  *	create()
  *	A function that creates an archive file
  *	The $excludes will be a list or relative path excludes
  *	@param		string	$zip			Full path & filename of ZIP Archive file to create
  *	@param		string	$dir			Full path of directory to add to ZIP Archive file
  *	@parame		array	$excludes		List of either absolute path exclusions or relative exclusions
  *	@param		string	$tempdir		Full path of directory for temporary usage
  *	@return		bool					True if the creation was successful, false otherwise
 public function create($zip, $dir, $excludes, $tempdir)
     $za = null;
     $result = false;
     $exitcode = 255;
     $output = array();
     $temp_zip = '';
     $excluding_additional = false;
     $exclude_count = 0;
     $exclusions = array();
     $temp_file_compression_threshold = 5;
     $pre_add_func = '';
     $have_zip_errors = false;
     $zip_errors_count = 0;
     $zip_errors = array();
     $have_zip_warnings = false;
     $zip_warnings_count = 0;
     $zip_warnings = array();
     $have_zip_additions = false;
     $zip_additions_count = 0;
     $zip_additions = array();
     $have_zip_debug = false;
     $zip_debug_count = 0;
     $zip_debug = array();
     $have_zip_other = false;
     $zip_other_count = 0;
     $zip_other = array();
     $zip_skipped_count = 0;
     $logfile_name = '';
     $contentfile_name = '';
     $contentfile_fp = 0;
     $have_more_content = true;
     $zip_ignoring_symlinks = false;
     $zm = null;
     $lister = null;
     $visitor = null;
     $logger = null;
     $total_size = 0;
     $total_count = 0;
     $the_list = array();
     $count_ignored_symdirs = 0;
     $saved_ignored_symdirs = array();
     $zip_error_encountered = false;
     $zip_period_expired = false;
     // The basedir must have a trailing normalized directory separator
     $basedir = rtrim(trim($dir), self::DIRECTORY_SEPARATORS) . self::NORM_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     // Normalize platform specific directory separators in path
     $basedir = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, self::NORM_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $basedir);
     // Ensure no stale file information
     // Create the zip monitor function here
     // Zip monitor will inherit the logger from this object
     $zm = new pb_backupbuddy_zip_monitor($this);
     //			$zm->set_burst_max_period( self::ZIP_PCLZIP_DEFAULT_BURST_MAX_PERIOD )->set_burst_threshold_period( 'auto' )->log_parameters();
     // Note: could enforce trailing directory separator for robustness
     if (empty($tempdir) || !file_exists($tempdir)) {
         // This breaks the rule of single point of exit (at end) but it's early enough to not be a problem
         $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Temporary working directory not available: ', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . '`' . $tempdir . '`');
         return false;
     // Log the temporary working directory so we might be able to spot problems
     $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Temporary working directory available: ', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . '`' . $tempdir . '`');
     $this->log('message', __('Zip process reported: Using Compatibility Mode.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
     // Notify the start of the step
     $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Zip archive initial step started with step period threshold: %1$ss', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $this->get_step_period()));
     // Let's inform what we are excluding/including
     if (count($excludes) > 0) {
         $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Calculating directories/files to exclude from backup (relative to site root).', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         foreach ($excludes as $exclude) {
             if (!strstr($exclude, 'backupbuddy_backups')) {
                 // Set variable to show we are excluding additional directories besides backup dir.
                 $excluding_additional = true;
             $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Excluding', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . ': ' . $exclude);
     if (true === $excluding_additional) {
         $this->log('message', __('Zip process reported: Excluding archives directory and additional directories defined in settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . ' ' . $exclude_count . ' ' . __('total', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . '.');
     } else {
         $this->log('message', __('Zip process reported: Only excluding archives directory based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . ' ' . $exclude_count . ' ' . __('total', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . '.');
     $this->log('message', __('Zip process reported: Determining list of candidate files + directories to be added to the zip archive', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
     // Now let's create the list of files and empty (vacant) directories to include in the backup.
     // Note: we can only include vacant directories (those that had no content in the first place).
     // An empty directory may have had content that was excluded but if we give this directory to
     // pclzip it automatically recurses down into it (we have no control over that) which would then
     // mess up the exclusions.
     $visitor = new pluginbuddy_zbdir_visitor_details(array('filename', 'directory', 'vacant', 'absolute_path', 'size'));
     $logger = new pluginbuddy_zipbuddy_logger('Zip process reported: ');
     // Give the visitor our process monitor to be used to keep
     // the server alive as long as possible
     $options = array('exclusions' => $excludes, 'pattern_exclusions' => array(), 'inclusions' => array(), 'pattern_inclusions' => array(), 'keep_tree' => false, 'ignore_symlinks' => $this->get_ignore_symlinks(), 'visitor' => $visitor);
     try {
         $lister = new pluginbuddy_zbdir($basedir, $options);
         // As we are not keeping the tree we haev already done the visitor pass
         // as the tree was built so our visitor contains all the information we
         // need so we can destroy the lister object
         $result = true;
         $this->log('message', __('Zip process reported: Determined list of candidate files + directories to be added to the zip archive', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // We couldn't build the list as required so need to bail
         $error_string = $e->getMessage();
         $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Unable to determine list of candidates files + directories for backup - error reported: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $error_string));
         // TODO: Should do some cleanup of any temporary directory, visitor, etc. but not for now
         $result = false;
     // In case that took a while use the helper to try and keep the process alive
     if (true === $result) {
         // Now we have our flat file/directory list from the visitor - remember we didn't
         // keep the tree as we shouldn't need it for anything else as we can get all we need
         // from the visitor. First create our list. We have to do this first because we need to
         // know if we are bypassing ignored symdirs (not including them in the list) so we can
         // add the number of these to the total number of items from our simple (vacant) directory
         // and file count total so that the final stats of what was actually added and the details
         // of what we didn't add will all add up - sounds convoluted, well that's because it is...
         // Main thing is to filter non-vacant directories
         $the_list = $visitor->get_as_array(array('filename', 'directory', 'vacant', 'absolute_path', 'size'));
         foreach ($the_list as $key => $value) {
             if (false === $value['directory']) {
                 // Not a directory so must be a file (whether symlink or not) so always
                 // keep it (don't remove from list)
             } elseif (true === $value['directory'] && (isset($value['vacant']) && true === $value['vacant'])) {
                 // It's a directory and has the vacant attribute and it is vacant so we can
                 // safely add it.
             } elseif (true === $value['directory'] && isset($value['vacant'])) {
                 // It's a directory with the vacant attribute set but not set to true (so implying
                 // false) in which case we need to remove it from the list.
                 // We cannot add non-vacant directories because pclzip will recurse into them.
                 // If there are any files within the directory included then these will cause
                 // directory to be created on unzip so we do not need the actual directory entry.
             } elseif (true === $value['directory'] && !isset($value['vacant'])) {
                 // If the directory does not have the vacant attribute that is because it is
                 // a symlink dir that wasn't followed because of configuration. If this is the
                 // case then the list does not contain any files under this directory.
                 // We will leave the item in the master list for now but we _must_ not pass
                 // it to pclzip because pclzip will recurse down into it befre we have any
                 // chance to stop it. For single-burst/single-step zip building we were able
                 // to do fancy stuff with skipping symdirs and then remembering the prefix to
                 // test against other files to skip those if under the symdir but with multi-burst/
                 // multi-step this becomes way too complicated to maintain that state information
                 // so we'll now have to skip them at the point of adding to the burst list
                 // and we can save and then log them at the end of the burst.
         // Save the total count of items to be added
         $total_count = count($the_list);
         $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: %1$s (directories + files) will be requested to be added to backup zip archive', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $total_count));
         //$zm->set_options( array( 'directory_count' => ( $visitor->count( 'directory' => true, 'vacant' => true ) + count( $saved_ignored_symdirs ), 'file_count' => $visitor->count( array( 'directory' => false ) ) ) );
         // Find the sum total size of all non-directory (i.e., file) items
         // Make sure we can handle >2GB on a 32 bit PHP by using double
         // Note: Currently assuming no single item >2GB size as using the
         // basic size as returned by stat(). We'll likely need to change to
         // use our stat() to allow for up to 4GB item size on 32 bit PHP
         $total_size = (double) 0;
         foreach ($the_list as $the_item) {
             if (false === $the_item['directory']) {
                 $total_size += (int) $the_item['size'];
         $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: %1$s bytes will be requested to be added to backup zip archive', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), number_format($total_size, 0, ".", "")));
         //$zm->set_options( array( 'content_size' => $total_size ) );
         // This is where we want to save the contents list
         $contentfile_name = $tempdir . self::ZIP_CONTENT_FILE_NAME;
         // Now push the list to a file
         $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Writing zip content list to file: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $contentfile_name));
         try {
             $contentfile = new SplFileObject($contentfile_name, "wb");
             // Simple way to ensure we don't get a final empty line in file that messes up
             // the read and json_decode. We could later use different ways such as using
             // marker arrays at start/end so we can include other stuff maybe but this is
             // all we need for now.
             $prefix = '';
             foreach ($the_list as $the_item) {
                 $encoded_item = serialize($the_item);
                 // Need to bail out if it looks like we failed to encode the data
                 if (0 === strlen($encoded_item)) {
                     throw new Exception('Serialization of content list data failed');
                 $bytes_written = $contentfile->fwrite($prefix . $encoded_item);
                 // Be very careful to make sure we had a valid write - in paticular
                 // make sure we didn't write 0 bytes since even an empty line from the
                 // array should have the PHP_EOL bytes written
                 if (null === $bytes_written || 0 === $bytes_written || strlen($prefix) >= $bytes_written) {
                     throw new Exception('Failed to append to content file during creation');
                 $prefix = PHP_EOL;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Something fishy - we should have been able to open and
             // write to the content file...
             $error_string = $e->getMessage();
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Zip content list file could not be created/appended-to - error reported: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $error_string));
             // Temporary measure for bailing out on problems creting/appending content file
             $result = false;
         // We are done with populating the content file
         // Retain this for reference for now
         //file_put_contents( ( dirname( dirname( $tempdir ) ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::ZIP_CONTENT_FILE_NAME ), print_r( $the_list, true ) );
         // Presently we don't need the visitor any longer so we can free up some
         // memory by deleting
         // We need to force the pclzip library to load at this point if it is
         // not already loaded so that we can use defined constants it creates
         // but we don't actually want to create a zip archive at this point.
         // We can also use this as an early test of being able to use the library
         // as an exception will be raised if the class does not exist.
         // Note that this is only really required when zip method caching is
         // in use, if this is disabled then the library would already have been
         // loaded by the method testing.
         try {
             // Select to just load the pclzip library only and tell it the
             // temporary directory to use if required (this is only possible
             // if it hasn't already been loaded and the temp dir defined)
             $za = new pluginbuddy_PclZip("", true, $tempdir);
             // We have no purpose for this object any longer, the library
             // will remain loaded
             $result = true;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Something fishy - the methods indicated pclzip but we couldn't find the class
             $error_string = $e->getMessage();
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: pclzip indicated as available method but error reported: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $error_string));
             $result = false;
     // Only continue if we have a valid list
     // This isn't ideal at present but will suffice
     if (true === $result) {
         // Basic argument list (will be used for each burst)
         $arguments = array();
         array_push($arguments, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $dir);
         if (true !== $this->get_compression()) {
             // Note: don't need to force use of temporary files for compression
             $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip archive creation compression disabled based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
             array_push($arguments, PCLZIP_OPT_NO_COMPRESSION);
         } else {
             // Note: force the use of temporary files for compression when file size exceeds given value.
             // This over-rides the "auto-sense" which is based on memory_limit and this _may_ indicate a
             // memory availability that is higher than reality leading to memory allocation failure if
             // trying to compress large files. Set the threshold low enough (specify in MB) so that except in
             // The tightest memory situations we should be ok. Could have option to force use of temporary
             // files regardless.
             $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip archive creation compression enabled based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
             array_push($arguments, PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_THRESHOLD, $temp_file_compression_threshold);
         // Check if ignoring (not following) symlinks
         if (true === $this->get_ignore_symlinks()) {
             // Want to not follow symlinks so set flag for later use
             $zip_ignoring_symlinks = true;
             $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip archive creation symbolic links will be ignored based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         } else {
             $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip archive creation symbolic links will not be ignored based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         // Check if we are ignoring warnings - meaning can still get a backup even
         // if, e.g., some files cannot be read
         if (true === $this->get_ignore_warnings()) {
             // Note: warnings are being ignored but will still be gathered and logged
             $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip archive creation actionable warnings will be ignored based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         } else {
             $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip archive creation actionable warnings will not be ignored based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         // Set up the log file - for each file added we'll append a log entry to the
         // log file that maps the result of the add to the nearest equivalent command
         // line zip log entry and this allows us to eventually process and present the
         // relevant log details in a consistent manner across different methods which
         // should cut down on confusion a bit. Note that we'll also try and map the
         // pclzip exit codes to equivalent zip utility codes but we may have to still
         // maintain our own code space for those that cannot be mapped - just have to
         // see how it goes.
         // This approach gives us a unified process and also makes it easy to handle
         // the log over multiple steps if required.
         $logfile_name = $tempdir . self::ZIP_LOG_FILE_NAME;
         // Temporary zip file is _always_ located in the temp dir now and we move it
         // to the final location after completion if it is a good completion
         $temp_zip = $tempdir . basename($zip);
         // Use anonymous function to weed out the unreadable and non-existent files (common reason for failure)
         // and possibly symlinks based on user settings.
         // PclZip will record these files as 'skipped' in the file status and we can post-process to determine
         // if we had any of these and hence either stop the backup or continue dependent on whether the user
         // has chosen to ignore warnings or not and/or ignore symlinks or not.
         // Unfortunately we cannot directly tag the file with the reason why it has been skipped so when we
         // have to process the skipped items we have to try and work out why it was skipped - but shouldn't
         // be too hard.
         // TODO: Consider moving this into the PclZip wrapper and have a method to set the various pre/post
         // functions or select predefined functions (such as this).
         if (true) {
             // Note: This could be simplified - it's written to be extensible but may not need to be
             $args = '$event, &$header';
             $code = '';
             //					$code .= 'static $symlinks = array(); ';
             $code .= '$result = true; ';
             // Handle symlinks - keep the two cases of ignoring/not-ignoring separate for now to make logic more
             // apparent - but could be merged with different conditional handling
             // For a valid symlink: is_link() -> true; is_file()/is_dir() -> true; file_exists() -> true
             // For a broken symlink: is_link() -> true; is_file()/is_dir() -> false; file_exists() -> false
             // Note: pclzip first tests every file using file_exists() before ever trying to add the file so
             // for a broken symlink it will _always_ error out immediately it discovers a broken symlink so
             // we never have a chance to filter these out at this stage.
             // Note: now that we are generating the file list and not following symlinks at that stage we
             // never have the situation where we need to remember a symdir prefix to filter out dirs/files
             // under that symdir (once you have passed "through" a dir symlink the dirs/files under that
             // do not register as symlinks because they themselves are not so previously when pclzip was
             // generating the list internally we had to make sure we skipped such dirs/files based on
             // there being a dir symlink as a prefix to the dir/file path).
             if (true === $zip_ignoring_symlinks) {
                 // If it's a symlink or it's neither a file nor a directory then ignore it. A broken symlink
                 // will never get this far because pclzip will have choked on it
                 $code .= 'if ( ( true === $result ) && !( @is_link( $header[\'filename\'] ) ) ) { ';
                 $code .= '    if ( @is_file( $header[\'filename\'] ) || @is_dir( $header[\'filename\'] ) ) { ';
                 $code .= '        $result = true; ';
                 // 						$code .= '        foreach ( $symlinks as $prefix ) { ';
                 // 						$code .= '            if ( !( false === strpos( $header[\'filename\'], $prefix ) ) ) { ';
                 // 						$code .= '                $result = false; ';
                 // 						$code .= '                break; ';
                 // 						$code .= '             } ';
                 // 						$code .= '        } ';
                 $code .= '    } else { ';
                 //						$code .= '        error_log( "Neither a file nor a directory (ignoring): \'" . $header[\'filename\'] . "\'" ); ';
                 $code .= '        $result = false; ';
                 $code .= '    } ';
                 $code .= '} else { ';
                 //						$code .= '    error_log( "File is a symlink (ignoring): \'" . $header[\'filename\'] . "\'" ); ';
                 //						$code .= '    $symlinks[] = $header[\'filename\']; ';
                 //						$code .= '    error_log( "Symlinks Array: \'" . print_r( $symlinks, true ) . "\'" ); ';
                 $code .= '    $result = false; ';
                 $code .= '} ';
             } else {
                 // If it's neither a file nor directory then ignore it - a valid symlink will register as a file
                 // or directory dependent on what it is pointing at. A broken symlink will never get this far.
