function display_form_add_product() { global $VM_LANG, $vmLogger; require_once CLASSPATH . 'ps_product_attribute.php'; //require_once(CLASSPATH . 'ps_product.php'); $ps_product_attribute = new ps_product_attribute(); //$ps_product = new ps_product; $order_item_id = vmGet($_REQUEST, 'order_item_id'); // Affichage de l'en-t�te $html_entete = '<form method="post" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '">'; $html_entete .= '<br /><br /><table class="adminlist"><tr><th>' . $VM_LANG->_('VM_ORDER_EDIT_ADD_PRODUCT') . '</th></tr></table>'; $html_entete .= '<table class="adminlist"><tr>'; $html_entete .= '<th>' . $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ORDER_PRINT_NAME') . '</th>'; $html_pied = '<input type="hidden" name="add_product" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="order_edit_page" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="order.order_print" /> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_virtuemart" /> <input type="hidden" name="func" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="order_id" value="' . $this->order_id . '" /></form>'; $html_return_parent = '<form method="post" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '"> <input type="submit" value="' . $VM_LANG->_('VM_ORDER_EDIT_RETURN_PARENTS') . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="product_id" value="-1" /> <input type="hidden" name="add_product_validate" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="add_product_item" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="add_product" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="order_edit_page" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="order.order_print" /> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_virtuemart" /> <input type="hidden" name="func" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="order_id" value="' . $this->order_id . '" /></form>'; $product_id = vmGet($_REQUEST, 'product_id'); if ($this->product_added == true) { $product_id = -1; } $d = $_REQUEST; $add_product_validate = vmGet($_REQUEST, 'add_product_validate'); if ($product_id < 0 || $product_id == "") { $html_table = '<tr><td>' . $this->list_products($product_id) . '</td>'; $html_entete .= '</tr>'; $html_table .= '</tr></table><input type="hidden" name="add_product_validate" value="0" />'; echo $html_entete . $html_table . $html_pied; return; } $db = new ps_DB(); $q = "SELECT product_id FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE "; $q .= "product_parent_id = '" . $product_id . "'"; $db->query($q); $item = false; // Elements fils s�lectionn�s if (vmGet($_REQUEST, 'add_product_item') == 1) { $item = true; $html_table = '<tr><td>' . $this->list_attribute($product_id, false) . '<input type="hidden" name="add_product_item" value="1" /></td>'; } else { if ($db->num_rows()) { $html_entete .= '</tr>'; $html_table = '<tr><td>' . $this->list_attribute($product_id) . '<input type="hidden" name="add_product_validate" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="add_product_item" value="1" /></td></tr></table>'; echo $html_entete . $html_table . $html_pied . $html_return_parent; return; } else { $html_table = '<tr><td>' . $this->list_products($product_id) . '</td>'; } } $html_entete .= '<th>' . $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_PRODUCT_FORM_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_LIST') . '</th>'; $html_entete .= '<th>' . $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_PRODUCT_FORM_ATTRIBUTE_LIST') . '</th>'; $html_entete .= '<th align="left">' . $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ORDER_PRINT_QUANTITY') . '</th>'; $html_entete .= '<th align="left">Action</th></tr>'; $html_table .= '<td>' . $ps_product_attribute->list_advanced_attribute($product_id) . '</td>'; $html_table .= '<td>' . $ps_product_attribute->list_custom_attribute($product_id) . '</td>'; $html_table .= '<td><input type="text" value="1" name="product_quantity" size="5" /><input type="hidden" name="add_product_validate" value="1" /></td>'; $html_table .= '<td><input type="submit" value="' . $VM_LANG->_('VM_ORDER_EDIT_ADD') . '" /></td></tr></table>'; if ($item) { $html_pied .= $html_return_parent; } echo $html_entete . $html_table . $html_pied; return; }
