 private function ProcessItemReward($entry)
     global $CORE;
     //Make sure we have a selected realm
     //It's set to realm 1 by default but
     //it might be needed later on
     if ($this->realm === false) {
         $this->errors[] = 'The realm id is missing.';
         return false;
     //Make sure a character is selected
     if (!$this->character) {
         $this->errors[] = 'This code requires a character to be selected.';
         return false;
     //load the sendmail class
     if (!$CORE->isLoaded_ServerModule('commands')) {
     //prepare the sendmail class
     $command = new server_Commands();
     //check if the realm is online
     if ($command->CheckConnection($this->realm) !== true) {
         $this->errors[] = 'The realm is currently unavailable. Please try again in few minutes.';
         return false;
     //load the characters handling class
     if (!$CORE->isLoaded_ServerModule('character')) {
     //construct the characters handler
     $chars = new server_Character();
     if (!$chars->setRealm($this->realm)) {
         $this->errors[] = 'The website failed to load realm database. Please contact the administration for more information.';
         return false;
     //check if the character belongs to this account
     if (!$chars->isMyCharacter(false, $this->character, (int) $this->account)) {
         $this->errors[] = 'The selected character does not belong to this account.';
         return false;
     //Send the item
     $sentMail = $command->sendItems($this->character, $entry, 'Promotion Code Reward', $this->realm);
     //make sure the mail was sent
     if ($sentMail !== true) {
         $this->errors[] = 'The website was unable to deliver your reward due to reason: ' . $sentMail;
         return false;
     unset($chars, $command);
     return true;
         //save the item error
         $itemErrors[$index]['error'] = 'The item does not exist in the store.';
         $logs->update(false, 'The user is trying to purchase invalid item (id: ' . $id . ') that do not exist in the store.', 'error');
 //end of the item loop
 //if we have any items to send
 if ($itemsString) {
     //Count the items in this string
     $qItems = explode(' ', $itemsString);
     //update the log
     $logs->update(false, 'Total items in the cart: ' . count($qItems));
     //send the items
     $sentMail = $command->sendItems($charName, $itemsString, 'Store Item Delivery', $RealmId);
     //make sure the mail was sent
     if ($sentMail === true) {
         //update the account money
         $update = $DB->prepare("UPDATE `account_data` SET `silver` = :silver, `gold` = :gold WHERE `id` = :account LIMIT 1;");
         $update->bindParam(':silver', $accountSilver, PDO::PARAM_INT);
         $update->bindParam(':gold', $accountGold, PDO::PARAM_INT);
         $update->bindParam(':account', $CURUSER->get('id'), PDO::PARAM_INT);
         if ($update->rowCount() > 0) {
             //update the log
             $logs->update(false, 'The mail was sent and the user has been successfully charged for his purchase. New values: ' . $accountSilver . ' silver, ' . $accountGold . ' gold.', 'ok');
         } else {
             //update the log
             $logs->update(false, 'The user was not charged for his purchase, website failed to update. Values that should have been applied: ' . $accountSilver . ' silver, ' . $accountGold . ' gold.', 'error');
## The actual script begins here
//construct the characters handler
$chars = new server_Character();
//start logging
$logs->add('PSTORE_ARMORSETS', 'Starting log session, initial value of the required currency: ' . $accountGold . ' Gold, selected realm: ' . $RealmId . '.', 'pending');
//set the realm
if ($chars->setRealm($RealmId)) {
    //check if the character belongs to this account
    if ($chars->isMyCharacter(false, $character)) {
        //prepare the items string
        $itemsString = str_replace(',', ' ', $row['items']);
        //level the character
        $sendItems = $command->sendItems($character, $itemsString, 'Armor Set Delivery', $RealmId);
        //check if the command was successfull
        if ($sendItems === true) {
            //calc the new currency amount
            $accountGold = $accountGold - $row['price'];
            //update the account money
            $update = $DB->prepare("UPDATE `account_data` SET `gold` = :amount WHERE `id` = :account LIMIT 1;");
            $update->bindParam(':amount', $accountGold, PDO::PARAM_INT);
            $update->bindParam(':account', $CURUSER->get('id'), PDO::PARAM_INT);
            if ($update->rowCount() > 0) {
                //update the log
                $logs->update(false, 'The send items command has been executed and the user has been successfully charged for his purchase. New value of required currency: ' . $accountGold . ' Gold.', 'ok');
                //log into coin activity
                $ca = new CoinActivity();
 if ($chars->isMyCharacter(false, $character)) {
     //get the character name
     $charData = $chars->getCharacterData(false, $character, 'level');
     //check if the character is already higher level
     if ($charData['level'] < $level['level']) {
         //level the character
         $levelUp = $command->levelTo($character, $level['level'], $RealmId);
         //send the gold
         $sentGold = $command->sendMoney($character, $level['money'], 'Premium Store Delivery', $RealmId);
         //make the bags string
         $bagsString = "";
         for ($i = 0; $i < $level['bags']; $i++) {
             $bagsString .= $level['bagsId'] . " ";
         //send the bags
         $sentBags = $command->sendItems($character, $bagsString, 'Premium Store Delivery', $RealmId);
         //check if any of the actions have failed and log it
         if ($levelUp !== true) {
             $logs->update(false, 'The website failed to execute the level command and returned: ' . $levelUp . '.', 'error');
         if ($sentGold !== true) {
             $logs->update(false, 'The website failed to execute the send money command and returned: ' . $sentGold . '.', 'error');
         if ($sentBags !== true) {
             $logs->update(false, 'The website failed to execute the send items command and returned: ' . $sentBags . '.', 'error');
         //check if one of those actions was successful
         if ($levelUp === true or $sentGold === true or $sentBags === true) {
             //charge for the purchase
             $Charge = $finance->Charge("Level Up", CA_SOURCE_TYPE_PURCHASE);
             if ($Charge === true) {