                 // because pclzip will have barfed on its file_exists() check before calling the pre-add. We may
                 // choose later to catch this earlier during the list creation I think.
                 $code .= 'if ( ( true === $result ) && ( @is_file( $header[\'filename\'] ) || @is_dir( $header[\'filename\'] ) ) ) { ';
                 $code .= '    $result = true; ';
                 $code .= '} else { ';
                 //						$code .= '    error_log( "Neither a file nor a directory (ignoring): \'" . $header[\'filename\'] . "\'" ); ';
                 $code .= '    $result = false; ';
                 $code .= '} ';
             // Add the code block for ignoring unreadable files
             if (true) {
                 $code .= 'if ( ( true === $result ) && ( @is_readable( $header[\'filename\'] ) ) ) { ';
                 $code .= '    $result = true; ';
                 $code .= '} else { ';
                 //						$code .= '    error_log( "File not readable: \'" . $header[\'filename\'] . "\'" ); ';
                 $code .= '    $result = false; ';
                 $code .= '} ';
             // Return true (to include file) if file passes conditions otherwise false (to skip file) if not
             $code .= 'return ( ( true === $result ) ? 1 : 0 ); ';
             $pre_add_func = create_function($args, $code);
         // If we had cause to create a pre add function then add it to the argument list here
         if (!empty($pre_add_func)) {
             array_push($arguments, PCLZIP_CB_PRE_ADD, $pre_add_func);
         // Add a post-add function for progress monitoring, usage data monitoring,
         // burst handling and server tickling - using the zip helper object
         // we created earlier
         $post_add_func = '';
         // 				if (true) {
         // 					$args = '$event, &$header';
         // 					$code = '';
         // 					$code .= '$result = true; ';
         // 					$code .= '$zm = pb_backupbuddy_pclzip_helper::get_instance();';
         // 					$code .= '$result = $zm->event_handler( $event, $header );';
         // 					$code .= 'return $result;';
         // 					$post_add_func = create_function( $args, $code );
         // 				}
         // If we had cause to create a pre add function then add it to the argument list here
         if (!empty($post_add_func)) {
             array_push($arguments, PCLZIP_CB_POST_ADD, $post_add_func);
         // Remember our "master" arguments
         $master_arguments = $arguments;
         // Use this to memorise the worst exit code we had (where we didn't immediately
         // bail out because it signalled a bad failure)
         $max_exitcode = 0;
         // Do this as close to when we actually want to start monitoring usage
         // Maybe this is redundant as we have already called this in the constructor.
         // If we want to do this then we have to call with true to reset monitoring to
         // start now.
         // Now we have built our common arguments and we have the list defined we can
         // start on the bursts. Note that each burst will either succeed with an array
         // output or will fail and no array. When we get an array we will iterate over
         // it and generate log file entries. For case where we have a non-fatal warning
         // condition we change the actual pclzip exit code to be the sam eas the zip
         // utility exit code (18) and this lets us handle the outcome the same way. In
         // the case of no array but an error code we map that to an equivalent zip utility
         // exit code (as much as possible) and then we'll drop out with that and a
         // logged error that the log file processing will pick up.
         // Now we have our command prototype we can start bursting
         // Simply build a burst list based on content size. Currently no
         // look-ahead so the size will always exceed the current size threshold
         // by some amount. May consider using a look-ahead to see if the next
         // item would exceed the threshold in which case don't add it (unless it
         // would be the only content in which case have to add it but also log
         // a warning).
         // We'll stop either when noting more to add or we have exceeded our step
         // period or we have encountered an error.
         // Note: we might bail out immediately if previous processing has already
         // caused us to exceed the step period.
         while ($have_more_content && !($zip_period_expired = $this->exceeded_step_period($this->get_process_monitor()->get_elapsed_time())) && !$zip_error_encountered) {
             // Populate the content array for zip
             $ilist = array();
             // Keep track of any symdirs that are being ignored
             $saved_ignored_symdirs = array();
             // Tell helper that we are preparing a new burst
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Starting burst number: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zm->get_burst_count()));
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Current burst size threshold: %1$s bytes', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), number_format($zm->get_burst_current_size_threshold(), 0, ".", "")));
             // Open the content list file and seek to the "current" position. This
             // will be initially zero and then updated after each burst. For multi-step
             // it will be zero on the first step and then would be passed back in
             // as a parameter on subsequent steps based on where in the file the previous
             // step reached.
             // TODO: Maybe a sanity check to make sure position seems tenable
             try {
                 $contentfile = new SplFileObject($contentfile_name, "rb");
                 // Helper keeps track of what is being added to the burst content and will
                 // tell us when the content is sufficient for this burst based on it's
                 // criteria - this can adapt to how each successive burst goes.
                 while (!$contentfile->eof() && false === $zm->burst_content_complete()) {
                     // Should be at least one item to grab from the list and then move to next
                     // and remember it for if we drop out because burst content complete, in
                     // that case we'll return to that point in the file at the next burst start.
                     // Check for unserialize failure and bail
                     $item = @unserialize($contentfile->current());
                     if (false === $item) {
                         throw new Exception('Unserialization of content list data failed: `' . $contentfile->current() . '`');
                     $file = $item['absolute_path'] . $item['filename'];
                     // Filter out symdirs if we are ignoring symlinks and record them to log
                     // Because of the way the list creation works this condition indicates
                     // a symlink directory only in the case of ignorign symlinks. If we
                     // were not ignoring symlinks then the "vacant" attribute would be set
                     // if the directory were vacant or alternatively this entry would have
                     // already been filtered out if the symlinked directory were not vacant.
                     // So we must filter it out and move on
                     if (true === $item['directory'] && !isset($item['vacant'])) {
                         $saved_ignored_symdirs[] = $file;
                     } else {
                         // We shouldn't have any empty items here as we should have removed them
                         // earlier, but just in case...
                         if (!empty($file)) {
                             $ilist[] = $file;
                             // Call the helper event handler as we add each file to the list
                 // Burst list is completed by way of end of content list file or size threshold
                 if (!$contentfile->eof()) {
                     // We haven't exhausted the content list yet so remember where we
                     // are at for next burst
                     $contentfile_fp = $contentfile->ftell();
                 } else {
                     // Exhausted the content list so make sure we drop out after this burst
                     // if we don't break out of the loop due to a zip error or reached step
                     // duration limit
                     $have_more_content = false;
                 // Finished one way or another so close content list file for this burst
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // Something fishy - we should have been able to open the content file...
                 $error_string = $e->getMessage();
                 $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Zip content list file could not be opened/read - error reported: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $error_string));
                 $exitcode = 255;
                 $zip_error_encountered = true;
             // Retain this for reference for now
             //file_put_contents( ( dirname( $tempdir ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::ZIP_CONTENT_FILE_NAME ), print_r( $ilist, true ) );
             // add() method will create archive file if it doesn't aleady exist
             //$command = 'add';
             $command = 'grow';
             // Now create our zip handler object for thsi burst
             // This should give us a new archive object, if not catch it and bail out
             // Note we previously loaded the library and defined the temporary directory
             try {
                 $za = new pluginbuddy_PclZip($temp_zip);
                 $result = true;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // Something fishy - the methods indicated pclzip but we couldn't find the class
                 $error_string = $e->getMessage();
                 $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: pclzip indicated as available method but error reported: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $error_string));
                 $exitcode = 255;
                 $zip_error_encountered = true;
             // Allow helper to check how the burst goes
             // Create the argument list for this burst
             $arguments = array();
             array_push($arguments, $ilist);
             $arguments = array_merge($arguments, $master_arguments);
             // Showing the "master" arguments
             // First implode any embedded array in the argument list and truncate the result if too long
             // Assume no arrays embedded in arrays - currently no reason for that
             // Make sure that there are no non-printable characters (such as in pre- or post-add function
             // names created by create_function()) by replacing with "*" using preg_replace()
             // TODO: Make the summary length configurable so that can see more if required
             // TODO: Consider mapping pclzip argument identifiers to string representations for clarity
             $args = '$item';
             $code = 'if ( is_array( $item ) ) { $string_item = implode( ",", $item); return ( ( strlen( $string_item ) <= 50 ) ? preg_replace( "/[^[:print:]]/", "*", $string_item ) : "List: " . preg_replace( "/[^[:print:]]/", "*", substr( $string_item, 0, 50 ) ) . "..." ); } else { return preg_replace( "/[^[:print:]]/", "*", $item ); }; ';
             $imploder_func = create_function($args, $code);
             $imploded_arguments = array_map($imploder_func, $arguments);
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Burst requests %1$s (directories + files) items with %2$s bytes of content to be added to backup zip archive', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zm->get_burst_content_count(), $zm->get_burst_content_size()));
             $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: ') . $this->get_method_tag() . __(' command arguments', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . ': ' . implode(';', $imploded_arguments));
             $zip_output = call_user_func_array(array(&$za, $command), $arguments);
             // And now we can analyse what happened and plan for next burst if any
             // Wrap up the individual burst handling
             // Note: because we called exec we basically went into a wait condition and so (on Linux)
             // we didn't consume any max_execution_time so we never really have to bother about
             // resetting it. However, it is true that time will have elapsed so if this burst _does_
             // take longer than our current burst threshold period then max_execution_time would be
             // reset - but what this doesn't cover is a _cumulative_ effect of bursts and so we might
             // consider reworking the mechanism to monitor this separately from the individual burst
             // period (the confusion relates to this having originally applied to the time based
             // burst handling fro pclzip rather than teh size based for exec). It could also be more
             // relevant for Windows that doesn't stop the clock when exec is called.
             // If the output is an array then we need to do a quick iteration over the output
             // in order to determine whetehr we need to change the exit code from 0 to any other
             // value (essentially to 18). The alternative is some messy stuff with iterating
             // around and doing stuff based on whether the log file is available or not. By
             // doing the preprocessing we can simply bail out at any point if the file cannot be
             // opened or if a write fails.
             if (is_array($zip_output)) {
                 // Something reasonable happened
                 // For now we'll assume everything rosy but if we find unreadable
                 // files we'll modify the exit code
                 $exitcode = 0;
                 foreach ($zip_output as $file) {
                     switch ($file['status']) {
                         case "ok":
                         case "skipped":
                             // For skipped files need to determine why it was skipped
                             if (true === $zip_ignoring_symlinks && @is_link($file['filename'])) {
                                 // Skipped because we are ignoring symlinks and this is a symlink.
                                 // This just handles files as we have previously filtered out symdirs
                             } else {
                                 // Skipped because probably unreadable or non-existent (catch-all for now)
                                 // Change the exit code as this is a warning we want to catch later
                                 $exitcode = 18;
                         case "filtered":
                             // Log it and change exit code as this is a warning we want to catch later
                             $exitcode = 18;
                         case "filename_too_long":
                             // Log it and change exit code as this is a warning we want to catch later
                             $exitcode = 18;
                             // Unknown status that we'll not consider for changing exit code
             } else {
                 // Something really failed
                 $exitcode = $za->errorCode();
             // This method never directly produces a log file so we need to append the $zip_output array
             // to the log file - first invocation will create the file.
             // We now have our exit code so this iteration is simply to log output if we can.
             // If we fail to open the log file or there is a falure writing we can just bail out
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Appending zip burst log detail to zip log file: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $logfile_name));
             try {
                 $logfile = new SplFileObject($logfile_name, "ab");
                 // Now handle whether the outcome of the addition
                 if (is_array($zip_output)) {
                     // Something reasonable happened
                     // Note if we have skipped any files
                     $skipped_count = 0;
                     // Now we need to put the log information to file
                     // Need to process each status to determine how to log the outcome
                     // for the item - in particular how to log skipped items as the item
                     // status didn't allow us to give any particular reason for an item
                     // being skipped, so we have to try and deduce that from information
                     // about the item.
                     // Our logs are mapped to format like zip utility uses so we can use
                     // a common log processor subsequently.
                     foreach ($zip_output as $file) {
                         // Use this to amass what we want to write to log file
                         $line = '';
                         switch ($file['status']) {
                             case "ok":
                                 // Item was added ok
                                 $line = 'adding: ' . $file['filename'];
                             case "skipped":
                                 // For skipped files need to determine why it was skipped
                                 if (true === $zip_ignoring_symlinks && @is_link($file['filename'])) {
                                     // Skipped because we are ignoring symlinks and this is a symlink.
                                     // This just handles files as we have previously filtered out symdirs
                                     // Just treat as an informational
                                     $line = 'zip info: ignored symlink: ' . $file['filename'];
                                 } else {
                                     // Skipped because probably unreadable or non-existent (catch-all for now)
                                     $line = 'zip warning: could not open for reading: ' . $file['filename'];
                             case "filtered":
                                 // Log that it was filtered for some reason
                                 $line = 'zip warning: filtered: ' . $file['filename'];
                                 // This counts as a skip because we didn't add it
                             case "filename_too_long":
                                 // Log that the given name was too long
                                 $line = 'zip warning: filename too long: ' . $file['filename'];
                                 // This counts as a skip because we didn't add it
                                 // Hmm, have to assume something was not right so we'll log it as
                                 // a warning to be on the safe side
                                 $line = 'zip warning: unknown add status: ' . $file['status'] . ': ' . $file['filename'];
                         // Now try and commit the log line to file
                         $bytes_written = $logfile->fwrite($line . PHP_EOL);
                         // Be very careful to make sure we had a valid write - in paticular
                         // make sure we didn't write 0 bytes since even an empty line from the
                         // array should have the PHP_EOL bytes written
                         if (null === $bytes_written || 0 === $bytes_written) {
                             throw new Exception('Failed to append to zip log file during zip creation - zip log details will be incomplete but zip exit code will still be valid');
                     // Now assemble some optional lines
                     $lines = array();
                     // Now also add in INFORMATIONALs for any ignored symdirs because these would not have
                     // been included in the build list. They were not included because pclzip would have attempted
                     // to follow them and then we would have had to "filter" them and all entries that pclzip
                     // would have created under them which is just a wster of time - best to not include at all
                     // at tell the user now that we didnt include them
                     foreach ($saved_ignored_symdirs as $ignored_symdir) {
                         $lines[] = 'zip info: ignored symlink: ' . $ignored_symdir . self::NORM_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
                     // Now add log entry related to skiped files if we did skip any
                     // Make this look like zip utility output to some extent
                     if (0 != $skipped_count) {
                         $lines[] = 'zip warning: Not all files were readable';
                         $lines[] = ' skipped:   ' . $skipped_count;
                     foreach ($lines as $line) {
                         $bytes_written = $logfile->fwrite($line . PHP_EOL);
                         // Be very careful to make sure we had a valid write - in paticular
                         // make sure we didn't write 0 bytes since even an empty line from the
                         // array should have the PHP_EOL bytes written
                         if (null === $bytes_written || 0 === $bytes_written) {
                             throw new Exception('Failed to append to zip log file during zip creation - zip log details will be incomplete but zip exit code will still be valid');
                 } else {
                     // Have to map exit code and warn that not all warnings/etc may be logged
                     // Something really failed
                     $bytes_written = $logfile->fwrite('zip error: ' . $za->errorInfo(true) . PHP_EOL);
                     // Be very careful to make sure we had a valid write - in paticular
                     // make sure we didn't write 0 bytes since even an empty line from the
                     // array should have the PHP_EOL bytes written
                     if (null === $bytes_written || 0 === $bytes_written) {
                         throw new Exception('Failed to append to zip log file during zip creation - zip log details will be incomplete but zip exit code will still be valid');
                 // Put the log file away - safe even if we failed to get a logfile
                 // And throw away the output result as we have no further use for it
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // Something fishy - we should have been able to open and
                 // write to the log file...
