public function remove() { $res = new responseGmp(); if (!$this->getModel()->remove(reqGmp::get('post'))) { $res->pushError($this->getModel()->getErrors()); } return $res->ajaxExec(); }
public function remove() { $res = new responseGmp(); if (!$this->getModel()->remove(reqGmp::get('post'))) { $res->pushError($this->getModel()->getErrors()); } //frameGmp::_()->getModule('supsystic_promo')->getModel()->saveUsageStat('icon.delete'); return $res->ajaxExec(); }
public function importData() { $res = new responseGmp(); if (!isset($_FILES['BackupFileCsv'])) { $res->addError(langGmp::_("Cannot Upload File")); return $res->ajaxExec(); } $fileData = $_FILES['BackupFileCsv']; $uplDir = wp_upload_dir(); $filePath = $uplDir['path']; $source = $fileData['tmp_name']; $dest = $filePath . DS . $fileData['name']; if (!copy($source, $dest)) { $res->addError(langRpw::_("Cannot Copy File")); return $res->ajaxExec(); } $backupInfoCsv = file_get_contents($dest); $backupInfo = utilsGmp::unserialize($backupInfoCsv); if (empty($backupInfo)) { $res->addError(langRpw::_("Wrong Format")); return $res->ajaxExec(); } $mapsKeys = array(); $mapModel = frameGmp::_()->getModule("gmap")->getModel(); $groupModule = frameGmp::_()->getModule("marker_groups"); $markerModule = FrameGmp::_()->getModule("marker"); $group_params = array(); $groupKeys = array(); $markersArr = array(); foreach ($backupInfo as $map) { $map_params = array("title" => $map["title"], "description" => $map["description"], "params" => utilsGmp::serialize($map["params"]), "html_options" => utilsGmp::serialize($map["html_options"]), "create_date" => $map["create_date"]); //outeGmp($map_params); $map_new_id = frameGmp::_()->getTable("maps")->store($map_params); $mapsKeys[$map['id']] = $map_new_id; foreach ($map['markers'] as $marker) { if (isset($marker['groupObj']) && !empty($marker['groupObj'])) { $group_params[$marker['groupObj']['id']] = $marker['groupObj']; } $markersArr[] = $marker; } } foreach ($group_params as $oldId => $groupInfo) { $gParams = array("title" => $groupInfo['title'], "description" => $groupInfo['description'], "mode" => "insert"); $groupKeys[$oldId] = $groupModule->getModel()->saveGroup($gParams); } foreach ($markersArr as $marker) { $mParams = array("title" => $marker['title'], "description" => $marker['description'], "coord_x" => $marker['coord_x'], "coord_y" => $marker['coord_y'], "map_id" => $mapsKeys[$marker['map_id']], "marker_group_id" => $groupKeys[$marker['marker_group_id']], "address" => $marker['address'], "animation" => (int) $marker['animation'], "create_date" => $marker['create_date'], "params" => $marker['params'], "titleLink" => utilsGmp::serialize($marker['titleLink'])); if (is_array($marker['icon'])) { $mParams['icon'] = $marker['icon']['id']; } elseif (is_string($marker['icon'])) { $mParams['icon'] = $marker['icon']; } $markerModule->getModel()->saveMarker($mParams); } outGmp($mapsKeys); outeGmp($groupKeys); }
public function saveGroup() { $res = new responseGmp(); if ($this->getModel()->saveGroup(reqGmp::get('post'))) { $res->addMessage(__('Done', GMP_LANG_CODE)); } else { $res->pushError($this->getModel('options')->getErrors()); } return $res->ajaxExec(); }
public function remove() { $res = new responseGmp(); if ($this->getModel()->remove(reqGmp::getVar('id', 'post'))) { $res->addMessage(__('Done', GMP_LANG_CODE)); } else { $res->pushError($this->getModel()->getErrors()); } $res->ajaxExec(); }
