public function init() { parent::init(); $this->addElement('simpleText', 'path', array('label' => $this->lmsg('pathLabel'), 'value' => $this->_slave->getConfigPath())); $this->addElement('textarea', 'config', array('value' => $this->_slave->content(), 'decorators' => [['Callback', ['callback' => [$this, 'decorateConfig']]]])); $this->addControlButtons(array('hideLegend' => true, 'sendHidden' => true, 'cancelLink' => pm_Context::getBaseUrl())); }
public function viewAction() { $this->view->pageTitle = $this->lmsg('viewPageTitle'); $this->view->uplevelLink = pm_Context::getBaseUrl(); $config = $this->_getParam('config'); $slave = new Modules_SlaveDnsManager_Slave($config); $this->view->form = new Modules_SlaveDnsManager_Form_View($slave); }
public function init() { parent::init(); $this->addElement('text', 'ip', array('label' => $this->lmsg('ipLabel'), 'value' => '', 'class' => 'f-large-size', 'required' => true, 'validators' => array(array('NotEmpty', true), array('Ip', true)))); $this->addElement('text', 'port', array('label' => $this->lmsg('portLabel'), 'value' => '953', 'required' => true, 'validators' => array(array('NotEmpty', true), array('Int', true)))); $this->addElement('select', 'algorithm', array('label' => $this->lmsg('algorithmLabel'), 'multiOptions' => array('hmac-md5' => 'hmac-md5'), 'value' => 'hmac-md5', 'required' => true)); $this->addElement('text', 'secret', array('label' => $this->lmsg('secretLabel'), 'value' => $this->_getRandomSecret(), 'class' => 'f-large-size', 'required' => true, 'validators' => array(array('NotEmpty', true), array('Callback', true, array(array($this, 'isValidSecret')))))); $this->addControlButtons(array('cancelLink' => pm_Context::getBaseUrl())); }
public function indexAction() { // TODO: allow access for admin only $this->view->pageTitle = 'Panel Statistics Settings'; $form = new Modules_PanelStats_Form_Settings(); if ($this->getRequest()->isPost() && $form->isValid($this->getRequest()->getPost())) { $form->process(); $this->_status->addMessage('info', 'Settings were saved.'); $this->_helper->json(array('redirect' => pm_Context::getModulesListUrl())); } $this->view->form = $form; }
private function _getListRandom() { $data = array(); $iconPath = pm_Context::getBaseUrl() . 'images/icon_16.gif'; for ($i = 0; $i < 150; $i++) { $data[] = array('column-1' => '<a href="#">' . (string) rand() . '</a>', 'column-2' => '<img src="' . $iconPath . '" /> ' . (string) rand()); } $list = new pm_View_List_Simple($this->view, $this->_request); $list->setData($data); $list->setColumns(array('column-1' => array('title' => 'Random with link', 'noEscape' => true), 'column-2' => array('title' => 'Random with image', 'noEscape' => true))); // Take into account listDataAction corresponds to the URL /list-data/ $list->setDataUrl(array('action' => 'list-data')); return $list; }
public function init() { $this->addElement('description', 'description', array('description' => 'You can protect statistics information or make it public available.')); $useAuth = (bool) pm_Settings::get('useAuth'); $this->addElement('checkbox', 'useAuth', array('label' => 'Protect access using auth token', 'value' => $useAuth)); $authToken = pm_Settings::get('authToken'); $this->addElement('text', 'authToken', array('label' => 'Auth token', 'value' => $authToken)); $authToken = $useAuth ? $authToken : ''; $baseUrl = pm_Context::getBaseUrl() . "public/?authToken={$authToken}"; $this->addElement('simpleText', 'link_xml', array('label' => 'Statistics in XML format', 'escape' => false, 'value' => "<a href='{$baseUrl}&format=xml' target='_blank'>Link</a>")); $this->addElement('simpleText', 'link_json', array('label' => 'Statistics in JSON format', 'escape' => false, 'value' => "<a href='{$baseUrl}&format=json' target='_blank'>Link</a>")); $this->addElement('simpleText', 'link_plain', array('label' => 'Statistics in plain text format', 'escape' => false, 'value' => "<a href='{$baseUrl}&format=plain' target='_blank'>Link</a>")); $this->addControlButtons(array('cancelHidden' => true)); }
