public static function get_user_msg_check($username) { $num = pm_db::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM gamebi_usermsg WHERE touser='******' AND is_read=0"); return $num ? $num : 0; }
public static function get_right_name($act_id) { return pm_db::result_first("SELECT action_name FROM iosadm_admin_action WHERE action_id='{$act_id}'"); }
public static function get_logslist($start, $username, $ctr_new, $act_new, $start_dategsh, $end_dategsh, $perpage = 20) { $where = ''; if (!empty($username)) { $where .= " AND username = '******' "; } if (!empty($ctr_new)) { $where .= " AND ctrl = 'c={$ctr_new}' "; } if (!empty($act_new)) { $where .= " AND act = 'a={$act_new}' "; } if (!empty($start_dategsh)) { $where .= " AND aday >= {$start_dategsh} "; } if (!empty($end_dategsh)) { $where .= " AND aday <= {$end_dategsh} "; } if ($start > -1 && $perpage > 0) { $where .= " ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT {$start}, {$perpage} "; } $sql = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM iosadm_oplog WHERE 1=1 {$where} "; $query = pm_db::query($sql); $data = pm_db::fetch_all($query); $total = pm_db::result_first(" SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS rows "); if ($data) { $output = array(); $output['data'] = $data; $output['total'] = $total; return $output; } else { return null; } }