                 $error_string = $e->getMessage();
                 $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Zip log file could not be opened/appended-to - error reported: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $error_string));
                 // Put the log file away - safe even if we failed to get a logfile
                 // And throw away the output result as we cannot use it
             // Put the zip archive away
             // Put the log file away - safe even if we failed to get a logfile
             // Report progress at end of burst
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Accumulated bursts requested %1$s (directories + files) items to be added to backup zip archive (end of burst)', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zm->get_added_dir_count() + $zm->get_added_file_count()));
             // Work out percentage progress on items
             if (0 < $total_count) {
                 $percentage_complete = (int) (($zm->get_added_dir_count() + $zm->get_added_file_count()) / $total_count * 100);
                 $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Accumulated bursts requested %1$s%% of %2$s (directories + files) total items to be added to backup zip archive (end of burst)', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $percentage_complete, $total_count));
             // Keep a running total of the backup file size (this is temporary code)
             // Using our stat() function in case file size exceeds 2GB on a 32 bit PHP system
             $temp_zip_stats = pluginbuddy_stat::stat($temp_zip);
             // Only log anything if we got some valid file stats
             if (false !== $temp_zip_stats) {
                 $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Accumulated zip archive file size: %1$s bytes', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), number_format($temp_zip_stats['dsize'], 0, ".", "")));
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Ending burst number: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zm->get_burst_count()));
             // Now work out the result of that burst and what to do
             // If it is an array then append to the cumulative array and continue
             // otherwise we have an error and we must bail out. So we don't need
             // the complexity of exec to handle non-fatal errors (as warnings)
             // Note: in the multi-burst case we will still have the results array
             // accumulated from previous bursts so we _could_ chose to handle that
             // but for now we'll just throw that away. At some point we can thnk about
             // handling the output array.
             // We have to check the exit code to decide whether to keep going ot bail out (break).
             // If we get a 0 exit code ot 18 exit code then keep going and remember we got the 18
             // so that we can emit that as the final exit code if applicable. If we get any other
             // exit code then we must break out immediately.
             if (0 !== $exitcode && 18 !== $exitcode) {
                 // Zip failure of some sort - must bail out with current exit code
                 $zip_error_encountered = true;
             } else {
                 // Make sure exit code is always the worst we've had so that when
                 // we've done our last burst we drop out with the correct exit code set
                 // This is really to make sure we drop out with exit code 18 if we had
                 // this in _any_ burst as we would keep going and subsequent burst(s) may
                 // return 0. If we had any other non-zero exit code it would be a "fatal"
                 // error and we would have dropped out immediately anyway.
                 $exitcode = $max_exitcode > $exitcode ? $max_exitcode : ($max_exitcode = $exitcode);
             // Now inject a little delay until the next burst. This may be required to give the
             // server time to catch up with finalizing file creation and/or it may be required to
             // reduce the average load a little so there isn't a sustained "peak"
             // Theoretically a sleep could be interrupted by a signal and it would return some
             // non-zero value or false - but if that is the case it probably signals something
             // more troubling so there is little point in tryng to "handle" such a condition here.
             if (0 < ($burst_gap = $this->get_burst_gap())) {
                 $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Starting burst gap delay of: %1$ss', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $burst_gap));
         // Exited the loop for some reason so decide what to do now.
         // If we didn't exit because of exceeding the step period then it's a
         // normal exit and we'll process accordingly and end up returning true
         // or false. If we exited because of exceeding step period then we need
         // to return the current state array to enable next iteration to pick up
         // where we left off.
         // Note: we might consider having the zip helper give us a state to
         // restore on it when we create one again - but for now we'll not do that
         if ($zip_period_expired) {
             // Report progress at end of step
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Accumulated bursts requested %1$s (directories + files) items to be added to backup zip archive (end of step)', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zm->get_added_dir_count() + $zm->get_added_file_count()));
             // Work out percentage progress on items
             if (0 < $total_count) {
                 $percentage_complete = (int) (($zm->get_added_dir_count() + $zm->get_added_file_count()) / $total_count * 100);
                 $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Accumulated bursts requested %1$s%% of %2$s (directories + files) total items to be added to backup zip archive (end of step)', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $percentage_complete, $total_count));
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Zip archive build step terminated after %1$ss, continuation step will be scheduled', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $this->get_process_monitor()->get_elapsed_time()));
             // Need to set up the state information we'll need to tell the next
             // loop how to set things up to continue. Next time around if another
             // step is required then some of these may be changed and others may
             // stay the same.
             // Note: the method tag 'mt' is used to tell zipbuddy exactly which
             // zipper to use, the one that was picked first time through.
             $state = array('name' => pluginbuddy_zipbuddy::STATE_NAME_IN_PROGRESS, 'id' => pluginbuddy_zipbuddy::STATE_ID_IN_PROGRESS, 'zipbuddy' => array('mt' => $this->get_method_tag()), 'zipper' => array('fp' => $contentfile_fp, 'mec' => $max_exitcode, 'sp' => $this->get_step_period(), 'root' => $dir, 'ts' => $total_size, 'tc' => $total_count), 'helper' => array('dc' => $zm->get_added_dir_count(), 'fc' => $zm->get_added_file_count()));
             // Now we can return directly as we haev nothing to clear up
             return $state;
         // Convenience for handling different scanarios
         $result = false;
         // We can report how many dirs/files added
         $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Accumulated bursts requested %1$s (directories + files) items to be added to backup zip archive (final)', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zm->get_added_dir_count() + $zm->get_added_file_count()));
         // Work out percentage progress on items
         if (0 < $total_count) {
             $percentage_complete = (int) (($zm->get_added_dir_count() + $zm->get_added_file_count()) / $total_count * 100);
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Accumulated bursts requested %1$s%% of %2$s (directories + files) total items to be added to backup zip archive (final)', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $percentage_complete, $total_count));
         // Always logging to file one way or another
         // Always scan the output/logfile for warnings, etc. and show warnings even if user has chosen to ignore them
         try {
             $logfile = new SplFileObject($logfile_name, "rb");
             while (!$logfile->eof()) {
                 $line = $logfile->current();
                 $id = $logfile->key();
                 // Use the line number as unique key for later sorting
                 if (preg_match('/^\\s*(zip warning:)/i', $line)) {
                     // Looking for specific types of warning - in particular want the warning that
                     // indicates a file couldn't be read as we want to treat that as a "skipped"
                     // warning that indicates that zip flagged this as a potential problem but
                     // created the zip file anyway - but it would have generated the non-zero exit
                     // code of 18 and we key off that later. All other warnings are not considered
                     // reasons to return a non-zero exit code whilst still creating a zip file so
                     // we'll follow the lead on that and not have other warning types halt the backup.
                     // So we'll try and look for a warning output that looks like it is file related...
                     if (preg_match('/^\\s*(zip warning:)\\s*([^:]*:)\\s*(.*)/i', $line, $matches)) {
                         // Matched to what looks like a file related warning so check particular cases
                         switch (strtolower($matches[2])) {
                             case "could not open for reading:":
                                 $zip_warnings[self::ZIP_WARNING_SKIPPED][$id] = trim($line);
                             case "filtered:":
                                 $zip_warnings[self::ZIP_WARNING_FILTERED][$id] = trim($line);
                             case "filename too long:":
                                 $zip_warnings[self::ZIP_WARNING_LONGPATH][$id] = trim($line);
                             case "unknown add status:":
                                 $zip_warnings[self::ZIP_WARNING_GENERIC][$id] = trim($line);
                             case "name not matched:":
                                 $zip_other[self::ZIP_OTHER_GENERIC][$id] = trim($line);
                                 $zip_warnings[self::ZIP_WARNING_GENERIC][$id] = trim($line);
                     } else {
                         // Didn't match to what would look like a file related warning so count it regardless
                         $zip_warnings[self::ZIP_WARNING_GENERIC][$id] = trim($line);
                 } elseif (preg_match('/^\\s*(zip info:)/i', $line)) {
                     // An informational may have associated reason and filename so
                     // check for that
                     if (preg_match('/^\\s*(zip info:)\\s*([^:]*:)\\s*(.*)/i', $line, $matches)) {
                         // Matched to what looks like a file related info so check particular cases
                         switch (strtolower($matches[2])) {
                             case "ignored symlink:":
                                 $zip_other[self::ZIP_OTHER_IGNORED_SYMLINK][$id] = trim($line);
                                 $zip_other[self::ZIP_OTHER_GENERIC][$id] = trim($line);
                     } else {
                         // Didn't match to what would look like a file related info so count it regardless
                         $zip_other[self::ZIP_OTHER_GENERIC][$id] = trim($line);
                 } elseif (preg_match('/^\\s*(zip error:)/i', $line)) {
                     $zip_errors[$id] = trim($line);
                 } elseif (preg_match('/^\\s*(adding:)/i', $line)) {
                     // Currently not processing additions entried
                     //$zip_additions[] = trim( $line );
                 } elseif (preg_match('/^\\s*(sd:)/i', $line)) {
                     $zip_debug[$id] = trim($line);
                 } elseif (preg_match('/^.*(skipped:)\\s*(?P<skipped>\\d+)/i', $line, $matches)) {
                     // Each burst may have some skipped files and each will report separately
                     if (isset($matches['skipped'])) {
                         $zip_skipped_count += $matches['skipped'];
                 } else {
                     // Currently not processing other entries
                     //$zip_other[] = trim( $line );
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Something fishy - we should have been able to open the log file...
             $error_string = $e->getMessage();
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Zip log file could not be opened - error reported: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $error_string));
         // Set convenience flags
         $have_zip_warnings = 0 < $zip_warnings_count;
         $have_zip_errors = 0 < $zip_errors_count;
         $have_zip_additions = 0 < $zip_additions_count;
         $have_zip_debug = 0 < $zip_debug_count;
         $have_zip_other = 0 < $zip_other_count;
         // Always report the exit code regardless of whether we might ignore it or not
         $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip process exit code: ', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . $exitcode);
         // Always report the number of warnings - even just to confirm that we didn't have any
         $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: %1$s warning%2$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zip_warnings_count, 1 == $zip_warnings_count ? '' : 's'));
         // Always report warnings regardless of whether user has selected to ignore them
         if (true === $have_zip_warnings) {
             $this->log_zip_reports($zip_warnings, self::$_warning_desc, "WARNING", self::MAX_WARNING_LINES_TO_SHOW, dirname(dirname($tempdir)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pb_backupbuddy' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::ZIP_WARNINGS_FILE_NAME);
         // Always report other reports regardless
         if (true === $have_zip_other) {
             // Only report number of informationals if we have any as they are not that important
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: %1$s information%2$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zip_other_count, 1 == $zip_other_count ? 'al' : 'als'));
             $this->log_zip_reports($zip_other, self::$_other_desc, "INFORMATION", self::MAX_OTHER_LINES_TO_SHOW, dirname(dirname($tempdir)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pb_backupbuddy' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::ZIP_OTHERS_FILE_NAME);
         // See if we can figure out what happened - note that $exitcode could be non-zero for actionable warning(s) or error
         // if ( (no zip file) or (fatal exit code) or (not ignoring warnable exit code) )
         // TODO: Handle condition testing with function calls based on mapping exit codes to exit type (fatal vs non-fatal)
         if (!@file_exists($temp_zip) || 0 != $exitcode && 18 != $exitcode || 18 == $exitcode && !$this->get_ignore_warnings()) {
             // If we have any zip errors reported show them regardless
             if (true == $have_zip_errors) {
                 $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: %1$s error%2$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zip_errors_count, 1 == $zip_errors_count ? '' : 's'));
                 foreach ($zip_errors as $line) {
                     $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: ', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . $line);
             // Report whether or not the zip file was created (this will always be in the temporary location)
             if (!@file_exists($temp_zip)) {
                 $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip Archive file not created - check process exit code.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
             } else {
                 $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip Archive file created but with errors/actionable-warnings so will be deleted - check process exit code and warnings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
             // The operation has failed one way or another. Note that for pclzip the zip file is always created in the temporary
             // location regardless of whether the user selected to ignore errors or not (we can never guarantee to create a valid
             // zip file because the script might be terminated by the server so we must wait to produce a valid file and then
             // move it to the final location if it is valid).
             // Therefore if there is a zip file (produced but with warnings) it will not be visible and will be deleted when the
             // temporary directory is deleted below.
             $result = false;
         } else {
             // Got file with no error or warnings _or_ with warnings that the user has chosen to ignore
             // File always built in temporary location so always need to move it
             $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Moving Zip Archive file to local archive directory.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
             // Make sure no stale file information
             // Relocate the temporary zip file to final location
             @rename($temp_zip, $zip);
             // Check that we moved the file ok
             if (@file_exists($zip)) {
                 $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip Archive file moved to local archive directory.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                 $this->log('message', __('Zip process reported: Zip Archive file successfully created with no errors (any actionable warnings ignored by user settings).', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                 $this->log_archive_file_stats($zip, array('content_size' => $total_size));
                 // Temporary for now - try and incorporate into stats logging (makes the stats logging function part of the zip helper class?)
                 $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Zip Archive file size: %1$s of %2$s (directories + files) actually added', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zm->get_added_dir_count() + $zm->get_added_file_count() - $zip_skipped_count, $total_count));
                 // Work out percentage on items
                 if (0 < $total_count) {
                     $percentage_complete = (int) (($zm->get_added_dir_count() + $zm->get_added_file_count() - $zip_skipped_count) / $total_count * 100);
                     $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Zip archive file size: %1$s%% of %2$s (directories + files) actually added', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $percentage_complete, $total_count));
                 $result = true;
             } else {
                 $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip Archive file could not be moved to local archive directory.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                 $result = false;
     // Cleanup the temporary directory that will have all detritus and maybe incomplete zip file
     $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Removing temporary directory.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
     if (!$this->delete_directory_recursive($tempdir)) {
         $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Temporary directory could not be deleted: ', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . $tempdir);
     //		  	if ( null != $za ) { unset( $za ); }
     return $result;
  *	create_generic()
  *	A function that creates an archive file
  *	The $excludes will be a list or relative path excludes if the $listmaker object is NULL otehrwise
  *	will be absolute path excludes and relative path excludes can be had from the $listmaker object
  *	@param		string	$zip			Full path & filename of ZIP Archive file to create
  *	@param		string	$dir			Full path of directory to add to ZIP Archive file
  *	@parame		array	$excludes		List of either absolute path exclusions or relative exclusions
  *	@param		string	$tempdir		[Optional] Full path of directory for temporary usage
  *	@return		bool					True if the creation was successful, false otherwise
 protected function create_generic($zip, $dir, $excludes, $tempdir)
     $exitcode = 255;
     $output = array();
     $zippath = '';
     $command = '';
     $temp_zip = '';
     $excluding_additional = false;
     $exclude_count = 0;
     $exclusions = array();
     $have_zip_errors = false;
     $zip_errors_count = 0;
     $zip_errors = array();
     $have_zip_warnings = false;
     $zip_warnings_count = 0;
     $zip_warnings = array();
     $have_zip_additions = false;
     $zip_additions_count = 0;
     $zip_additions = array();
     $have_zip_debug = false;
     $zip_debug_count = 0;
     $zip_debug = array();
     $have_zip_other = false;
     $zip_other_count = 0;
     $zip_other = array();
     $zip_skipped_count = 0;
     $zip_using_log_file = false;
     $logfile_name = '';
     $zip_ignoring_symlinks = false;
     $zh = NULL;
     $lister = NULL;
     $visitor = NULL;
     $total_size = 0;
     $the_list = array();
     // The basedir must have a trailing normalized directory separator
     $basedir = rtrim(trim($dir), self::DIRECTORY_SEPARATORS) . self::NORM_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     // Normalize platform specific directory separators in path
     $basedir = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, self::NORM_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $basedir);
     // Ensure no stale file information
     // Create the helper function here so we can use it outside of the post-add
     // function. Using all defaults so includes multi-burst and server tickling
     // for now but with options we can modify this.