public function indexAction() { $this->view->pageTitle = $this->lmsg('formTitle'); $form = new Modules_ApiUsage_Form_CreateClientAndWebspace(); if ($this->getRequest()->isPost() && $form->isValid($this->getRequest()->getPost())) { try { $form->process(); $this->_helper->json(array('redirect' => pm_Context::getModulesListUrl())); } catch (pm_Exception $exception) { $this->_status->addMessage('error', $exception->getMessage()); } $this->_helper->json(array('redirect' => pm_Context::getModulesListUrl())); } $this->view->form = $form; }
public function getButtons() { $buttons = [['place' => self::PLACE_COMMON, 'order' => 2, 'title' => pm_Locale::lmsg('commonButtonTitle'), 'description' => pm_Locale::lmsg('commonButtonDescription'), 'icon' => pm_Context::getBaseUrl() . 'images/icon.png', 'link' => pm_Context::getActionUrl('index')], ['place' => self::PLACE_COMMON, 'order' => 3, 'title' => 'Common Button #2', 'icon' => pm_Context::getBaseUrl() . 'images/icon.png', 'link' => pm_Context::getActionUrl('index')], ['place' => self::PLACE_COMMON, 'order' => 4, 'title' => 'Common Button #3', 'icon' => pm_Context::getBaseUrl() . 'images/icon.png', 'link' => pm_Context::getActionUrl('index')], ['place' => self::PLACE_ADMIN_HOME, 'title' => 'Admin Home Button', 'description' => 'Description for admin home button', 'icon' => pm_Context::getBaseUrl() . 'images/icon.png', 'link' => '', 'newWindow' => true], ['place' => self::PLACE_CUSTOMER_HOME, 'title' => 'Customer Home Button', 'description' => 'Description for customer home button', 'icon' => pm_Context::getBaseUrl() . 'images/icon.png', 'link' => pm_Context::getActionUrl('index')], ['place' => self::PLACE_DOMAIN, 'title' => 'Domain Button', 'description' => 'Description for domain button', 'icon' => pm_Context::getBaseUrl() . 'images/icon.png', 'link' => pm_Context::getActionUrl('index')], ['place' => array_filter([self::PLACE_HOSTING_PANEL_NAVIGATION, version_compare(pm_ProductInfo::getVersion(), '17.0') >= 0 ? self::PLACE_HOSTING_PANEL_TABS : null, self::PLACE_ADMIN_TOOLS_AND_SETTINGS, self::PLACE_RESELLER_TOOLS_AND_SETTINGS]), 'title' => 'Multi Place Button', 'description' => 'Description for multi place button', 'link' => pm_Context::getActionUrl('index', 'another')], ['place' => self::PLACE_DOMAIN, 'targetId' => 'buttonBackup', 'hidden' => true], ['place' => self::PLACE_DOMAIN_PROPERTIES, 'targetId' => 'buttonLogs', 'hidden' => true, 'contextParams' => true], ['place' => self::PLACE_DOMAIN_PROPERTIES, 'targetId' => 'buttonSitebuilder', 'title' => 'Sitebuilder', 'description' => 'My Sitebuilder', 'link' => pm_Context::getActionUrl('index'), 'contextParams' => true], ['place' => self::PLACE_DOMAIN_PROPERTIES, 'title' => 'Domain Properties Button', 'description' => 'Description for domain properties button', 'link' => pm_Context::getActionUrl('index', 'another'), 'contextParams' => true], ['place' => self::PLACE_RESELLER_HOME, 'title' => 'Reseller Home Button', 'description' => 'Description for Reseller home button', 'icon' => pm_Context::getBaseUrl() . 'images/icon.png', 'link' => '', 'newWindow' => true], ['place' => self::PLACE_ADMIN_TOOLS_AND_SETTINGS, 'title' => 'Tools and settings button', 'section' => 'securityPanel-tools-list', 'order' => 3, 'description' => 'Description for multi place button', 'link' => pm_Context::getActionUrl('index', 'another')]]; if (version_compare(pm_ProductInfo::getVersion(), '12.1') >= 0) { $buttons[] = ['place' => self::PLACE_TOOLBAR, 'id' => 'toolbox-button-id', 'title' => 'Toolbar Button', 'description' => 'Description for toolbar button', 'icon' => pm_Context::getBaseUrl() . 