public function addNoticeAction() { $res = new responseGmp(); $code = reqGmp::getVar('code', 'post'); $choice = reqGmp::getVar('choice', 'post'); if (!empty($code) && !empty($choice)) { $optModel = frameGmp::_()->getModule('options')->getModel(); switch ($choice) { case 'hide': $optModel->save('hide_' . $code, 1); break; case 'later': $optModel->save('later_' . $code, time()); break; case 'done': $optModel->save('done_' . $code, 1); if ($code == 'enb_promo_link_msg') { $optModel->save('add_love_link', 1); } break; } $this->getModel()->saveUsageStat($code . '.' . $choice, true); $this->getModel()->checkAndSend(true); } $res->ajaxExec(); }
public function sendMailToDevelopers() { $res = new responseGmp(); $data = reqGmp::get('post'); $fields = array('name' => new fieldGmpGmp('name', langGmp::_('Your name field is required.'), '', '', 'Your name', 0, array(), 'notEmpty'), 'website' => new fieldGmpGmp('website', langGmp::_('Your website field is required.'), '', '', 'Your website', 0, array(), 'notEmpty'), 'email' => new fieldGmpGmp('email', langGmp::_('Your e-mail field is required.'), '', '', 'Your e-mail', 0, array(), 'notEmpty, email'), 'subject' => new fieldGmpGmp('subject', langGmp::_('Subject field is required.'), '', '', 'Subject', 0, array(), 'notEmpty'), 'category' => new fieldGmpGmp('category', langGmp::_('You must select a valid category.'), '', '', 'Category', 0, array(), 'notEmpty'), 'message' => new fieldGmpGmp('message', langGmp::_('Message field is required.'), '', '', 'Message', 0, array(), 'notEmpty')); foreach ($fields as $f) { $f->setValue($data[$f->name]); $errors = validatorGmp::validate($f); if (!empty($errors)) { $res->addError($errors); } } if (!$res->error) { $msg = 'Message from: ' . get_bloginfo('name') . ', Host: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '<br />'; foreach ($fields as $f) { $msg .= '<b>' . $f->label . '</b>: ' . nl2br($f->value) . '<br />'; } $headers[] = 'From: ' . $fields['name']->value . ' <' . $fields['email']->value . '>'; add_filter('wp_mail_content_type', array(frameGmp::_()->getModule('messenger'), 'mailContentType')); wp_mail(',,', 'Ready Ecommerce Contact Dev', $msg, $headers); $res->addMessage(langGmp::_('Done')); } $res->ajaxExec(); }
public function removeGroup() { $params = reqGmp::get('post'); $res = new responseGmp(); if (!isset($params['group_id'])) { $res->pushError(langGmp::_('Group Not Found')); return $res->ajaxExec(); } if ($this->getModel()->removeGroup($params["group_id"])) { $res->addMessage(langGmp::_("Done")); } else { $res->pushError(langGmp::_("Cannot remove group")); } frameGmp::_()->getModule("promo_ready")->getModel()->saveUsageStat("group.delete"); return $res->ajaxExec(); }
public function getMarker() { $res = new responseGmp(); $id = (int) reqGmp::getVar('id'); if ($id) { $marker = $this->getModel()->getById($id); if (!empty($marker)) { $res->addData('marker', $marker); } else { $res->pushError($this->getModel()->getErrors()); } } else { $res->pushError(langGmp::_('Empty or invalid marker ID')); } return $res->ajaxExec(); }
public function hideUsageStat() { $res = new responseGmp(); $this->getModule()->setUserHidedSendStats(); return $res->ajaxExec(); }
public function clear() { $res = new responseGmp(); if ($this->getModel()->clear()) { $res->addMessage(__('Done', GMP_LANG_CODE)); } else { $res->pushError($this->getModel()->getErrors()); } $res->ajaxExec(); }