     $zh = new pb_backupbuddy_exec_helper();
     // Note: could enforce trailing directory separator for robustness
     if (empty($tempdir) || !file_exists($tempdir)) {
         // This breaks the rule of single point of exit (at end) but it's early enough to not be a problem
         pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Temporary working directory must be available.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         return false;
     pb_backupbuddy::status('message', __('Using Exec Mode.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
     // Tell which zip version is being used
     $version = $this->get_zip_version();
     if (true === is_array($version)) {
         2 == $version['major'] && 0 == $version['minor'] ? $version['minor'] = 'X' : true;
         pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Using zip version: %1$s.%2$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $version['major'], $version['minor']));
     } else {
         $version = array("major" => "X", "minor" => "Y");
         pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Using zip version: %1$s.%2$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $version['major'], $version['minor']));
     // Get the command path for the zip command - should return a trimmed string
     $zippath = $this->get_command_path(self::COMMAND_ZIP_PATH);
     // Determine if we are using an absolute path
     if (!empty($zippath)) {
         pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Using absolute zip path: ', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . $zippath);
     // Add the trailing slash if required
     $command = $this->slashify($zippath) . 'zip';
     // Let's inform what we are excluding/including
     if (count($excludes) > 0) {
         pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Calculating directories/files to exclude from backup (relative to site root).', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         foreach ($excludes as $exclude) {
             if (!strstr($exclude, 'backupbuddy_backups')) {
                 // Set variable to show we are excluding additional directories besides backup dir.
                 $excluding_additional = true;
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Excluding', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . ': ' . $exclude);
     if (true === $excluding_additional) {
         pb_backupbuddy::status('message', __('Excluding archives directory and additional directories defined in settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . ' ' . $exclude_count . ' ' . __('total', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . '.');
     } else {
         pb_backupbuddy::status('message', __('Only excluding archives directory based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . ' ' . $exclude_count . ' ' . __('total', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . '.');
     pb_backupbuddy::status('message', __('Zip process reported: Determining list of file + directories to be added to the zip archive', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
     // Now let's create the list of files and empty (vacant) directories to include in the backup.
     // Note: we can only include vacant directories (those that had no content in the first place).
     // An empty directory may have had content that was excluded but if we give this directory to
     // pclzip it automatically recurses down into it (we have no control over that) which would then
     // mess up the exclusions. Make sure the visitor only retains a subset of the fields that we need
     // here so as to keep memory usage down.
     $visitor = new pluginbuddy_zbdir_visitor_details(array('filename', 'directory', 'vacant', 'relative_path', 'size'));
     $options = array('exclusions' => $excludes, 'pattern_exclusions' => array(), 'inclusions' => array(), 'pattern_inclusions' => array(), 'keep_tree' => false, 'ignore_symlinks' => $this->get_ignore_symlinks(), 'visitor' => $visitor);
     try {
         $lister = new pluginbuddy_zbdir($basedir, $options);
         // As we are not keeping the tree we haev already done the visitor pass
         // as the tree was built so our visitor contains all the information we
         // need so we can destroy the lister object
         $result = true;
         pb_backupbuddy::status('message', __('Zip process reported: Determined list of file + directories to be added to the zip archive', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // We couldn't build the list as required so need to bail
         $error_string = $e->getMessage();
         pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Unable to determine list of files + directories for backup - error reported: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $error_string));
         // TODO: Should do some cleanup of any temporary directory, visitor, etc. but not for now
         $result = false;
     // In case that took a while use the helper to try and keep the process alive
     // Calling burst_end() here as a kludge for now
     if (true === $result) {
         // Now we have our flat file/directory list from the visitor - remember we didn't
         // keep the tree as we shouldn't need it for anything else as we can get all we need
         // from the visitor. We'll get a list of the subset of things we need from the visitor
         // so we can get rid of the visitor later. We'll use this list later to create our
         // partial inclusion list files to feed to zip for each burst.
         $the_list = $visitor->get_as_array(array('filename', 'directory', 'vacant', 'relative_path', 'size'));
         // Need to remove empty values now so that we don't get misleading values
         // Here "empty value" means there is no actual path that zip would be able to
         // add and so this would have had to have been ignored later and if we counted
         // it as "vaid" now then numebrs would be awry. In this case it is probably
         // _only_ the entry that would be for the / directory which actually has a
         // empty relative path and filename.
         foreach ($the_list as $key => $value) {
             if (empty($value['relative_path']) && empty($value['filename'])) {
         pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: %1$s (directories + files) will be requested to be added to backup zip archive', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), count($the_list)));
         //$zh->set_options( array( 'directory_count' => ( $visitor->count( 'directory' => true ), 'file_count' => $visitor->count( array( 'directory' => false ) ) ) );
         // Find the sum total size of all non-directory (i.e., file) items
         $total_size = 0;
         foreach ($the_list as $the_item) {
             if (false === $the_item['directory']) {
                 $total_size += (int) $the_item['size'];
         pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: %1$s bytes will be requested to be added to backup zip archive', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $total_size));
         //$zh->set_options( array( 'content_size' => $total_size ) );
         // Retain this for reference for now
         // 				file_put_contents( ( dirname( $tempdir ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::ZIP_CONTENT_FILE_NAME ), print_r( $the_list, true ) );
         // Presently we don't need the visitor any longer so we can free up some
         // memory by deleting. We have all we need in $the_list and we will use this
         // to create our burst content lists
     // Only continue if we have a valid list
     // This isn't ideal at present but will suffice
     if (true === $result) {
         // Check if the version of zip in use supports log file (which will help with memory usage for large sites)
         if (true === $this->get_zip_supports_log_file()) {
             // Choose to use log file so quieten stdout - we'll set up the log file later
             $command .= ' -q';
             $zip_using_log_file = true;
         // Check if we need to turn off compression by settings (faster but larger backup)
         if (true !== $this->get_compression()) {
             $command .= ' -0';
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip archive creation compression disabled based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         } else {
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip archive creation compression enabled based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         // Check if ignoring (not following) symlinks
         if (true === $this->get_ignore_symlinks()) {
             // Not all OS support this for command line zip but best to handle it late and just
             // indicate here it is requested but not supported by OS
             switch ($this->get_os_type()) {
                 case self::OS_TYPE_NIX:
                     // Want to not follow symlinks so set command option and set flag for later use
                     $command .= ' -y';
                     $zip_ignoring_symlinks = true;
                     pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip archive creation symbolic links will not be followed based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                 case self::OS_TYPE_WIN:
                     pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip archive creation symbolic links requested to not be followed based on settings but this option is not supported on this operating system.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                     pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip archive creation symbolic links requested to not be followed based on settings but this option is not supported on this operating system.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         } else {
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip archive creation symbolic links will be followed based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         // Check if we are ignoring warnings - meaning can still get a backup even
         // if, e.g., some files cannot be read
         if (true === $this->get_ignore_warnings()) {
             // Note: warnings are being ignored but will still be gathered and logged
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip archive creation actionable warnings will be ignored based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         } else {
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip archive creation actionable warnings will not be ignored based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         // We want to "grow" a file with each successive "burst" after the first. If the zip
         // file doesn't exist when -g is given it will be created - but the problem is that
         // zip also throws a warning and if we are not ignoring warnings we get caught on this.
         // We could filter out this warning but that would be fiddly - so instead let's we'll
         // need to be able to switch the option off/on somehow. We could have two copies of
         // teh command string, one with and one without, but that is a bit messy. Or we could
         // have the command in two parts that we splice together (also messy). We could append
         // it when we need it but that might not be compatible with the specific form of the
         // command in all cases. We could put it in and then on the first call use a filtered
         // command string without it. We could have a separate command "object" that we use
         // to build the command each time we want it and we can turn the option on/off.
         // All of these are possible but which is simplest?
         $command .= ' -g';
         // Now we'll set up the logging to file if required - use full logging
         // If using log file we want to append to any existing on each burst.
         // In the case where not using a log file we get the output in any array
         // and we'll simply accumulate the arrays for each burst. When complete
         // we process the whole log file or the aggrgate array - this is simpler
         // than trying to process results as we go.
         if (true === $zip_using_log_file) {
             $logfile_name = $tempdir . self::ZIP_LOG_FILE_NAME;
             $command .= " -lf '{$logfile_name}' -li -la";
         // Set temporary directory to store ZIP while it's being generated.
         $command .= " -b '{$tempdir}'";
         // Specify where to place the finalized zip archive file
         // If warnings are being ignored we can tell zip to create the zip archive in the final
         // location - otherwise we must put it in a temporary location and move it later only
         // if there are no warnings. This copes with the case where (this) controlling script
         // gets timed out by the server and if the file were created in the final location with
         // warnings that should not be ignored we cannot prevent it being created. The -MM option
         // could be used but this prevents us catching such warnings and being able to report
         // them to the user in the case where the script hasn't been terminated. Additionally the
         // -MM option would bail out on the first encountered problem and so if there were a few
         // problems they would each not be found until the current one is fixed and try again.
         // TODO: This will have to change when we start to use burst modes properly because we
         // have to keep the zip file in the temporary directory after each burst has grown it
         // and we can only move it to teh final location when complete. This is much like pclzip
         // works anyway and this mode for exec was never actually a design feature but just a
         // convenienec in some cases that should not be needed now anyway.
         // 				if ( true === $this->get_ignore_warnings() ) {
         // 					$temp_zip = $zip;
         // 				} else {
         // 					$temp_zip = $tempdir . basename( $zip );
         // 				}
         // Temporary zip file is _always_ located in the temp dir now
         $temp_zip = $tempdir . basename($zip);
         $command .= " '{$temp_zip}' .";
         // Now create the inclusions file in the tempdir
         $ifile = $tempdir . self::ZIP_INCLUSIONS_FILE_NAME;
         // Now the tricky bit - we have to determine how we are going to give the lisy of files
         // to zip to use. Preferred way would be as a parameter that tells it to include the
         // files listed in the file. Unfortunately there is no such option for zip - a list of
         // files to include in a zip can only be given as discrete file names on the command line
         // or read from stdin. Giving a long list of names on the command line is not
         // feasible so we have to use a stdin based method which is either to cat the file and
         // pipe it in to zip or we can use an stdin file descriptor redirection to fetch the
         // contents of the file. We can only use these methods safely on *nix systems and when
         // exec_dir is not in use.
         // When we cannot use the stdin approach we have to resort to using the -i@file
         // parameter along with the -r recursion option so that zip will match the "patterns"
         // we give it in the file as it recurses the directory tree. This is not an ideal solution
         // because the recursion can be slow on some servers where there is a big directory tree
         // and much of it is irrelevant and does not belong to the site - but we have no other choice.
         // We shouldn't have to use this method very much and it should be ok in many cases
         // where there isn't much that is superfluous in the directory tree.
         // So let's make up the final command to execute based on the operational environment
         // and then we can simply "reuse" the command on each burst, with the addition of the
         // -g option on bursts after the first.
         if (true === $this->get_exec_dir_flag() || self::OS_TYPE_WIN === $this->get_os_type()) {
             // We are running on Windows or using exec_dir so have to use -r and -i@file
             $command .= " -r -i@" . "'{$ifile}'";
         } else {
             // We aer running under a nice *nix environment so we can use a stdin redirection
             // approach. Let's just use redirection for now as that avoids having to use cat and
             // piping.
             // 					$command .= " -@";
             // 					$command = "cat '{$ifile}' | " . $command;
             $command .= " -@";
             $command .= " <'{$ifile}'";
         // If we can't use a log file but exec_dir isn't in use we can redirect stderr to stdout
         // If exec_dir is in use we cannot redirect because of command line escaping so cannot log errors/warnings
         if (false === $zip_using_log_file) {
             if (false === $this->get_exec_dir_flag()) {
                 $command .= ' 2>&1';
             } else {
                 pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip Errors/Warnings cannot not be logged with this version of zip and exec_dir active', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), true));
         } else {
             // Using log file but need to redirect stderr to null because zip
             // still seems to send some stuff to stderr as well as to log file.
             // Note: if exec_dir is in use then we cannot redirect so theer may
             // be some stuff gets sent to stderr and logged but it's not worth
             // telling that - if we really need that then we can change the below
             // into an if/then/else and log the condition.
             $command .= $this->get_exec_dir_flag() ? "" : " 2>" . $this->get_null_device();
         // Remember our "master" command
         $master_command = $command;
         // Remember the "master" inclusions list filename
         $master_ifile = $ifile;
         // Use this to memorise the worst exit code we had (where we didn't immediately
         // bail out because it signalled a bad failure)
         $max_exitcode = 0;
         // Do this as close to when we actually want to start monitoring usage
         // Maybe this is redundant as we have already called this in the constructor.
         // If we want to do this then we have to call with true to reset monitoring to
         // start now.
         // Now we have our command prototype we can start bursting
         // Simply build a burst list based on content size. Currently no
         // look-ahead so the size will always exceed the current size threshold
         // by some amount. May consider using a look-ahead to see if the next
         // item would exceed the threshold in which case don't add it (unless it
         // would be the only content in which case have to add it but also log
         // a warning).
         while (!empty($the_list)) {
             // Populate the content file for zip
             $ilist = array();
             // Tell helper that we are preparing a new burst
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Starting burst number: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zh->get_burst_count()));
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Current burst size threshold: %1$s bytes', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zh->get_burst_current_size_threshold()));
             // Helper keeps track of what is being added to the burst content and will
             // tell us when the content is sufficient for this burst based on it's
             // criteria - this can adapt to how each successive burst goes.
             // The array shifting isn't really very efficient but is functional for now.
             $item = array_shift($the_list);
             while (NULL !== $item && false === $zh->burst_content_complete()) {
                 $file = $item['relative_path'] . $item['filename'];
                 // We shouldn't have any empty items here as we should have removed them
                 // earlier, but just in case...
                 if (!empty($file)) {
                     $ilist[] = $file;
                     // Call the helper event handler as we add each file to the list
                 // Not reached size threshold yet so get next item
                 $item = array_shift($the_list);
             // Since we would have taken a new element off the array specilatively
             // we need to put it back if we had already reached burst content completion
             NULL !== $item ? array_unshift($the_list, $item) : false;
             // Retain this for reference for now
             //file_put_contents( ( dirname( $tempdir ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::ZIP_CONTENT_FILE_NAME ), print_r( $ilist, true ) );
             // Make sure we expunge any previous version of the inclusions file
             if (file_exists($ifile)) {
             // Slight kludge for now to make sure each burst content file is uniquely named
             $ifile = str_replace(".txt", "_" . $zh->get_burst_count() . ".txt", $master_ifile);
             $file_ok = @file_put_contents($ifile, implode(PHP_EOL, $ilist) . PHP_EOL);
             if (false === $file_ok || 0 === $file_ok) {
                 // The file write failed for some reason, e.g., no disk space? We need to
                 // bail and set exit code so that problem is apparent
                 pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Unable to write burst content file: `%1$s`', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $ifile));
                 $exitcode = 255;
             // Remember the current directory and change to the directory being added so that "." is valid in command
             $working_dir = getcwd();
             // For first invocation we must not set the grow option so remove it from the command
             // Bit of a hack for now.
             if (1 === $zh->get_burst_count()) {
                 $command = str_replace("-g", "", $master_command);
             } else {
                 $command = $master_command;
             // Make sure we put the correct burst content file name in the command
             // Slight kludge for now until we build the command line dynamically each burst
             $command = str_replace($master_ifile, $ifile, $command);
             $command = self::OS_TYPE_WIN === $this->get_os_type() ? str_replace('\'', '"', $command) : $command;
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Burst requests %1$s (directories + files) items with %2$s bytes of content to be added to backup zip archive', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zh->get_burst_content_count(), $zh->get_burst_content_size()));
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Using burst content file: `%1$s`', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $ifile));
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip process reported: ') . $this->get_method_tag() . __(' command', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . ': ' . $command);
             // Allow helper to check how the burst goes
             // Successive invocations will append to $output array so we don't have to do anything special
             // If we are using a log file then we have set that to append as well - so in either case when
             // we finally exit we will have the sum total of the log output from all invocations.
