static function render() { $Page = self::PageFromRequest(); if (!$Page->is()) { // search for redirect $sql = "SELECT * FROM page_redirect WHERE request = " . D()->quote(appRequestUri) . " "; if ($vs = D()->row($sql)) { if (is_numeric($vs['redirect'])) { $url = $_SERVER['SCHEME'] . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . Page($vs['redirect'])->url(); } else { $url = $vs['redirect']; } header('HTTP/1.1 301'); // better 302 (temporary)? header('Location: ' . $url); abort(); } // not found header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); $Page = Page(G()->SET['cms']['pageNotFound']->v); } self::$MainPage = self::$RequestedPage = $Page; if (!self::$MainPage->access()) { // no access header("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"); self::$MainPage = Page(G()->SET['cms']['pageNoAccess']->v); } globalTemplate(appPATH . 'qg/html-template.php'); html::$content .= Page()->get(); if (self::$MainPage->access() > 1) { html::addBodyFile(sysPATH . 'cms/view/frontend.php'); } D()->log->Entry(liveLog::$id)->page_id = Page(); qg::fire('cms-ready'); }
function getHtml($Recipient = null, $ZendMail = null) { $html = $this->html; $data = $Recipient ? unserialize($Recipient->data) : array(); qg::fire('mail::gethtml', array('Mail' => $this, 'Recipient' => $Recipient, 'html' => &$html, 'data' => &$data, 'ZendMail' => $ZendMail)); if ($data) { $T = new template($data); $html = $T->renderMarker($html); } if ($ZendMail) { // deprecated preg_match_all("#<img.*?src=['\"]file://([^'\"]+)#i", $html, $matches); $matches = array_unique($matches[1]); if ($matches) { $ZendMail->setType(Zend_Mime::MULTIPART_RELATED); foreach ($matches as $key => $filename) { if (!is_readable($filename) || !image::able($filename)) { continue; } $at = $ZendMail->createAttachment(file_get_contents($filename)); $at->type = extensionToMime(preg_replace('/.*\\.([^.]+$)/', '$1', $filename)); $at->disposition = Zend_Mime::DISPOSITION_INLINE; $at->id = 'i' . md5_file($filename); $html = str_replace('file://' . $filename, 'cid:' . $at->id, $html); trigger_error('error: auto inline images are deprecated!'); } } } return $html; }
static function uninstall($id) { $name = D()->module->Entry($id)->name; if ($name) { rrmdir(sysPATH . $name); D()->query("DELETE FROM module WHERE id = '" . (int) $id . "' "); qg::setInstalled($name, false); return 1; } }
function getHtml($Recipient = null, $ZendMail = null) { $html = $this->html; $data = $Recipient ? unserialize($Recipient->data) : array(); qg::fire('mail::gethtml', array('Mail' => $this, 'Recipient' => $Recipient, 'html' => &$html, 'data' => &$data, 'ZendMail' => $ZendMail)); if ($data) { $T = new template($data); $html = $T->renderMarker($html); } return $html; }
static function login($id) { $id = (int) (string) $id; if (!D()->one("SELECT id FROM usr WHERE id = " . $id)) { return false; } $old_session = $_SESSION; self::logout(); $_SESSION['liveUser'] = $id; Client()->addUsr($id); Client()->usr_id = $id; qg::fire('login', array('session_old' => $old_session)); return true; }
static function render() { $Page = self::PageFromRequest(); if (!$Page->is()) { // search for redirect if ($redirect = D()->one("SELECT redirect FROM page_redirect WHERE request = " . D()->quote(appRequestUri))) { if (is_numeric($redirect)) { $url = $_SERVER['SCHEME'] . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . Page($redirect)->url(); } else { $url = $redirect; } header('HTTP/1.1 301'); // better 302 (temporary) ? header('Location: ' . $url); exit; } // not found header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); $Page = Page(G()->SET['cms']['pageNotFound']->v); } self::$MainPage = self::$RequestedPage = $Page; if (!self::$MainPage->access()) { // no access header("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"); self::$MainPage = Page(G()->SET['cms']['pageNoAccess']->v); } if (!self::$MainPage->isReadable()) { // offline header("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"); self::$MainPage = Page(G()->SET['cms']['pageOffline']->v); } qg::fire('deliverHtml'); // deprecated //qg::fire('cms::render-before'); // todo html::$content .= self::$MainPage->get(); self::$MainPage->access() > 1 && html::addBodyFile(sysPATH . 'cms/view/frontend.php'); qg::fire('cms-ready'); // deprecated $tpl = new template(); echo $tpl->get(appPATH . 'qg/html-template.php'); //qg::fire('cms::render-after'); // todo }
function delete($id) { $id = $this->entryId($id); $values = $this->entryId2Array($id); qg::fire('dbTable::delete-before', array('Table' => $this, 'data' => &$values, 'id' => &$id, 'prevent' => &$prevent)); if ($prevent === true) { return false; } $Statement = $this->Db->query("DELETE FROM " . $this . " WHERE " . $this->entryId2where($id)); if (!$Statement->rowCount()) { return; } qg::fire('dbTable::delete-after', array('Table' => $this, 'data' => &$values, 'id' => $id)); // todo, test, not very good implementation foreach ($this->Childs() as $Field) { switch ($Field->vs['on_parent_delete']) { case 'cascade': foreach ($this->Db->query("SELECT * FROM " . $Field->Table . " WHERE " . $Field . " = " . $this->Db->quote($id)) as $row) { $Field->Table->delete($row); } break; case 'setnull': //$F->updateIf($E, null); // todo break; } } return true; }
<?php qg::on('deliverHtml', function () { if (G()->SET['m']['js.webshims']['enable']->setType('bool')->v) { $url = sysURL . 'js.webshims/js-webshim/minified/'; html::addJsFile($url . 'polyfiller.js', 'core'); html::$js .= "\$.webshims.cfg.basePath = '" . $url . "shims/';"; html::$js .= "\$.webshims.polyfill('forms forms-ext');"; } });
<?php qg::on('action', function () { if (strpos(appRequestUri, 'editor/') === 0 && isset($_GET['file'])) { /* wird bereits geprüft zzz if (!isset($_GET['file'])) { echo 'no file'; exit(); } */ $file = urldecode($_GET['file']); if (!isset($_SESSION['fileEditor']['allow'][$file]) && !Usr()->superuser) { echo 'no access'; exit; } !is_dir(dirname($file)) && mkdir(dirname($file)); !is_file($file) && touch($file); if ($ask = G()->ASK) { $done = 0; if (isset($ask['save']) && is_file($file)) { copy($file, appPATH . 'cache/tmp/pri/fileEditorBackup_' . urlencode($file) . '_' . date('dmYhi')); if (file_put_contents($file, $ask['save']) && is_writable($file)) { $done = 1; } } Answer($done); } globalTemplate(sysPATH . 'fileEditor/view/html-template.php'); include sysPATH . 'fileEditor/view/codemirror.php'; exit; } });
<?php namespace qg; qg::need('Zend'); copy(sysPATH . 'core/util/app.htaccess', appPATH . '.htaccess'); is_dir(appPATH . 'cache') || mkdir(appPATH . 'cache'); is_dir(appPATH . 'cache/pri') || mkdir(appPATH . 'cache/pri'); file_put_contents(appPATH . 'cache/pri/.htaccess', 'deny from all'); is_dir(appPATH . 'cache/tmp') || mkdir(appPATH . 'cache/tmp'); is_dir(appPATH . 'cache/tmp/pri') || mkdir(appPATH . 'cache/tmp/pri'); file_put_contents(appPATH . 'cache/tmp/pri/.htaccess', 'deny from all'); is_dir(appPATH . 'qg') || mkdir(appPATH . 'qg'); is_dir(appPATH . 'qg/file') || mkdir(appPATH . 'qg/file'); file_put_contents(appPATH . 'qg/.htaccess', 'deny from all'); if (isset(G()->SET)) { G()->SET['qg']->make('dbFile_dpr_dependent', 1)->setType('bool'); }
