 function __construct($subd, $phase)
     // select QUERY ON A assembly TABLE
     $this->sobj = new mysqliconn();
     $this->msqli = $this->sobj->getconn();
     $this->result = $this->msqli->query("SELECT a.forassembly as fasm, a.forsubdivision as fsub , a.forpc as fpc, a.number_of_member  as memb, a.no_or_pc as npc, a.numb as pnumb , a.poststat as pst, b.no_party as ptyrqd FROM reserve a,  `assembly_party` b WHERE a.forassembly = b.assemblycd AND a.forsubdivision = b.subdivisioncd AND a.number_of_member = b.no_of_member and a.forsubdivision='{$subd}' ") or die($this->msqli->error . __LINE__);
     //$sql  = "update pers set groupid=?,booked=?,forassembly=?,forpc=?, where personcd=? ";
     if ($phase == 1) {
         $sql = "update personnela set groupid=?,booked=?,forassembly=?,selected=1 where personcd=? ";
     } else {
         $sql = "update personnela set groupid=?,booked=?,forassembly=? where personcd=? ";
     //$sql  = "update pers set booked=?,groupid=?,forasm=?,forpc=? where personcd=? ";
     //$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("insert into test(testid) values(?)");
     $this->stmt = $this->msqli->prepare($sql);
     //echo "binding failed";
     $this->stmt->bind_param('isss', $gpd, $bk, $fasm, $psd);
     if ($this->result->num_rows > 0) {
         $i = 0;
         $k = 0;
         while ($row = $this->result->fetch_assoc()) {
             $fasm = $row['fasm'];
             $sub = $row['fsub'];
             $fpc = $row['fpc'];
             $membno = $row['memb'];
             $n_o_p = $row['npc'];
             $p_numb = $row['pnumb'];
             $pst = $row['pst'];
             $preqd = $row['ptyrqd'];
             if (strcmp($n_o_p, 'N') == 0) {
                 $totres = $p_numb;
             } else {
                 $totres = round($p_numb * $preqd / 100, 0);
             /*	  echo $pst;
             		  echo ' ';
             		  echo $sub;
             		  echo ' ';
             		  echo $fasm;
             		  echo ' ';
             $ppall1 = new ppdata($fpc, $pst, $sub, $fasm, 'S', $phase);
             // pp for subdivision
             $bk = 'R';
             $x = 0;
             $k = 0;
             while ($k < $totres) {
                 if ($x < $ppall1->countnumb()) {
                     $psd = $ppall1->getperscdpp($x);
                     $gpd = $x;
                     $x = $x + 1;
                 } else {
                 $k = $k + 1;
     } else {
         echo 'Problem in reserve Formation ';
 if ($memslno == 6) {
     if (strcmp($ofcd, $of1) != 0 and strcmp($ofcd, $of2) != 0 and strcmp($ofcd, $of3) != 0 and strcmp($ofcd, $of4) != 0 and strcmp($ofcd, $of5) != 0 and strcmp($of6, ' ') == 0 and strcmp($bk, '') == 0) {
         $grpdata->setof6dtl($k, $ofcd);
         $cond = 1;
 if ($memslno < 1 or $memslno > 6) {
 if ($cond == 1) {
     $ppall->setbookedpp($x, 'P');
     $ppall->setgrpidpp($x, $gid);
     $ppall->setforasm($x, $asmf);
     $ppall->setforpc($x, $pcf);
     $psd = $ppall->getperscdpp($x);
     $grpd = $ppall->getgrpidpp($x);
     $asmf = $ppall->getasmpp($x);
     $pcf = $ppall->getpcpp($x);
     $k = $k + 1;
 } else {
     $skippp = $skippp + 1;
 if ($x < $ppall->countnumb() - 1) {
     $x = $x + 1;
 } else {
     if ($skippp < $grpdata->countnumb() - $k) {
         $x = 0;
     } else {
         echo ' Check Data ....Group Can not be formed ...';