             @exec($command, $output, $exitcode);
             // And now we can analyse what happened and plan for next burst if any
             // Wrap up the individual burst handling
             // Note: because we called exec we basically went into a wait condition and so (on Linux)
             // we didn't consume any max_execution_time so we never really have to bother about
             // resetting it. However, it is true that time will have elapsed so if this burst _does_
             // take longer than our current burst threshold period then max_execution_time would be
             // reset - but what this doesn't cover is a _cumulative_ effect of bursts and so we might
             // consider reworking the mechanism to monitor this separately from the individual burst
             // period (the confusion relates to this having originally applied to the time based
             // burst handling fro pclzip rather than teh size based for exec). It could also be more
             // relevant for Windows that doesn't stop the clock when exec is called.
             // Keep a running total of the backup file size (this is temporary code)
             $temp_zip_stats = pluginbuddy_stat::stat($temp_zip);
             // Only log anything if we got some valid file stats
             if (false !== $temp_zip_stats) {
                 pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Accumulated zip archive file size: %1$s bytes', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $temp_zip_stats['dsize']));
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Ending burst number: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zh->get_burst_count()));
             // Set current working directory back to where we were
             // We have to check the exit code to decide whether to keep going ot bail out (break).
             // If we get a 0 exit code ot 18 exit code then keep going and remember we got the 18
             // so that we can emit that as the final exit code if applicable. If we get any other
             // exit code then we must break out immediately.
             if (0 !== $exitcode && 18 !== $exitcode) {
                 // Zip failure of some sort - must bail out with current exit code
             } else {
                 // Make sure exit code is always the worst we've had so that when
                 // we've done our last burst we drop out with the correct exit code set
                 // This is really to make sure we drop out with exit code 18 if we had
                 // this in _any_ burst as we would keep going and subsequent burst(s) may
                 // return 0. If we had any other non-zero exit code it would be a "fatal"
                 // error and we would have dropped out immediately anyway.
                 $exitcode = $max_exitcode > $exitcode ? $max_exitcode : ($max_exitcode = $exitcode);
         // Convenience for handling different scanarios
         $result = false;
         // We can report how many dirs/files added
         pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Accumulated burst requested %1$s (directories + files) items requested to be added to backup zip archive (final)', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zh->get_added_dir_count() + $zh->get_added_file_count()));
         // If we used a log file then process the log file - else process output
         // Always scan the output/logfile for warnings, etc. and show warnings even if user has chosen to ignore them
         if (true === $zip_using_log_file) {
             try {
                 $logfile = new SplFileObject($logfile_name, "rb");
                 while (!$logfile->eof()) {
                     $line = $logfile->current();
                     $id = $logfile->key();
                     // Use the line number as unique key for later sorting
                     if (preg_match('/^\\s*(zip warning:)/i', $line)) {
                         // Looking for specific types of warning - in particular want the warning that
                         // indicates a file couldn't be read as we want to treat that as a "skipped"
                         // warning that indicates that zip flagged this as a potential problem but
                         // created the zip file anyway - but it would have generated the non-zero exit
                         // code of 18 and we key off that later. All other warnings are not considered
                         // reasons to return a non-zero exit code whilst still creating a zip file so
                         // we'll follow the lead on that and not have other warning types halt the backup.
                         // So we'll try and look for a warning output that looks like it is file related...
                         if (preg_match('/^\\s*(zip warning:)\\s*([^:]*:)\\s*(.*)/i', $line, $matches)) {
                             // Matched to what looks like a file related warning so check particular cases
                             switch (strtolower($matches[2])) {
                                 case "could not open for reading:":
                                     $zip_warnings[self::ZIP_WARNING_SKIPPED][$id] = trim($line);
                                 case "name not matched:":
                                     $zip_other[self::ZIP_OTHER_GENERIC][$id] = trim($line);
                                     $zip_warnings[self::ZIP_WARNING_GENERIC][$id] = trim($line);
                         } else {
                             // Didn't match to what would look like a file related warning so count it regardless
                             $zip_warnings[self::ZIP_WARNING_GENERIC][$id] = trim($line);
                     } elseif (preg_match('/^\\s*(zip error:)/i', $line)) {
                         $zip_errors[$id] = trim($line);
                     } elseif (preg_match('/^\\s*(adding:)/i', $line)) {
                         // Currently not processing additions entried
                         //$zip_additions[] = trim( $line );
                     } elseif (preg_match('/^\\s*(sd:)/i', $line)) {
                         $zip_debug[$id] = trim($line);
                     } elseif (preg_match('/^.*(skipped:)\\s*(?P<skipped>\\d+)/i', $line, $matches)) {
                         if (isset($matches['skipped'])) {
                             $zip_skipped_count = $matches['skipped'];
                     } else {
                         // Currently not processing other entries
                         //$zip_other[] = trim( $line );
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // Something fishy - we should have been able to open the log file...
                 $error_string = $e->getMessage();
                 pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Log file could not be opened - error reported: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $error_string));
         } else {
             // TODO: $output could be large so if we parse it all into separate arrays then may want to shift
             // out each line and then discard it after copied to another array
             $id = 0;
             // Create a unique key (like a line number) for later sorting
             foreach ($output as $line) {
                 if (preg_match('/^\\s*(zip warning:)/i', $line)) {
                     // Looking for specific types of warning - in particular want the warning that
                     // indicates a file couldn't be read as we want to treat that as a "skipped"
                     // warning that indicates that zip flagged this as a potential problem but
                     // created the zip file anyway - but it would have generated the non-zero exit
                     // code of 18 and we key off that later. All other warnings are not considered
                     // reasons to return a non-zero exit code whilst still creating a zip file so
                     // we'll follow the lead on that and not have other warning types halt the backup.
                     // So we'll try and look for a warning output that looks like it is file related...
                     if (preg_match('/^\\s*(zip warning:)\\s*([^:]*:)\\s*(.*)/i', $line, $matches)) {
                         // Matched to what looks like a file related warning so check particular cases
                         switch (strtolower($matches[2])) {
                             case "could not open for reading:":
                                 $zip_warnings[self::ZIP_WARNING_SKIPPED][$id++] = trim($line);
                             case "name not matched:":
                                 $zip_other[self::ZIP_OTHER_GENERIC][$id++] = trim($line);
                                 $zip_warnings[self::ZIP_WARNING_GENERIC][$id++] = trim($line);
                     } else {
                         // Didn't match to what would look like a file related warning so count it regardless
                         $zip_warnings[self::ZIP_WARNING_GENERIC][$id++] = trim($line);
                 } elseif (preg_match('/^\\s*(zip error:)/i', $line)) {
                     $zip_errors[$id++] = trim($line);
                 } elseif (preg_match('/^\\s*(adding:)/i', $line)) {
                     // Currently not processing additions entried
                     //$zip_additions[] = trim( $line );
                 } elseif (preg_match('/^\\s*(sd:)/i', $line)) {
                     $zip_debug[$id++] = trim($line);
                 } elseif (preg_match('/^.*(skipped:)\\s*(?P<skipped>\\d+)/i', $line, $matches)) {
                     if (isset($matches['skipped'])) {
                         $zip_skipped_count = $matches['skipped'];
                 } else {
                     // Currently not processing other entries
                     //$zip_other[] = trim( $line );
             // Now free up the memory...
         // Set convenience flags
         $have_zip_warnings = 0 < $zip_warnings_count;
         $have_zip_errors = 0 < $zip_errors_count;
         $have_zip_additions = 0 < $zip_additions_count;
         $have_zip_debug = 0 < $zip_debug_count;
         $have_zip_other = 0 < $zip_other_count;
         // Always report the exit code regardless of whether we might ignore it or not
         pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip process exit code: ', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . $exitcode);
         // Always report the number of warnings - even just to confirm that we didn't have any
         pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: %1$s warning%2$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zip_warnings_count, 1 == $zip_warnings_count ? '' : 's'));
         // Always report warnings regardless of whether user has selected to ignore them
         if (true === $have_zip_warnings) {
             $this->log_zip_reports($zip_warnings, self::$_warning_desc, "WARNING", self::MAX_WARNING_LINES_TO_SHOW, dirname(dirname($tempdir)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pb_backupbuddy' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::ZIP_WARNINGS_FILE_NAME);
         // Always report other reports regardless
         if (true === $have_zip_other) {
             // Only report number of informationals if we have any as they are not that important
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: %1$s information%2$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zip_other_count, 1 == $zip_other_count ? 'al' : 'als'));
             $this->log_zip_reports($zip_other, self::$_other_desc, "INFORMATION", self::MAX_OTHER_LINES_TO_SHOW, dirname(dirname($tempdir)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pb_backupbuddy' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::ZIP_OTHERS_FILE_NAME);
         // See if we can figure out what happened - note that $exitcode could be non-zero for actionable warning(s) or error
         // if ( (no zip file) or (fatal exit code) or (not ignoring warnable exit code) )
         // TODO: Handle condition testing with function calls based on mapping exit codes to exit type (fatal vs non-fatal)
         if (!@file_exists($temp_zip) || 0 != $exitcode && 18 != $exitcode || 18 == $exitcode && !$this->get_ignore_warnings()) {
             // If we have any zip errors reported show them regardless
             if (true === $have_zip_errors) {
                 pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: %1$s error%2$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zip_errors_count, 1 == $zip_errors_count ? '' : 's'));
                 foreach ($zip_errors as $line) {
                     pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip process reported: ', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . $line);
             // Report whether or not the zip file was created (whether that be in the final or temporary location)
             if (!@file_exists($temp_zip)) {
                 pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip Archive file not created - check process exit code.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
             } else {
                 pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip Archive file created but with errors/actionable-warnings so will be deleted - check process exit code and warnings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
             // The operation has failed one way or another. Note that as the user didn't choose to ignore errors the zip file
             // is always created in a temporary location and then only moved to final location on success without error or warnings.
             // Therefore if there is a zip file (produced but with warnings) it will not be visible and will be deleted when the
             // temporary directory is deleted below.
             $result = false;
         } else {
             // NOTE: Probably the two paths below can be reduced to one because even if we are
             // ignoring warnings we are still building the zip in temporary location and finally
             // moving it because we are growing it.
             // Got file with no error or warnings _or_ with warnings that the user has chosen to ignore
             if (false === $this->get_ignore_warnings()) {
                 // Because not ignoring warnings the zip archive was built in temporary location so we need to move it
                 pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Moving Zip Archive file to local archive directory.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                 // Make sure no stale file information
                 @rename($temp_zip, $zip);
                 if (@file_exists($zip)) {
                     pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip Archive file moved to local archive directory.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                     pb_backupbuddy::status('message', __('Zip Archive file successfully created with no errors or actionable warnings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                     $this->log_archive_file_stats($zip, array('content_size' => $total_size));
                     // Temporary for now - try and incorporate into stats logging (makes the stats logging function part of the zip helper class?)
                     pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip Archive file size: %1$s (directories + files) actually added', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zh->get_added_dir_count() + $zh->get_added_file_count() - $zip_skipped_count));
                     $result = true;
                 } else {
                     pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip Archive file could not be moved to local archive directory.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                     $result = false;
             } else {
                 // With multi-burst we haev to always build the zip in temp location  so always have to move it
                 pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Moving Zip Archive file to local archive directory.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                 // Make sure no stale file information
                 @rename($temp_zip, $zip);
                 if (@file_exists($zip)) {
                     pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip Archive file moved to local archive directory.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                     pb_backupbuddy::status('message', __('Zip Archive file successfully created with no errors (any actionable warnings ignored by user settings).', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                     $this->log_archive_file_stats($zip, array('content_size' => $total_size));
                     // Temporary for now - try and incorporate into stats logging (makes the stats logging function part of the zip helper class?)
                     pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip Archive file size: %1$s (directories + files) actually added', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zh->get_added_dir_count() + $zh->get_added_file_count() - $zip_skipped_count));
                     $result = true;
                 } else {
                     pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip Archive file could not be moved to local archive directory.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                     $result = false;
     // Cleanup the temporary directory that will have all detritus and maybe incomplete zip file
     pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Removing temporary directory.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
     if (!$this->delete_directory_recursive($tempdir)) {
         pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Temporary directory could not be deleted: ', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . $tempdir);
     return $result;
  *	create()
  *	A function that creates an archive file
  *	The $excludes will be a list or relative path excludes
  *	@param		string	$zip			Full path & filename of ZIP Archive file to create
  *	@param		string	$dir			Full path of directory to add to ZIP Archive file
  *	@parame		array	$excludes		List of either absolute path exclusions or relative exclusions
  *	@param		string	$tempdir		Full path of directory for temporary usage
  *	@return		bool					True if the creation was successful, false otherwise
 public function create($zip, $dir, $excludes, $tempdir, $listmaker = NULL)
     $za = NULL;
     $result = false;
     $exitcode = 255;
     $zip_output = array();
     $temp_zip = '';
     $excluding_additional = false;
     $exclude_count = 0;
     $exclusions = array();
     $temp_file_compression_threshold = 5;
     $pre_add_func = '';
     $have_zip_errors = false;
     $zip_errors_count = 0;
     $zip_errors = array();
     $have_zip_warnings = false;
     $zip_warnings_count = 0;
     $zip_warnings = array();
     $have_zip_additions = false;
     $zip_additions_count = 0;
     $zip_additions = array();
     $have_zip_debug = false;
     $zip_debug_count = 0;
     $zip_debug = array();
     $have_zip_other = false;
     $zip_other_count = 0;
     $zip_other = array();
     $zip_ignoring_symlinks = false;
     $symlinks_found = array();
     $zh = NULL;
     $lister = NULL;
     $visitor = NULL;
     $total_size = 0;
     $the_list = array();
     $saved_ignored_symdirs = array();
     // The basedir must have a trailing normalized directory separator
     $basedir = rtrim(trim($dir), self::DIRECTORY_SEPARATORS) . self::NORM_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     // Normalize platform specific directory separators in path
     $basedir = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, self::NORM_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $basedir);
     // Ensure no stale file information
     // Create the helper function here so we can use it outside of the post-add
     // function. Using all defaults so includes multi-burst and server tickling
     // for now but with options we can modify this.
     $zh = new pb_backupbuddy_pclzip_helper();
     // Note: could enforce trailing directory separator for robustness
     if (empty($tempdir) || !file_exists($tempdir)) {
         // This breaks the rule of single point of exit (at end) but it's early enough to not be a problem
         pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Temporary working directory must be available.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         return false;
     pb_backupbuddy::status('message', __('Using Compatibility Mode.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
     pb_backupbuddy::status('message', __('If your backup times out in Compatibility Mode try disabling zip compression in Settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
     // Check if pclzip temporary directory is already defined - if it is and
     // PclZip has already been loaded then this may caue a problem with where
     // temporary files are created
     if (defined('PCLZIP_TEMPORARY_DIR')) {
         pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('PCLZIP_TEMPORARY_DIR already defined - may cause problems if PclZip library already loaded by another plugin', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . ': ' . PCLZIP_TEMPORARY_DIR);
     // Define in any case so that it is used if possible
     define('PCLZIP_TEMPORARY_DIR', $tempdir);
     // Let's inform what we are excluding/including
     if (count($excludes) > 0) {
         pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Calculating directories/files to exclude from backup (relative to site root).', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         foreach ($excludes as $exclude) {
             if (!strstr($exclude, 'backupbuddy_backups')) {
                 // Set variable to show we are excluding additional directories besides backup dir.