function getRaw($vars = array()) { if (!$this->is) { trigger_error('Seite existiert nicht!'); return; } $modPath = sysPATH . $this->vs['module'] . '/'; // dont use the getter; $Cont = $this; $res = is_file($modPath . 'control.php') ? include $modPath . 'control.php' : null; if (is_file($modPath . 'index.php')) { $T = new template($res); $T->assign('vars', $vars); $T->assign('Cont', $this); $str = $T->get($modPath . 'index.php'); qg::fire('cms::parseTemplate', array('Cont' => $Cont, 'string' => &$str)); } else { $str = '<div>' . ($this->edit ? L('Das Modul ist nicht existiert nicht!') : '') . '</div>'; } is_file($modPath . 'pub/main.js') && html::addJsFile($this->modUrl . 'pub/main.js'); is_file($modPath . 'pub/main.css') && html::addCSSFile($this->modUrl . 'pub/main.css'); return $str; }
static function syncRemote() { D()->query("UPDATE module SET server_time = 0"); foreach (qg::remoteAll() as $vs) { $row = D()->row("SELECT * FROM module WHERE name = " . D()->quote($vs['name'])); if (!$row) { $row = D()->module->insert(array('name' => $vs['name'])); } $E = D()->module->Entry($row); $E->server_version = $vs['version']; $E->server_time = $vs['time']; $E->server_size = $vs['size']; } }
<?php namespace qg; qg::on('action', function () { if (!isset($_GET['file']) || strpos(appRequestUri, 'editor') !== 0) { return; } $file = urldecode($_GET['file']); if (!isset($_SESSION['fileEditor']['allow'][$file]) && !Usr()->superuser) { echo 'no access'; exit; } !is_dir(dirname($file)) && mkdir(dirname($file)); !is_file($file) && touch($file); if ($ask = G()->ASK) { $done = 0; if (isset($ask['save']) && is_file($file)) { copy($file, appPATH . 'cache/tmp/pri/fileEditorBackup_' . urlencode($file) . '_' . date('dmYhi')); if (file_put_contents($file, $ask['save']) && is_writable($file)) { $done = 1; } } Answer($done); } /* neu */ $T = new template(array('file' => $file)); echo $T->get(sysPATH . 'fileEditor/view/codemirror.php'); exit; });
extract($e, EXTR_REFS); // Table, id, data if ($Table->Db->{'_vers_' . $Table->_name}) { D()->query(" REPLACE INTO _vers_" . $Table->_name . " " . " SELECT *, " . liveLog::$id . " AS _vers_log, " . vers::$space . " AS _vers_space, 0 AS _vers_deleted " . " FROM " . $Table->_name . " WHERE " . $Table->entryId2where($id)); } }); qg::on('dbTable::delete-after', function ($e) { extract($e, EXTR_REFS); // Table, id, data if ($Table->Db->{'_vers_' . $Table->_name}) { D()->query(" REPLACE INTO _vers_" . $Table->_name . " " . " SET " . $Table->valuesToSet($Table->entryId2Array($id)) . ", _vers_log = " . liveLog::$id . ", _vers_space = " . vers::$space . ", _vers_deleted = 1 "); } }); qg::on('table', function ($e) { if (vers::$log) { $e['table'] = vers::table($e['table']); } }); class vers { static $db = array(); static $space = 0; static $log = 0; static $cacheEnabledBefore = 1; static function setLog($log = 0) { $log = (int) $log; if ($log) { self::$cacheEnabledBefore = cache::$enabled; cache::$enabled = false; } else {
<?php namespace qg; qg::on('action', function () { // use 'render' ? would be .5 miliseconds slower :( if (strpos(appRequestUri, 'dbFile/') === 0) { $request = substr(appRequestUri, 7); dbFile::output($request); } File::uploadListener(); if (isset($_GET['qgha'])) { $ok = hashAction::fire($_GET['qgha']); } if (isset(G()->ASK['serverInterface'])) { foreach (G()->ASK['serverInterface'] as $id => $vs) { $ret['serverInterface'][$id] = Api::call($vs['fn'], $vs['args']); } Answer($ret); } }); /* qg::on('deliverHtml', function() { html::addJSFile(sysURL.'core/js/c1.js','core'); // old ie $matches = preg_match('/MSIE ([0-9.]+)/',$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $match); if (isset($match[1]) && $match[1] < 9) { html::addJSFile(sysURL.'core/js/jQuery1.js','core'); } else { html::addJSFile(sysURL.'core/js/jQuery.js','core');