'images/icon.png', 'link' => pm_Context::getActionUrl('index', 'another'), 'visibility' => function ($options) { if (isset($options['controller']) && 'email-address' == $options['controller']) { return true; } return false; }]; } if (version_compare(pm_ProductInfo::getVersion(), '17.0') >= 0) { $newButtons = [['place' => self::PLACE_ADMIN_TOOLS_AND_SETTINGS, 'section' => 'mailButtons', 'order' => 2, 'title' => 'Mail Settings Button', 'description' => 'Description for Mail Settings Button', 'link' => pm_Context::getActionUrl('index', 'another')], ['place' => self::PLACE_ADMIN_NAVIGATION, 'section' => 'hosting', 'order' => 4, 'title' => 'Admin Navigation Button', 'description' => 'Description for Admin Navigation Button', 'link' => pm_Context::getActionUrl('index', 'another')], ['place' => self::PLACE_RESELLER_NAVIGATION, 'section' => 'profile', 'order' => 3, 'title' => 'Reseller Navigation Button', 'description' => 'Description for Navigation Button', 'link' => pm_Context::getActionUrl('index', 'another')], ['place' => self::PLACE_DOMAIN_PROPERTIES, 'order' => 1, 'title' => 'Domain Properties Button', 'additionalComments' => 'Additional comment for Domain Properties Button', 'description' => 'Description for domain properties button', 'link' => pm_Context::getActionUrl('index', 'another'), 'contextParams' => true], ['place' => self::PLACE_RESELLER_TOOLS_AND_SETTINGS, 'section' => 'toolsButtons', 'order' => 5, 'title' => 'Reseller Tools And Settings button', 'additionalComments' => 'Additional comment for Reseller Tools And Settings button', 'description' => 'Description for Reseller Tools And Settings button', 'link' => pm_Context::getActionUrl('index', 'another'), 'contextParams' => true], ['place' => self::PLACE_RESELLER_TOOLS_AND_SETTINGS, 'section' => self::SECTION_RESELLER_TOOLS_SERVICES, 'title' => 'Reseller Tools and Utilities', 'additionalComments' => 'Additional comment for Reseller Tools and Utilities button', 'description' => 'Description for Reseller Tools and Utilities button', 'link' => pm_Context::getActionUrl('index', 'another'), 'contextParams' => true], ['place' => self::PLACE_RESELLER_TOOLS_AND_SETTINGS, 'section' => self::SECTION_RESELLER_TOOLS_RESOURCES, 'title' => 'Reseller Tools and Utilities', 'additionalComments' => 'Additional comment for Reseller Tools and Utilities button', 'description' => 'Description for Reseller Tools and Utilities button', 'link' => pm_Context::getActionUrl('index', 'another'), 'contextParams' => true], ['place' => self::PLACE_RESELLER_TOOLS_AND_SETTINGS, 'section' => self::SECTION_RESELLER_TOOLS_ADDITIONAL_SERVICES, 'title' => 'Reseller Tools and Utilities', 'additionalComments' => 'Additional comment for Reseller Tools and Utilities button', 'description' => 'Description for Reseller Tools and Utilities button', 'link' => pm_Context::getActionUrl('index', 'another'), 'contextParams' => true]]; $buttons = array_merge($buttons, $newButtons); } return $buttons; }
public function save(array $data) { $keyAlgorithm = array_key_exists('algorithm', $data) ? $data['algorithm'] : 'hmac-md5'; $keySecret = $data['secret']; $slaveIp = $data['ip']; $slavePort = array_key_exists('port', $data) ? $data['port'] : 953; $view = new Zend_View(); $view->setScriptPath(pm_Context::getPlibDir() . 'views/scripts'); $rndc = new Modules_SlaveDnsManager_Rndc(); $pleskIp = $view->escape($rndc->getServerIP()); $slaveConfiguration = $view->partial('index/slave-config.phtml', array('pleskIp' => $pleskIp, 'secret' => $keySecret)); $slaveConfiguration = trim(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($slaveConfiguration))); $slaveConfiguration = preg_replace('/^/m', ' ', $slaveConfiguration); $configuration = <<<CONF /* {$slaveConfiguration} */ key "rndc-key" { algorithm {$keyAlgorithm}; secret "{$keySecret}"; }; options { default-key "rndc-key"; default-server {$slaveIp}; default-port {$slavePort}; }; CONF; if (null === $this->_config) { $this->_config = "slave_{$slaveIp}.conf"; } $result = file_put_contents($this->getConfigPath(), $configuration); if (false === $result) { throw new pm_Exception("Failed to save configuration {$this->_config}"); } $acl = new Modules_SlaveDnsManager_Acl(); $acl->add($slaveIp); }