/** * This function can parse an "advanced / custom attribute" * description like * Size:big[+2.99]; Color:red[+0.99] * and return the same string with values, tax added * Size: big (+3.47), Color: red (+1.15) * * @param string $description * @param int $product_id * @return string The reformatted description */ function getDescriptionWithTax($description, $product_id = 0) { global $CURRENCY_DISPLAY, $mosConfig_secret; require_once CLASSPATH . 'ps_product_attribute.php'; $auth = $_SESSION['auth']; $description = stripslashes($description); // if we've been given a description to deal with, get the adjusted price if ($description != '' && $auth["show_price_including_tax"] == 1 && $product_id != 0) { $my_taxrate = $this->get_product_taxrate($product_id); $price = $this->get_price($product_id); $product_currency = $price['product_currency']; } else { $my_taxrate = 0.0; $product_currency = ''; } // We must care for custom attribute fields! Their value can be freely given // by the customer, so we mustn't include them into the price calculation // Thanks to for the good advice if (empty($_REQUEST["custom_attribute_fields"])) { if (!empty($_SESSION["custom_attribute_fields"])) { $custom_attribute_fields = vmGet($_SESSION, "custom_attribute_fields", array()); $custom_attribute_fields_check = vmGet($_SESSION, "custom_attribute_fields_check", array()); } else { $custom_attribute_fields = $custom_attribute_fields_check = array(); } } else { $custom_attribute_fields = $_SESSION["custom_attribute_fields"] = vmGet($_REQUEST, "custom_attribute_fields", array()); $custom_attribute_fields_check = $_SESSION["custom_attribute_fields_check"] = vmGet($_REQUEST, "custom_attribute_fields_check", array()); } $product_attributes = ps_product_attribute::getAdvancedAttributes($product_id); $attribute_keys = explode(";", $description); foreach ($attribute_keys as $temp_desc) { $finish = strpos($temp_desc, "]"); $temp_desc = trim($temp_desc); // Get the key name (e.g. "Color" ) $this_key = substr($temp_desc, 0, strpos($temp_desc, ":")); $this_value = substr($temp_desc, strpos($temp_desc, ":") + 1); if (in_array($this_key, $custom_attribute_fields)) { if (@$custom_attribute_fields_check[$this_key] == md5($mosConfig_secret . $this_key)) { // the passed value is valid, don't use it for calculating prices continue; } } if (isset($product_attributes[$this_key]['values'][$this_value])) { $modifier = $product_attributes[$this_key]['values'][$this_value]['adjustment']; $operand = $product_attributes[$this_key]['values'][$this_value]['operand']; $value_notax = $GLOBALS['CURRENCY']->convert($modifier, $product_currency); if (abs($value_notax) > 0) { $value_taxed = $value_notax * ($my_taxrate + 1); $temp_desc_new = str_replace($operand . $modifier, $operand . ' ' . $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($value_taxed), $temp_desc); $description = str_replace($this_key . ':' . $this_value, $this_key . ':' . $this_value . ' (' . $operand . ' ' . $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($value_taxed) . ')', $description); } $temp_desc = substr($temp_desc, $finish + 1); } } $description = str_replace($CURRENCY_DISPLAY->symbol, '@saved@', $description); $description = str_replace("[", " (", $description); $description = str_replace("]", ")", $description); $description = str_replace(":", ": ", $description); $description = str_replace(";", "<br/>", $description); $description = str_replace('@saved@', $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->symbol, $description); return $description; }
