function executeListgridjson() { $start = $this->request->getParameterHolder()->has('start') ? $this->request->getParameterHolder()->get('start') : 0; $limit = $this->request->getParameterHolder()->has('limit') ? $this->request->getParameterHolder()->get('limit') : 20; $anode = $this->request->getParameterHolder()->has('anode') ? $this->request->getParameterHolder()->get('anode') : null; $uid = $this->request->getParameterHolder()->get('uid'); $page = $start == 0 ? 1 : ceil($start / $limit) + 1; $parser = $this->getUser()->getAttributeHolder()->getAll('parser/grid'); $host = "https://" . $this->getRequest()->getHost(); foreach ($parser as $data) { if ($data["uid"] == $uid) { $parser = $data; break; } } $pager = new sfPropelPager($parser["class"], $parser["limit"]); if ($anode === null) { $c = $parser["criteria"]; } else { $parser["datasource"]["method"]["params"]["criteria"] = $parser["criteria"]; $parser["datasource"]["method"]["params"]["gid"] = $anode; $c = afCall::funcArray(array($parser["datasource"]["class"], $parser["datasource"]["method"]["name"]), $parser["datasource"]["method"]["params"]); } $pager->setPeerMethod($parser["select_method"]); $pager->setPage($page); $pager->setCriteria($c); $pager->init(); $grid_data = new afExtjsGridData(); $grid_data->totalCount = $pager->getNbResults(); $items = array(); $i = $j = 0; foreach ($pager->getResults() as $object) { foreach ($parser["columns"] as $column) { $j = 0; $id = $object->getId(); if (method_exists($object, "get" . $column["phpname"])) { $tmp = call_user_func(array($object, "get" . $column["phpname"])); } else { $tmp = ""; } if ($tmp && in_array($column["phpname"], $parser["foreign_keys"])) { $items[$i][$column["column"]] = call_user_func(array($tmp, "__toString")); } else { $items[$i][$column["column"]] = $tmp; } $items[$i]["_id"] = $anode == null ? $id : rand(); $items[$i]["_parent"] = $anode; $items[$i]["_is_leaf"] = $anode == null ? false : true; foreach ($parser["rowactions"] as $k => $action) { if (!strstr($host . $action["attributes"]["url"], "?")) { $host . ($action["attributes"]["url"] .= "?"); } if ($anode !== null) { $items[$i]["action" . ($j + 1)] = $host . $action["attributes"]["url"] . "id=" . $id . "&"; } $j++; } } $i++; } foreach ($items as $item) { $grid_data->addRowData($item); } return $this->renderText($grid_data->end()); }
public function executeListjsonAuditLog() { $start = $this->request->getParameterHolder()->has('start') ? $this->request->getParameterHolder()->get('start') : 0; $limit = $this->request->getParameterHolder()->has('limit') ? $this->request->getParameterHolder()->get('limit') : 20; $page = $start == 0 ? 1 : ceil($start / $limit) + 1; $c = new Criteria(); $c->addDescendingOrderByColumn(AuditLogPeer::ID); $pager = new sfPropelPager('AuditLog', $limit); $pager->setPage($page); $pager->setCriteria($c); $pager->init(); $grid_data = new afExtjsGridData(); $grid_data->totalCount = $pager->getNbResults(); foreach ($pager->getResults() as $object) { $item = Util::getPropelObjectAsArray($object); $item['user_id'] = $object->getsfGuardUser()->getUsername(); $grid_data->addRowData($item); } return $this->renderText($grid_data->end()); }
/** * Override ::getResults() to call ->init() first * * @see sfPager */ public function getResults() { $this->init(); return parent::getResults(); }
function executeJsonactionstree() { $c = new Criteria(); $start = $this->request->getParameterHolder()->has('start') ? $this->request->getParameterHolder()->get('start') : 0; $limit = $this->request->getParameterHolder()->has('limit') ? $this->request->getParameterHolder()->get('limit') : 20; $anode = $this->request->getParameterHolder()->has('anode') ? $this->request->getParameterHolder()->get('anode') : null; $page = $start == 0 ? 