function displayMySubmittedRequestsNEW($config) { $requestReports = new request_reports(); $requestReports->config = $config; $hiddenInputs = ''; $requestReports->filters = getFilterEmpID($config, $_SESSION['userIDnum']); $requestReports->showTimeRequestsByDate($hiddenInputs, $showCustomDates = true, $showPayPeriods = true, $showDivisions = false); }
function viewClandar($config, $month, $year) { $day = date('j'); $short = date('y'); if ($month > 12) { $month = $month - 12; $year = $year + 1; } if ($month < 1) { $month = $month + 12; $year = $year - 1; } $next_month = $month + 1; $prev_month = $month - 1; $days_in_month = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $month, $year); //Here we generate the first day of the month $first_day = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year); $dtFirstDay = date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month - 1, 1, $year)); $dtLastDay = date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month + 1, 1, $year)); //This gets us the month name $title = date('F', $first_day); //Here we find out what day of the week the first day of the month falls on $day_of_first_day = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)); $myDivID = ""; if (isset($_POST['divisionID'])) { $myDivID = $_POST['divisionID']; } // Navigation for the monthly calender view $Prenavigation = "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"prevMonth\" value=\"<< " . $dtFirstDay . "\" />"; $Nextnavigation = "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"nextMonth\" value=\"" . $dtLastDay . " >>\" />"; $mysqli = $config->mysqli; //Here we start building the table heads echo "</div><div class=\"cal\"><table width=720>"; echo "<tr><th colspan=7> "; echo "<br/><h3>Approved Requests<br/></h3><br/>"; echo '<form name="divisionForm" method="POST">'; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"prevMon\" value=\"{$prev_month}\">\r\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"curMon\" value=\"{$month}\">\r\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nextMon\" value=\"{$next_month}\">\r\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"year\" value=\"{$year}\">\r\n <table border=\"0\" width=\"700\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\r\n <tr>\r\n <td width=10> </td>\r\n <td width=\"8\" height=\"5\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\">" . $Prenavigation . "</td>\r\n <td height='8' width=\"100\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" style=\"padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;\"> " . $title . " " . $year . " </td>\r\n <td width=\"8\" height=\"5\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\">" . $Nextnavigation . "</td>\r\n <td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\">"; $requestReport = new request_reports($config); $requestReport->config = $config; $requestReport->showDivisionDropDown(); $myDivID = $requestReport->divisionID; //echo 'Show for division: //<select name="divisionID" onchange="this.form.submit()">'; // if(isset($_POST['divisionID'])){ // $myDivID = $_POST['divisionID']; // } // else{ // if($admin >= 50){ // $myDivID = "All"; // } // else{ // $mydivq = "SELECT DIVISIONID FROM EMPLOYEE E WHERE E.IDNUM='" . $_SESSION['userIDnum']."'"; // $myDivResult = $mysqli->query($mydivq); // SQLerrorCatch($mysqli, $myDivResult); // $temp = $myDivResult->fetch_assoc(); // $myDivID = $temp['DIVISIONID']; // } // } // // $alldivq = "SELECT * FROM `DIVISION` WHERE 1"; // $allDivResult = $mysqli->query($alldivq); // SQLerrorCatch($mysqli, $allDivResult); // while($Divrow = $allDivResult->fetch_assoc()) { // echo '<option value="'.$Divrow['DIVISIONID'].'"'; // if($Divrow['DIVISIONID']==$myDivID) // echo ' SELECTED '; // echo '>'.$Divrow['DESCR'].'