qg::on('action', function () { // use 'render' ? would be .5 miliseconds slower :( liveSess::$maxpause = G()->SET['qg']['session']['maxpause']->v; liveSess::init(); G()->win = isset(G()->ASK['rTicket']) ? G()->ASK['rTicket'] : (isset($_GET['rTicket']) ? $_GET['rTicket'] : null); if (G()->win && !rTicket::check(G()->win)) { Answer(array('info' => 'rTicket nicht gültig')); } if (!G()->win) { G()->win = rTicket::get(); } L::init(); liveLog::init(); // todo: country from ip? $l_country = 'ch'; if (Usr()->is()) { $values = Usr()->getVs(); if (isset($values['country']) && $values['country']) { $l_country = $values['country']; } } $winCountryTranslate = array('ch' => 's', 'at' => 'a', 'de' => 'u', 'it' => 'a', 'fr' => 'a', 'pl' => 'k'); setLocale(LC_ALL, L() . '_' . strtoupper($l_country) . '.utf8', L() . $winCountryTranslate[strtolower($l_country)], L()); if (strpos(appRequestUri, 'dbFile/') === 0) { $request = substr(appRequestUri, 7); dbFile::output($request); } File::uploadListener(); if (isset($_GET['qgha'])) { $ok = hashAction::fire($_GET['qgha']); } if (isset(G()->ASK['serverInterface'])) { foreach (G()->ASK['serverInterface'] as $id => $vs) { $ret['serverInterface'][$id] = Api::call($vs['fn'], $vs['args']); } Answer($ret); } });
static function syncRemote() { foreach (qg::remoteAll() as $vs) { $x = D()->row("SELECT * FROM module WHERE name = " . D()->quote($vs['name'])); if (!$x) { $x = D()->module->insert(array('name' => $vs['name'])); } $E = D()->module->Entry($x); $E->server_version = $vs['version']; $E->server_time = $vs['time']; $E->server_size = $vs['size']; $E->available_remote = 1; } }
<?php namespace qg; $debug = 1; // not production ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_STRICT | E_ALL); define('qg_dbname', 'shwups_cms_v4'); define('qg_dbuser', 'root'); define('qg_dbpass', ''); define('appPATH', __DIR__ . '/'); define('sysPATH', appPATH . 'm/'); define('qg_host', ''); define('qg_user', 'cms4'); define('qg_pass', 'shwups'); $initFile = sysPATH . 'core/sysinit.php'; if (!(is_file($initFile) && (include $initFile))) { !is_writable(appPATH) && die('Failed, ' . appPATH . ' is not writable!'); copy('http://' . qg_host . '/install', 'tmp') ? include 'tmp' : die('Failed'); } qg::need('shwups'); qg::need('error_report'); qg::need('cms.versions'); qg::init();
<?php qg::add('js.webshims'); if (!D()->one("SELECT id FROM module WHERE name = '" . $module . "'")) { D()->query("INSERT INTO module SET access = '1', name = '" . $module . "'"); }
exit('no files'); } $Zip = new Zip(); $tmpfname = appPATH . 'cache/tmp/pri/' . randString() . '.zip'; $Zip->open($tmpfname, Zip::CREATE); foreach ($P->Files() as $File) { $Zip->addFile($File->path, $File->name()); } $Zip->close(); $filename = isset($_GET['filename']) ? $_GET['filename'] : 'files_' . $P . '.zip'; header('Content-Type: application/zip'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $filename); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($tmpfname)); readfile($tmpfname); unlink($tmpfname); exit; } }); qg::on('dbFile::access', function ($e) { if ($e['access']) { return; } foreach (D()->query("SELECT page_id FROM page_file WHERE file_id = " . $e['File']) as $vs) { $P = Page($vs['page_id']); if ($P->is() && $P->access()) { // todo: better $P->isReadable() ? $e['access'] = 1; return; } } });
<?php qg::need('cms');
