  * Initialize the plugin by loading admin scripts & styles and adding a
  * settings page and menu.
  * @since     1.0
 private function __construct()
      * Call $plugin_slug from public plugin class.
     $plugin = post_type_requirements_checklist::get_instance();
     $this->plugin_slug = $plugin->get_plugin_slug();
     // Add the options page
     require_once plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'includes/settings.php';
     // Add the menu item.
     add_action('admin_menu', array($this, 'add_plugin_admin_menu'));
     // Add an action link pointing to the options page.
     $plugin_basename = plugin_basename(plugin_dir_path(realpath(dirname(__FILE__))) . 'post-type-requirements-checklist.php');
     add_filter('plugin_action_links_' . $plugin_basename, array($this, 'add_action_links'));
     // Fire functions
     add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'is_edit_page'));
     add_action('post_submitbox_misc_actions', array($this, 'insert_publish_metabox_checklist'));

<!-- Create a header in the default WordPress 'wrap' container -->
<div class="wrap">

	<div id="icon-themes" class="icon32"></div>
echo esc_html(get_admin_page_title()) . ' Settings';
// settings_errors();

$plugin = post_type_requirements_checklist::get_instance();
$post_types = $plugin->supported_post_types();
if (isset($_GET['tab'])) {
    $active_tab = $_GET['tab'];
} else {
    $active_tab = isset($post_types[0]) ? $post_types[0] : '';

