public static function get_list($_FORM) { /* * * Get a list of task history items with sophisticated filtering and somewhat sophisticated output * * (n.b., the output from this generally needs to be post-processed to handle the semantic meaning of changes in various fields) * */ $filter = audit::get_list_filter($_FORM); if (is_array($filter) && count($filter)) { $where_clause = " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $filter); } if ($_FORM["projectID"]) { $entity = new project(); $entity->set_id($_FORM["projectID"]); $entity->select(); } else { if ($_FORM["taskID"]) { $entity = new task(); $entity->set_id($_FORM["taskID"]); $entity->select(); } } $q = "SELECT *\n FROM audit\n {$where_clause}\n ORDER BY dateChanged"; $db = new db_alloc(); $db->query($q); $items = array(); while ($row = $db->next_record()) { $audit = new audit(); $audit->read_db_record($db); $rows[] = $row; } return $rows; }
function is_owner($person = "") { $project = new project(); $project->set_id($this->get_value("projectID")); $project->select(); return $project->is_owner($person); }
function get_rate($projectID, $personID) { // Try to get the person's rate from the following sources: // project.defaultTimeSheetRate // person.defaultTimeSheetRate // == defaultTimeSheetRate // First check the project for a rate $project = new project($projectID); $row = array('rate' => $project->get_value("defaultTimeSheetRate"), 'unit' => $project->get_value("defaultTimeSheetRateUnitID")); if (imp($row['rate']) && $row['unit']) { return $row; } // Next check person, which is in global currency rather than project currency - conversion required $db = new db_alloc(); $q = prepare("SELECT defaultTimeSheetRate as rate, defaultTimeSheetRateUnitID as unit FROM person WHERE personID = %d", $personID); $db->query($q); $row = $db->row(); if (imp($row['rate']) && $row['unit']) { if ($project->get_value("currencyTypeID") != config::get_config_item("currency")) { $row['rate'] = exchangeRate::convert(config::get_config_item("currency"), $row["rate"], $project->get_value("currencyTypeID")); } return $row; } // Lowest priority: global $rate = config::get_config_item("defaultTimeSheetRate"); $unit = config::get_config_item("defaultTimeSheetUnit"); if (imp($rate) && $unit) { if (config::get_config_item("currency") && $project->get_value("currencyTypeID")) { $rate = exchangeRate::convert(config::get_config_item("currency"), $rate, $project->get_value("currencyTypeID")); } return array('rate' => $rate, 'unit' => $unit); } }
function getProject($pID) { $this->getAllByPK($pID); $row = $this->getNext(); $p = new project(); $p->getAllByPK($row['package']); return $p->getNext(); }
function display_category_usa($type = "all", $linkurl = 'subcategory.php', $selected = "") { $project = new project(); $service = new service(); $rentorhire = new rentorhire(); $jobs = new jobs(); $category = $this->getsubcategory(1); if (is_array($category)) { echo '<table cellspacing="4" class="sub_categories" width="100%">'; echo '<tr>'; $countTd = 0; foreach ($category as $row) { if ($countTd % 4 == 0 && $countTd > 1) { echo "</tr><tr>"; } $countTd++; echo '<td '; if ($type == "jobs" && $selected == $row['seo_url']) { echo "class='redBg'"; } else { echo "class='whiteBg'"; } echo ' ><div><div><a href="' . $linkurl . '?seo_url=' . $row['seo_url'] . '" style="text-decoration:none;">'; if ($row['markbold'] == "yes") { echo "<strong>" . $row['name'] . "</strong> "; } else { echo $row['name'] . " "; } echo "<font color='green'>"; if ($type == "services") { echo $service->numofServicebysubCat($row['id']); } else { if ($type == "rentorhire") { echo $rentorhire->numofrentorhirebysubCat($row['id']); } else { if ($type = "jobs") { echo $jobs->numofjobsbysubCat($row['id']); } else { if ($type == "all") { echo $project->numOfProjectBySubCat($row['id']) . "," . $rentorhire->numofrentorhirebysubCat($row['id']) . "," . $jobs->numofjobsbysubCat($row['id']) . "," . $service->numofServicebysubCat($row['id']); } } } } echo "</font>"; echo '</a></div></div></td>'; //if($countTd%4!=0) echo '<td width="20"></td>'; } echo '</tr>'; echo '</table>'; } else { echo "No Sub Category Found!"; } }