function html_change_add_item() { global $VM_LANG, $vmLogger; require_once CLASSPATH . 'ps_product_attribute.php'; $ps_product_attribute = new ps_product_attribute(); // Get product_id $product_id = vmGet($_REQUEST, 'product_id'); $product_id_bysku = vmGet($_REQUEST, 'product_id_bysku'); // If sku was selected it overwrites the product_id if ($product_id_bysku > 0) { $product_id = $product_id_bysku; } // Output to generate a "return to parant"-button $html_return_parent = '<form method="post" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '"> <input type="submit" value="' . $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ORDER_EDIT_RETURN_PARENTS') . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="product_id" value="-1" /> <input type="hidden" name="add_product_validate" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="add_product_item" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="add_product" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="order_edit_page" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="order.order_print" /> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_virtuemart" /> <input type="hidden" name="func" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="order_id" value="' . $this->order_id . '" /></form>'; // Page reseted = -1 or called first time = "" if ($product_id < 0 || $product_id == "") { // Generate product list ?> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> "> <br /><br /> <table class="adminlist"> <tr> <th> <?php echo $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ORDER_EDIT_ADD_PRODUCT'); ?> </th> </tr> <tr> <td align="left"><?php echo $this->list_products($product_id, true); echo $this->list_products($product_id); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="add_product_validate" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="add_product_item" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="add_product" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="order.order_print" /> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_virtuemart" /> <input type="hidden" name="func" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="order_id" value="<?php echo $this->order_id; ?> " /> </form> <?php } else { // Query child products $db = new ps_DB(); $q = "SELECT product_id FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE "; $q .= "product_parent_id = '" . $product_id . "'"; $db->query($q); // Are there childs? if ($db->num_rows()) { // Yes! Drop down list to select the child ?> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> "> <br /><br /> <table class="adminlist"> <tr> <th><?php echo $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ORDER_EDIT_ADD_PRODUCT'); ?> </th> </tr> </table> <table class="adminlist"> <tr> <th><?php echo $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ORDER_PRINT_NAME'); ?> </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <input type="hidden" name="add_product" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="add_product_validate" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="add_product_item" value="1" /> <?php echo $this->list_attribute($product_id); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="order.order_print" /> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_virtuemart" /> <input type="hidden" name="func" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="order_id" value="<?php echo $this->order_id; ?> " /> </form> <?php echo $html_return_parent; } else { // No Childs or selected child product! Form to add a product that has no childs ?> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> "> <br /><br /> <table class="adminlist"> <tr> <th><?php echo $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ORDER_EDIT_ADD_PRODUCT'); ?> </th> </tr> </table> <table class="adminlist"> <tr> <th><?php echo $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ORDER_PRINT_NAME'); ?> </th> <th><?php echo $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_PRODUCT_FORM_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_LIST'); ?> </th> <th><?php echo $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_PRODUCT_FORM_ATTRIBUTE_LIST'); ?