                 $excluding_additional = true;
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Excluding', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . ': ' . $exclude);
     if (true === $excluding_additional) {
         pb_backupbuddy::status('message', __('Excluding archives directory and additional directories defined in settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . ' ' . $exclude_count . ' ' . __('total', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . '.');
     } else {
         pb_backupbuddy::status('message', __('Only excluding archives directory based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . ' ' . $exclude_count . ' ' . __('total', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . '.');
     pb_backupbuddy::status('message', __('Zip process reported: Determining list of file + directories to be added to the zip archive', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
     // Now let's create the list of files and empty (vacant) directories to include in the backup.
     // Note: we can only include vacant directories (those that had no content in the first place).
     // An empty directory may have had content that was excluded but if we give this directory to
     // pclzip it automatically recurses down into it (we have no control over that) which would then
     // mess up the exclusions.
     $visitor = new pluginbuddy_zbdir_visitor_details();
     $options = array('exclusions' => $excludes, 'pattern_exclusions' => array(), 'inclusions' => array(), 'pattern_inclusions' => array(), 'keep_tree' => false, 'ignore_symlinks' => $this->get_ignore_symlinks(), 'visitor' => $visitor);
     try {
         $lister = new pluginbuddy_zbdir($basedir, $options);
         $result = true;
         pb_backupbuddy::status('message', __('Zip process reported: Determined list of file + directories to be added to the zip archive', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // We couldn't build the list as required so need to bail
         $error_string = $e->getMessage();
         pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Unable to determine list of files + directories for backup - error reported: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $error_string));
         // TODO: Should do some cleanup of any temporary directory, visitor, etc. but not for now
         $result = false;
     // In case that took a while use the helper to try and keep the process alive
     // Calling monitor_activity() here
     if (true === $result) {
         // Now we have our flat file/directory list from the visitor - remember we didn't
         // keep the tree as we shouldn't need it for anything else as we can get all we need
         // from the visitor. First create our list. We have to do this first because we need to
         // know if we are bypassing ignored symdirs (not including them in the list) so we can
         // add the number of these to the total number of items from our simple (vacant) directory
         // and file count total so that the final stats of what was actually added and the details
         // of what we didn't add will all add up - sounds convoluted, well that's because it is...
         $backup_list = $visitor->get_as_array(array('filename', 'directory', 'vacant', 'absolute_path'));
         foreach ($backup_list as $backup_item) {
             if (false === $backup_item['directory']) {
                 // Not a directory so must be a file (whether symlink or not) so always ass
                 $the_list[] = $backup_item['absolute_path'] . $backup_item['filename'];
             } elseif (true === $backup_item['directory'] && (isset($backup_item['vacant']) && true === $backup_item['vacant'])) {
                 // It's a directory and has the vacant attribute and it is vacant so we can
                 // safely add it.
                 // We cannot add non-vacant directories because pclzip will recurse into them.
                 // If the directory does not have the vacant attribute that is because it is
                 // a symlink dir that wasn't followed so we neither know whether it is vacant
                 // not empty and so we cannot risk adding it in case it is not empty
                 $the_list[] = $backup_item['absolute_path'] . $backup_item['filename'];
             } elseif (true === $backup_item['directory'] && !isset($backup_item['vacant'])) {
                 // It's s directory but vacant attribute isn't set then must be an ignored
                 // symlink directory so we'll remember it so we can add it as an informational
                 // at the end of the process
                 $saved_ignored_symdirs[] = $backup_item['absolute_path'] . $backup_item['filename'];
         // We don't need the backup list array any more
         pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: %1$s (directories + files) will be requested to be added to backup zip archive', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), count($the_list) + count($saved_ignored_symdirs)));
         //$zh->set_options( array( 'directory_count' => ( $visitor->count( 'directory' => true, 'vacant' => true ) + count( $saved_ignored_symdirs ), 'file_count' => $visitor->count( array( 'directory' => false ) ) ) );
         $size_list = $visitor->get_as_array(array('directory', 'size'));
         $total_size = 0;
         foreach ($size_list as $size_item) {
             if (false === $size_item['directory']) {
                 $total_size += (int) $size_item['size'];
         pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: %1$s bytes will be requested to be added to backup zip archive', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $total_size));
         //$zh->set_options( array( 'content_size' => $total_size ) );
         // Retain this for reference for now
         file_put_contents(dirname($tempdir) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::ZIP_CONTENT_FILE_NAME, print_r($the_list, true));
         // Presently we don't need the visitor any longer so we can free up some
         // memory by deleting
         // Get started with out zip object
         // Put our final zip file in the temporary directory - it will be moved later
         $temp_zip = $tempdir . basename($zip);
         // This should give us a new archive object, of not catch it and bail out
         try {
             $za = new pluginbuddy_PclZip($temp_zip);
             $result = true;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Something fishy - the methods indicated pclzip but we couldn't find the class
             $error_string = $e->getMessage();
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('pclzip indicated as available method but error reported: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $error_string));
             $result = false;
     // Only continue if we have a valid list and archive object
     // This isn't ideal at present but will suffice
     if (true === $result) {
         // Basic argument list
         $arguments = array();
         array_push($arguments, $the_list);
         array_push($arguments, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $dir);
         if (true !== $this->get_compression()) {
             // Note: don't need to force use of temporary files for compression
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip archive creation compression disabled based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
             array_push($arguments, PCLZIP_OPT_NO_COMPRESSION);
         } else {
             // Note: force the use of temporary files for compression when file size exceeds given value.
             // This over-rides the "auto-sense" which is based on memory_limit and this _may_ indicate a
             // memory availability that is higher than reality leading to memory allocation failure if
             // trying to compress large files. Set the threshold low enough (specify in MB) so that except in
             // The tightest memory situations we should be ok. Could have option to force use of temporary
             // files regardless.
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip archive creation compression enabled based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
             array_push($arguments, PCLZIP_OPT_TEMP_FILE_THRESHOLD, $temp_file_compression_threshold);
         // Check if ignoring (not following) symlinks
         if (true === $this->get_ignore_symlinks()) {
             // Want to not follow symlinks so set flag for later use
             $zip_ignoring_symlinks = true;
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip archive creation symbolic links will be ignored based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         } else {
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip archive creation symbolic links will not be ignored based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         // Check if we are ignoring warnings - meaning can still get a backup even
         // if, e.g., some files cannot be read
         if (true === $this->get_ignore_warnings()) {
             // Note: warnings are being ignored but will still be gathered and logged
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip archive creation actionable warnings will be ignored based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         } else {
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip archive creation actionable warnings will not be ignored based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         // Use anonymous function to weed out the unreadable and non-existent files (common reason for failure)
         // and possibly symlinks based on user settings.
         // PclZip will record these files as 'skipped' in the file status and we can post-process to determine
         // if we had any of these and hence either stop the backup or continue dependent on whether the user
         // has chosen to ignore warnings or not and/or ignore symlinks or not.
         // Unfortunately we cannot directly tag the file with the reason why it has been skipped so when we
         // have to process the skipped items we have to try and work out why it was skipped - but shouldn't
         // be too hard.
         // TODO: Consider moving this into the PclZip wrapper and have a method to set the various pre/post
         // functions or select predefined functions (such as this).
         if (true) {
             // Note: This could be simplified - it's written to be extensible but may not need to be
             $args = '$event, &$header';
             $code = '';
             $code .= 'static $symlinks = array(); ';
             $code .= '$result = true; ';
             // Handle symlinks - keep the two cases of ignoring/not-ignoring separate for now to make logic more
             // apparent - but could be merged with different conditional handling
             // For a valid symlink: is_link() -> true; is_file()/is_dir() -> true; file_exists() -> true
             // For a broken symlink: is_link() -> true; is_file()/is_dir() -> false; file_exists() -> false
             // Note: pclzip first tests every file using file_exists() before ever trying to add the file so
             // for a broken symlink it will _always_ error out immediately it discovers a broken symlink so
             // we never have a chance to filter these out at this stage.
             if (true === $zip_ignoring_symlinks) {
                 // If it's a symlink or it's neither a file nor a directory then ignore it. A broken symlink
                 // will never get this far because pclzip will have choked on it
                 $code .= 'if ( ( true === $result ) && !( @is_link( $header[\'filename\'] ) ) ) { ';
                 $code .= '    if ( @is_file( $header[\'filename\'] ) || @is_dir( $header[\'filename\'] ) ) { ';
                 $code .= '        $result = true; ';
                 $code .= '        foreach ( $symlinks as $prefix ) { ';
                 $code .= '            if ( !( false === strpos( $header[\'filename\'], $prefix ) ) ) { ';
                 $code .= '                $result = false; ';
                 $code .= '                break; ';
                 $code .= '             } ';
                 $code .= '        } ';
                 $code .= '    } else { ';
                 //						$code .= '        error_log( "Neither a file nor a directory (ignoring): \'" . $header[\'filename\'] . "\'" ); ';
                 $code .= '        $result = false; ';
                 $code .= '    } ';
                 $code .= '} else { ';
                 //						$code .= '    error_log( "File is a symlink (ignoring): \'" . $header[\'filename\'] . "\'" ); ';
                 $code .= '    $symlinks[] = $header[\'filename\']; ';
                 //						$code .= '    error_log( "Symlinks Array: \'" . print_r( $symlinks, true ) . "\'" ); ';
                 $code .= '    $result = false; ';
                 $code .= '} ';
             } else {
                 // If it's neither a file nor directory then ignore it - a valid symlink will register as a file
                 // or directory dependent on what it is pointing at. A broken symlink will never get this far.
                 $code .= 'if ( ( true === $result ) && ( @is_file( $header[\'filename\'] ) || @is_dir( $header[\'filename\'] ) ) ) { ';
                 $code .= '    $result = true; ';
                 $code .= '} else { ';
                 //						$code .= '    error_log( "Neither a file nor a directory (ignoring): \'" . $header[\'filename\'] . "\'" ); ';
                 $code .= '    $result = false; ';
                 $code .= '} ';
             // Add the code block for ignoring unreadable files
             if (true) {
                 $code .= 'if ( ( true === $result ) && ( @is_readable( $header[\'filename\'] ) ) ) { ';
                 $code .= '    $result = true; ';
                 $code .= '} else { ';
                 //						$code .= '    error_log( "File not readable: \'" . $header[\'filename\'] . "\'" ); ';
                 $code .= '    $result = false; ';
                 $code .= '} ';
             // Return true (to include file) if file passes conditions otherwise false (to skip file) if not
             $code .= 'return ( ( true === $result ) ? 1 : 0 ); ';
             $pre_add_func = create_function($args, $code);
         // If we had cause to create a pre add function then add it to the argument list here
         if (!empty($pre_add_func)) {
             array_push($arguments, PCLZIP_CB_PRE_ADD, $pre_add_func);
         // Add a post-add function for progress monitoring, usage data monitoring,
         // burst handling and server tickling - using the zip helper object
         // we created earlier
         $post_add_func = '';
         if (true) {
             $args = '$event, &$header';
             $code = '';
             $code .= '$result = true; ';
             $code .= '$zh = pb_backupbuddy_pclzip_helper::get_instance();';
             $code .= '$result = $zh->event_handler( $event, $header );';
             $code .= 'return $result;';
             $post_add_func = create_function($args, $code);
         // If we had cause to create a pre add function then add it to the argument list here
         if (!empty($post_add_func)) {
             array_push($arguments, PCLZIP_CB_POST_ADD, $post_add_func);
         if (@file_exists($zip)) {
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Existing ZIP Archive file will be replaced.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         // Now actually create the zip archive file
         // First implode any embedded array in the argument list and truncate the result if too long
         // Assume no arrays embedded in arrays - currently no reason for that
         // TODO: Make the summary length configurable so that can see more if required
         // TODO: Consider mapping pclzip argument identifiers to string representations for clarity
         $args = '$item';
         $code = 'if ( is_array( $item ) ) { $string_item = implode( ",", $item); return ( ( strlen( $string_item ) <= 50 ) ? $string_item : "List: " . substr( $string_item, 0, 50 ) . "..." ); } else { return $item; }; ';
         $imploder_func = create_function($args, $code);
         $imploded_arguments = array_map($imploder_func, $arguments);
         pb_backupbuddy::status('details', $this->get_method_tag() . __(' command arguments', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . ': ' . implode(';', $imploded_arguments));
         // Do this as close to when we actually want to start monitoring usage
         $output = call_user_func_array(array(&$za, 'create'), $arguments);
         // Work out whether we have a problem or not
         if (is_array($output)) {
             // It's an array so at least we produced a zip archive
             $exitcode = 0;
             // We can report how many dirs/files added according to pclzip
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: %1$s (directories + files) added to backup zip archive (final)', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zh->get_added_dir_count() + $zh->get_added_file_count()));
             // Process the array for any "warnings" or other reportable conditions
             $id = 0;
             // Create a unique key (like a line number) for later sorting
             foreach ($output as $file) {
                 switch ($file['status']) {
                     case "skipped":
                         // First need to filter out any files skipped because under a symlink dir
                         foreach ($symlinks_found as $prefix) {
                             if (!(false === strpos($file['filename'], $prefix))) {
                                 // break out of the foreach and the switch
                                 break 2;
                         // For skipped files need to determine why it was skipped
                         if (true === $zip_ignoring_symlinks && @is_link($file['filename'])) {
                             // Remember this for filtering other files skipped because in symlink directory
                             $symlinks_found[] = $file['filename'];
                             // Skipped because we are ignoring symlinks and this is a symlink
                             $zip_other[self::ZIP_OTHER_IGNORED_SYMLINK][$id++] = $file['filename'];
                         } else {
                             //Skipped because probably unreadable or non-existent (catch-all for now)
                             $zip_warnings[self::ZIP_WARNING_SKIPPED][$id++] = $file['filename'];
                     case "filtered":
                         $zip_warnings[self::ZIP_OTHER_FILTERED][$id++] = $file['filename'];
                     case "filename_too_long":
                         $zip_warnings[self::ZIP_OTHER_LONGPATH][$id++] = $file['filename'];
                         // Currently not processing "ok" entries
             // Now also add in INFORMATIONALs for any ignored symdirs because these would not have
             // been included in the build list. They were not included because pclzip would have attempted
             // to follow them and then we would have had to "filter" them and all entries that pclzip
             // would have created under them which is just a wster of time - best to not include at all
             // at tell the user now that we didnt include them
             foreach ($saved_ignored_symdirs as $ignored_symdir) {
                 $zip_other[self::ZIP_OTHER_IGNORED_SYMLINK][$id++] = $ignored_symdir;
             // Now free up the memory...
             // Set convenience flags
             $have_zip_warnings = 0 < $zip_warnings_count;
             $have_zip_other = 0 < $zip_other_count;
         } else {
             // Not an array so a bad error code, something we didn't or couldn't catch
             $exitcode = $za->errorCode();
             // Put the error information into an array for consistency
             $zip_errors[] = $za->errorInfo(true);
             $zip_errors_count = sizeof($zip_errors);
             $have_zip_errors = 0 < $zip_errors_count;
         // Convenience for handling different scanarios
         $result = false;
         // Always report the exit code regardless of whether we might ignore it or not
         pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip process exit code: ', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . $exitcode);
         // Always report the number of warnings - even just to confirm that we didn't have any
         pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: %1$s warning%2$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zip_warnings_count, 1 == $zip_warnings_count ? '' : 's'));
         // Always report warnings regardless of whether user has selected to ignore them
         if (true === $have_zip_warnings) {
             $this->log_zip_reports($zip_warnings, self::$_warning_desc, "WARNING", self::MAX_WARNING_LINES_TO_SHOW, dirname(dirname($tempdir)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pb_backupbuddy' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::ZIP_WARNINGS_FILE_NAME);
         // Always report other reports regardless
         if (true === $have_zip_other) {
             // Only report number of informationals if we have any as they are not that important
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: %1$s information%2$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zip_other_count, 1 == $zip_other_count ? 'al' : 'als'));
             $this->log_zip_reports($zip_other, self::$_other_desc, "INFORMATION", self::MAX_OTHER_LINES_TO_SHOW, dirname(dirname($tempdir)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pb_backupbuddy' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::ZIP_OTHERS_FILE_NAME);
         // See if we can figure out what happened
         // Note: only expect exitcode to be non-zero for an error we couldn't pre-empt
         // Note: warnings will cause the operation to be stopped if user hasn't chosen to ignore regardless
         // of whether we got a zip file (which we most likely did).