public static function GetCollection($projectRequest) { $projectData = new projectData(); $resultSet = $projectData->GetCollection($projectRequest); $projectCollection = array(); while ($dataRowAsArray = $resultSet->fetch_assoc()) { $project = new project($projectRequest); $project->Load($dataRowAsArray); $projectCollection[] = $project; } return $projectCollection; }
public function show($condition = '') { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "bill WHERE 1 " . $condition; $q = $this->db->query($sql); $data = array(); $user_id = $space = ''; $project_id = $space_second = ''; while ($row = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) { if ($row['user_id']) { $user_id .= $space . $row['user_id']; $space = ','; } if ($row['project_id']) { $project_id .= $space_second . $row['project_id']; $space_second = ','; } $row['cost_capital'] = hg_cny($row['cost']); $row['advice_capital'] = hg_cny($row['advice']); $data[] = $row; } if ($user_id) { include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/auth.class.php'; $auth = new auth(); $tmp = $auth->getMemberById($user_id); $user_info = array(); foreach ($tmp as $k => $v) { $user_info[$v['id']] = $v['user_name']; } } if ($project_id) { include_once CUR_CONF_PATH . 'lib/project.class.php'; $project = new project(); $project_info = $tmp = array(); $tmp = $project->show(' AND id IN(' . $project_id . ')'); foreach ($tmp as $k => $v) { $project_info[$v['id']] = $v['name']; } } foreach ($data as $k => $v) { if ($user_info) { $data[$k]['user_name'] = $user_info[$v['user_id']]; } if ($project_info) { $data[$k]['project_name'] = $project_info[$v['project_id']]; } if (!$v['title']) { $data[$k]['title'] = date('Y-m-d', $v['business_time']) . '-' . $data[$k]['project_name']; } } return $data; }
private function setReadWritePermissionsFromTemplate(array $ugroup_mapping) { $template = ProjectManager::instance()->getProject($this->project->getTemplate()); $template_read_accesses = $this->mediawiki_manager->getReadAccessControl($template); $template_write_accesses = $this->mediawiki_manager->getWriteAccessControl($template); $this->mediawiki_manager->saveReadAccessControl($this->project, $this->getUgroupsForProjectFromMapping($template_read_accesses, $ugroup_mapping)); $this->mediawiki_manager->saveWriteAccessControl($this->project, $this->getUgroupsForProjectFromMapping($template_write_accesses, $ugroup_mapping)); }
private function seedUGroupMapping() { if ($this->project->isPublic()) { db_query($this->seedProjectUGroupMappings($this->project->getID(), MediawikiUserGroupsMapper::$DEFAULT_MAPPING_PUBLIC_PROJECT)); } else { db_query($this->seedProjectUGroupMappings($this->project->getID(), MediawikiUserGroupsMapper::$DEFAULT_MAPPING_PRIVATE_PROJECT)); } }
function show_filter() { global $TPL; global $defaults; $_FORM = project::load_form_data($defaults); $arr = project::load_project_filter($_FORM); is_array($arr) and $TPL = array_merge($TPL, $arr); include_template("templates/projectListFilterS.tpl"); }
