  * Méthode qui affiche l'image du capcha
  * @return	stdio
  * @author	Stéphane F.
 public function plxShowCapchaQ()
     $plxMotor = plxMotor::getInstance();
     $root = $plxMotor->urlRewrite(str_replace('./', '', PLX_PLUGINS) . 'plxMyCapchaImage/capcha.php');
     $_SESSION['capcha'] = $this->getCode(5);
     echo '<img src="' . $root . '" alt="Capcha" id="capcha" />';
     echo '<a id="capcha-reload" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="document.getElementById(\'capcha\').src=\'' . $root . '?\' + Math.random(); return false;"><img src="' . PLX_PLUGINS . 'plxMyCapchaImage/reload.png" title="" /></a><br />';
     echo '<?php return true; ?>';
     # pour interrompre la fonction CapchaQ de plxShow
  * Constructeur qui initialise l'objet plxMotor par référence
  * @param	plxMotor	objet plxMotor passé par référence
  * @return	null
  * @author	Florent MONTHEL
 protected function __construct()
     $this->plxMotor = plxMotor::getInstance();
     # Chargement du fichier de lang du theme
     $langfile = PLX_ROOT . $this->plxMotor->aConf['racine_themes'] . $this->plxMotor->style . '/lang/' . $this->plxMotor->aConf['default_lang'] . '.php';
     if (is_file($langfile)) {
         include $langfile;
         $this->lang = $LANG;
     # Hook Plugins
 public function mkhtaccess()
     $plxMotor = plxMotor::getInstance();
     $ht = '<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>' . "\n";
     $ht .= 'RewriteEngine on' . "\n";
     $ht .= 'RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/plugins/maintenance/workinprogress.php$' . "\n";
     $ht .= 'RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !' . $this->getParam('ip') . "\n";
     $ht .= 'RewriteRule ^(.*)$ ' . $plxMotor->racine . 'plugins/maintenance/workinprogress.php [L]' . "\n";
     $ht .= '</IfModule>';
     if (is_file(PLX_ROOT . '.htaccess')) {
         rename(PLX_ROOT . '.htaccess', PLX_ROOT . 'htaccess.txt');
     plxUtils::write($ht, PLX_ROOT . '.htaccess');
 public function __construct($default_lang)
     # appel du constructeur de la classe plxPlugin (obligatoire)
     # Récupération d'une instance de plxMotor
     $plxMotor = plxMotor::getInstance();
     #init path
     $this->imgFullPath = isset($plxMotor->aConf['medias']) ? plxUtils::getRacine() . $plxMotor->aConf['medias'] : plxUtils::getRacine() . $plxMotor->aConf['images'];
     $this->imgPath = isset($plxMotor->aConf['medias']) ? $plxMotor->aConf['medias'] : $plxMotor->aConf['images'];
     # Accès au menu admin réservé au profil administrateur
     $this->setAdminProfil(PROFIL_ADMIN, PROFIL_MANAGER);
     # droits pour accèder à la page config.php du plugin
     # Déclaration des hooks
     $this->addHook('AdminMediasTop', 'AdminMediasTop');

if (!defined('PLX_ROOT')) {
if (!isset($plxMotor)) {
    $plxMotor = plxMotor::getInstance();
$plxPlugin = $plxMotor->plxPlugins->getInstance('pickyPasteInPluxml');
<div id="PickyWrapper">
<h1 id="title">
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var texts = {
            'fr': 'Attention, vous allez fermer la page actuelle avec un message entamé\n\nÊtes-vous sûr ?',
            'en': 'Caution, you\'re going to shut the current page with a started message.\n\nAre you sure?'
        function warn(lang)
            if(document.getElementById('message').value  != '')
                var msg = texts[lang];
                if(lang != 'en') msg += '\n\n--------------\n\n' + texts["en"];

                return confirm(msg);
            return true;
 public function modele($modele)
     if (!isset($this->donneesModeles["pileModeles"])) {
         $this->donneesModeles["pileModeles"] = array();
     $this->donneesModeles["pileModeles"][] = $modele;
     // fichier du modèle dans le thème
     $plxMotor = plxMotor::getInstance();
     $racineTheme = PLX_ROOT . $plxMotor->aConf["racine_themes"] . $plxMotor->style;
     $fichier = "{$racineTheme}/modeles/plxMyShop/{$modele}.php";
     // si le fichier du modèle n'existe pas dans le thème
     if (!is_file($fichier)) {
         // on choisi le fichier par défaut dans le répertoire de l'extension
         $fichier = "modeles/{$modele}.php";
     $d = $this->donneesModeles;
     require $fichier;
     // rétablissement des noms des modèles
     * Méthode statique qui affiche le formulaire de recherche
     * @return	stdio
     * @author	Stephane F
    public static function form($title = false)
        $placeholder = '';
        # récupération d'une instance de plxMotor
        $plxMotor = plxMotor::getInstance();
        $plxPlugin = $plxMotor->plxPlugins->getInstance('plxMySearch');
        $searchword = '';
        if (!empty($_POST['searchfield'])) {
            $searchword = plxUtils::strCheck(plxUtils::unSlash($_POST['searchfield']));
        if ($plxPlugin->getParam('placeholder_' . $plxPlugin->default_lang) != '') {
            $placeholder = ' placeholder="' . $plxPlugin->getParam('placeholder_' . $plxPlugin->default_lang) . '"';

