public function usage_widget() { $usage_details = get_site_option('rtmedia-encoding-usage'); $content = ''; if ($usage_details && isset($usage_details[$this->api_key]->status) && $usage_details[$this->api_key]->status) { if (isset($usage_details[$this->api_key]->plan->name)) { $content .= '<p><strong>' . __('Current Plan', 'buddypress-media') . ':</strong> ' . $usage_details[$this->api_key]->plan->name . ($usage_details[$this->api_key]->sub_status ? '' : ' (' . __('Unsubscribed', 'buddypress-media') . ')') . '</p>'; } if (isset($usage_details[$this->api_key]->used)) { $content .= '<p><span class="encoding-used"></span><strong>' . __('Used', 'buddypress-media') . ':</strong> ' . (($used_size = size_format($usage_details[$this->api_key]->used, 2)) ? $used_size : '0MB') . '</p>'; } if (isset($usage_details[$this->api_key]->remaining)) { $content .= '<p><span class="encoding-remaining"></span><strong>' . __('Remaining', 'buddypress-media') . ':</strong> ' . (($remaining_size = size_format($usage_details[$this->api_key]->remaining, 2)) ? $remaining_size : '0MB') . '</p>'; } if (isset($usage_details[$this->api_key]->total)) { $content .= '<p><strong>' . __('Total', 'buddypress-media') . ':</strong> ' . size_format($usage_details[$this->api_key]->total, 2) . '</p>'; } $usage = new rtProgress(); $content .= $usage->progress_ui($usage->progress($usage_details[$this->api_key]->used, $usage_details[$this->api_key]->total), false); if ($usage_details[$this->api_key]->remaining <= 0) { $content .= '<div class="error below-h2"><p>' . __('Your usage limit has been reached. Upgrade your plan.', 'buddypress-media') . '</p></div>'; } } else { $content .= '<div class="error below-h2"><p>' . __('Your API key is not valid or is expired.', 'buddypress-media') . '</p></div>'; } new RTMediaAdminWidget('rtmedia-encoding-usage', __('Encoding Usage', 'buddypress-media'), $content); }
function init() { $prog = new rtProgress(); $pending = $this->get_pending_count(); $total = $this->get_total_count(); $done = $total - $pending; ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2>rtMedia: Import Media Size</h2> <?php wp_nonce_field('rtmedia_media_size_import_nonce', 'rtmedia_media_size_import_nonce'); echo '<span class="pending">' . rtmedia_migrate_formatseconds($total - $done) . ' (estimated)</span><br />'; echo '<span class="finished">' . $done . '</span>/<span class="total">' . $total . '</span>'; echo '<img src="images/loading.gif" alt="syncing" id="rtMediaSyncing" style="display:none" />'; $temp = $prog->progress($done, $total); $prog->progress_ui($temp, true); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var fail_id = new Array(); var ajax_data; jQuery( document ).ready( function ( e ) { jQuery( "#toplevel_page_rtmedia-settings" ).addClass( "wp-has-current-submenu" ) jQuery( "#toplevel_page_rtmedia-settings" ).removeClass( "wp-not-current-submenu" ) jQuery( "#toplevel_page_rtmedia-settings" ).addClass( "wp-menu-open" ) jQuery( "#toplevel_page_rtmedia-settings>a" ).addClass( "wp-menu-open" ) jQuery( "#toplevel_page_rtmedia-settings>a" ).addClass( "wp-has-current-submenu" ) if ( db_total < 1 ) jQuery( "#submit" ).attr( 'disabled', "disabled" ); } ) function db_start_migration( db_done, db_total, last_id ) { if ( db_done < db_total ) { jQuery( "#rtMediaSyncing" ).show(); ajax_data = { "action": "rtmedia_media_size_import", "done": db_done, "last_id": last_id, "nonce" : jQuery.trim( jQuery( '#rtmedia_media_size_import_nonce' ).val() ) } jQuery.ajax( { url: rtmedia_admin_ajax, type: 'post', data: ajax_data, success: function ( sdata ) { try { data = JSON.parse( sdata ); } catch ( e ) { jQuery( "#submit" ).attr( 'disabled', "" ); } if ( data.status ) { done = parseInt( data.done ); total = parseInt( ); var progw = Math.ceil( (done / total) * 100 ); if ( progw > 100 ) { progw = 100; } ; jQuery( '#rtprogressbar>div' ).css( 'width', progw + '%' ); jQuery( 'span.finished' ).html( done ); jQuery( '' ).html( total ); jQuery( 'span.pending' ).html( data.pending ); if ( data.imported === false ) { fail_id.push( data.media_id ); } db_start_migration( done, total, parseInt( data.media_id ) ); } else { alert( "Migration completed." ); jQuery( "#rtMediaSyncing" ).hide(); } }, error: function () { alert( "Error During Migration, Please Refresh Page then try again" ); jQuery( "#submit" ).removeAttr( 'disabled' ); } } ); } else { alert( "Migration completed." ); if ( fail_id.length > 0 ) { rtm_show_file_error(); } jQuery( "#rtMediaSyncing" ).hide(); } } function rtm_show_file_error() { jQuery( 'span.pending' ).html( "Media with ID: " + fail_id.join( ', ' ) + " can not be imported. Please check your server error log for more details. Don't worry, you can end importing media size now :)" ); // var data = {action: 'rtmedia_hide_media_size_import_notice'}; // ajaxurl, data, function ( response ) { } ); // jQuery( "#rtMediaSyncing" ).hide(); } var db_done = <?php echo $done; ?> ; var db_total = <?php echo $total; ?> ; jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#submit', function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); db_start_migration( db_done, db_total, 0 ); jQuery( this ).attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' ); } ); </script> <hr/> <?php if (!(isset($rtmedia_error) && true === $rtmedia_error)) { ?> <input type="button" id="submit" value="start" class="button button-primary"/> <?php } ?> </div> <?php }
/** * Define regenerate thumbnail functionality. * * @access public * * @param void * * @return void */ public function rt_regenerate_thumbnail() { $prog = new rtProgress(); $done = 0; ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2> rtMedia: <?php esc_html_e('Regenerate Video Thumbnails', 'buddypress-media'); ?> </h2> <?php if (isset($_REQUEST['media_ids']) && trim($_REQUEST['media_ids']) != '') { $requested = false; $media_ids = explode(',', $_REQUEST['media_ids']); $total = count($media_ids); } else { $media_ids = $this->get_video_without_thumbs(); $total = count($media_ids); } ?> <script> var rt_thumb_all_media = <?php echo json_encode($media_ids); ?> ; </script> <?php if (!isset($requested)) { ?> <br/> <p>You can see this page because you have <a href="<?php echo esc_url(admin_url('admin.php?page=rtmedia-addons')); ?> ">subscribed</a> for <a href="" target="_blank">rtMedia audio/video encoding service</a>.</p> <p>You can regenerate thumbnails of a specific video by visiting <a href="<?php echo esc_url(admin_url('upload.php?post_mime_type=video')); ?> ">media page</a> and clicking the <b>Regenerate Thumbnail</b> option for that particular video.</p> <p>Click <b>Regenerate Pending Thumbnails</b> to regenerate thumbnails of pending videos.</p> <p><input type="button" class="button button-primary" id="rt-start-media-regenerate" value="<?php echo esc_html__('Regenerate Pending Thumbnails', 'buddypress-media') . ' (' . $total . ')'; ?> "/> </p> <?php } ?> <div id="rt-migration-progress"> <br/> <br/> <?php $temp = $prog->progress($done, $total); $prog->progress_ui($temp, true); ?> <p> <?php esc_html_e('Total Videos', 'buddypress-media'); ?> : <span class='rt-total'><?php echo esc_html($total); ?> </span> </p> <p> <?php esc_html_e('Sent of regenerate thumbails', 'buddypress-media'); ?> : <span class='rt-done'>0</span></p> <p> <?php esc_html_e('Fail to regenerate thumbails', 'buddypress-media'); ?> : <span class='rt-fail'>0</span></p> </div> <script> var db_done = 0; var db_fail = 0; var db_total = <?php echo esc_html($total); ?