	<h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper">
foreach ($post_types as $pt) {
		<a href="?page=<?php 
    echo $plugin->get_plugin_slug();
  * Registering the Sections, Fields, and Settings.
  * This function is registered with the 'admin_init' hook.
 public function admin_init()
     $plugin = post_type_requirements_checklist::get_instance();
     $post_types = $plugin->supported_post_types();
     $defaults = array('title' => '', 'editor' => '', 'thumbnail' => '', 'excerpt' => '', 'categories' => '', 'tags' => '', 'customtaxonomies' => '', 'customfields' => '');
     foreach ($post_types as $pt) {
         $post_object = get_post_type_object($pt);
         $section = $this->plugin_slug . '_' . $pt;
         if (false == get_option($section)) {
             add_option($section, apply_filters($section . '_default_settings', $defaults));
         $args = array($section, get_option($section));
         // section
         add_settings_section($pt, __('Default Content Requirements', 'aptrc') . ':', '', $section);
         // title field
         if (post_type_supports($pt, 'title')) {
             add_settings_field('title_check', __('Title', 'aptrc') . ':', array($this, 'title_check_callback'), $section, $pt, $args);
         // wysiwyg editor
         if (post_type_supports($pt, 'editor')) {
             add_settings_field('editor_check', __('WYSIWYG Editor', 'aptrc') . ':', array($this, 'editor_check_callback'), $section, $pt, $args);
         // featured image
         if (post_type_supports($pt, 'thumbnail')) {
             add_settings_field('thumbnail_check', __('Featured Image', 'aptrc') . ':', array($this, 'thumbnail_check_callback'), $section, $pt, $args);
         // excerpt
         if (post_type_supports($pt, 'excerpt')) {
             add_settings_field('excerpt_check', __('Excerpt', 'aptrc') . ':', array($this, 'excerpt_check_callback'), $section, $pt, $args);
         if ('page' != $pt) {
             // pages don't have taxonomies
             $objtaxs = get_object_taxonomies($pt);
             if (!($objtaxs == null)) {
                 // section
                 add_settings_section('tax_' . $pt, '<hr>' . __('Taxonomy Requirements', 'aptrc') . ':', '', $section);
                 // taxonomy tip
                 add_settings_field('CatTagTip', '', array($this, 'CatTagTip'), $section, 'tax_' . $pt, $args);
         // category
         if (is_object_in_taxonomy($pt, 'category')) {
             add_settings_field('categories_check', __('Categories', 'aptrc') . ':', array($this, 'categories_check_callback'), $section, 'tax_' . $pt, $args);
             // minimum
             add_settings_field('categories_dropdown', '', array($this, 'categories_dropdown_callback'), $section, 'tax_' . $pt, $args);
             // maximum
             add_settings_field('categories_max_dropdown', '', array($this, 'categories_max_dropdown_callback'), $section, 'tax_' . $pt, $args);
         // tag
         if (is_object_in_taxonomy($pt, 'post_tag')) {
             add_settings_field('tags_check', __('Tags', 'aptrc') . ':', array($this, 'tags_check_callback'), $section, 'tax_' . $pt, $args);
             // minimum
             add_settings_field('tags_dropdown', '', array($this, 'tags_dropdown_callback'), $section, 'tax_' . $pt, $args);
             // maximum
             add_settings_field('tags_max_dropdown', '', array($this, 'tags_max_dropdown_callback'), $section, 'tax_' . $pt, $args);
         // get all taxonomies in a post type
         $argums = array('public' => true, '_builtin' => false);
         $outputs = 'names';
         // or objects
         $operators = 'and';
         // 'and' or 'or'
         $taxonomy_names = get_taxonomies($argums, $outputs, $operators);
         $x = '1';
         foreach ($taxonomy_names as $tn) {
             // get that taxonomy's objects (so we can output the label later for plural name)
             $thingargums = array('name' => $tn);
             $thingoutputs = 'objects';
             // or names
             $things = get_taxonomies($thingargums, $thingoutputs);
             foreach ($things as $thing) {
                 if (is_object_in_taxonomy($pt, $tn)) {
                     // categories are hierarchical
                     if (is_taxonomy_hierarchical($tn)) {
                         add_settings_field('hierarchical_check_' . $x, $thing->label . ' <span>(' . __('category', 'aptrc') . '):</span>', array($this, 'hierarchical_check_callback_' . $x), $section, 'tax_' . $pt, $args);
                         // minimum
                         add_settings_field('hierarchical_dropdown_' . $x, '', array($this, 'hierarchical_dropdown_callback_' . $x), $section, 'tax_' . $pt, $args);
                         // maximum
                         add_settings_field('hierarchical_max_dropdown_' . $x, '', array($this, 'hierarchical_max_dropdown_callback_' . $x), $section, 'tax_' . $pt, $args);
                     } else {
                         add_settings_field('flat_check' . $x, $thing->label . ' <span>(' . __('tag', 'aptrc') . '):</span>', array($this, 'flat_check_callback_' . $x), $section, 'tax_' . $pt, $args);
                         // minimum
                         add_settings_field('flat_dropdown' . $x, '', array($this, 'flat_dropdown_callback_' . $x), $section, 'tax_' . $pt, $args);
                         // maximum
                         add_settings_field('flat_max_dropdown_' . $x, '', array($this, 'flat_max_dropdown_callback_' . $x), $section, 'tax_' . $pt, $args);
             // advance
         // * @since 2.3
         			// get a random post from this post type (we're still in the post type loop)	
         			$field_post_args = array(
         			    'post_type' => $pt,  // look in our post type (from the loop)
         			    'posts_per_page' => 1,  // get a random post (should have custom fields for our post type)
         		    $id_ptrc_posts = get_posts( $field_post_args );
         		    foreach ( $id_ptrc_posts as $post ) {
         		        $custom_post_id = $post->ID;  // get our random post's ID			
         				$getFieldsCustom = get_post_custom_values( $key = '', $post_id = $custom_post_id );  // get array of custom fields in this post type  * sort of *
         				// trim key values that are internal to WP
         				unset( $getFieldsCustom['_edit_lock'] );
         				unset( $getFieldsCustom['_edit_last'] );
         				// unset( $getFieldsCustom['_mini_post'] );
         				unset( $getFieldsCustom['_thumbnail_id'] );
         				if ( !( $getFieldsCustom == null ) ) {  // if our post type has any custom fields...
         					// section
         						'fields_' . $pt,
         						'<hr>' . __( 'Custom Field Requirements', 'aptrc' ) .':',
         					// custom fields tip
         						__( '', 'aptrc' ),
         						array( $this, 'FieldsTip' ),
         						'fields_' . $pt,
         					foreach ( $getFieldsCustom as $ptrc_cf ) {
         							'fields' . $ptrc_cf,
         							__( $ptrc_cf . ':', 'aptrc' ),
         							array( $this, '' . $ptrc_cf ),
         							'fields_' . $pt,
         // section
         add_settings_section('3rdparty' . $pt, '<hr>' . __('3rd Party Plugin Support', 'aptrc') . ':', '', $section);
         // * @since 2.3
         // WP SEO by Yoast
         if (class_exists('WPSEO_Utils')) {
             // focus keyword
             add_settings_field('yoastseo_focus_keyword', __('WordPress SEO by Yoast', 'aptrc') . ':', array($this, 'yoastseo_focus_keyword_callback'), $section, '3rdparty' . $pt, $args);
             // meta description
             add_settings_field('yoastseo_meta_description', '', array($this, 'yoastseo_meta_description_callback'), $section, '3rdparty' . $pt, $args);
         // All In One SEO
         if (class_exists('All_in_One_SEO_Pack')) {
             // title
             add_settings_field('allinone_title', __('All In One SEO Pack', 'aptrc') . ':', array($this, 'allinone_title_callback'), $section, '3rdparty' . $pt, $args);
             // description
             add_settings_field('allinone_description', '', array($this, 'allinone_description_callback'), $section, '3rdparty' . $pt, $args);
             // keywords
             add_settings_field('allinone_keywords', '', array($this, 'allinone_keywords_callback'), $section, '3rdparty' . $pt, $args);
         register_setting($section, $section);
  * Return an instance of this class.
  * @since     1.0
  * @return    object    A single instance of this class.
 public static function get_instance()
     // If the single instance hasn't been set, set it now.
     if (null == self::$instance) {
         self::$instance = new self();
     return self::$instance;