         // Note: a non-zero exitcode and presence of warnings are mutually exclusive
         if (!@file_exists($temp_zip) || 0 != $exitcode || true == $have_zip_warnings && !$this->get_ignore_warnings()) {
             // If we have any zip errors reported show them regardless
             if (true == $have_zip_errors) {
                 pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: %1$s error%2$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zip_errors_count, 1 == $zip_errors_count ? '' : 's'));
                 foreach ($zip_errors as $line) {
                     pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip process reported: ', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . $line);
             // Report whether or not the zip file was created (this will always be in the temporary location)
             if (!@file_exists($temp_zip)) {
                 pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip Archive file not created - check process exit code.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
             } else {
                 pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip Archive file created but with errors/actionable-warnings so will be deleted - check process exit code and warnings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
             // The operation has failed one way or another. Note that for pclzip the zip file is always created in the temporary
             // location regardless of whether the user selected to ignore errors or not (we can never guarantee to create a valid
             // zip file because the script might be terminated by the server so we must wait to produce a valid file and then
             // move it to the final location if it is valid).
             // Therefore if there is a zip file (produced but with warnings) it will not be visible and will be deleted when the
             // temporary directory is deleted below.
             $result = false;
         } else {
             // Got file with no error or warnings _or_ with warnings that the user has chosen to ignore
             // File always built in temporary location so always need to move it
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Moving Zip Archive file to local archive directory.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
             // Make sure no stale file information
             // Relocate the temporary zip file to final location
             @rename($temp_zip, $zip);
             // Check that we moved the file ok
             if (@file_exists($zip)) {
                 pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip Archive file moved to local archive directory.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                 pb_backupbuddy::status('message', __('Zip Archive file successfully created with no errors (any actionable warnings ignored by user settings).', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                 $this->log_archive_file_stats($zip, array('content_size' => $total_size));
                 // Temporary for now - try and incorporate into stats logging (makes the stats logging function part of the zip helper class?)
                 pb_backupbuddy::status('details', sprintf(__('Zip Archive file size: %1$s (directories + files) actually added', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zh->get_added_dir_count() + $zh->get_added_file_count()));
                 $result = true;
             } else {
                 pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Zip Archive file could not be moved to local archive directory.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                 $result = false;
     // Cleanup the temporary directory that will have all detritus and maybe incomplete zip file
     pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Removing temporary directory.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
     if (!$this->delete_directory_recursive($tempdir)) {
         pb_backupbuddy::status('details', __('Temporary directory could not be deleted: ', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . $tempdir);
     if (NULL != $za) {
     return $result;
  *	create_generic()
  *	A function that creates an archive file
  *	The $excludes will be a list or relative path excludes if the $listmaker object is null otehrwise
  *	will be absolute path excludes and relative path excludes can be had from the $listmaker object
  *	@param		string	$zip			Full path & filename of ZIP Archive file to create
  *	@param		string	$dir			Full path of directory to add to ZIP Archive file
  *	@parame		array	$excludes		List of either absolute path exclusions or relative exclusions
  *	@param		string	$tempdir		[Optional] Full path of directory for temporary usage
  *	@return		bool					True if the creation was successful, false otherwise
 protected function create_generic($zip, $dir, $excludes, $tempdir)
     $result = false;
     $exitcode = 255;
     $output = array();
     $zippath = '';
     $command = '';
     $temp_zip = '';
     $excluding_additional = false;
     $exclude_count = 0;
     $exclusions = array();
     $have_zip_errors = false;
     $zip_errors_count = 0;
     $zip_errors = array();
     $have_zip_warnings = false;
     $zip_warnings_count = 0;
     $zip_warnings = array();
     $have_zip_additions = false;
     $zip_additions_count = 0;
     $zip_additions = array();
     $have_zip_debug = false;
     $zip_debug_count = 0;
     $zip_debug = array();
     $have_zip_other = false;
     $zip_other_count = 0;
     $zip_other = array();
     $zip_skipped_count = 0;
     $zip_using_log_file = false;
     $logfile_name = '';
     $contentfile_name = '';
     $contentfile_fp = 0;
     $have_more_content = true;
     $zip_ignoring_symlinks = false;
     $zm = null;
     $lister = null;
     $visitor = null;
     $logger = null;
     $total_size = 0;
     $total_count = 0;
     $the_list = array();
     $zip_error_encountered = false;
     $zip_period_expired = false;
     // The basedir must have a trailing normalized directory separator
     $basedir = rtrim(trim($dir), self::DIRECTORY_SEPARATORS) . self::NORM_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     // Normalize platform specific directory separators in path
     $basedir = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, self::NORM_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $basedir);
     // Ensure no stale file information
     // Create the zip monitor function here
     // Zip monitor will inherit the logger from this object
     $zm = new pb_backupbuddy_zip_monitor($this);
     //			$zm->set_burst_max_period( self::ZIP_EXEC_DEFAULT_BURST_MAX_PERIOD )->set_burst_threshold_period( 'auto' )->log_parameters();
     // Note: could enforce trailing directory separator for robustness
     if (empty($tempdir) || !file_exists($tempdir)) {
         // This breaks the rule of single point of exit (at end) but it's early enough to not be a problem
         $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Temporary working directory must be available.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         return false;
     // Log the temporary working directory so we might be able to spot problems
     $this->log('details', __('Temporary working directory available: ', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . '`' . $tempdir . '`');
     $this->log('message', __('Zip process reported: Using Exec Mode.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
     // Tell which zip version is being used
     $version = $this->get_zip_version();
     if (true === is_array($version)) {
         2 == $version['major'] && 0 == $version['minor'] ? $version['minor'] = 'X' : true;
         $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Using zip version: %1$s.%2$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $version['major'], $version['minor']));
     } else {
         $version = array("major" => "X", "minor" => "Y");
         $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Using zip version: %1$s.%2$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $version['major'], $version['minor']));
     // Get the command path for the zip command - should return a trimmed string
     $zippath = $this->get_command_path(self::COMMAND_ZIP_PATH);
     // Determine if we are using an absolute path
     if (!empty($zippath)) {
         $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Using absolute zip path: ', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . $zippath);
     // Add the trailing slash if required
     $command = $this->slashify($zippath) . 'zip';
     // Notify the start of the step
     $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Zip archive initial step started with step period threshold: %1$ss', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $this->get_step_period()));
     // Let's inform what we are excluding/including
     if (count($excludes) > 0) {
         $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Calculating directories/files to exclude from backup (relative to site root).', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         foreach ($excludes as $exclude) {
             if (!strstr($exclude, 'backupbuddy_backups')) {
                 // Set variable to show we are excluding additional directories besides backup dir.
                 $excluding_additional = true;
             $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Excluding', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . ': ' . $exclude);
     if (true === $excluding_additional) {
         $this->log('message', __('Zip process reported: Excluding archives directory and additional directories defined in settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . ' ' . $exclude_count . ' ' . __('total', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . '.');
     } else {
         $this->log('message', __('Zip process reported: Only excluding archives directory based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . ' ' . $exclude_count . ' ' . __('total', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . '.');
     $this->log('message', __('Zip process reported: Determining list of candidate files + directories to be added to the zip archive', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
     // Now let's create the list of files and empty (vacant) directories to include in the backup.
     // Note: we can only include vacant directories (those that had no content in the first place).
     // An empty directory may have had content that was excluded but if we give this directory to
     // pclzip it automatically recurses down into it (we have no control over that) which would then
     // mess up the exclusions. Make sure the visitor only retains a subset of the fields that we need
     // here so as to keep memory usage down.
     $visitor = new pluginbuddy_zbdir_visitor_details(array('filename', 'directory', 'vacant', 'relative_path', 'size'));
     // Give the visitor a logger (maybe we should pass ours) and
     // also a process monitor (give it ours - the "global" one). As
     // the visitor is called regularly by zbdir as the site is scanned
     // we can hook the process monitoring into that.
     //			$logger = new pluginbuddy_zipbuddy_logger( 'Zip process reported: ' );
     $options = array('exclusions' => $excludes, 'pattern_exclusions' => array(), 'inclusions' => array(), 'pattern_inclusions' => array(), 'keep_tree' => false, 'ignore_symlinks' => $this->get_ignore_symlinks(), 'visitor' => $visitor);
     try {
         $lister = new pluginbuddy_zbdir($basedir, $options);
         // As we are not keeping the tree we haev already done the visitor pass
         // as the tree was built so our visitor contains all the information we
         // need so we can destroy the lister object
         $result = true;
         $this->log('message', __('Zip process reported: Determined list of candidate files + directories to be added to the zip archive', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // We couldn't build the list as required so need to bail
         $error_string = $e->getMessage();
         $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Unable to determine list of candidate files + directories for backup - error reported: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $error_string));
         // TODO: Should do some cleanup of any temporary directory, visitor, etc. but not for now
         $result = false;
     // In case that took a while use the monitor to try and keep the process alive
     if (true === $result) {
         // Now we have our flat file/directory list from the visitor - remember we didn't
         // keep the tree as we shouldn't need it for anything else as we can get all we need
         // from the visitor. We'll get a list of the subset of things we need from the visitor
         // so we can get rid of the visitor later. We'll use this list later to create our
         // partial inclusion list files to feed to zip for each burst.
         $the_list = $visitor->get_as_array(array('filename', 'directory', 'vacant', 'relative_path', 'size'));
         // Need to remove empty values now so that we don't get misleading values
         // Here "empty value" means there is no actual path that zip would be able to
         // add and so this would have had to have been ignored later and if we counted
         // it as "vaid" now then numebrs would be awry. In this case it is probably
         // _only_ the entry that would be for the / directory which actually has a
         // empty relative path and filename.
         foreach ($the_list as $key => $value) {
             if (empty($value['relative_path']) && empty($value['filename'])) {
         // Save the total count of items to be added
         $total_count = count($the_list);
         $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: %1$s (directories + files) will be requested to be added to backup zip archive', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $total_count));
         //$zm->set_options( array( 'directory_count' => ( $visitor->count( 'directory' => true ), 'file_count' => $visitor->count( array( 'directory' => false ) ) ) );
         // Find the sum total size of all non-directory (i.e., file) items
         // Make sure we can handle >2GB on a 32 bit PHP by using double
         // Note: Currently assuming no single item >2GB size as using the
         // basic size as returned by stat(). We'll likely need to change to
         // use our stat() to allow for up to 4GB item size on 32 bit PHP
         $total_size = (double) 0;
         foreach ($the_list as $the_item) {
             if (false === $the_item['directory']) {
                 $total_size += (int) $the_item['size'];
         $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: %1$s bytes will be requested to be added to backup zip archive', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), number_format($total_size, 0, ".", "")));
         //$zm->set_options( array( 'content_size' => $total_size ) );
         // This is where we want to save the contents list
         $contentfile_name = $tempdir . self::ZIP_CONTENT_FILE_NAME;
         // Now push the list to a file
         $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Writing zip content list to file: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $contentfile_name));
         try {
             $contentfile = new SplFileObject($contentfile_name, "wb");
             // Simple way to ensure we don't get a final empty line in file that messes up
             // the read and json_decode. We could later use different ways such as using
             // marker arrays at start/end so we can include other stuff maybe but this is
             // all we need for now.
             $prefix = '';
             foreach ($the_list as $the_item) {
                 $encoded_item = serialize($the_item);
                 // Need to bail out if it looks like we failed to encode the data
                 if (0 === strlen($encoded_item)) {
                     throw new Exception('Serialization of content list data failed');
                 $bytes_written = $contentfile->fwrite($prefix . $encoded_item);
                 // Be very careful to make sure we had a valid write - in paticular
                 // make sure we didn't write 0 bytes since even an empty line from the
                 // array should have the PHP_EOL bytes written
                 if (null === $bytes_written || 0 === $bytes_written || strlen($prefix) >= $bytes_written) {
                     throw new Exception('Failed to append to content file during creation');
                 $prefix = PHP_EOL;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Something fishy - we should have been able to open and
             // write to the content file...
             $error_string = $e->getMessage();
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Zip content file could not be created or data not encoded - error reported: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $error_string));
             // Temporary measure for bailing out on problems creting/appending content file
             $result = false;
         // We are done with populating the content file
         // Retain this for reference for now
         //file_put_contents( ( dirname( dirname( $tempdir ) ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::ZIP_CONTENT_FILE_NAME ), print_r( $the_list, true ) );
         // Presently we don't need the visitor any longer so we can free up some
         // memory by deleting. We have all we need in $the_list and we will use this
         // to create our burst content lists
     // Only continue if we have a valid list
     // This isn't ideal at present but will suffice
     if (true === $result) {
         // Check if the version of zip in use supports log file (which will help with memory usage for large sites)
         if (true === $this->get_zip_supports_log_file()) {
             // Choose to use log file so quieten stdout - we'll set up the log file later
             $command .= ' -q';
             $zip_using_log_file = true;
         // Check if we need to turn off compression by settings (faster but larger backup)
         if (true !== $this->get_compression()) {
             $command .= ' -0';
             $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip archive creation compression disabled based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         } else {
             $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip archive creation compression enabled based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         // Check if ignoring (not following) symlinks
         if (true === $this->get_ignore_symlinks()) {
             // Not all OS support this for command line zip but best to handle it late and just
             // indicate here it is requested but not supported by OS
             switch ($this->get_os_type()) {
                 case self::OS_TYPE_NIX:
                     // Want to not follow symlinks so set command option and set flag for later use
                     $command .= ' -y';
                     $zip_ignoring_symlinks = true;
                     $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip archive creation symbolic links will not be followed based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                 case self::OS_TYPE_WIN:
                     $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip archive creation symbolic links requested to not be followed based on settings but this option is not supported on this operating system.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                     $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip archive creation symbolic links requested to not be followed based on settings but this option is not supported on this operating system.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         } else {
             $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip archive creation symbolic links will be followed based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         // Check if we are ignoring warnings - meaning can still get a backup even
         // if, e.g., some files cannot be read
         if (true === $this->get_ignore_warnings()) {
             // Note: warnings are being ignored but will still be gathered and logged
             $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip archive creation actionable warnings will be ignored based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         } else {
             $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip archive creation actionable warnings will not be ignored based on settings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
         // We want to "grow" a file with each successive "burst". Because we have
         // already created the empty zip archive we can always grow. If we hadn't
         // already created the empty archive the use of grow on the first burst
         // would throw a warning and if we are not ignoring warnings this would
         // halt the backup - option would be to ignore that particular warning
         // but with the already created file that shouldn't be necessary.
         // Note: still will not "grow" an empty zip but rather changes to "add"
         // and throws a warning so really the only way to overcome is to actualy
         // have zip content (a dummy file)
         $command .= ' -g';
         // Set up the log file - if $zip_using_log_file is true it means we can log
         // directly to the log file from the zip utility so we'll set that up. If it
         // is false it means the version of zip utility in use cnnot log directly to
         // file so we'll be accumulating the output of each burst into an array and
         // at burst completion we'll append the log details to the log file. So in
         // either case we'll end up with a log file that we process from warnings, etc.
         // This approach gives us a unified process and also makes it easy to handle
         // the log over multiple steps if required.
         $logfile_name = $tempdir . self::ZIP_LOG_FILE_NAME;
         if (true === $zip_using_log_file) {
             $command .= " -lf '{$logfile_name}' -li -la";
         // Set temporary directory to store ZIP while it's being generated.