1 : ceil($start / $limit) + 1; // pager $pager = new sfPropelPager('afsNotification', $limit); $pager->setPage($page); $pager->setCriteria($c); $pager->init(); $grid_data = new afExtjsGridData(); $grid_data->totalCount = $pager->getNbResults(); foreach ($pager->getResults() as $notification) { $grid_data->addRowData(array("company" => $notification->getIP(), "lastChange" => '8/1 12:00am', "industry" => 'Manufacturing', "action1" => "", "action2" => "", "_id" => $anode == null ? $notification->getId() : rand(), "_parent" => $anode, "_is_leaf" => $anode == null ? false : true, '_color' => $anode == null ? '#ccc000' : '#cc0000', '_selected' => true, "_buttonOnColumn" => "company", "_buttonText" => "Show description", "_buttonDescription" => "It's just a description text 1 " . rand(0, 99) . "!")); } if ($anode == null) { $parent = rand(); $grid_data->addRowData(array("company" => '1 CHILD', "lastChange" => '8/1 12:00am', "industry" => 'Manufacturing', "action1" => "", "action2" => "", "_id" => $parent, "_parent" => null, "_is_leaf" => false, '_color' => '#ccc000', '_selected' => true, "_buttonOnColumn" => "company", "_buttonText" => "Show description", "_buttonDescription" => "It's just a description text 2 " . rand(0, 99) . "!")); $child = rand(); $grid_data->addRowData(array("company" => 'the only CHILD', "lastChange" => '8/1 12:00am', "industry" => 'Manufacturing', "action1" => "", "action2" => "", "_id" => $child, "_parent" => $parent, "_is_leaf" => true, '_color' => '#ccc000', '_selected' => true, "_buttonOnColumn" => "company", "_buttonText" => "Show description", "_buttonDescription" => "It's just a description text 3 " . rand(0, 99) . "!")); $grid_data->addRowData(array("company" => 'the only CHILD 2', "lastChange" => '8/1 12:00am', "industry" => 'Manufacturing', "action1" => "", "action2" => "", "_id" => rand(), "_parent" => $child, "_is_leaf" => true, '_color' => '#ccc000', '_selected' => true, "_buttonOnColumn" => "company", "_buttonText" => "Show description", "_buttonDescription" => "It's just a description text 4 " . rand(0, 99) . "!")); $grid_data->addRowData(array("company" => 'the only CHILD 3', "lastChange" => '8/1 12:00am', "industry" => 'Manufacturing', "action1" => "", "action2" => "", "_id" => rand(), "_parent" => $child, "_is_leaf" => true, '_color' => '#ccc000', '_selected' => true, "_buttonOnColumn" => "company", "_buttonText" => "Show description", "_buttonDescription" => "It's just a description text 5 " . rand(0, 99) . "!")); } return $this->renderText($grid_data->end()); }
public static function getMainListPanel($documentId, $moduleName, $page = 1) { $moduleName = strtolower($moduleName); try { if ($moduleName == "tag") { $moduleName = "admin"; } $mainList = XMLParser::getXMLdataValues(sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir') . "/apps/panel/modules/" . $moduleName . "/config/mainList.xml"); $displayedObjects = array(); foreach ($mainList as $obj) { if ($obj['tag'] == 'OBJECT' && $obj['type'] == 'complete') { $displayedObjects[] = $obj['value']; } } $children = array(); $res = array('children', 'paging'); $c = new Criteria(); if (!$documentId) { $document = Rootfolder::getRootfolderByModule($moduleName); if ($document) { $documentId = $document->getId(); } } if ($documentId) { $pager = new sfPropelPager("Relation", 20); $c->add(RelationPeer::ID1, $documentId); $c->add(RelationPeer::DOCUMENT_MODEL2, $displayedObjects, Criteria::IN); if ($moduleName == 'houses' || $moduleName == 'jobs') { $c->addDescendingOrderByColumn(RelationPeer::ID2); } else { $c->addAscendingOrderByColumn(RelationPeer::SORT_ORDER); } $pager->setCriteria($c); $pager->setPage($page); $pager->init(); foreach ($pager->getResults() as $relation) { $id = $relation->getId2(); $res['children'][] = Document::getDocumentInstance($id); } } $res['paging'] = $pager->paging(true); return $res; } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } }
public function createLastYearDivisions() { $last_year_school_year = SchoolYearPeer::retrieveLastYearSchoolYear($this->getSchoolYear()); $last_year_career_school_year = CareerSchoolYearPeer::retrieveByCareerAndSchoolYear($this->getCareer(), $last_year_school_year); SchoolYearPeer::clearInstancePool(); CareerSchoolYearPeer::clearInstancePool(); $con = Propel::getConnection(); try { $con->beginTransaction(); $criteria = new Criteria(); $criteria->add(DivisionPeer::CAREER_SCHOOL_YEAR_ID, $last_year_career_school_year->getId()); $pager = new sfPropelPager('Division', 10); $pager->setCriteria($criteria); $pager->init(); $last_page = $pager->getLastPage(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $last_page; $i++) { $pager->setPage($i); $pager->init(); $divisions = $pager->getResults(); //This creates all the divisions, courses and courses subjects of the last year. foreach ($divisions as $division) { $division->createCopyForSchoolYear($con, $this); $division->clearAllReferences(true); unset($division); } DivisionPeer::clearInstancePool(); } unset($criteria); $con->commit(); } catch (PropelException $e) { $con->rollback(); throw $e; } }