function show_all_exp($template) { global $TPL; global $expenseForm; global $db; global $transaction_to_edit; if ($expenseForm->get_id()) { if ($_POST["transactionID"] && ($_POST["edit"] || is_object($transaction_to_edit) && $transaction_to_edit->get_id())) { // if edit is clicked OR if we've rejected changes made to something so are still editing it $query = prepare("SELECT * FROM transaction WHERE expenseFormID=%d AND transactionID<>%d ORDER BY transactionID DESC", $expenseForm->get_id(), $_POST["transactionID"]); } else { $query = prepare("SELECT * FROM transaction WHERE expenseFormID=%d ORDER BY transactionID DESC", $expenseForm->get_id()); } $db->query($query); while ($db->next_record()) { $transaction = new transaction(); $transaction->read_db_record($db); $transaction->set_values(); $transaction->get_value("quantity") and $TPL["amount"] = $transaction->get_value("amount") / $transaction->get_value("quantity"); $TPL["lineTotal"] = $TPL["amount"] * $transaction->get_value("quantity"); $tf = new tf(); $tf->set_id($transaction->get_value("fromTfID")); $tf->select(); $TPL["fromTfIDLink"] = $tf->get_link(); $tf = new tf(); $tf->set_id($transaction->get_value("tfID")); $tf->select(); $TPL["tfIDLink"] = $tf->get_link(); $projectID = $transaction->get_value("projectID"); if ($projectID) { $project = new project(); $project->set_id($transaction->get_value("projectID")); $project->select(); $TPL["projectName"] = $project->get_value("projectName"); } if ($transaction->get_value("fromTfID") == config::get_config_item("expenseFormTfID")) { $TPL['expense_class'] = "loud"; } else { $TPL['expense_class'] = ""; } include_template($template); } } }
function render() { $current_user =& singleton("current_user"); global $TPL; if (isset($current_user->prefs["projectListNum"]) && $current_user->prefs["projectListNum"] != "all") { $options["limit"] = sprintf("%d", $current_user->prefs["projectListNum"]); } $options["projectStatus"] = "Current"; $options["personID"] = $current_user->get_id(); $TPL["projectListRows"] = project::get_list($options); return true; }
function show_projects($template_name) { global $TPL; global $default; $_FORM = task::load_form_data($defaults); $arr = task::load_task_filter($_FORM); is_array($arr) and $TPL = array_merge($TPL, $arr); if (is_array($_FORM["projectID"])) { $projectIDs = $_FORM["projectID"]; foreach ($projectIDs as $projectID) { $project = new project(); $project->set_id($projectID); $project->select(); $_FORM["projectID"] = array($projectID); $TPL["graphTitle"] = urlencode($project->get_value("projectName")); $arr = task::load_task_filter($_FORM); is_array($arr) and $TPL = array_merge($TPL, $arr); include_template($template_name); } } }
function show_timeSheetItems($template_name) { global $date_to_view; $current_user =& singleton("current_user"); global $TPL; $query = prepare("SELECT * \n FROM timeSheetItem \n LEFT JOIN timeSheet ON timeSheetItem.timeSheetID = timeSheet.timeSheetID\n LEFT JOIN project ON timeSheet.projectID = project.projectID\n WHERE dateTimeSheetItem='%s'\n AND timeSheet.personID=%d", date("Y-m-d", $date_to_view), $current_user->get_id()); $db = new db_alloc(); $db->query($query); while ($db->next_record()) { $timeSheetItem = new timeSheetItem(); $timeSheetItem->read_db_record($db); $timeSheetItem->set_values(); if ($timeSheetItem->get_value("unit") == "Hour") { $TPL["daily_hours_total"] += $timeSheetItem->get_value("timeSheetItemDuration"); } $project = new project(); $project->read_db_record($db); $project->set_values(); if ($project->get_value("projectShortName")) { $TPL["item_description"] = $project->get_value("projectShortName"); } else { $TPL["item_description"] = $project->get_value("projectName"); } include_template($template_name); } }
