icon_url', false, waRequest::TYPE_STRING_TRIM);
             if (empty($data['icon'])) {
                 $data['icon'] = waRequest::post('icon', '', waRequest::TYPE_STRING_TRIM);
             if (!empty($data['id'])) {
                 $model->updateById($data['id'], $data);
             } else {
                 $data['sort'] = $model->select('MAX(sort)+1 as max_sort')->fetchField('max_sort');
                 $data['id'] = $model->insert($data);
         case 'template':
             $data = $model->insertTemplate(waRequest::post('template'), true);
     if ($data) {
         $data['icon_html'] = shopHelper::getIcon($data['icon'], '');
         $data['name_html'] = '<span class="js-type-icon">' . $data['icon_html'] . '</span>
                 <span class="js-type-name">' . htmlspecialchars($data['name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') . '</span>';
     $this->response = $data;
文件: site.php 项目: Lazary/webasyst

$type_model = new shopTypeModel();
$types = $type_model->select('id,name')->fetchAll('id', true);
$currencies = wa('shop')->getConfig()->getCurrencies();
foreach ($currencies as &$c) {
    $c = $c['title'];
$payment_items = $shipping_items = array();
foreach (shopHelper::getPaymentMethods() as $p) {
    $payment_items[$p['id']] = $p['name'];
foreach (shopHelper::getShippingMethods() as $s) {
    $shipping_items[$s['id']] = $s['name'];
$stock_model = new shopStockModel();
$stocks = $stock_model->select('id,name')->order('sort')->fetchAll('id', true);
return array('params' => array('title' => array('name' => _w('Homepage title <title>'), 'type' => 'input'), 'meta_keywords' => array('name' => _w('Homepage META Keywords'), 'type' => 'input'), 'meta_description' => array('name' => _w('Homepage META Description'), 'type' => 'textarea'), 'url_type' => array('name' => _w('URLs'), 'type' => 'radio_select', 'items' => array(2 => array('name' => _w('Natural'), 'description' => _w('<br>Product URLs: /<strong>category-name/subcategory-name/product-name/</strong><br>Category URLs: /<strong>category-name/subcategory-name/</strong>')), 0 => array('name' => _w('Mixed'), 'description' => _w('<br>Product URLs: /<strong>product-name/</strong><br>Category URLs: /category/<strong>category-name/subcategory-name/subcategory-name/...</strong>')), 1 => array('name' => _w('Plain') . ' (WebAsyst Shop-Script)', 'description' => _w('<br>Product URLs: /product/<strong>product-name/</strong><br>Category URLs: /category/<strong>category-name/</strong>')))), 'type_id' => array('name' => _w('Published products'), 'type' => 'radio_checkbox', 'items' => array(0 => array('name' => _w('All product types'), 'description' => ''), array('name' => _w('Selected only'), 'description' => '', 'items' => $types))), 'payment_id' => array('name' => _w('Payment options'), 'type' => 'radio_checkbox', 'items' => array(0 => array('name' => _w('All available payment options'), 'description' => ''), array('name' => _w('Selected only'), 'description' => '', 'items' => $payment_items))), 'shipping_id' => array('name' => _w('Shipping options'), 'type' => 'radio_checkbox', 'items' => array(0 => array('name' => _w('All available shipping options'), 'description' => ''), array('name' => _w('Selected only'), 'description' => '', 'items' => $shipping_items))), 'currency' => array('name' => _w('Default currency'), 'type' => 'select', 'items' => $currencies), 'stock_id' => array('name' => _w('Default stock'), 'description' => _w('Select primary stock to which this storefront is associated with. When you process orders from placed via this storefront, selected stock will be automatically offered for product stock update.'), 'type' => 'select', 'items' => $stocks), 'drop_out_of_stock' => array('name' => _w('Force drop out-of-stock products to the bottom of all lists'), 'description' => _w('When enabled, out-of-stock products will be automatically dropped to the bottom of every product list on this storefront, e.g. in product search results, category product filtering, and more.'), 'type' => 'checkbox'), 'ssl' => array('name' => _w('Use HTTPS for checkout and personal accounts'), 'description' => _w('Automatically redirect to secure https:// mode for checkout (/checkout/) and personal account (/my/) pages of your online storefront. Make sure you have valid SSL certificate installed for this domain name before enabling this option.'), 'type' => 'checkbox')), 'vars' => array('category.html' => array('$' => '', '$' => '', '$category.parent_id' => '', '$category.description' => ''), 'index.html' => array('$content' => _w('Core content loaded according to the requested resource: product, category, search results, static page, etc.')), 'product.html' => array('$' => _w('Product id. Other elements of <em>$product</em> available in this template are listed below'), '$' => _w('Product name'), '$product.summary' => _w('Product summary (brief description)'), '$product.description' => _w('Product description'), '$product.rating' => _w('Product average rating (float, 0 to 5)'), '$product.skus' => _w('Array of product SKUs'), '$product.images' => _w('Array of product images'), '$product.categories' => _w('Array of product