public static function getMainList(&$documentId, $moduleName, $page = 1) { $moduleName = strtolower($moduleName); try { if ($moduleName == "settings") { $settingsArr = array(); if (is_readable(sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir') . "/config/settings.xml")) { $objects = XMLParser::getXMLdataValues(sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir') . "/config/settings.xml"); } foreach ($objects as $obj) { if ($obj['tag'] == 'ELEMENT' && $obj['type'] == 'open') { $objName = $obj['attributes']['LABEL']; $objDescription = $obj['attributes']['DESCRIPTION']; } if ($obj['tag'] == 'ITEM' && $obj['type'] == 'complete') { //$val = $obj['attributes']['VALUE']; $settingName = $objName; //$settingName = strtolower($objName); $settingsArr[$settingName] = $objDescription; } } $pager = new sfPropelPager("Relation", 20); $pager->setResults($settingsArr); $pager->setPage($page); $pager->init(); foreach ($pager->getResults() as $name => $label) { $res['children'][$name] = $label; } $res['paging'] = $pager->paging(true); return $res; } if ($moduleName == "labels") { $localesArr = array(); if (is_readable(sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir') . "/config/locales.xml")) { $objects = XMLParser::getXMLdataValues(sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir') . "/config/locales.xml"); foreach ($objects as $obj) { if ($obj['tag'] == 'LOCALE' && $obj['type'] == 'open') { $objName = $obj['attributes']['LABEL']; if ($obj['attributes']['DESCRIPTION']) { $objDescription = $obj['attributes']['DESCRIPTION']; } else { $objDescription = '[' . $obj['attributes']['LABEL'] . ']'; } } if ($obj['tag'] == 'ITEM' && $obj['type'] == 'complete') { //$val = $obj['attributes']['VALUE']; $localeName = $objName; //$localeName = strtolower($objName); $localesArr[$localeName] = $objDescription; } } } $pager = new sfPropelPager("Relation", 20); $pager->setResults($localesArr); $pager->setPage($page); $pager->init(); foreach ($pager->getResults() as $name => $label) { $res['children'][$name] = $label; } $res['paging'] = $pager->paging(true); return $res; } $mainList = XMLParser::getXMLdataValues(sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir') . "/apps/panel/modules/" . $moduleName . "/config/mainList.xml"); $displayedObjects = array(); $rootId = null; foreach ($mainList as $obj) { if ($obj['tag'] == 'OBJECT' && $obj['type'] == 'complete') { $displayedObjects[] = $obj['value']; } // check overwrite RootID if ($obj['tag'] == 'OBJECTS' && $obj['type'] == 'open') { if (array_key_exists("attributes", $obj) && array_key_exists("PARENT", $obj['attributes'])) { $rootName = $obj['attributes']['PARENT']; $rootDocument = Rootfolder::getRootfolderByModule($rootName); if ($rootDocument) { $rootId = $rootDocument->getId(); } } if (array_key_exists("attributes", $obj) && array_key_exists("TAG", $obj['attributes'])) { $tag = $obj['attributes']['TAG']; $rootDocument = Document::getDocumentByExclusiveTag($tag); if ($rootDocument) { $rootId = $rootDocument->getId(); } } } } $children = array(); $res = array('children' => array(), 'paging' => ''); $c = new Criteria(); if (!$documentId) { if ($rootId) { $documentId = $rootId; } else { $document = Rootfolder::getRootfolderByModule($moduleName); if ($document) { $documentId = $document->getId(); } } } //echo "rootId = $rootId; moduleName = $moduleName;"; if ($documentId) { $pager = new sfPropelPager("Relation", 20); $c->add(RelationPeer::ID1, $documentId); $c->add(RelationPeer::DOCUMENT_MODEL2, $displayedObjects, Criteria::IN); $c->addAscendingOrderByColumn(RelationPeer::SORT_ORDER); $pager->setCriteria($c); $pager->setPage($page); $pager->init(); foreach ($pager->getResults() as $relation) { $id = $relation->getId2(); $res['children'][] = Document::getDocumentInstance($id); } } $res['paging'] = $pager->paging(true); return $res; } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } }
private function search($data) { $q = $this->getRequestParameter("q", ''); if (!$q) { throw new BadRequestException('A search string must be provided.'); } $page = $this->getRequestParameter("page", '1'); $limit = $this->getRequestParameter("limit", self::PAGE_SIZE); $culture = $this->getRequestParameter("culture", 'es'); $type = $this->getRequestParameter("type", false); $cl = new SphinxClient(); $dbConf = Propel::getConfiguration(); $dsn = $dbConf['datasources']['propel']['connection']['dsn']; $sphinxServer = sfConfig::get('sf_sphinx_server'); $cl->SetServer($sphinxServer, 3312); $this->limit = 1000; $cl->SetLimits(0, $this->limit, $this->limit); $cl->SetArrayResult(true); $entities = array(); $cl->SetArrayResult(true); if ($type && $type != 'party' && $type != 'politician' && $type != 'proposal') { throw new BadRequestException('Invalid type.'); } if (!$type || $type == 'party') { $this->res = $cl->Query(SfVoUtil::stripAccents($q), "partido_{$culture}"); if ($this->res !== false) { if (isset($this->res["matches"]) && is_array($this->res["matches"])) { $c = new Criteria(); $list = array(); foreach ($this->res["matches"] as $idx => $match) { $list[] = $match['id']; } $c->add(PartidoPeer::ID, $list, Criteria::IN); //$c->addDescendingOrderByColumn(PartidoPeer::SUMU); $pager = new sfPropelPager('Partido', $limit); $pager->setCriteria($c); $pager->setPage($this->getRequestParameter('page', $page)); $pager->init(); foreach ($pager->getResults() as $partido) { $entities[] = new Entity($partido); } } } } if (!$type || $type == 'politician') { $this->res = $cl->Query(SfVoUtil::stripAccents($q), "politico_{$culture}"); if ($this->res !== false) { if (isset($this->res["matches"]) && is_array($this->res["matches"])) { $c = new Criteria(); $list = array(); foreach ($this->res["matches"] as $idx => $match) { $list[] = $match['id']; } $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(PoliticoPeer::ID, $list, Criteria::IN); //$c->addDescendingOrderByColumn(PoliticoPeer::SUMU); $pager = new sfPropelPager('Politico', $limit); $pager->setCriteria($c); $pager->setPage($this->getRequestParameter('page', $page)); $pager->init(); foreach ($pager->getResults() as $politico) { $entities[] = new Entity($politico); } } } } if (!$type || $type == 'proposal') { $this->res = $cl->Query(SfVoUtil::stripAccents($q), "propuesta_{$culture}"); if ($this->res !== false) { if (isset($this->res["matches"]) && is_array($this->res["matches"])) { $c = new Criteria(); $list = array(); foreach ($this->res["matches"] as $idx => $match) { $list[] = $match['id']; } $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(PropuestaPeer::ID, $list, Criteria::IN); //$c->addDescendingOrderByColumn(PropuestaPeer::SUMU); $pager = new sfPropelPager('Propuesta', $limit); $pager->setCriteria($c); $pager->setPage($this->getRequestParameter('page', $page)); $pager->init(); foreach ($pager->getResults() as $propuesta) { $entities[] = new Entity($propuesta); } } } } return $entities; }
private function reloadByAdvancedSearch($params) { parse_str($params, $obj); $arr = array(); $obj = $obj["advancedsearch"]; $page = $obj["page"]; $arr["jobStatus"] = $obj["status_id"]; $arr["dueDateStart"] = $this->getFormattedDate($obj["due_date_start"]); $arr["dueDateEnd"] = $this->getFormattedDate($obj["due_date_end"]); $arr["shootDateStart"] = $this->getFormattedDate($obj["shoot_date_start"]); $arr["shootDateEnd"] = $this->getFormattedDate($obj["shoot_date_end"]); $arr["clientId"] = $obj["client_id"]; $arr["photographerId"] = $obj["photo_id"]; $arr["sortOn"] = $obj["sort"]; $arr["sortDirection"] = $obj["sort_direction"]; $c = $this->createAdvancedSearchCriteria($arr); $pager = new sfPropelPager("Job", sfConfig::get("app_items_per_page")); $pager->setCriteria($c); $pager->setPage($page); $pager->setPeerMethod("doSelectJoinAll"); $pager->init(); $results = $pager->getResults(); sfPropelActAsTaggableBehavior::preloadTags($results); $this->renderPartial("search/advancedRender", array("pager" => $pager)); return sfView::NONE; }