> </th> <th align="left"><?php echo $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ORDER_PRINT_QUANTITY'); ?> </th> <th align="left">Action</th> </tr> <tr> <?php if (vmGet($_REQUEST, 'add_product_item') == 1) { echo '<td>' . $this->list_attribute($product_id, false) . '</td>'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="add_product_item" value="1" />'; } else { echo '<td>' . $this->list_products($product_id, true) . $this->list_products($product_id) . '</td>'; } ?> <td><?php echo $ps_product_attribute->list_advanced_attribute($product_id); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $ps_product_attribute->list_custom_attribute($product_id); ?> </td> <td> <input type="text" value="1" name="product_quantity" size="5" /> <input type="hidden" name="add_product_validate" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="add_product" value="1" /> </td> <td><input type="submit" value="<?php echo $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ORDER_EDIT_ADD'); ?> " /></td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="order.order_print" /> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_virtuemart" /> <input type="hidden" name="func" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="order_id" value="<?php echo $this->order_id; ?> " /> </form> <?php if (vmGet($_REQUEST, 'add_product_item') == 1) { echo $html_return_parent; } } } return; }
function get_adjusted_attribute_price($product_id, $quantity = 0, $description = '', $result_attributes = '') { global $mosConfig_secret; $auth = $_SESSION['auth']; $price = $this->get_price($product_id, $quantity, true, $result_attributes); $base_price = $price["product_price"]; $setprice = 0; $set_price = false; $adjustment = 0; // We must care for custom attribute fields! Their value can be freely given // by the customer, so we mustn't include them into the price calculation // Thanks to for the good advice if (empty($_REQUEST["custom_attribute_fields"])) { if (!empty($_SESSION["custom_attribute_fields"])) { $custom_attribute_fields = vmGet($_SESSION, "custom_attribute_fields", array()); $custom_attribute_fields_check = vmGet($_SESSION, "custom_attribute_fields_check", array()); } else { $custom_attribute_fields = $custom_attribute_fields_check = array(); } } else { $custom_attribute_fields = $_SESSION["custom_attribute_fields"] = vmGet($_REQUEST, "custom_attribute_fields", array()); $custom_attribute_fields_check = $_SESSION["custom_attribute_fields_check"] = vmGet($_REQUEST, "custom_attribute_fields_check", array()); } // if we've been given a description to deal with, get the adjusted price if ($description != '') { // description is safe to use at this point cause it's set to '' require_once CLASSPATH . 'ps_product_attribute.php'; $product_attributes = ps_product_attribute::getAdvancedAttributes($product_id, true); $attribute_keys = explode(";", $description); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($attribute_keys); $i++) { $temp_desc = $attribute_keys[$i]; $temp_desc = trim($temp_desc); // Get the key name (e.g. "Color" ) $this_key = substr($temp_desc, 0, strpos($temp_desc, ":")); $this_value = substr($temp_desc, strpos($temp_desc, ":") + 1); if (in_array($this_key, $custom_attribute_fields)) { if (@$custom_attribute_fields_check[$this_key] == md5($mosConfig_secret . $this_key)) { // the passed value is valid, don't use it for calculating prices continue; } } if (isset($product_attributes[$this_key]['values'][$this_value])) { $modifier = $product_attributes[$this_key]['values'][$this_value]['adjustment']; $operand = $product_attributes[$this_key]['values'][$this_value]['operand']; // if we have a number, allow the adjustment if (true == is_numeric($modifier)) { // $modifier = $GLOBALS['CURRENCY']->convert( $modifier, $price['product_currency'], $GLOBALS['product_currency'] ); // Now add or sub the modifier on if ($operand == "+") { $adjustment += $modifier; } else { if ($operand == "-") { $adjustment -= $modifier; } else { if ($operand == '=') { // NOTE: the +=, so if we have 2 sets