</option>'; // } // if(isset($_POST['divisionID'])){ // if($myDivID == "All") // echo '<option value="All" SELECTED>All</option>'; // else // echo '<option value="All">All</option>'; // } // else // echo '<option value="All">All</option>'; // echo '</select></form></div>'; echo " </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </form></table></td>"; $myq = "SELECT COUNT(REQUEST.REFER) AS 'RequestNumbers',\r\n IF(REQUEST.TIMETYPEID IS NULL, SUB.DESCR, OLDT.DESCR) 'Subtype',\r\n DATE_FORMAT(USEDATE,'%d') 'Used'\r\n FROM REQUEST \r\n LEFT JOIN EMPLOYEE AS REQ ON REQ.IDNUM=REQUEST.IDNUM\r\n LEFT JOIN TIMETYPE AS OLDT ON OLDT.TIMETYPEID = REQUEST.TIMETYPEID\r\n LEFT JOIN SUBTYPE AS OLDSUB ON OLDSUB.IDNUM=REQUEST.SUBTYPE\r\n LEFT JOIN WTS_TIMETYPES AS T ON T.IDNUM=REQUEST.TIMETYPES_ID\r\n LEFT JOIN WTS_SUBTIMETYPES AS SUB ON SUB.IDNUM=REQUEST.SUBTYPE_ID\r\n\r\n WHERE 1 " . $requestReport->filters . "\r\n AND DATE_FORMAT(USEDATE,'%m-%Y') = '" . date('m-Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)) . "'\r\n AND REQUEST.STATUS = 'APPROVED'\r\n GROUP BY REQUEST.USEDATE, IF(REQUEST.TIMETYPEID IS NULL, SUB.IDNUM, NEWTYPE_ID)\r\n ORDER BY REQUEST.USEDATE"; // } $result = $mysqli->query($myq); SQLerrorCatch($mysqli, $result, $myq, $debug = false); echo "</th></tr>"; echo "<tr><td align=\"center\" width=102>Sunday</td>\r\n <td align=\"center\" width=102>Monday</td>\r\n <td align=\"center\" width=102>Tuesday</td>\r\n <td align=\"center\" width=102>Wednesday</td>\r\n <td align=\"center\" width=102>Thurday</td>\r\n <td align=\"center\" width=102>Friday</td>\r\n <td align=\"center\" width=102>Saturday</td>\r\n </tr>"; //This counts the days in the week, up to 7 $day_count = 1; $blank = $day_of_first_day; echo "<tr height='25'>"; //first we take care of those blank days while ($blank > 0) { echo "<td ></td>"; $blank = $blank - 1; $day_count++; } //sets the first day of the month to 1 $day_num = "01"; // $timetype[0] = "OT"; // $timetype[1] = "SK"; // $timetype[2] = "PR"; // $timetype[3] = "VA"; // $timetype[4] = "5";//overtime // $timetype[5] = "6";//overtime // $timetype[6] = "3";//sick // $timetype[7] = "2";//personal // $timetype[8] = "1";//vacation //count up the days, untill we've done all of them in the month while ($day_num <= $days_in_month) { // for($i=0;$i<count($timetype);$i++){ // if($myDivID == "All"){ // $myq = "SELECT `REFER` , `IDNUM` , `TIMETYPEID` , `USEDATE` , `STATUS` // FROM `REQUEST` // WHERE `TIMETYPEID` = '".$timetype[$i]."' // AND USEDATE = '".$year."-".$month."-".$day_num."' // AND `STATUS` = 'APPROVED'"; // } // else{ echo "<td height='100' valign = \"top\" align=\"center\"><div style=\"background-color:grey\">"; echo '<form name="goToDetails" method="POST" action="?submittedRequestsNEW=true&cust=true"> <input type="hidden" name="divisionID" value="' . $myDivID . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="customDate" value="true" /> <input name="start" type="hidden" value="' . $month . '/' . $day_num . '/' . $year . '" /> <input name="end" type="hidden" value="' . $month . '/' . $day_num . '/' . $year . '" /> <input type="submit" name="goToDetails" value="' . $day_num . '" /></form></div>'; $overTime = 0; $sick = 0; $personal = 0; $vacation = 0; $result->data_seek(0); while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { //popupmessage($row['Used'].' day '. $day_num); if ($row['Used'] == $day_num) { echo $row['Subtype'] . ': ' . $row['RequestNumbers'] . '<br/>'; } } // if($i == 0) // $overTime = $result->num_rows; // if($i == 1) // $sick = $result->num_rows; // if($i == 2) // $personal = $result->num_rows; // if($i == 3) // $vacation = $result->num_rows; // } if ($overTime > 0) { echo 'Overtime: ' . $overTime . '<br/>'; } if ($sick > 0) { echo 'Sick: ' . $sick . '<br/>'; } if ($personal > 0) { echo 'Personal: ' . $personal . '<br/>'; } if ($vacation > 0) { echo 'Vacation: ' . $vacation . '<br/>'; } echo "<div>"; $day_count++; //Make sure we start a new row every week if ($day_count > 7) { echo "</tr><tr height='25'>"; $day_count = 1; } $day_num++; if (strlen((string) $day_num) == 1) { $day_num = "0" . (string) $day_num; } } //Finaly we finish out the table with some blank details if needed while ($day_count > 2 && $day_count <= 7) { echo "<td> </td>"; $day_count++; } echo "</tr></table></div>"; }