public function __construct(Zend_View $view, Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request) { parent::__construct($view, $request); $data = array(); foreach (Modules_SlaveDnsManager_Slave::getList() as $slave) { try { $rndc = new Modules_SlaveDnsManager_Rndc(); $details = $rndc->checkStatus($slave); $icon = 'ok'; } catch (Exception $e) { $details = $e->getMessage(); $icon = 'warning'; } $ip = $view->escape((string) $slave->getIp()); $config = $view->escape((string) $slave->getConfig()); $data[] = array('select' => '<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="listCheckbox[]" value="' . $config . '"/>', 'status' => '<img class="slave-status" src="/theme/icons/16/plesk/' . $icon . '.png" title="' . $view->escape($details) . '"/>', 'config' => '<a href="' . $view->getHelper('baseUrl')->moduleUrl(array('action' => 'view')) . '?config=' . $config . '">' . $ip . '</a>'); } $this->setData($data); $this->setColumns(array('select' => array('title' => '<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="listGlobalCheckbox"/>', 'sortable' => false, 'noEscape' => true), 'status' => array('title' => $this->lmsg('statusColumnTitle'), 'noEscape' => true), 'config' => array('title' => $this->lmsg('configColumnTitle'), 'noEscape' => true))); $this->setTools(array(array('title' => $this->lmsg('addToolTitle'), 'description' => $this->lmsg('addToolDescription'), 'class' => 'sb-add-new', 'link' => $view->getHelper('baseUrl')->moduleUrl(array('action' => 'add'))), array('title' => $this->lmsg('refreshToolTitle'), 'description' => $this->lmsg('refreshToolDescription'), 'class' => 'sb-refresh', 'link' => pm_Context::getBaseUrl()), array('title' => $this->lmsg('removeToolTitle'), 'description' => $this->lmsg('removeToolDescription'), 'class' => 'sb-remove-selected', 'link' => 'javascript:removeSlaves()'))); $this->setDataUrl(array('action' => 'list-data')); }
<?php // Copyright 1999-2015. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. pm_Loader::registerAutoload(); pm_Context::init('slave-dns-manager'); try { $result = pm_ApiCli::call('server_dns', array('--disable-custom-backend')); } catch (pm_Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; exit(1); } exit(0);
pm_Context::init('example'); if (false !== ($upgrade = array_search('upgrade', $argv))) { $upgradeVersion = $argv[$upgrade + 1]; echo "upgrading from version {$upgradeVersion}\n"; if (version_compare($upgradeVersion, '1.2') < 0) { pm_Bootstrap::init(); $id = pm_Bootstrap::getDbAdapter()->fetchOne("select val from misc where param = 'moduleExampleCustomButton'"); pm_Bootstrap::getDbAdapter()->delete('misc', array("param = 'moduleExampleCustomButton'")); pm_Settings::set('customButtonId', $id); } echo "done\n"; exit(0); } $iconPath = rtrim(pm_Context::getHtdocsDir(), '/') . '/images/icon_16.gif'; $baseUrl = pm_Context::getBaseUrl(); $request = <<<APICALL <ui> <create-custombutton> <owner> <admin/> </owner> <properties> <file>{$iconPath}</file> <internal>true</internal> <noframe>true</noframe> <place>navigation</place> <url>{$baseUrl}</url> <text>Example Module</text> </properties> </create-custombutton>
public function getIconUrl() { pm_Context::init('panel-news'); return pm_Context::getBaseUrl() . '/images/feed.png'; }
<?php pm_Context::init('example'); $id = pm_Settings::get('customButtonId'); $request = <<<APICALL <ui> <delete-custombutton> <filter> <custombutton-id>{$id}</custombutton-id> </filter> </delete-custombutton> </ui> APICALL; try { $response = pm_ApiRpc::getService()->call($request); $result = $response->ui->{"delete-custombutton"}->result; if (true || 'ok' == $result->status) { echo "done\n"; exit(0); } else { echo "error {$result->errcode}: {$result->errtext}\n"; exit(1); } } catch (PleskAPIParseException $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; exit(1); }
<?php pm_Context::init('panel-news'); Modules_PanelNews_News::load();
<?php pm_Context::init('panel-stats');
<?php // Copyright 1999-2015. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. pm_Loader::registerAutoload(); pm_Context::init('slave-dns-manager'); try { if (pm_ProductInfo::isWindows()) { $cmd = '"' . PRODUCT_ROOT . '\\bin\\extension.exe"'; } else { $cmd = '"' . PRODUCT_ROOT . '/bin/extension"'; } $script = $cmd . ' --exec ' . pm_Context::getModuleId() . ' slave-dns.php'; $result = pm_ApiCli::call('server_dns', array('--enable-custom-backend', $script)); } catch (pm_Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; exit(1); } exit(0);