public function beforeDelete() { $project = project::model()->findAll(); $zone = Zone::model()->findAll(); foreach ($project as $id => $item) { $projects = explode('|', $item->country_id); if (in_array($this->country_id, array_values($projects))) { Yii::app()->setFlashMessage('Can not delete, Country in use in project master', 'error'); return false; } } foreach ($zone as $id => $item) { $zones = explode('|', $item->country_id); if (in_array($this->country_id, array_values($zones))) { Yii::app()->setFlashMessage('Can not delete, Country in use in zone master', 'error'); return false; } } return parent::beforeDelete(); }
* * Tuleap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Tuleap. If not, see <>. */ require_once 'pre.php'; require_once 'vars.php'; require_once 'www/project/admin/project_admin_utils.php'; $group_id = $request->get('group_id'); session_require(array('group' => $group_id, 'admin_flags' => 'A')); $descfieldsinfos = getProjectsDescFieldsInfos(); $currentproject = new project($group_id); $descfieldsvalue = $currentproject->getProjectsDescFieldsValue(); // If this was a submission, make updates // update info for page $res_grp = db_query("SELECT * FROM groups WHERE group_id=" . db_ei($group_id)); if (db_numrows($res_grp) < 1) { exit_no_group(); } $row_grp = db_fetch_array($res_grp); $form_group_name = trim($request->get('form_group_name')); $form_shortdesc = $request->get('form_shortdesc'); $Update = $request->get('Update'); $valid_data = 0; if ($Update) { //data validation $valid_data = 1;
<?php $maincategory = new maincategory(); $maincategory->display_category_usa(); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="heading">OutSource</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <?php $projects = new project(); $projects_status = $projects->display_projects("", 2, 0, 0, 10, "order by rand()"); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> <?php if ($projects_status) { ?> <a href="view_projects.php">View More</a> <?php } ?> </td></tr> </table> <?php
<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" width="100%"> <tr> <td class="dt">Rating</td> <td class="dt" width="150">Programmer</td> <td class="dt">Project Name</td> <td class="dt">Review Date</td> <td class="dt">Project Status</td> </tr> <?php if (is_array($reviews)) { foreach ($reviews as $review) { $objproject = new project(); $pdetails = $objproject->getdetails($review['projectid']); $pstatus = $objproject->getstatus($review['projectid']); if ($pstatus == "open") { $pstatus = '<font style="color:green;">Open</font>'; } if ($pstatus == "frozen") { $pstatus = '<font style="color:blue;">Frozen</font>'; } if ($pstatus == "cancelled") { $pstatus = '<font style="color:red;">Cancelled</font>'; } if ($pstatus == "closed") { $pstatus = '<font style="color:red;">Closed</font>'; } ?>
} $TPL["clientCategoryOptions"] = page::select_options($cc, $client->get_value("clientCategory")); $client->get_value("clientCategory") and $TPL["client_clientCategoryLabel"] = $cc[$client->get_value("clientCategory")]; // client contacts if ($_POST["clientContact_save"] || $_POST["clientContact_delete"]) { $clientContact = new clientContact(); $clientContact->read_globals(); if ($_POST["clientContact_save"]) { #$clientContact->set_value('clientID', $_POST["clientID"]); $clientContact->save(); } if ($_POST["clientContact_delete"]) { $clientContact->delete(); } } if (!$clientID) { $TPL["message_help"][] = "Create a new Client by inputting the Client Name and other details and clicking the Create New Client button."; $TPL["main_alloc_title"] = "New Client - " . APPLICATION_NAME; $TPL["clientSelfLink"] = "New Client"; } else { $TPL["main_alloc_title"] = "Client " . $client->get_id() . ": " . $client->get_name() . " - " . APPLICATION_NAME; $TPL["clientSelfLink"] = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\">%d %s</a>", $client->get_url(), $client->get_id(), $client->get_name(array("return" => "html"))); } if ($current_user->have_role("admin")) { $TPL["invoice_links"] .