<?php qg::need('cms.layouter3'); qg::need('cms.cont.nav.dropDown1'); if (!D()->one("SELECT id FROM module WHERE name = 'cms.layout.custom.5'")) { D()->query("INSERT INTO module SET access = '1', name = 'cms.layout.custom.5'"); } @mkdir(appPATH . 'qg/' . $module . '/'); @mkdir(appPATH . 'qg/' . $module . '/pub/'); file_put_contents(appPATH . 'qg/' . $module . '/pub/.htaccess', 'allow from all'); $file = appPATH . 'qg/' . $module . '/pub/base.css'; $content = file_get_contents(sysPATH . 'core/js/c1/css/normalize.css') . "\n" . file_get_contents(sysPATH . 'core/js/c1/css/recommend.css'); !is_file($file) && file_put_contents($file, $content); $file = appPATH . 'qg/' . $module . '/pub/custom.css'; !is_file($file) && copy(sysPATH . $module . '/util/custom.css', $file); $file = appPATH . 'qg/' . $module . '/index.php'; !is_file($file) && copy(sysPATH . $module . '/util/index.php', $file); $file = appPATH . 'qg/' . $module . '/options.php'; !is_file($file) && copy(sysPATH . $module . '/util/options.php', $file);
static function call($fn, $args) { self::loadLibs(); $ret = null; $onAfter = false; $ok = true; /* before */ if (preg_match('/(.+)::(.+)/', $fn, $matches)) { $class = 'qg\\serverInterface_' . $matches[1]; $method = $matches[2]; $onBefore = $class . '::onBefore'; $onAfter = $class . '::onAfter'; if (is_callable($onBefore)) { $aspectArgs = $args; array_unshift($aspectArgs, $method); $v = call_user_func_array($onBefore, $aspectArgs); $ok = $v !== false; } } if ($ok) { //qg::fire('Api::before', array('fn'=>$fn,'args'=>&$args) ); $ret = call_user_func_array('qg\\serverInterface_' . $fn, $args); qg::fire('Api::after', array('fn' => $fn, 'args' => &$args, 'return' => &$ret)); } /* after */ if ($onAfter) { if (is_callable($onAfter)) { $aspectArgs = $args; array_unshift($aspectArgs, $method); call_user_func_array($onAfter, $aspectArgs); } } return $ret; }
<?php namespace qg; qg::need(''); copy(sysPATH . 'shwups/util/html-template.php', appPATH . 'qg/html-template.php'); // Benutzer if (!D()->one("SELECT id FROM usr WHERE superuser = '******'")) { D()->query("INSERT INTO usr SET email = 'su', pw = '0b180078d994cb2b5ed89d7ce8e7eea2', superuser=1, active=1, firstname='Superuser', lastname='Superuser' "); } if (!D()->one("SELECT id FROM usr WHERE email = '*****@*****.**'")) { D()->query("INSERT INTO usr SET email = '*****@*****.**', pw = '37ad7da310da1c16ddb63313dd9b513c', superuser=1, active=1, firstname='Tobias', lastname='Buschor' "); } if (!D()->one("SELECT id FROM usr WHERE email = '*****@*****.**'")) { D()->query("INSERT INTO usr SET email = '*****@*****.**', pw = '37ad7da310da1c16ddb63313dd9b513c', superuser=1, active=1, firstname='Gabriel', lastname='Bolliger' "); } D()->query("UPDATE page SET module = '' WHERE id IN(60,80) AND module = 'cms.layout.custom.4' "); /* email */ $host = preg_replace('/\\.shwups-cms\\.ch/', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); if (preg_match('/\\./', $host)) { $email = 'info@' . $host; } else { $email = '*****@*****.**'; } G()->SET['qg']['mail']->make('defSender', $email); G()->SET['qg']['mail']->make('defSendername', $email); G()->SET['qg']['mail']->make('replay', $email);
return false; } // inside "@" $vs = array('message' => $msg, 'file' => $file, 'line' => $line, 'nr' => $nr, 'backtrace' => debug_backtrace(0)); error_report($vs); //return false; }, E_ALL | E_STRICT); // fatal errors register_shutdown_function(function () { // what about errors occurring in other shutdown_functions? $error = error_get_last(); if ($error !== null) { $fatals = array(E_USER_ERROR => 'Fatal Error', E_ERROR => 'Fatal Error', E_PARSE => 'Parse Error', E_CORE_ERROR => 'Core Error', E_CORE_WARNING => 'Core Warning', E_COMPILE_ERROR => 'Compile Error', E_COMPILE_WARNING => 'Compile Warning'); if (isset($fatals[$error['type']])) { $error['message'] = $fatals[$error['type']] . ': ' . $error['message']; error_report($error); } } ini_set("log_errors", 1); }); ini_set("log_errors", 0); qg::on('deliverHtml', function () { if (G()->SET['error_report']['javascript']->v) { html::$compressJs = false; if (G()->SET['error_report']['javascript TraceKit']->v) { html::addJsFile(sysURL . 'error_report/pub/tracekit/tracekit.js', 'core'); // tracekit needs jquery } html::addJsFile(sysURL . 'error_report/pub/main.js', 'core'); } });