> ; var indx = 0; function db_start_regenrate() { if ( indx < db_total ) { jQuery.ajax( { url: rtmedia_admin_ajax, type: 'post', data: { "action": "rt_media_regeneration", "media_id": rt_thumb_all_media[indx ++] }, success: function ( data ) { data = JSON.parse( data ); if ( data.status == false ) { handle_regenrate_fail(); } else { db_done ++; var progw = Math.ceil( ( db_done / db_total ) * 100 ); if ( progw > 100 ) { progw = 100; } jQuery( '#rtprogressbar>div' ).css( 'width', progw + '%' ); jQuery( 'span.rt-done' ).html( db_done ); db_start_regenrate(); } }, error: function () { handle_regenrate_fail(); } } ); } else { alert( "<?php esc_html_e('Regenerate Video Thumbnails Done', 'buddypress-media'); ?> " ); } } function handle_regenrate_fail() { db_fail ++; jQuery( 'span.rt-fail' ).html( db_fail ); db_start_regenrate(); } if ( jQuery( "#rt-start-media-regenerate" ).length > 0 ) { jQuery( "#rt-migration-progress" ).hide() jQuery( "#rt-start-media-regenerate" ).click( function () { jQuery( this ).hide(); jQuery( "#rt-migration-progress" ).show() db_start_regenrate(); } ) } else { db_start_regenrate(); } </script> </div> <?php }
function test() { if (!$this->table_exists($this->bmp_table)) { $obj = new RTDBUpdate(false, RTMEDIA_PATH . 'index.php', RTMEDIA_PATH . 'app/schema/', true); $obj->install_db_version = '0'; $obj->do_upgrade(true); } global $rtmedia_error; if (isset($rtmedia_error) && true === $rtmedia_error) { ?> <div class="error"><p> Please Resolve create database error before migration.</p></div> <?php } $prog = new rtProgress(); $total = $this->get_total_count(); $done = $this->get_done_count(); if ($done >= $total) { $done = $total; } else { ?> <div class="error"> <p><?php _e('Please Backup your <strong>DATABASE</strong> and <strong>UPLOAD</strong> folder before Migration.', 'buddypress-media'); ?> </p> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2><?php _e('rtMedia Migration', 'buddypress-media'); ?> </h2> <h3><?php _e('It will migrate following things', 'buddypress-media'); ?> </h3> User Albums : <?php echo $_SESSION['migration_user_album']; ?> <br/> <?php if (isset($_SESSION['migration_group_album'])) { ?> Groups Albums : <?php echo $_SESSION['migration_group_album']; ?> <br/> <?php } ?> Media : <?php echo $_SESSION['migration_media']; ?> <br/> <?php if (isset($_SESSION['migration_activity'])) { ?> Comments : <?php echo $_SESSION['migration_activity']; ?> <br/> <?php } ?> <hr/> <?php echo '<span class="pending">' . $this->formatSeconds($total - $done) . '</span><br />'; echo '<span class="finished">' . $done . '</span>/<span class="total">' . $total . '</span>'; echo '<img src="images/loading.gif" alt="syncing" id="rtMediaSyncing" style="display:none" />'; $temp = $prog->progress($done, $total); $prog->progress_ui($temp, true); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery( document ).ready( function ( e ) { jQuery( "#toplevel_page_rtmedia-settings" ).addClass( "wp-has-current-submenu" ) jQuery( "#toplevel_page_rtmedia-settings" ).removeClass( "wp-not-current-submenu" ) jQuery( "#toplevel_page_rtmedia-settings" ).addClass( "wp-menu-open" ) jQuery( "#toplevel_page_rtmedia-settings>a" ).addClass( "wp-menu-open" ) jQuery( "#toplevel_page_rtmedia-settings>a" ).addClass( "wp-has-current-submenu" ) if ( db_total < 1 ) jQuery( "#submit" ).attr( 'disabled', "disabled" ); } ) function db_start_migration( db_done, db_total ) { if ( db_done < db_total ) { jQuery( "#rtMediaSyncing" ).show(); jQuery.ajax( { url: rtmedia_admin_ajax, type: 'post', data: { "action": "bp_media_rt_db_migration", "done": db_done }, success: function ( sdata ) { try { data = JSON.parse( sdata ); } catch ( e ) { jQuery( "#submit" ).attr( 'disabled', "" ); } if ( data.status ) { done = parseInt( data.done ); total = parseInt( ); var progw = Math.ceil( (done / total) * 100 ); if ( progw > 100 ) { progw = 100; } ; jQuery( '#rtprogressbar>div' ).css( 'width', progw + '%' ); jQuery( 'span.finished' ).html( done ); jQuery( '' ).html( total ); jQuery( 'span.pending' ).html( data.pending ); db_start_migration( done, total ); } else { alert( "Migration completed." ); jQuery( "#rtMediaSyncing" ).hide(); } }, error: function () { alert( "<?php _e('Error During Migration, Please Refresh Page then try again', 'buddypress-media'); ?