= "<a href=\"" . $TPL["url_alloc_invoice"] . "clientID=" . $clientID . "\">New Invoice</a>"; } $projectListOps = array("showProjectType" => true, "clientID" => $client->get_id()); $TPL["projectListRows"] = project::get_list($projectListOps); $TPL["client_clientPostalAddress"] = $client->format_address("postal"); $TPL["client_clientStreetAddress"] = $client->format_address("street"); include_template("templates/clientM.tpl");
<?php include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/header.php"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/subheader.php"; $projects = new project(); $projects->markProjectExpired(); include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/footer.php"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/subfooter.php";
exit; } $customerInst = new customer(); if (!$customerInst->getList()) { echo $lang['project_noCustomer1'] . $toolInst->encodeUrl("index.php?content=customers.php") . $lang['project_noCustomer2'] . "\n"; exit; } ?> <h1><?php echo $lang['common_projects']; ?> </h1> <?php $projectInst = new project(); if (!$loginInst->isCustomer()) { ####################################################################### ## perform action $status = 1; if (tool::securePost('action') == "save" && tool::securePost('id')) { # fill project with submitted data $projectInst->id = tool::securePost('id'); $projectInst->fill(tool::securePostAll()); $status = $projectInst->update(); } elseif (tool::securePost('action') == "save") { $projectInst->fill(tool::securePostAll()); $status = $projectInst->insert(); } if (tool::securePost('action') == "delete") { $projectInst->id = tool::securePost('id');
<?php session_start(); $_SESSION['filename'] = ""; include "header.php"; include "subheader.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/display.class.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/project.class.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/maincategory.class.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/flashupload.class.php"; $objproject = new project(); $projects = $objproject->getdetails($_GET['pid']); $objuser = new user(); ?> <h3 class="heading">Message Board</h3> <div><b>Project: </b><a href='projects.php?id=<?php echo $_GET['pid']; ?> '><?php echo $projects['project_title']; ?> </a></div> <br /> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td><br /><input type="button" value="Post Message" onclick=" <?php if (!$objuser->checkLogin()) { echo "messageBox('Please Login to Post / Reply Message');"; } else { echo "loadPage('/ajax/project/form_postmessage.php?pid=" . $_GET['pid'] . "');";
<?php useScript("sorttable.js"); useScript("tablehover.js"); $Count = $PAGE_MAX_COUNT; if (isset($argv[2])) { $class = htmlentities($argv[1], ENT_QUOTES); $id = htmlentities($argv[2], ENT_QUOTES); // echo "Getting $id bugs filtering by $class"; } $b = new bug(); $b->getAll(); $u = new user(); $p = new project(); $TITLE = "Latest {$Count} bugs"; $i = 0; $CONTENT .= "<h1>Last {$Count} bugs filed</h1>"; $CONTENT .= "\n<table class = 'sortable' >\n\t<tr class = 'nobg' >\n\t\t<th>ID</th> <th> Status </th> <th> Severity </th> <th>Owner</th> <th>Project</th> <th>Private</th> <th>Title</th>\n\t</tr>\n"; while ($row = $b->getNext()) { $u->getAllByPK($row['owner']); $owner = $u->getNext(); if ($owner['uID'] <= 0) { $owner['real_name'] = "Nobody"; } $p->getAllByPK($row['package']); $package = $p->getNext(); if (isset($_SESSION['id'])) { $id = $_SESSION['id']; } else { $id = -1; // NOT -10000!!!!!!