static function output($request) { $x = explode('/', $request); $id = (int) array_shift($x); $name = array_pop($x); $param = array(); foreach ($x as $value) { $y = explode('-', $value, 2); $param[$y[0]] = isset($y[1]) ? $y[1] : true; } $File = $RequestedFile = dbFile($id); if (!$File->exists()) { header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); exit; } if (!$File->access()) { header("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"); exit; } header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); // Header $mime = $File->mime() ? $File->mime() : extensionToMime($File->extension()); header('Content-Type: ' . $mime); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $File->mtime()) . " GMT"); header("Pragma: private"); header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 364) . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: store, cache, max-age=100000, must-revalidate"); if (Image::able($File->path)) { if (1 || isset($param['h']) || isset($param['w'])) { $w = isset($param['w']) ? (int) $param['w'] : 0; $h = isset($param['h']) ? (int) $param['h'] : 0; //if ($w == 0 && $h == 0) { $w = 200; } if (isset($_COOKIE['q1_dpr']) && $_COOKIE['q1_dpr'] > 1) { if (isset($param['dpr']) ? $param['dpr'] : G()->SET['qg']['dbFile_dpr_dependent']->v) { $w *= (double) $_COOKIE['q1_dpr']; $h *= (double) $_COOKIE['q1_dpr']; } } $w = min($w, 9000); $h = min($h, 9000); $q = (int) isset($param['q']) ? $param['q'] : 92; $max = isset($param['max']) ? (bool) $param['max'] : false; $vpos = (int) isset($param['vpos']) ? $param['vpos'] : 20; $hpos = (int) isset($param['hpos']) ? $param['hpos'] : 50; $zoom = (int) isset($param['zoom']) ? $param['zoom'] : 0; $type = str_replace('image/', '', $File->mime()); //$nFile = new File(appPATH.'cache/pri/dbfile'.$id.'.'.$w.'.'.$h.'.'.$q.'.'.$max.'.'.$vpos.'.'.$hpos.'.'.$zoom); $nFile = new File(appPATH . 'cache/pri/dbfile_img_' . sha1($request . '|' . $w . '|' . $h)); if (!$nFile->exists() || $File->mtime() > $nFile->mtime()) { $Img = new Image($File->path); if ($w == 0 && $h == 0) { $w = $Img->x(); } if ($max || $h == 0 || $w == 0) { $Img = $Img->getResized($w, $h, true); } else { $Img = $Img->getAutoCroped($w, $h, $vpos, $hpos, $zoom); } qg::fire('qg::dbfile-image', array('Img' => $Img, 'id' => $id, 'param' => $param)); $Img->saveAs($nFile->path, $type, $q); } header('Content-Type: image/' . $type); $File = $nFile; } //header("Pragma: public"); // Emails! header("Pragma: private"); // required } elseif (preg_match('/\\.pdf$/', $name) || $File->mime() == 'application/pdf') { header('Content-Type: application/pdf'); header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' . $RequestedFile->name() . '";'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); } if (isset($param['as']) && ($param['as'] = 'text')) { header("Content-Type: text/html"); } if (isset($param['dl'])) { header('Pragma: public'); // required! header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Cache-Control: private', false); // required for certain browsers header('Content-Type: application/force-download'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $RequestedFile->name() . '";'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); } session_write_close(); // useful? $etag = 'qg' . $File->mtime(); if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) || $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] !== $etag) { header('ETag: ' . $etag); /* rangeDownload */ header('Content-Length: ' . $File->size()); flush(); while (ob_get_level()) { ob_end_flush(); } $File->read(); } else { header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified"); } exit; }