they get added // this could be moded to say, if we have a set_price, then // calc the diff from the base price and start from there if we encounter // another set price... just a thought. $setprice += $modifier; $set_price = true; } } } } } else { continue; } } } // no set price was set from the attribs if ($set_price == false) { $price["product_price"] = $base_price + $adjustment * (1 - $auth["shopper_group_discount"] / 100); } else { // otherwise, set the price // add the base price to the price set in the attributes // then subtract the adjustment amount // we could also just add the set_price to the adjustment... not sure on that one. if (!empty($adjustment)) { $setprice += $adjustment; } $setprice *= 1 - $auth["shopper_group_discount"] / 100; $price["product_price"] = $setprice; } // don't let negative prices get by, set to 0 if ($price["product_price"] < 0) { $price["product_price"] = 0; } // Get the DISCOUNT AMOUNT $ps_product = new ps_product(); $discount_info = $ps_product->get_discount($product_id); // Read user_info_id from db $dbu = new ps_DB(); $q = "SELECT user_info_id FROM #__{vm}_orders WHERE order_id = '" . $this->order_id . "' "; $dbu->query($q); $dbu->next_record(); $user_info_id = $dbu->f("user_info_id"); $prod_weight = $ps_product->get_weight($product_id); $my_taxrate = $ps_product->get_product_taxrate($product_id, $prod_weight, $user_info_id); // If discounts are applied after tax, but prices are shown without tax, // AND tax is EU mode and shopper is not in the EU, // then ps_product::get_product_taxrate() returns 0, so $my_taxrate = 0. // But, the discount still needs to be reduced by the shopper's tax rate, so we obtain it here: if (PAYMENT_DISCOUNT_BEFORE != '1' && $auth["show_price_including_tax"] != 1 && !ps_checkout::tax_based_on_vendor_address($user_info_id)) { $db = new ps_DB(); $ps_vendor_id = $_SESSION["ps_vendor_id"]; require_once CLASSPATH . 'ps_checkout.php'; if (!ps_checkout::tax_based_on_vendor_address($user_info_id)) { if ($auth["user_id"] > 0) { $q = "SELECT state, country FROM #__{vm}_user_info WHERE user_id='" . $auth["user_id"] . "'"; $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); $state = $db->f("state"); $country = $db->f("country"); $q = "SELECT tax_rate FROM #__{vm}_tax_rate WHERE tax_country='{$country}' "; if (!empty($state)) { $q .= "AND (tax_state='{$state}' OR tax_state=' {$state} ' OR tax_state='-')"; } $db->query($q); if ($db->next_record()) { $my_taxrate = $db->f("tax_rate"); } else { $my_taxrate = 0; } } else { $my_taxrate = 0; } } else { if (empty($_SESSION['taxrate'][$ps_vendor_id])) { // let's get the store's tax rate $q = "SELECT `tax_rate` FROM #__{vm}_vendor, #__{vm}_tax_rate "; $q .= "WHERE tax_country=vendor_country AND #__{vm}_vendor.vendor_id=1 "; // !! Important !! take the highest available tax rate for the store's country $q .= "ORDER BY `tax_rate` DESC"; $db->query($q); if ($db->next_record()) { $my_taxrate = $db->f("tax_rate"); } else { $my_taxrate = 0; } } else { $my_taxrate = $_SESSION['taxrate'][$ps_vendor_id]; } } } // Apply the discount if (!empty($discount_info["amount"])) { $undiscounted_price = $base_price; switch ($discount_info["is_percent"]) { case 0: if (PAYMENT_DISCOUNT_BEFORE == '1') { // If we subtract discounts BEFORE tax // Subtract the whole discount $price["product_price"] -= $discount_info["amount"]; } else { // But, if we subtract discounts AFTER tax // Subtract the untaxed portion of the discount $price["product_price"] -= $discount_info["amount"] / ($my_taxrate + 1); } break; case 1: $price["product_price"] -= $price["product_price"] * ($discount_info["amount"] / 100); break; } } return $price; }