public function import() { @ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', true); $res = new responseGmp(); $this->_connectCsvLib(); $csvGenerator = toeCreateObjGmp('csvgeneratorGmp', array('')); $type = reqGmp::getVar('type'); $file = $type == 'maps' ? reqGmp::getVar('csv_import_file_maps', 'file') : reqGmp::getVar('csv_import_file_markers', 'file'); if (empty($file) || empty($file['size'])) { $res->pushError(__('Missing File', GMP_LANG_CODE)); } if (!empty($file['error'])) { $res->pushError(sprintf(__('File uploaded with error code %s', $file['error']))); } if (!$res->error()) { $fileArray = array(); $handle = fopen($file['tmp_name'], 'r'); $csvParams['delimiter'] = $csvGenerator->getDelimiter(); $csvParams['enclosure'] = $csvGenerator->getEnclosure(); $csvParams['escape'] = $csvGenerator->getEscape(); //if(version_compare( phpversion(), '5.3.0' ) == -1) //for PHP lower than 5.3.0 third parameter - escape - is not implemented while ($row = @fgetcsv($handle, 0, $csvParams['delimiter'], '"')) { $fileArray[] = $row; } /*else while($row = @fgetcsv( $handle, 0, $csvParams['delimiter'], $csvParams['enclosure'], $csvParams['escape'] )) $fileArray[] = $row;*/ /*var_dump($fileArray); exit();*/ if (!empty($fileArray)) { if (count($fileArray) > 1) { //$overwriteSameNames = (int) reqGmp::getVar('overwrite_same_names'); $keys = array_shift($fileArray); switch ($type) { case 'maps': $mapModel = frameGmp::_()->getModule('gmap')->getModel(); foreach ($fileArray as $i => $row) { $map = array(); foreach ($keys as $j => $key) { $value = $this->_prepareValueToImport($row[$j]); if (strpos($key, '.')) { $realKeys = explode('.', $key); $realKey = array_pop($realKeys); $realPreKey = array_pop($realKeys); if ($realPreKey == 'map_center') { $valueMapCenter = isset($map['map_center']) ? $map['map_center'] : array(); $valueMapCenter[$realKey] = $value; $value = $valueMapCenter; $realKey = 'map_center'; } } else { $realKey = $key; } if ($value === '') { $value = NULL; } $map[$realKey] = $value; } if (isset($map['id']) && $mapModel->existsId($map['id'])) { $mapModel->updateMap($map); } else { $originalMapId = isset($map['id']) ? isset($map['id']) : 0; if (isset($map['id'])) { unset($map['id']); } $newMapId = $mapModel->saveNewMap($map); if ($newMapId && $originalMapId) { dbGmp::query("UPDATE @__maps SET id = '{$originalMapId}' WHERE id = '{$newMapId}'"); if ($originalMapId > $newMapId) { dbGmp::setAutoIncrement('@__popup', $originalMapId + 1); } } } } break; case 'markers': $markerModel = frameGmp::_()->getModule('marker')->getModel(); foreach ($fileArray as $i => $row) { $marker = array(); foreach ($keys as $j => $key) { $this->_setKeyVal($marker, $key, $this->_prepareValueToImport($row[$j])); } if (isset($marker['id']) && !$markerModel->existsId($marker['id'])) { unset($marker['id']); } $markerModel->save($marker); } break; } /*$importRes = $this->getModel()->import($fileArray, $overwriteSameNames); if($importRes) { if($importRes['map']['added']) $res->addMessage (sprintf(__('Added %s maps', GMP_LANG_CODE), $importRes['map']['added'])); if($importRes['map']['updated']) $res->addMessage (sprintf(__('Updated %s maps', GMP_LANG_CODE), $importRes['map']['added'])); if($importRes['marker']['added']) $res->addMessage (sprintf(__('Added %s markers', GMP_LANG_CODE), $importRes['map']['added'])); if($importRes['marker']['updated']) $res->addMessage (sprintf(__('Updated %s markers', GMP_LANG_CODE), $importRes['map']['added'])); } else $res->pushError ($this->getModel()->getErrors());*/ } else { $res->pushError(__('File should contain more then 1 row, at least 1 row should be for headers', GMP_LANG_CODE)); } } else { $res->pushError(__('Empty data in file', GMP_LANG_CODE)); } } frameGmp::_()->getModule('supsystic_promo')->getModel()->saveUsageStat('csv.import'); $res->ajaxExec(); }