> " ); jQuery( "#submit" ).removeAttr( 'disabled' ); } } ); } else { alert( "Migration completed." ); jQuery( "#rtMediaSyncing" ).hide(); } } var db_done = <?php echo $done; ?> ; var db_total = <?php echo $total; ?> ; jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#submit', function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); db_start_migration( db_done, db_total ); jQuery( this ).attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' ); } ); </script> <hr/> <?php if (!(isset($rtmedia_error) && true === $rtmedia_error)) { ?> <input type="button" id="submit" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Start', 'buddypress-media'); ?> " class="button button-primary"/> <?php } ?> </div> <?php }
/** * * @param array $instance An array with the name to be used for id and the progress percentage * @return string The progress ui html */ function progress_ui($instance = array()) { $progress = new rtProgress(); $instance = wp_parse_args($instance, array('name' => 'general', 'progress' => 0)); $ui = '<div class="rt-wufoo-progress" id="' . $instance['name'] . '">' . $progress->progress_ui($instance['progress'], false) . '</div>'; return $ui; }
function init() { $prog = new rtProgress(); $pending = $this->get_pending_count(); $total = $this->get_total_count(); $last_id = $this->get_last_imported(); $done = $total - $pending; $admin_ajax = admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2><?php esc_html_e('rtMedia: Upgrade rtMedia activity', 'buddypress-media'); ?> </h2> <?php wp_nonce_field('rtmedia_media_activity_upgrade_nonce', 'rtmedia_media_activity_upgrade_nonce'); echo '<span class="pending">' . sprintf(esc_html__('%s (estimated)', 'buddypress-media'), esc_html(rtmedia_migrate_formatseconds($total - $done))) . '</span><br />'; echo '<span class="finished">' . esc_html($done) . '</span>/<span class="total">' . esc_html($total) . '</span>'; echo '<img src="images/loading.gif" alt="syncing" id="rtMediaSyncing" style="display:none" />'; $temp = $prog->progress($done, $total); $prog->progress_ui($temp, true); ?> <style type="text/css"> #rtprogressbar { background-color: #444; border-radius: 13px; margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 3px; } #rtprogressbar div { background-color: #fb6003; border-radius: 10px; height: 20px; width: 0; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> var fail_id = new Array(); var ajax_data; jQuery(document).ready(function (e) { jQuery("#toplevel_page_rtmedia-settings").addClass("wp-has-current-submenu") jQuery("#toplevel_page_rtmedia-settings").removeClass("wp-not-current-submenu") jQuery("#toplevel_page_rtmedia-settings").addClass("wp-menu-open") jQuery("#toplevel_page_rtmedia-settings>a").addClass("wp-menu-open") jQuery("#toplevel_page_rtmedia-settings>a").addClass("wp-has-current-submenu") if (db_total < 1) jQuery("#submit").attr('disabled', "disabled"); }); function db_start_migration(db_done, db_total, last_id) { if (db_done < db_total) { jQuery("#rtMediaSyncing").show(); ajax_data = { "action": "rtmedia_activity_upgrade", "done": db_done, "last_id": last_id, "nonce": jQuery.trim(jQuery('#rtmedia_media_activity_upgrade_nonce').val()) }; jQuery.ajax({ url: '<?php echo esc_url($admin_ajax); ?