} ?> </td> </tr> <tr class="row0"> <td colspan="2"> </td> </tr> <tr class="row0"> <td align="right" width="21%" valign="top"><div style="text-align:right;font-weight:bold;"><?php echo $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_PRODUCT_FORM_ATTRIBUTE_LIST'); ?> :</div></td> <td width="79%" id="attribute_container"> <?php // ATTRIBUTE EXTENSION by Tobias (eaxs) ps_product_attribute::loadAttributeExtension($db->sf("attribute")); ?> </tr> <tr class="row0"> <td> </td> <td><?php echo $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_PRODUCT_FORM_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_EXAMPLES'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr class="row0"> <td colspan="2"> </td> </tr> <tr class="row1"> <td align="right" width="21%" valign="top"><div style="text-align:right;font-weight:bold;"><?php echo $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_PRODUCT_FORM_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_LIST');
/** * adds an item to the shopping cart * @author pablo * @param array $d */ function add(&$d) { global $sess, $VM_LANG, $cart, $vmLogger, $func; $d = $GLOBALS['vmInputFilter']->process($d); include_class("product"); $db = new ps_DB(); $ci = 0; $request_stock = ""; $total_quantity = 0; $total_updated = 0; $total_deleted = 0; $_SESSION['last_page'] = "shop.product_details"; if (!empty($d['product_id']) && !isset($d["prod_id"])) { if (empty($d['prod_id'])) { $d['prod_id'] = array(); } if (is_array($d['product_id'])) { $d['prod_id'] = array_merge($d['prod_id'], $d['product_id']); } else { $d['prod_id'] = array_merge($d['prod_id'], array($d['product_id'])); } } //Check to see if a prod_id has been set if (!isset($d["prod_id"])) { return true; } $multiple_products = sizeof($d["prod_id"]); //Iterate through the prod_id's and perform an add to cart for each one for ($ikey = 0; $ikey < $multiple_products; $ikey++) { // Create single array from multi array $key_fields = array_keys($d); foreach ($key_fields as $key) { if (is_array($d[$key])) { $e[$key] = @$d[$key][$ikey]; } else { $e[$key] = $d[$key]; } } if ($multiple_products > 1) { $func = "cartUpdate"; } $e['product_id'] = $d['product_id']; $e['Itemid'] = $d['Itemid']; if (is_array($d["prod_id"])) { $product_id = $d["prod_id"][$ikey]; } else { $product_id = $e["prod_id"]; } if (is_array($d["quantity"])) { $quantity = @$d['quantity'][$ikey]; } else { $quantity = @$e['quantity']; } // Check for negative quantity if ($quantity < 0) { vmRequest::setVar('product_id', $product_id); $vmLogger->warning($VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_CART_ERROR_NO_NEGATIVE', false)); return False; } if (!is_numeric($quantity)) { vmRequest::setVar('product_id', $product_id); $vmLogger->warning($VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_CART_ERROR_NO_VALID_QUANTITY', false)); return False; } $quantity = intval($quantity); // Check to see if checking stock quantity if (CHECK_STOCK) { $product_in_stock = ps_product::get_field($product_id, 'product_in_stock'); if (empty($product_in_stock)) { $product_in_stock = 0; } if ($quantity > $product_in_stock) { //Create an array for out of stock items and continue to next item $request_stock[$ci]['product_id'] = $product_id; $request_stock[$ci]['quantity'] = $quantity; $ci++; continue; } } // Check if product exists and is published if (!ps_product::product_exists($product_id)) { $vmLogger->tip($VM_LANG->_('VM_CART_PRODUCT_NOTEXIST', false)); return false; } // Quick add of item $q = "SELECT product_id FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE "; $q .= "product_parent_id = " . (int) $product_id; $db->query($q); if ($db->num_rows()) { vmRequest::setVar('product_id', $e["product_id"]); $vmLogger->tip($VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_CART_SELECT_ITEM', false)); $_REQUEST['flypage'] = ps_product::get_flypage($e["product_id"]); $GLOBALS['page'] = 'shop.product_details'; return true; } // Check to see if we already have it $updated = 0; $result = ps_product_attribute::cartGetAttributes($e); if ($result["attribute_given"] == false && !empty($result["advanced_attribute_list"]) || $multiple_products == 1 && ($result["custom_attribute_given"] == false && !empty($result["custom_attribute_list"]))) { $_REQUEST['flypage'] = ps_product::get_flypage($product_id); $GLOBALS['page'] = 