} } return (string) $this->value; } function set($v) { cache('textpro', $this->lang, $this->Text->id)->remove(); $this->value = null; return D()->text->ensure(array('text' => $v, 'id' => $this->Text->id, 'lang' => $this->lang)); } function __toString() { return $this->get(); } } function cmsTextReplaceLinks($treffer) { $P = Page($treffer[1]); return $P->url(); } $removeCache = function ($e) { extract($e, EXTR_REFS); // Table, id, data if ($Table->_name === 'text') { cache('textpro', $data['lang'], $data['id'])->remove(); } }; qg::on('dbTable::update-after', $removeCache); qg::on('dbTable::delete-after', $removeCache); qg::on('dbTable::insert-after', $removeCache);
<?php namespace qg; $SET = G()->SET['cms']; $SET['panel']['x']->custom(); $SET['panel']['y']->custom(); $SET['panel']['tabs']->make('main', 'cont')->custom(); $SET['panel']['tabs']->make('cont', 'options')->custom(); $SET['panel']['tabs']->make('access', 'access.grp')->custom(); $SET['panel']['tabs']->make('extended', 'divers')->custom(); $SET['panel']['tabs']->make('nav', 'nav.tree')->custom(); $SET['panel']['tree_show_c']->custom(); $SET['editmode']->setType('bool')->custom(); $SET['clipboard']->custom(); foreach (qg::$modules as $module => $egal) { if (strpos($module, 'cms.frontend.') === 0 && $module !== 'cms.frontend.0') { // uninstall rrmdir(sysPATH . $module); D()->query("DELETE FROM module WHERE name = " . D()->quote($module)); qg::setInstalled($module, false); } }
<?php } ?> </table> </div> <?php if ($Module->server_time) { ?> <br> <div class="be_contentTextBox"> <h2>Mit Server vergleichen</h2> <?php // download to temp folder $vs = qg::remoteGet($Module->name); qg::ftp()->get(appPATH . 'cache/tmp/pri/', '/module/' . $Module->name . '/' . $vs['version'] . '.zip', FTP_BINARY); $zip = new \ZipArchive(); $go = $zip->open(appPATH . 'cache/tmp/pri/'); if (!$go) { return; } $dir = appPATH . 'cache/tmp/pri/module_to_compare/'; !is_dir($dir) && mkdir($dir); rrmdir($dir . $Module->name); $zip->extractTo($dir); $zip->close(); // compare $files = array(); $dir = $dir . $Module->name; $verzeichnis = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); $startOffset = strlen(realpath($dir)) + 1;
<?php qg::add(''); copy(sysPATH . 'shwups/util/html-template.php', appPATH . 'qg/html-template.php'); // Benutzer if (!D()->one("SELECT id FROM usr WHERE superuser = '******'")) { D()->query("INSERT INTO usr SET email = 'su', pw = '0b180078d994cb2b5ed89d7ce8e7eea2', superuser=1, active=1, firstname='Superuser', lastname='Superuser' "); } if (!D()->one("SELECT id FROM usr WHERE email = '*****@*****.**'")) { D()->query("INSERT INTO usr SET email = '*****@*****.**', pw = '37ad7da310da1c16ddb63313dd9b513c', superuser=1, active=1, firstname='Tobias', lastname='Buschor' "); } if (!D()->one("SELECT id FROM usr WHERE email = '*****@*****.**'")) { D()->query("INSERT INTO usr SET email = '*****@*****.**', pw = '37ad7da310da1c16ddb63313dd9b513c', superuser=1, active=1, firstname='Gabriel', lastname='Bolliger' "); } D()->query("UPDATE page SET module = '' WHERE id IN(60,80) AND module = 'cms.layout.custom.4' "); /* email */ $host = preg_replace('/\\.shwups-cms\\.ch/', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); if (preg_match('/\\./', $host)) { $email = 'info@' . $host; } else { $email = '*****@*****.**'; } G()->SET['qg']['mail']->make('defSender', $email); G()->SET['qg']['mail']->make('defSendername', $email); G()->SET['qg']['mail']->make('replay', $email);