/** * This method check if the students pass the year or not * * @param SchoolYear $school_year * @param PropelPDO $con */ public function closeSchoolYear(SchoolYear $school_year, PropelPDO $con = null) { $criteria = SchoolYearStudentPeer::retrieveStudentsForSchoolYearCriteria($school_year); $pager = new sfPropelPager('Student', 100); $pager->setCriteria($criteria); $pager->init(); $last_page = $pager->getLastPage(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $last_page; $i++) { $pager->setPage($i); $pager->init(); $students = $pager->getResults(); foreach ($students as $student) { if ($student->getLastStudentCareerSchoolYear()->getStatus() != StudentCareerSchoolYearStatus::WITHDRAWN_WITH_RESERVE) { $this->stepToNextYear($student, $school_year, $con); } } $school_year->setIsClosed(true); $school_year->save($con); StudentPeer::clearInstancePool(); } }
protected function execute($arguments = array(), $options = array()) { // initialize the database connection $databaseManager = new sfDatabaseManager($this->configuration); $connection = $databaseManager->getDatabase($options['connection'] ? $options['connection'] : null)->getConnection(); $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(InstitucionI18nPeer::NOMBRE, 'Ayuntamiento%', Criteria::LIKE); $c->add(InstitucionI18nPeer::CULTURE, 'es'); $pager = new sfPropelPager('InstitucionI18n', 100); $pager->setCriteria($c); $pageNum = 0; do { $pageNum++; echo "\nBlock no. {$pageNum} \n"; $pager->setPage($pageNum); $pager->init(); $instituciones = $pager->getResults(); foreach ($instituciones as $institucion) { $geo = GeoPeer::retrieveByPK($institucion->getInstitucion()->getGeoId()); if ($geo) { echo "."; $nombreCorto = $geo->getNombre(); //$nombreCorto = $institucion->getInstitucion()->getGeo()->getNombre(); $vanityUrl = SfVoUtil::encodeVanity($nombreCorto); $c2 = new Criteria(); $c2->add(EleccionPeer::VANITY, "{$vanityUrl}%", Criteria::LIKE); //$c2->add(EleccionPeer::ID, $id, Criteria::NOT_EQUAL); $eleccionesLikeMe = EleccionPeer::doSelect($c2); $counter = 0; foreach ($eleccionesLikeMe as $eleccionLikeMe) { $counter++; } $vanity = "{$vanityUrl}" . ($counter == 0 ? '' : "-{$counter}"); $eleccion = new Eleccion(); $eleccion->setVanity($vanity); $eleccion->save(); $ei = new EleccionInstitucion(); $ei->setEleccion($eleccion); $ei->setInstitucion($institucion->getInstitucion()); $ei->save(); $eleccion_i18n = new EleccionI18n(); $eleccion_i18n->setCulture('es'); $eleccion_i18n->setNombreCorto($nombreCorto); $eleccion_i18n->setNombre("Elecciones al Ayuntamiento de {$nombreCorto}"); $eleccion_i18n->setEleccion($eleccion); $eleccion_i18n->save(); $eleccion_i18n = new EleccionI18n(); $eleccion_i18n->setCulture('ca'); $eleccion_i18n->setNombreCorto($nombreCorto); $eleccion_i18n->setNombre("Eleccions al Ajuntament de {$nombreCorto}"); $eleccion_i18n->setEleccion($eleccion); $eleccion_i18n->save(); $convocatoria = new Convocatoria(); $convocatoria->setEleccion($eleccion); $convocatoria->setNombre('2011'); $convocatoria->setFecha('2011/05/22'); $convocatoria->save(); $convocatoria_i18n = new ConvocatoriaI18n(); $convocatoria_i18n->setConvocatoria($convocatoria); $convocatoria_i18n->setCulture('es'); $convocatoria_i18n->setDescripcion("Las listas y candidatos que se presentan a las elecciones de mayo. Vota y elige al alcalde y a los concejales de {$nombreCorto}. Compara las listas cerradas de los partidos con las listas abiertas de Voota, la lista oficial contra lo que dice la calle."); $convocatoria_i18n->save(); $convocatoria_i18n = new ConvocatoriaI18n(); $convocatoria_i18n->setConvocatoria($convocatoria); $convocatoria_i18n->setCulture('ca'); $convocatoria_i18n->setDescripcion("Las listas y candidatos que se presentan a las elecciones de mayo. Vota y elige al alcalde y a los concejales de {$nombreCorto}. Compara las listas cerradas de los partidos con las listas abiertas de Voota, la lista oficial contra lo que dice la calle."); $convocatoria_i18n->save(); $circu = new Circunscripcion(); $circu->setGeo($geo); $criteria = new Criteria(); $criteria->add(PoliticoInstitucionPeer::INSTITUCION_ID, $institucion->getId()); $count = PoliticoInstitucionPeer::doCount($criteria); $circu->setEscanyos($count); $circu->save(); } } } while (!$pager->isLastPage()); }