'shop.product_details'; $vmLogger->tip($VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_CART_SELECT_ITEM', false)); return true; } //Check for empty custom field and quantity>0 for multiple addto //Normally means no info added to a custom field, but once added to a cart the quantity is automatically placed //If another item is added and the custom field is left blank for another product already added this will just ignore that item if ($multiple_products != 1 && $quantity != 0 && ($result["custom_attribute_given"] == false && !empty($result["custom_attribute_list"]))) { $vmLogger->tip($VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_CART_SELECT_ITEM', false)); continue; } // Check for duplicate and do not add to current quantity for ($i = 0; $i < $_SESSION["cart"]["idx"]; $i++) { // modified for advanced attributes if ($_SESSION['cart'][$i]["product_id"] == $product_id && $_SESSION['cart'][$i]["description"] == $e["description"]) { $updated = 1; } } list($min, $max) = ps_product::product_order_levels($product_id); if ($min != 0 && $quantity != 0 && $quantity < $min) { eval("\$msg = \"" . $VM_LANG->_('VM_CART_MIN_ORDER', false) . "\";"); $vmLogger->warning($msg); continue; } if ($max != 0 && $quantity != 0 && $quantity > $max) { eval("\$msg = \"" . $VM_LANG->_('VM_CART_MAX_ORDER', false) . "\";"); $vmLogger->warning($msg); continue; } // If we did not update then add the item if (!$updated && $quantity) { $k = $_SESSION['cart']["idx"]; $_SESSION['cart'][$k]["quantity"] = $quantity; $_SESSION['cart'][$k]["product_id"] = $product_id; $_SESSION['cart'][$k]["parent_id"] = $e["product_id"]; $_SESSION['cart'][$k]["category_id"] = vmGet($e, 'category_id', 0); // added for the advanced attribute modification $_SESSION['cart'][$k]["description"] = $e["description"]; $_SESSION['cart']["idx"]++; $total_quantity += $quantity; } else { list($updated_prod, $deleted_prod) = $this->update($e); $total_updated += $updated_prod; $total_deleted += $deleted_prod; } /* next 3 lines added by Erich for coupon code */ /* if the cart was updated we gotta update any coupon discounts to avoid ppl getting free stuff */ if (!empty($_SESSION['coupon_discount'])) { // Update the Coupon Discount !! require_once CLASSPATH . 'ps_coupon.php'; ps_coupon::process_coupon_code($d); } } // End Iteration through Prod id's $cart = $_SESSION['cart']; ps_cart::saveCart(); // Ouput info message with cart update details /* if ($total_quantity != 0 || $total_updated != 0 || $total_deleted != 0) { if ($total_quantity > 0 && $total_updated == 0) { $msg = $VM_LANG->_('VM_CART_PRODUCT_ADDED', false); } else { $msg = $VM_LANG->_('VM_CART_PRODUCT_UPDATED', false); } // Comment out the following line to turn off msg i.e. //$vmLogger->tip( $msg ); $vmLogger->info($msg); } else { if (@$request_stock) { $vmLogger->tip($VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_CART_GOTO_WAITING_LIST', false)); } elseif ($total_quantity == 0) { vmRequest::setVar('product_id', $product_id); $GLOBALS['last_page'] = 'shop.product_details'; $vmLogger->warning($VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_CART_ERROR_NO_VALID_QUANTITY', false)); return false; } else { $vmLogger->tip($VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_CART_QUANTITY_EXCEEDED', false)); } } // end cart update message */ // Perform notification of out of stock items if (@$request_stock) { global $notify; $_SESSION['notify'] = array(); $_SESSION['notify']['idx'] = 0; $k = 0; $notify = $_SESSION['notify']; foreach ($request_stock as $request) { $_SESSION['notify'][$k]["prod_id"] = $request['product_id']; $_SESSION['notify'][$k]["quantity"] = $request['quantity']; $_SESSION['notify']['idx']++; $k++; } if (vmIsXHR()) { $GLOBALS['vm_mainframe']->scriptRedirect($sess->url('index.php?page=shop.waiting_list&product_id=' . $product_id, true, false)); } else { vmRedirect($sess->url('index.php?page=shop.waiting_list&product_id=' . $product_id, true, false)); } } return True; }