<div class="searchform">
	<form action="<?php 
        echo $plxMotor->urlRewrite('?' . $plxPlugin->getParam('url'));
" method="post">
        if ($title) {
		<p class="searchtitle">
            if ($plxPlugin->getParam('checkboxes_' . $plxPlugin->default_lang) == '') {
            } else {
		<div class="searchfields">
        if ($plxPlugin->getParam('checkboxes_' . $plxPlugin->default_lang) != '') {
            if ($chk = explode(';', $plxPlugin->getParam('checkboxes_' . $plxPlugin->default_lang))) {
                echo '<ul>';
                foreach ($chk as $k => $v) {
                    $c = plxUtils::title2url(trim($v));
                    $sel = "";
                    if (isset($_POST['searchcheckboxes'])) {
                        foreach ($_POST['searchcheckboxes'] as $s) {
                            if ($s == $c) {
                                $sel = ' checked="checked"';
                    echo '<li><input' . $sel . ' class="searchcheckboxes" type="checkbox" name="searchcheckboxes[]" id="id_searchcheckboxes[]" value="' . $c . '" />&nbsp;' . plxUtils::strCheck($v) . '</li>';
                echo '</ul>';
			<input type="text"<?php 
        echo $placeholder;
 class="searchfield" name="searchfield" value="<?php 
        echo $searchword;
" />
			<input type="submit" class="searchbutton" name="searchbutton" value="<?php 
        echo $plxPlugin->getParam('frmLibButton_' . $plxPlugin->default_lang);
" />

  * Transform svg file into vml file for internet explorer
  * @param $svg string svg to transform
  * @param $vml string path to vml file
  * @param $root string path of root of app
  * @param $url string url of site
  * @return vml string
  * @author Cyril MAGUIRE
 public function svg2vml($svg, $vml, $root, $xsl = 'vendors/svg2vml/svg2vml.xsl', $xslpath = '/svg2vml/')
     include_once 'svg2vml/xslt.php';
     if (is_string($svg)) {
         $xsl = str_replace('include href="XSL2', 'include href="' . $xslpath . 'XSL2', file_get_contents($xsl));
         # for $xsl, see http://vectorconverter.sourceforge.net/index.html
         $xml_contents = $svg;
         $from = "/(<meta[^>]*[^\\/]?)>/i";
         $xml_contents = preg_replace($from, "\$1/>", $xml_contents);
         $from = "/\\/(\\/>)/i";
         $xml_contents = preg_replace($from, "\$1", $xml_contents);
         $xml_contents = preg_replace("/<\\!DOCTYPE[^>]+\\>/i", "", $xml_contents);
         $xml_contents = preg_replace("/<\\?xml-stylesheet[^>]+\\>/i", "", $xml_contents);
         $xml_contents = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\n|\r)/s", '', $xml_contents);
         $xml_contents = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r", CHR(10), CHR(13)), '', trim($xml_contents));
         $xml_contents = preg_replace("/\\<defs\\>(\\s*)\\<style(.*)\\<\\/style\\>(\\s*)\\<\\/defs\\>/", "", $xml_contents);
         $xh = xslt_create();
         $arguments = array('/_xml' => $xml_contents, '/_xsl' => $xsl);
         $result = xslt_process($xh, 'arg:/_xml', 'arg:/_xsl', NULL, $arguments);
         if ($result) {
             $result = str_replace('<?xml version="1.0"?>' . "\n", '', $result);
             $result = str_replace('><', ">\n<", $result);
             file_put_contents($root . $vml, $result);
             $output = "<div class=\"object\"><object type=\"text/html\" data=\"" . $root . $vml . "\" >";
             $output .= "</object></div>\n";
             $output = $this->wmodeTransparent($output);
             return $output;
         } else {
             $f = str_replace(array('.html', PLX_PHPGRAPH), array('.png', PLX_PHPGRAPH_IMG), $root . $vml);
             if (is_file($f)) {
                 $plxMotor = plxMotor::getInstance();
                 return '<img src="' . $plxMotor->urlRewrite($f) . '" alt="graph" />';
     } else {
         return L_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
    public function PP_msg($msg, $exit = false, $status = 'error')
        if (!empty($msg)) {
            if (!isset($plxMotor)) {
                $plxMotor = plxMotor::getInstance();
            if (!isset($plxShow)) {
                $plxShow = plxShow::getInstance();
            # Traitements du thème
            if ($plxMotor->style == '' or !is_dir(PLX_ROOT . $plxMotor->aConf['racine_themes'] . $plxMotor->style)) {
                header('Content-Type: text/plain');
                echo $status == 'error' ? '<span class="error">' . $this->getLang($msg) . '</span>' : $this->getLang($msg);
            } elseif (file_exists(PLX_ROOT . $plxMotor->aConf['racine_themes'] . $plxMotor->style . '/' . $plxMotor->template)) {
                # On impose le charset
                header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . PLX_CHARSET);
                # Insertion du template
                include PLX_ROOT . $plxMotor->aConf['racine_themes'] . $plxMotor->style . '/' . $plxMotor->template . 'header.php';


					<div id="container">

						<div class="width-sidebar">

							<article role="article" id="static-page-<?php 
                echo $plxShow->staticId();

                echo 'PickyPaste ' . ($status == 'error' ? '- ' . $this->getLang('L_ERROR') : '');

                echo $status == 'error' ? '<span class="error">' . $this->getLang($msg) . '</span>' : $this->getLang($msg);



                if ($this->getParam('sidebar') == 1) {
                    include PLX_ROOT . $plxMotor->aConf['racine_themes'] . $plxMotor->style . '/' . $plxMotor->template . 'sidebar.php';



                include PLX_ROOT . $plxMotor->aConf['racine_themes'] . $plxMotor->style . '/' . $plxMotor->template . 'footer.php';
            } else {
                header('Content-Type: text/plain');
                echo $status == 'error' ? '<span class="error">' . $this->getLang($msg) . '</span>' : $this->getLang($msg);
        if ($exit) {