  * Return the Indicia form code
  * @param array $args Input parameters.
  * @param array $node Drupal node object
  * @param array $response Response from Indicia services after posting.
  * @return HTML string
 public static function get_form($args, $node, $response)
     $r = "";
     if (isset($args['advancedUI']) && $args['advancedUI']) {
         // TODO Sort out
         //    	data_entry_helper::$resource_list['jquery_ui_slider'] =
         //    		array('deps' => array('jquery_ui'), 'javascript' => array('/misc/ui/jquery.ui.slider.js'));
         //    	data_entry_helper::add_resource('jquery_ui_slider');
         //      drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'jquery_update') .'/replace/ui/ui/jquery.ui.slider.js');
         //      drupal_add_js('/misc/ui/jquery.ui.slider.min.js');
         //      drupal_add_js('/misc/ui/jquery.ui.button.min.js');
     $readAuth = data_entry_helper::get_read_auth($args['website_id'], $args['password']);
     $now = new DateTime('now');
     $year = isset($_REQUEST['year']) ? $_REQUEST['year'] : ($year = $now->format('Y'));
     iform_load_helpers(array('report_helper', 'map_helper'));
     $options = iform_report_get_report_options($args, $readAuth);
     $currentParamValues = array();
     if (isset($options['extraParams'])) {
         foreach ($options['extraParams'] as $key => $value) {
             // trim data to ensure blank lines are not handled.
             $key = trim($key);
             $value = trim($value);
             // We have found a parameter, so put it in the request to the report service
             if (!empty($key)) {
                 $currentParamValues[$key] = $value;
     $extras = '&wantColumns=1&wantParameters=1&' . report_helper::array_to_query_string($currentParamValues, true);
     $canIDuser = false;
     // Report record should have location_id, sample_id, occurrence_id, sample_date, species ttl_id, attributes, geometry. created_by_id is optional
     // Event definition: Name|attribute_id|attribute_values
     // Loop through event definitions
     /*    $events = array(array('type'=>'arrayVal', 'name'=>'Budburst', 'attr'=>'289', 'values'=>array(3904,3961,3905,3906,3962,3907)),
           array('type'=>'arrayVal', 'name'=>'Leaf', 'attr'=>'289', 'values'=>array(3906,3962,3907)),
           array('type'=>'arrayVal', 'name'=>'Flowering', 'attr'=>'291', 'values'=>array(3912,3913,3914,3916,3917,3918)),
           array('type'=>'presence', 'name'=>'Presence')); */
     $events = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $args['triggerEvents']);
     $events = str_replace("\r", "\n", $events);
     $events = explode("\n", trim($events));
     foreach ($events as $idx => $event) {
         $events[$idx] = explode(':', $event);
     $triggerEvents = array();
     $SpeciesEventSelections = array();
     $Species = array();
     $r .= '<div id="errorMsg"></div>' . '<table class="ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all controls-table" id="controls-table">' . '<thead class="ui-widget-header">' . '<tr><th><label for="yearControl">' . lang::get("Year") . ' : </label><select id="yearControl" name="year">';
     for ($i = $now->format('Y'); $i >= $args['first_year']; $i--) {
         $r .= '<option value="' . $i . '">' . $i . '</option>';
     $r .= '</select></th>' . '<th><label for="speciesControl">' . lang::get("Species") . ' : </label><select id="speciesControl"><option value="">' . lang::get("Please select species") . '</option></select></th>' . '<th><label for="eventControl">' . lang::get("Event") . ' : </label><select id="eventControl"><option value="">' . lang::get("Please select event") . '</option>';
     foreach ($events as $index => $event) {
         $r .= '<option value="' . $index . '">' . $event[0] . '</option>';
         $triggerEvents[] = '{"name":"' . $event[0] . '","type":"' . $event[1] . '"' . (count($event) > 2 ? ',"attr":' . $event[2] . ',"values":[' . $event[3] . ']' : '') . '}';
     $r .= "</select></th>\n";
     if (isset($args['twinMaps']) && $args['twinMaps']) {
         $r .= '<th><label for="rhsCtrl">' . lang::get("Compare") . ' : </label><select id="rhsCtrl" name="rhsCtrl"><option value="">' . lang::get("Please select.") . '</option><option value="Test">' . lang::get("Test.") . "</option></select></th>\n";
     $r .= '</tr></thead></table>' . "\n";
     $args['map_width'] = "auto";
     $options = iform_map_get_map_options($args, $readAuth);
     $olOptions = iform_map_get_ol_options($args);
     $options['editLayer'] = false;
     $options['clickForSpatialRef'] = false;
     $options['scroll_wheel_zoom'] = false;
     $r .= '<div class="leftMap mapContainers leftMapOnly">' . map_helper::map_panel($options, $olOptions) . '</div>';
     $options['divId'] = 'map2';
     if (isset($args['twinMaps']) && $args['twinMaps']) {
         $r .= '<div class="rightMap mapContainers leftMapOnly">' . map_helper::map_panel($options, $olOptions) . '</div>';
     $r .= '<div class="ui-helper-clearfix"></div><div id="timeControls">' . (isset($args['advancedUI']) && $args['advancedUI'] ? '<div id="timeSlider"></div>' : '') . '<div id="toolbar">' . '<span id="dotControlLabel">' . lang::get('Dot Size') . ' :</span>' . (isset($args['advancedUI']) && $args['advancedUI'] ? '<div id="dotSlider"></div>' : '<select id="dotSelect"><option>2</option><option>3</option><option>4</option><option>5</option></select>') . '<button id="beginning">go to beginning</button><button id="playMap">play</button><button id="end">go to end</button>' . '<span id="dateControlLabel">' . lang::get("Date Currently displayed") . ' : ' . (isset($args['advancedUI']) && $args['advancedUI'] ? '<span id="displayDate" ></span>' : '<select id="timeSelect"><option value="">' . lang::get("Please select date") . '</option></select>') . '</span>' . '</div>';
     $imgPath = empty(data_entry_helper::$images_path) ? data_entry_helper::relative_client_helper_path() . "../media/images/" : data_entry_helper::$images_path;
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= "\ninitTreeMap2({\n  advanced_UI: " . (isset($args['advancedUI']) && $args['advancedUI'] ? "true" : "false") . ",\n  dotSize: " . $args['dotSize'] . ",\n  lat: " . $args['map_centroid_lat'] . ",\n  long: " . $args['map_centroid_long'] . ",\n  zoom: " . $args['map_zoom'] . ",\n  triggerEvents: [" . implode(',', $triggerEvents) . "],\n  base_url: '" . data_entry_helper::$base_url . "',\n  report_name: '" . $args['report_name'] . "',\n  auth_token: '" . $readAuth['auth_token'] . "',\n  nonce: '" . $readAuth['nonce'] . "',\n  reportExtraParams: '" . $extras . "',\n  indicia_user_id: " . (hostsite_get_user_field('indicia_user_id') ? hostsite_get_user_field('indicia_user_id') : 'false') . ",\n  timeControlSelector: '" . (isset($args['advancedUI']) && $args['advancedUI'] ? '#timeSlider' : '#timeSelect') . "',\n  dotControlSelector: '" . (isset($args['advancedUI']) && $args['advancedUI'] ? '#dotSlider' : '#dotSelect') . "',\n  timerDelay: " . (int) 1000 / $args['frameRate'] . ",\n  twinMaps: " . (isset($args['twinMaps']) && $args['twinMaps'] ? 'true' : 'false') . ",\n  imgPath: '" . $imgPath . "'\n});\n";
     $r .= '</div>';
     return $r;