> ', type: 'post', data: ajax_data, success: function (sdata) { try { data = JSON.parse(sdata); } catch (e) { jQuery("#submit").attr('disabled', ""); } if (data.status) { done = parseInt(data.done); total = parseInt(; var progw = Math.ceil((done / total) * 100); if (progw > 100) { progw = 100; } jQuery('#rtprogressbar>div').css('width', progw + '%'); jQuery('span.finished').html(done); jQuery('').html(total); jQuery('span.pending').html(data.pending); if (data.imported === false) { fail_id.push(data.activity_id); } db_start_migration(done, total, parseInt(data.activity_id)); } else { alert("Migration completed."); jQuery("#rtMediaSyncing").hide(); } }, error: function () { alert("Error During Migration, Please Refresh Page then try again"); jQuery("#submit").removeAttr('disabled'); } }); } else { data = { action: 'rtmedia_activity_done_upgrade' };'<?php echo esc_sql($admin_ajax); ?> ', data, function () { alert("Database upgrade completed."); }); if (fail_id.length > 0) { rtm_show_file_error(); } jQuery("#rtMediaSyncing").hide(); } } function rtm_show_file_error() { jQuery('span.pending').html("Some activities are failed to upgrade, Don't worry about that."); } var db_done = <?php echo esc_js($done); ?> ; var db_total = <?php echo esc_js($total); ?> ; var last_id = <?php echo esc_js($last_id); ?> ; jQuery(document).on('click', '#submit', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); db_start_migration(db_done, db_total, last_id); jQuery(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); }); </script> <hr/> <?php if (!(isset($rtmedia_error) && true === $rtmedia_error)) { ?> <input type="button" id="submit" value="start" class="button button-primary"/> <?php } ?> </div> <?php }
function rt_regenerate_thumbnail() { $prog = new rtProgress(); $done = 0; ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2> <?php _e('Regenerate Video Thumbnails', 'rtmedia'); ?> </h2> <?php if (isset($_REQUEST["media_ids"]) && trim($_REQUEST["media_ids"]) != "") { $requested = false; $media_ids = explode(',', $_REQUEST["media_ids"]); $total = count($media_ids); } else { $media_ids = $this->get_video_without_thumbs(); $total = count($media_ids); } ?> <script> var rt_thumb_all_media = <?php echo json_encode($media_ids); ?> ; </script> <?php if (!isset($requested)) { ?> <br/> <br/> <input type="button" class="button button-primary" id="rt-start-media-regenerate" value="<?php _e('Regenerate Pending Thumbnails', 'rtmedia'); ?> "/> <?php } ?> <div id="rt-migration-progress"> <br/> <br/> <?php $temp = $prog->progress($done, $total); $prog->progress_ui($temp, true); ?> <p> <?php _e('Total Videos', 'rtmedia'); ?> : <span class='rt-total'><?php echo $total; ?> </span> </p> <p> <?php _e('Sent of regenerate thumbails', 'rtmedia'); ?> : <span class='rt-done'>0</span></p> <p> <?php _e('Fail to regenerate thumbails', 'rtmedia'); ?> : <span class='rt-fail'>0</span></p> </div> <?php ?> <script> var db_done = 0; var db_fail = 0; var db_total = <?php echo $total; ?> ; var indx = 0; function db_start_regenrate() { if ( indx < db_total ) { jQuery.ajax( { url: rtmedia_admin_ajax, type: 'post', data: { "action": "rt_media_regeneration", "media_id": rt_thumb_all_media[indx++] }, success: function ( data ) { data = JSON.parse( data ); if ( data.status == false ) { handle_regenrate_fail(); } else { db_done++; var progw = Math.ceil( (db_done / db_total) * 100 ); if ( progw > 100 ) { progw = 100; } jQuery( '#rtprogressbar>div' ).css( 'width', progw + '%' ); jQuery( 'span.rt-done' ).html( db_done ); db_start_regenrate(); } }, error: function () { handle_regenrate_fail(); } } ); } else { alert( "<?php _e('Regenerate Video Thumbnails Done', 'rtmedia'); ?> " ); } } function handle_regenrate_fail() { db_fail++; jQuery( 'span.rt-fail' ).html( db_fail ); db_start_regenrate(); } if ( jQuery( "#rt-start-media-regenerate" ).length > 0 ) { jQuery( "#rt-migration-progress" ).hide() jQuery( "#rt-start-media-regenerate" ).click( function () { jQuery( this ).hide(); jQuery( "#rt-migration-progress" ).show() db_start_regenrate(); } ) } else { db_start_regenrate(); } </script> </div> <?php }