
$article3 = new Article();

$finder = new sfPropelFinder('Article');
$article = $finder->findPk($article2->getId());
$t->is($article->getTitle(), 'foo2', 'findPk() returns the object with the primary key matching the argument');
$t->ok(!is_array($article), 'findPk() returns a single object when passed a single primary key');
$finder = new sfPropelFinder('Article');
$article = $finder->findPk(76543787654);
$t->is($article, null, 'findPk() returns null if the primary key is not found');
$finder = new sfPropelFinder('Article');
$articles = $finder->findPk(array($article2->getId(), $article1->getId()));
$t->ok(is_array($articles), 'findPk() returns an array of objects when passed an array of primary keys');
$t->is(count($articles), 2, 'findPk() returns the objects with the primary keys matching the arguments');

$article = $finder->with('Category')->findPk($article2->getId());
$t->cmp_ok(strpos($finder->getLatestQuery(), 'SELECT article.ID, article.TITLE, article.CATEGORY_ID, category.ID, category.NAME FROM article INNER JOIN category'), '===', 0, 'findPk() is compatible with with()');


$article1 = new Article();
$articlei18n1 = $article1->getCurrentArticleI18n();