function add_product() { global $VM_LANG, $vmLogger; require_once CLASSPATH . 'ps_product_attribute.php'; require_once CLASSPATH . 'ps_product.php'; $ps_product_attribute = new ps_product_attribute(); $ps_product = new ps_product(); $product_id = vmGet($_REQUEST, 'product_id'); $order_item_id = vmGet($_REQUEST, 'order_item_id'); $add_product_validate = vmGet($_REQUEST, 'add_product_validate'); $d = $_REQUEST; // Check if quantity is a numeric value if ($add_product_validate == 1) { $quantity = trim(vmGet($_REQUEST, 'product_quantity')); if (!is_numeric($quantity) || $quantity < 1) { $vmLogger->err($VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ORDER_EDIT_ERROR_QUANTITY_MUST_BE_HIGHER_THAN_0')); $add_product_validate = 0; } } if ($add_product_validate == 1) { $result_attributes = $ps_product_attribute->cartGetAttributes($d); $dbp = new ps_DB(); $q = "SELECT vendor_id, product_in_stock,product_sales,product_parent_id, product_sku, product_name FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE product_id='{$product_id}'"; $dbp->query($q); $dbp->next_record(); $vendor_id = $dbp->f("vendor_id"); $product_sku = $dbp->f("product_sku"); $product_name = $dbp->f("product_name"); $product_parent_id = $dbp->f("product_parent_id"); // On r�cup�re le prix exact du produit $product_price_arr = $this->get_adjusted_attribute_price($product_id, $quantity, $d["description"], $result_attributes); $product_price = $product_price_arr["product_price"]; $my_taxrate = $ps_product->get_product_taxrate($product_id); $description = $d["description"]; $product_final_price = round($product_price * ($my_taxrate + 1), 2); $product_currency = $product_price_arr["product_currency"]; $db = new ps_DB(); if ($product_parent_id > 0) { $q = "SELECT attribute_name, attribute_value, product_id "; $q .= "FROM #__{vm}_product_attribute WHERE "; $q .= "product_id='" . $product_id . "'"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); while ($db->next_record()) { $description .= $db->f("attribute_name") . ": " . $db->f("attribute_value") . "; "; } } $q = "SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_order_item "; $q .= " WHERE order_id=" . $this->order_id; $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); $user_info_id = $db->f("user_info_id"); $order_status = $db->f("order_status"); $timestamp = time() + $mosConfig_offset * 60 * 60; $q = "SELECT order_item_id, product_quantity "; $q .= "FROM #__{vm}_order_item WHERE order_id = '" . $this->order_id . "' "; $q .= "AND product_id = '" . $product_id . "' "; $q .= "AND product_attribute = '" . addslashes($description) . "'"; $db->query($q); if ($db->next_record()) { $this->change_item_quantity($this->order_id, $db->f('order_item_id'), $quantity + (int) $db->f('product_quantity')); } else { $q = "INSERT INTO #__{vm}_order_item "; $q .= "(order_id, user_info_id, vendor_id, product_id, order_item_sku, order_item_name, "; $q .= "product_quantity, product_item_price, product_final_price, "; $q .= "order_item_currency, order_status, product_attribute, cdate, mdate) "; $q .= "VALUES ('"; $q .= $this->order_id . "', '"; $q .= $user_info_id . "', '"; $q .= $vendor_id . "', '"; $q .= $product_id . "', '"; $q .= $product_sku . "', '"; $q .= $product_name . "', '"; $q .= $quantity . "', '"; $q .= $product_price . "', '"; $q .= $product_final_price . "', '"; $q .= $product_currency . "', '"; $q .= $order_status . "', '"; // added for advanced attribute storage $q .= addslashes($description) . "', '"; // END advanced attribute modifications $q .= $timestamp . "','"; $q .= $timestamp . "'"; $q .= ")"; $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); } // Update Stock Level and Product Sales $q = "UPDATE #__{vm}_product "; $q .= "SET product_in_stock = product_in_stock - " . $quantity . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tproduct_sales= product_sales + " . $quantity; $q .= " WHERE product_id='" . $product_id . "'"; $db->query($q); $this->recalc_order($this->order_id); $this->reload_from_db = 1; $vmLogger->info($VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ORDER_EDIT_PRODUCT_ADDED')); } }