<?php session_start(); require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/common.class.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/project.class.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/user.class.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/config.class.php"; $objuser = new user(); $objuser->checkLoginAjax(); $objproject = new project(); $objproject->removefiles($_GET['fileid']); //echo ""; //$objjobtype=new jobs(); /*$i=0; foreach ($_POST['jobtype'] as $data) { if($data!="") $i++; } if($i==0) { echo "script:wrongStatus(document.getElementById('jobtype'),\"Select at least one\");"; exit(); }*/ //$objjobtype->add($_POST); //echo "script: messageBox('Job Posted',function() { window.location='index.php'; });";
<?php $p = new project(); $b = new bug(); $p->getByCol("project_name", $argv[1]); // this is goddamn awesome $row = $p->getNext(); $b->getByCol("package", $row['pID']); // this is goddamn awesome $booboos = $b->numrows(); $critical = 0; // doh // $b->specialSelect( "bug_status != 1" ); if (isset($row['pID'])) { $TITLE = $row['project_name'] . ", one of the fantastic projects on Whube"; $CONTENT = "\n<h1>" . $row['project_name'] . "</h1>\n" . $row['descr'] . "<br />\n<br />\nThere are " . $booboos . " bugs in the tracker on this package. " . $critical . " are critical.\n"; } else { $_SESSION['err'] = "Project " . $argv[1] . " does not exist!"; header("Location: {$SITE_PREFIX}" . "t/home"); exit(0); }
?> </strong>"</font> </p> <div class="lineBreak"></div> <h3 class="heading">Services</h3> <?php $service = new service(); $service->display_category(); ?> <br /> <h3 class="heading"> Featured Projects </h3> <?php $projects = new project(); $projects_status = $projects->display_projects("featured", 1, $cat['id'], 0, 10, "order by rand()"); ?> <p align="right"> <?php if ($user_check->checklogin() && strtoupper($_SESSION['foongigs_usertype']) == "SEEKER") { echo '<a href="post_project.php">Post Project</a>'; } else { if ($user_check->checklogin() && strtoupper($_SESSION['foongigs_usertype']) == "PROVIDER") { echo '<a href="post_project.php" onclick="javascript:messageBox(\'Only Seeker can post projects\'); return false;">Post Project</a>'; } else { echo '<a href="post_project.php" onclick="javascript: messageBox(\'Please Login \'); return false;">Post Project</a>'; } } if ($projects_status) { ?>
<?php session_start(); require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/common.class.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/projectaccount.class.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/user.class.php"; $objuser = new user(); $objuser->checkLoginAjax(); $objproject = new project(); //$data=$objproject->getdetails($_GET['pid']); $response = $objproject->cancelProject($_GET['pid']); echo "script: messageBox('Your Project has been Cancelled',function() { window.location='account.php'; } );";
<?php session_start(); require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/project.class.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/user.class.php"; $objuser = new user(); $objuser->checkLoginAjax(); $objproject = new project(); $data = $objproject->getdetails($_GET['pid']); ?> <form method="post" action="ajax/project/placebid.php" onsubmit="if(validateForm(this)) submitFormOnFloat(this); return false;"> <input type="hidden" name="projectid" value="<?php echo $_GET['pid']; ?> " > <table width="100%"> <tr> <td width="30%"></td> <td width="70%"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><big><b>Bid on Project: <?php echo $data['project_title']; ?> </b></big></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><strong>Your bid details for the total project:</strong><br> <small>(Project budget is $ <?php
<?php /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Alex Lance, Clancy Malcolm, Cyber IT Solutions * Pty. Ltd. * * This file is part of the allocPSA application <*****@*****.**>. * * allocPSA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * allocPSA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with allocPSA. If not, see <>. */ define("NO_REDIRECT", 1); require_once "../alloc.php"; if ($_GET["projectStatus"]) { usleep(400000); $options = project::get_list_dropdown_options($_GET["projectStatus"]); echo "<select name=\"copy_projectID\">" . $options . "</select>"; } ?>
{ providerid=document.getElementById('provider_'+pid).value; loadPage('/ajax/project/selectprovider.php?projectid='+pid+'&providerid='+providerid); } function cancelprovider(pid) { loadPage('/ajax/project/cancelprovider.php?projectid='+pid); } </script> <div style="height:20px; clear:both;"></div> <strong>List of All Projects You have Posted</strong> <?php $projectac = new project(); $projectlist = $projectac->getAllProjectList(); $objcommon = new common(); if (is_array($projectlist)) { ?> <div id="account_open_projects" style="clear:both; width:100%;"> <table width="100%"> <tr class="heading"><td>Project Title</td><td>Date</td><td>Status</td><td>Edit</td><td>Option</td><td>Select Provider</td></tr> <?php foreach ($projectlist as $data) { $pstatus = $projectac->getStatus($data['id']); if ($pstatus == "open") { $pstatus = '<font style="color:green;">Open</font>'; } if ($pstatus == "frozen") { $pstatus = '<font style="color:blue;">Frozen</font>';