public function set($lang) { if (application::get_instance()->config->resource->lang->type != 'session') { return false; } if ($lang) { session::set('lang', $lang); } else { session::remove('lang'); } setcookie($this->_key, $lang, time() + 86400 * 30, '/'); }
public function controller_before() { $ml = new model_lang(); $ids = $ml->fetch_col('stitle', array('show_it' => 1)); if (@application::get_instance()->config->resource->lang->type == 'session') { if ($ids) { $lang_session = session::get('lang'); $lang_cookie = @$_COOKIE['lang']; if ($lang_session && !in_array($lang_session, $ids)) { session::remove('lang'); $lang_session = null; } if ($lang_cookie && !in_array($lang_cookie, $ids) || $lang_cookie && $lang_session && $lang_session != $lang_cookie) { setcookie('lang', null, time() + 86400 * 30, '/'); } if ($lang_cookie && !$lang_session) { session::set('lang', $lang_cookie); $lang_session = $lang_cookie; } if (application::get_instance()->config->resource->lang->detect && !$lang_session) { $lang_detected = $this->prefered_language($ids, @$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']); if ($lang_detected) { session::set('lang', $lang_detected); } } } } else { if ($ids && !in_array(application::get_instance()->controller->request->param->lang, $ids)) { unset(application::get_instance()->controller->request->param->lang); } if (!application::get_instance()->controller->request->param->lang) { application::get_instance()->controller->request->param->lang = application::get_instance()->controller->view->lang()->default->stitle; } if (application::get_instance()->request->url == '/control') { header('Location: /' . application::get_instance()->controller->view->lang()->default->stitle . '/control'); exit; } else { if (application::get_instance()->request->url == '/error') { header('Location: /' . application::get_instance()->controller->view->lang('stitle') . '/error'); exit; } } } }
public function callback() { // $oauth_verifier = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'oauth_verifier'); // // if (empty($oauth_verifier) || empty(session::get('tw_oauth_token')) || empty(session::get('tw_oauth_secret'))) { // // something's missing, go and login again // header('Location: ' . tw_url_login); // } session::init(); $request_token = array(); $request_token['oauth_token'] = session::get('tw_oauth_token'); $request_token['oauth_token_secret'] = session::get('tw_oauth_token_secret'); // connect with application token $connection = new TwitterOAuth(tw_consumer_key, tw_consumer_secret, $request_token['oauth_token'], $request_token['oauth_token_secret']); // request user token $token = $connection->oauth("oauth/access_token", array("oauth_verifier" => $_REQUEST['oauth_verifier'])); // session::set('tw_token',$token); auth::setLogin($token, true, $db = $this->db); session::remove('tw_oauth_token'); session::remove('tw_oauth_token_secret'); header('Location: /'); // // // $twitter = new TwitterOAuth( // tw_consumer_key, // tw_consumer_secret, // $token['oauth_token'], // $token['oauth_token_secret'] // ); // // print_r($token); // // $result = $twitter->get('users/show', array('user_id'=>$token['user_id'])); // // print_r($result); // // $status = $twitter->post( // "statuses/update", [ // "status" => "m2m dene".date("Y-m-d h:i:sa") // ] // ); // // echo ('Created new status with #' . $status->id . PHP_EOL); }
function logout() { if (session::get($this->_key)) { session::remove($this->_key); if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->_key])) { unset($_COOKIE[$this->_key]); setcookie($this->_key, '', 0, '/'); } $this->_data = null; return true; } return false; }
public function update_clink() { if ($this->config->field) { foreach ($this->config->field as $k => $v) { if ($v->type != 'clink') { continue; } $class = 'model_' . $v->controller; $s = (int) session::get($v->controller . '_clink'); if (!class_exists($class) || !$s) { continue; } $m = new $class(); $m->update(array($this->config->field_map->parentid => $this->config->ok), array($this->config->field_map->parentid => $s)); session::remove($v->controller . '_clink'); } } }
public function kill() { session::remove('auth'); return false; }