function hrPayrolReportByEmployee($config) { // Get Post Vars $viewBtn = false; $showAllStatus = isset($_POST['showAllStatus']) ? true : false; $hrReportTotalRows = isset($_POST['hrReportTotalRows']) ? $_POST['hrReportTotalRows'] : 0; if ($hrReportTotalRows > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i <= $hrReportTotalRows; $i++) { if (isset($_POST['viewDetailsBtn' . $i])) { $empID = $_POST['empID' . $i]; $viewBtn = true; break; } } } if (isset($_POST['backBtn'])) { $viewBtn = false; } $requests = new request_class(); $timeReport = new request_reports($config); $timeReport->showTimeRequestFilterOptions($showCustomDates = true, $showPayPeriods = true, $showDivisions = true); if ($viewBtn) { $hiddenInputs = '<input type="hidden" name="hrReportTotalRows" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="viewDetailsBtn0" value="true" /> <input type="hidden" name="empID0" value="' . $empID . '" />'; echo $hiddenInputs; echo '<div align="center">'; if ($showAllStatus) { echo '<input type="submit" name="showNormalStatus" value="Remove Pending Status" />'; } else { $timeReport->filters .= " AND (STATUS = 'APPROVED' OR STATUS = 'DENIED')"; echo '<input type="submit" name="showAllStatus" value="Include Pending Status" />'; } //echo '<div align="center"><a href="'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'">Back</a></div>'; // echo '<form method="POST">'; echo ' <input type="submit" name="backBtn" value="Back To Employee Counts" /></div><Br/>'; $hiddenInputs .= '<input type="hidden" name="viewDetailsBtn" value="true" />'; $timeReport->filters .= $timeReport->db->getTimeRequestFiltersByEmpID($empID); $requests->showTimeRequestTable($config, $timeReport->filters, $orderBy = "ORDER BY REFER DESC", $hiddenInputs); //empTimeReportByPay($config, $startDate, $endDate, $empID); } else { $timeReport->filters .= " AND (STATUS = 'APPROVED' OR STATUS = 'DENIED')"; $filters = $timeReport->filters; $filters .= $timeReport->db->getFilterHRStatus('0'); $timeReport->db->filters = $filters; $result = $timeReport->db->getHRTimeRequestCountsByEmp(); $theTable = array(array()); $x = 0; $theTable[$x][0] = "View"; $theTable[$x][1] = "Munis #"; $theTable[$x][2] = "Employee"; $theTable[$x][3] = "Number of Requests"; $lastUser = ''; $lastUserRow = 0; $rowCount = 0; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $x++; $recordCounter = 1; $lastUser = $row['Name']; $theTable[$x][0] = '<input type="submit" name="viewDetailsBtn' . $rowCount . '" value="View" /> <input type="hidden" name="empID' . $rowCount . '" value="' . $row['EMP_ID'] . '" /> '; $theTable[$x][1] = $row['Munis']; $theTable[$x][2] = $lastUser; $theTable[$x][3] = $row['ReqNumbers']; $rowCount++; } //end While loop echo '<h3>Pending HR Approval</h3>'; showSortableTable($theTable, 2, "hrPending"); $filters = $timeReport->filters; $filters .= $timeReport->db->getFilterHRStatus('1'); $timeReport->db->filters = $filters; $result = $timeReport->db->getHRTimeRequestCountsByEmp(); $theTable = array(array()); $x = 0; $theTable[$x][0] = "View"; $theTable[$x][1] = "Munis #"; $theTable[$x][2] = "Employee"; $theTable[$x][3] = "Number of Requests"; $lastUser = ''; $lastUserRow = 0; $recordCounter = 0; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $x++; $recordCounter = 1; $lastUser = $row['Name']; $theTable[$x][0] = '<input type="submit" name="viewDetailsBtn' . $rowCount . '" value="View" /> <input type="hidden" name="empID' . $rowCount . '" value="' . $row['EMP_ID'] . '" /> '; $theTable[$x][1] = $row['Munis']; $theTable[$x][2] = $lastUser; $theTable[$x][3] = $row['ReqNumbers']; $rowCount++; } //end While loop //echo 'number of rows: '.$x; echo '<h3>HR Approvals</h3>'; showSortableTable($theTable, 2, "hrApprove"); echo '<input type="hidden" name="hrReportTotalRows" value="' . $rowCount . '" />'; } //show a print button. printed look defined by print.css // echo '<a href="javascript:window.print()">Print</a>'; }