categories'), '$product.tags' => _w('Array of product tags'), '$product.pages' => _w('Array of product static info pages'), '$product.features' => _w('Array of product features and values'), '$reviews' => _w('Array of product reviews'), '$services' => _w('Array of services available for this product')), 'search.html' => array('$title' => ''), 'list-table.html' => array('$products' => array('$id' => '', '...' => _w('Available vars are listed in the cheat sheet for product.html template'))), 'list-thumbs.html' => array('$products' => array('$id' => '', '...' => _w('Available vars are listed in the cheat sheet for product.html template'))), '$wa' => array('$wa->shop->badgeHtml(<em>$product.code</em>)' => _w('Displays badge of the specified product (<em>$product</em> object)'), '$wa->shop->cart()' => _w('Returns current cart object'), '$wa->shop->categories(<em>$id = 0, $depth = null, $tree = false, $params = false, $route = null</em>)' => _w('Returns array of subcategories of the specified category. Omit parent category for the entire array of categories'), '$wa->shop->category(<em>$category_id</em>)' => _w('Returns category object by <em>$category_id</em>'), '<em>$category</em>.params()' => _w('Array of custom category parameters'), '$wa->shop->compare()' => _w('Returns array of products currently added into a comparison list'), '$wa->shop->crossSelling(<em>$product_id</em>, <em>$limit = 5</em>, <em>$available_only = false</em>)' => _w('Returns array of cross-sell products.<em>$product_id</em> can be either a number (ID of the specified base product) or an array of products IDs') . '. ' . _w('Setting <em>$available_only = true</em> will automatically exclude all out-of-stock products from the return'), '$wa->shop->currency()' => _w('Returns current currency object'), '$wa->shop->product(<em>$product_id</em>)' => _w('Returns product object by <em>$product_id</em>') . '<br><br> ' . '$product-><strong>productUrl()</strong>: ' . _w('Returns valid product page URL') . '<br>' . '$product-><strong>upSelling</strong>(<em>$limit = 5</em>, <em>$available_only = false</em>):' . _w('Returns array of upsell products for the specified product') . '. ' . _w('Setting <em>$available_only = true</em> will automatically exclude all out-of-stock products from the return') . '<br>' . '$product-><strong>crossSelling</strong>(<em>$limit = 5</em>, <em>$available_only = false</em>):' . _w('Returns array of upsell products for the specified product') . '. ' . _w('Setting <em>$available_only = true</em> will automatically exclude all out-of-stock products from the return') . '<br><br>' . '$product.<strong>id</strong>: ' . _w('Product id. Other elements of <em>$product</em> available in this template are listed below') . '<br>' . '$product.<strong>name</strong>: ' . _w('Product name') . '<br>' . '$product.<strong>description</strong>: ' . _w('Product summary (brief description)') . '<br>' . '$product.<strong>rating</strong>: ' . _w('Product average rating (float, 0 to 5)') . '<br>' . '$product.<strong>skus</strong>: ' . _w('Array of product SKUs') . '<br>' . '$product.<strong>images</strong>: ' . _w('Array of product images') . '<br>' . '$product.<strong>categories</strong>: ' . _w('Array of product categories') . '<br>' . '$product.<strong>tags</strong>: ' . _w('Array of product tags') . '<br>' . '$product.<strong>pages</strong>: ' . _w('Array of product static info pages') . '<br>' . '$product.<strong>features</strong>: ' . _w('Array of product features and values') . '<br>', '$wa->shop->productImgHtml($product, $size, $attributes = array())' => _w('Displays specified $product object’s default image'), '$wa->shop->productImgUrl($product, $size)' => _w('Returns specified $product default image URL'), '$wa->shop->products(<em>search_conditions</em>[,<em>offset</em>[, <em>limit</em>[, <em>options</em>]]])' => _w('Returns array of products by search criteria, e.g. <em>"tag/new"</em>, <em>"category/12"</em>, <em>"id/1,5,7"</em>, <em>"set/1"</em>, or <em>"*"</em> for all products list.') . ' ' . _w('Optional <em>options</em> parameter indicates additional product options, e.g. <em>["params" => 1]</em> to include product custom parameter values into the output.'), '$wa->shop->productsCount(<em>search_conditions</em>)' => _w('Returns number of products matching specified search conditions, e.g. <em>"tag/new"</em>, <em>"category/12"</em>, <em>"id/1,5,7"</em>, <em>"set/1"</em>, or <em>"*"</em> for all products list.'), '$wa->shop->productSet(<em>set_id</em>)' => _w('Returns array of products from the specified set.') . ' ' . _w('Optional <em>options</em> parameter indicates additional product options, e.g. <em>["params" => 1]</em> to include product custom parameter values into the output.'), '$wa->shop->ratingHtml(<em>$rating, $size = 10, $show_when_zero = false</em>)' => _w('Displays 1—5 stars rating. $size indicates icon size and can be either 10 or 16'), '$wa->shop->settings("<em>option_id</em>")' => _w('Returns store’s general setting option by <em>option_id</em>, e.g. "name", "email", "country"'), '$wa->shop->themePath("<em>theme_id</em>")' => _ws('Returns path to theme folder by <em>theme_id</em>'))), 'blocks' => array());