public function getListForTable() { $res = new responseGmp(); $res->ignoreShellData(); $count = $this->getModel()->getCount(); $listReqData = array('limitFrom' => reqGmp::getVar('iDisplayStart'), 'limitTo' => reqGmp::getVar('iDisplayLength')); $displayColumns = $this->getView()->getDisplayColumns(); $displayColumnsKeys = array_keys($displayColumns); $iSortCol = reqGmp::getVar('iSortCol_0'); if (!is_null($iSortCol) && is_numeric($iSortCol)) { $listReqData['orderBy'] = $displayColumns[$displayColumnsKeys[$iSortCol]]['db']; $iSortDir = reqGmp::getVar('sSortDir_0'); if (!is_null($iSortDir)) { $listReqData['orderBy'] .= ' ' . strtoupper($iSortDir); } } $search = reqGmp::getVar('sSearch'); if (!is_null($search) && !empty($search)) { $dbSearch = dbGmp::escape($search); $listReqData['additionalCondition'] = 'title LIKE "%' . $dbSearch . '%" OR description LIKE "%' . $dbSearch . '%"'; } $list = $this->getModel()->getAllMaps($listReqData, true); $res->addData('aaData', $this->_convertDataForDatatable($list)); $res->addData('iTotalRecords', $count); $res->addData('iTotalDisplayRecords', $count); $res->addData('sEcho', reqGmp::getVar('sEcho')); $res->addMessage(__('Done')); return $res->ajaxExec(); }
public function import() { @ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', true); $res = new responseGmp(); $this->_connectCsvLib(); $csvGenerator = toeCreateObjGmp('csvgeneratorGmp', array($fileName)); $file = reqGmp::getVar('csv_import_file', 'file'); if (empty($file) || empty($file['size'])) { $res->pushError(langGmp::_('Missing File')); } if (!empty($file['error'])) { $res->pushError(langGmp::_(array('File uploaded with error code', $file['error']))); } if (!$res->error()) { $fileArray = array(); $handle = fopen($file['tmp_name'], 'r'); $csvParams['delimiter'] = $csvGenerator->getDelimiter(); $csvParams['enclosure'] = $csvGenerator->getEnclosure(); $csvParams['escape'] = $csvGenerator->getEscape(); //if(version_compare( phpversion(), '5.3.0' ) == -1) //for PHP lower than 5.3.0 third parameter - escape - is not implemented while ($row = @fgetcsv($handle, 0, $csvParams['delimiter'], '"')) { $fileArray[] = $row; } /*else while($row = @fgetcsv( $handle, 0, $csvParams['delimiter'], $csvParams['enclosure'], $csvParams['escape'] )) $fileArray[] = $row;*/ /*var_dump($fileArray); exit();*/ if (!empty($fileArray)) { if (count($fileArray) > 1) { $overwriteSameNames = (int) reqGmp::getVar('overwrite_same_names'); $importRes = $this->getModel()->import($fileArray, $overwriteSameNames); if ($importRes) { if ($importRes['map']['added']) { $res->addMessage(langGmp::_(array('Added', $importRes['map']['added'], 'maps'))); } if ($importRes['map']['updated']) { $res->addMessage(langGmp::_(array('Updated', $importRes['map']['updated'], 'maps'))); } if ($importRes['marker']['added']) { $res->addMessage(langGmp::_(array('Added', $importRes['marker']['added'], 'markers'))); } if ($importRes['marker']['updated']) { $res->addMessage(langGmp::_(array('Updated', $importRes['marker']['updated'], 'markers'))); } } else { $res->pushError($this->getModel()->getErrors()); } } else { $res->pushError(langGmp::_('File should contain more then 1 row, at least 1 row should be for headers')); } } else { $res->pushError(langGmp::_('Empty data in file')); } } frameGmp::_()->getModule('promo_ready')->getModel()->saveUsageStat('csv.import'); $res->ajaxExec(); }