                    $temp_items_array[$token] = 0;
                $temp_items_array[$token] += $count;
    // Create the new unified items array in the session
    if (!isset($_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'])) {
        $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'] = array();
    $_SESSION['GAME']['values']['battle_items'] = $temp_items_array;
// Define the array to hold action panel markup
$actions_markup = array();
// Collect the resulting battle status
$this_battle_status = $this_battle->get_status();
// Refresh the active robot on this and the target's side of the field
$this_robot = $this_player->get_active_robot();
$target_robot = $target_player->get_active_robot();
// Create the global objects array for passing
$objects = array();
$objects['this_battle'] = $this_battle;
$objects['this_field'] = $this_field;
$objects['this_player'] = $this_player;
$objects['this_robot'] = $this_robot;
$objects['target_player'] = $target_player;
$objects['target_robot'] = $target_robot;
// Ensure the battle is still in progress
if (empty($this_redirect) && $this_battle_status != 'complete') {
    // Collect the battle options menu markup
    $actions_markup['option'] = rpg_battle::get_menu_markup($objects, 'option');