         $command .= " -b '{$tempdir}'";
         // Temporary zip file is _always_ located in the temp dir now and we move it
         // to the final location after completion if it is a good completion
         $temp_zip = $tempdir . basename($zip);
         $command .= " '{$temp_zip}' .";
         // Now create the inclusions file in the tempdir
         $ifile = $tempdir . self::ZIP_INCLUSIONS_FILE_NAME;
         // Now the tricky bit - we have to determine how we are going to give the lisy of files
         // to zip to use. Preferred way would be as a parameter that tells it to include the
         // files listed in the file. Unfortunately there is no such option for zip - a list of
         // files to include in a zip can only be given as discrete file names on the command line
         // or read from stdin. Giving a long list of names on the command line is not
         // feasible so we have to use a stdin based method which is either to cat the file and
         // pipe it in to zip or we can use an stdin file descriptor redirection to fetch the
         // contents of the file. We can only use these methods safely on *nix systems and when
         // exec_dir is not in use.
         // When we cannot use the stdin approach we have to resort to using the -i@file
         // parameter along with the -r recursion option so that zip will match the "patterns"
         // we give it in the file as it recurses the directory tree. This is not an ideal solution
         // because the recursion can be slow on some servers where there is a big directory tree
         // and much of it is irrelevant and does not belong to the site - but we have no other choice.
         // We shouldn't have to use this method very much and it should be ok in many cases
         // where there isn't much that is superfluous in the directory tree.
         // So let's make up the final command to execute based on the operational environment
         // and then we can simply "reuse" the command on each burst, with the addition of the
         // -g option on bursts after the first.
         if (true === $this->get_exec_dir_flag() || self::OS_TYPE_WIN === $this->get_os_type()) {
             // We are running on Windows or using exec_dir so have to use -r and -i@file
             $command .= " -r -i@" . "'{$ifile}'";
         } else {
             // We aer running under a nice *nix environment so we can use a stdin redirection
             // approach. Let's just use redirection for now as that avoids having to use cat and
             // piping.
             // 					$command .= " -@";
             // 					$command = "cat '{$ifile}' | " . $command;
             $command .= " -@";
             $command .= " <'{$ifile}'";
         // If we can't use a log file but exec_dir isn't in use we can redirect stderr to stdout
         // If exec_dir is in use we cannot redirect because of command line escaping so cannot log errors/warnings
         if (false === $zip_using_log_file) {
             if (false === $this->get_exec_dir_flag()) {
                 $command .= ' 2>&1';
             } else {
                 $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Zip Errors/Warnings cannot not be logged with this version of zip and exec_dir active', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), true));
         } else {
             // Using log file but need to redirect stderr to null because zip
             // still seems to send some stuff to stderr as well as to log file.
             // Note: if exec_dir is in use then we cannot redirect so theer may
             // be some stuff gets sent to stderr and logged but it's not worth
             // telling that - if we really need that then we can change the below
             // into an if/then/else and log the condition.
             $command .= $this->get_exec_dir_flag() ? "" : " 2>" . $this->get_null_device();
         // Remember our "master" command
         $master_command = $command;
         // Remember the "master" inclusions list filename
         $master_ifile = $ifile;
         // Use this to memorise the worst exit code we had (where we didn't immediately
         // bail out because it signalled a bad failure)
         $max_exitcode = 0;
         // Do this as close to when we actually want to start monitoring usage
         // Maybe this is redundant as we have already called this in the constructor.
         // If we want to do this then we have to call with true to reset monitoring to
         // start now.
         // Now we have our command prototype we can start bursting
         // Simply build a burst list based on content size. Currently no
         // look-ahead so the size will always exceed the current size threshold
         // by some amount. May consider using a look-ahead to see if the next
         // item would exceed the threshold in which case don't add it (unless it
         // would be the only content in which case have to add it but also log
         // a warning).
         // We'll stop either when noting more to add or we have exceeded our step
         // period or we have encountered an error.
         // Note: we might bail out immediately if previous processing has already
         // caused us to exceed the step period.
         while ($have_more_content && !($zip_period_expired = $this->exceeded_step_period($this->get_process_monitor()->get_elapsed_time())) && !$zip_error_encountered) {
             // Populate the content file for zip
             $ilist = array();
             // Tell helper that we are preparing a new burst
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Starting burst number: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zm->get_burst_count()));
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Current burst size threshold: %1$s bytes', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), number_format($zm->get_burst_current_size_threshold(), 0, ".", "")));
             // Open the content list file and seek to the "current" position. This
             // will be initially zero and then updated after each burst. For multi-step
             // it will be zero on the first step and then would be passed back in
             // as a parameter on subsequent steps based on where in the file the previous
             // step reached.
             // TODO: Maybe a sanity check to make sure position seems tenable
             try {
                 $contentfile = new SplFileObject($contentfile_name, "rb");
                 // Helper keeps track of what is being added to the burst content and will
                 // tell us when the content is sufficient for this burst based on it's
                 // criteria - this can adapt to how each successive burst goes.
                 while (!$contentfile->eof() && false === $zm->burst_content_complete()) {
                     // Should be at least one item to grab from the list and then move to next
                     // and remember it for if we drop out because burst content complete, in
                     // that case we'll return to that point in the file at the next burst start.
                     // Check for unserialize failure and bail
                     $item = @unserialize($contentfile->current());
                     if (false === $item) {
                         throw new Exception('Unserialization of content list data failed: `' . $contentfile->current() . '`');
                     $file = $item['relative_path'] . $item['filename'];
                     // We shouldn't have any empty items here as we should have removed them
                     // earlier, but just in case...
                     if (!empty($file)) {
                         $ilist[] = $file;
                         // Call the helper event handler as we add each file to the list
                 // Burst list is completed by way of end of content list file or size threshold
                 if (!$contentfile->eof()) {
                     // We haven't exhausted the content list yet so remember where we
                     // are at for next burst
                     $contentfile_fp = $contentfile->ftell();
                 } else {
                     // Exhausted the content list so make sure we drop out after this burst
                     // if we don't break out of the loop due to a zip error or reached step
                     // duration limit
                     $have_more_content = false;
                 // Finished one way or another so close content list file for this burst
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // Something fishy - we should have been able to open the content file...
                 // TODO: We need to bail out totally here I think
                 $error_string = $e->getMessage();
                 $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Zip content list file could not be opened/read - error reported: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $error_string));
                 $exitcode = 255;
                 $zip_error_encountered = true;
             // Retain this for reference for now
             //file_put_contents( ( dirname( $tempdir ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::ZIP_CONTENT_FILE_NAME ), print_r( $ilist, true ) );
             // Make sure we expunge any previous version of the inclusions file
             if (file_exists($ifile)) {
             // Slight kludge for now to make sure each burst content file is uniquely named
             $ifile = str_replace(".txt", "_" . $zm->get_burst_count() . ".txt", $master_ifile);
             $file_ok = @file_put_contents($ifile, implode(PHP_EOL, $ilist) . PHP_EOL);
             if (false === $file_ok || 0 === $file_ok) {
                 // The file write failed for some reason, e.g., no disk space? We need to
                 // bail and set exit code so that problem is apparent
                 $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Unable to write burst content file: `%1$s`', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $ifile));
                 $exitcode = 255;
                 $zip_error_encountered = true;
             // Remember the current directory and change to the directory being added so that "." is valid in command
             $working_dir = getcwd();
             // We don't need to remove the -g option from the command on our first burst any
             // longer because we are creating an initial empty zip that can be grown
             // Note: Sadly we still need to do add on the first burst to avoid empty zip
             // warning (until we can have dumy content in the zip to prevent that warning).
             if (1 === $zm->get_burst_count()) {
                 $command = str_replace("-g", "", $master_command);
             } else {
                 $command = $master_command;
             // $command = $master_command;
             // Make sure we put the correct burst content file name in the command
             // Slight kludge for now until we build the command line dynamically each burst
             $command = str_replace($master_ifile, $ifile, $command);
             $command = self::OS_TYPE_WIN === $this->get_os_type() ? str_replace('\'', '"', $command) : $command;
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Burst requests %1$s (directories + files) items with %2$s bytes of content to be added to backup zip archive', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zm->get_burst_content_count(), $zm->get_burst_content_size()));
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Using burst content file: `%1$s`', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $ifile));
             $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: ') . $this->get_method_tag() . __(' command', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . ': ' . $command);
             // Allow helper to check how the burst goes
             // We need the $output array to contain only output for this burst so
             // always reset it before invoking exec.
             $output = array();
             @exec($command, $output, $exitcode);
             // And now we can analyse what happened and plan for next burst if any
             // Wrap up the individual burst handling
             // Note: because we called exec we basically went into a wait condition and so (on Linux)
             // we didn't consume any max_execution_time so we never really have to bother about
             // resetting it. However, it is true that time will have elapsed so if this burst _does_
             // take longer than our current burst threshold period then max_execution_time would be
             // reset - but what this doesn't cover is a _cumulative_ effect of bursts and so we might
             // consider reworking the mechanism to monitor this separately from the individual burst
             // period (the confusion relates to this having originally applied to the time based
             // burst handling fro pclzip rather than teh size based for exec). It could also be more
             // relevant for Windows that doesn't stop the clock when exec is called.
             // Now if we are not loggign directly to file we need to append the $output array
             // to the log file - first invocation will create the file.
             if (false === $zip_using_log_file) {
                 $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Appending zip burst log detail to zip log file: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $logfile_name));
                 try {
                     $logfile = new SplFileObject($logfile_name, "ab");
                     foreach ($output as $line) {
                         $bytes_written = $logfile->fwrite($line . PHP_EOL);
                         // Be very careful to make sure we had a valid write - in paticular
                         // make sure we didn't write 0 bytes since even an empty line from the
                         // array should have the PHP_EOL bytes written
                         if (null === $bytes_written || 0 === $bytes_written) {
                             throw new Exception('Failed to append to zip log file during zip creation - zip log details will be incomplete but zip exit code will still be valid');
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     // Something fishy - we should have been able to open and
                     // write to the log file...
                     $error_string = $e->getMessage();
                     $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Zip log file could not be opened/appended-to - error reported: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $error_string));
             // Report progress at end of burst
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Accumulated bursts requested %1$s (directories + files) items to be added to backup zip archive (end of burst)', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zm->get_added_dir_count() + $zm->get_added_file_count()));
             // Work out percentage progress on items
             if (0 < $total_count) {
                 $percentage_complete = (int) (($zm->get_added_dir_count() + $zm->get_added_file_count()) / $total_count * 100);
                 $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Accumulated bursts requested %1$s%% of %2$s (directories + files) total items to be added to backup zip archive (end of burst)', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $percentage_complete, $total_count));
             // Keep a running total of the backup file size (this is temporary code)
             // Using our stat() function in case file size exceeds 2GB on a 32 bit PHP system
             $temp_zip_stats = pluginbuddy_stat::stat($temp_zip);
             // Only log anything if we got some valid file stats
             if (false !== $temp_zip_stats) {
                 $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Accumulated zip archive file size: %1$s bytes', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), number_format($temp_zip_stats['dsize'], 0, ".", "")));
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Ending burst number: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zm->get_burst_count()));
             // Set current working directory back to where we were
             // We have to check the exit code to decide whether to keep going ot bail out (break).
             // If we get a 0 exit code ot 18 exit code then keep going and remember we got the 18
             // so that we can emit that as the final exit code if applicable. If we get any other
             // exit code then we must break out immediately.
             if (0 !== $exitcode && 18 !== $exitcode) {
                 // Zip failure of some sort - must bail out with current exit code
                 $zip_error_encountered = true;
             } else {
                 // Make sure exit code is always the worst we've had so that when
                 // we've done our last burst we drop out with the correct exit code set
                 // This is really to make sure we drop out with exit code 18 if we had
                 // this in _any_ burst as we would keep going and subsequent burst(s) may
                 // return 0. If we had any other non-zero exit code it would be a "fatal"
                 // error and we would have dropped out immediately anyway.
                 $exitcode = $max_exitcode > $exitcode ? $max_exitcode : ($max_exitcode = $exitcode);
             // Now inject a little delay until the next burst. This may be required to give the
             // server time to catch up with finalizing file creation and/or it may be required to
             // reduce the average load a little so there isn't a sustained "peak"
             // Theoretically a sleep could be interrupted by a signal and it would return some
             // non-zero value or false - but if that is the case it probably signals something
             // more troubling so there is little point in tryng to "handle" such a condition here.
             if (0 < ($burst_gap = $this->get_burst_gap())) {
                 $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Starting burst gap delay of: %1$ss', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $burst_gap));
         // Exited the loop for some reason so decide what to do now.
         // If we didn't exit because of exceeding the step period then it's a
         // normal exit and we'll process accordingly and end up returning true
         // or false. If we exited because of exceeding step period then we need
         // to return the current state array to enable next iteration to pick up
         // where we left off.
         // Note: we might consider having the zip helper give us a state to
         // restore on it when we create one again - but for now we'll not do that
         if ($zip_period_expired) {
             // Report progress at end of step
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Accumulated bursts requested %1$s (directories + files) items to be added to backup zip archive (end of step)', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zm->get_added_dir_count() + $zm->get_added_file_count()));
             // Work out percentage progress on items
             if (0 < $total_count) {
                 $percentage_complete = (int) (($zm->get_added_dir_count() + $zm->get_added_file_count()) / $total_count * 100);
                 $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Accumulated bursts requested %1$s%% of %2$s (directories + files) total items to be added to backup zip archive (end of step)', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $percentage_complete, $total_count));
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Zip archive build step terminated after %1$ss, continuation step will be scheduled', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $this->get_process_monitor()->get_elapsed_time()));
             // Need to set up the state information we'll need to tell the next
             // loop how to set things up to continue. Next time around if another
             // step is required then some of these may be changed and others may
             // stay the same.
             // Note: the method tag 'mt' is used to tell zipbuddy exactly which
             // zipper to use, the one that was picked first time through.
             $state = array('name' => pluginbuddy_zipbuddy::STATE_NAME_IN_PROGRESS, 'id' => pluginbuddy_zipbuddy::STATE_ID_IN_PROGRESS, 'zipbuddy' => array('mt' => $this->get_method_tag()), 'zipper' => array('fp' => $contentfile_fp, 'mec' => $max_exitcode, 'sp' => $this->get_step_period(), 'root' => $dir, 'ts' => $total_size, 'tc' => $total_count), 'helper' => array('dc' => $zm->get_added_dir_count(), 'fc' => $zm->get_added_file_count()));
             // Now we can return directly as we haev nothing to clear up
             return $state;
         // Convenience for handling different scanarios
         $result = false;
         // We can report how many dirs/files finally added
         $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Accumulated bursts requested %1$s (directories + files) items to be added to backup zip archive (final)', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zm->get_added_dir_count() + $zm->get_added_file_count()));
         // Work out percentage progress on items
         if (0 < $total_count) {
             $percentage_complete = (int) (($zm->get_added_dir_count() + $zm->get_added_file_count()) / $total_count * 100);
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Accumulated bursts requested %1$s%% of %2$s (directories + files) total items to be added to backup zip archive (final)', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $percentage_complete, $total_count));
         // Always logging to file one way or another
         // Always scan the output/logfile for warnings, etc. and show warnings even if user has chosen to ignore them
         try {
             $logfile = new SplFileObject($logfile_name, "rb");
             while (!$logfile->eof()) {
                 $line = $logfile->current();
                 $id = $logfile->key();
                 // Use the line number as unique key for later sorting
                 if (preg_match('/^\\s*(zip warning:)/i', $line)) {
                     // Looking for specific types of warning - in particular want the warning that
                     // indicates a file couldn't be read as we want to treat that as a "skipped"
                     // warning that indicates that zip flagged this as a potential problem but
                     // created the zip file anyway - but it would have generated the non-zero exit
                     // code of 18 and we key off that later. All other warnings are not considered
                     // reasons to return a non-zero exit code whilst still creating a zip file so
                     // we'll follow the lead on that and not have other warning types halt the backup.
                     // So we'll try and look for a warning output that looks like it is file related...
                     if (preg_match('/^\\s*(zip warning:)\\s*([^:]*:)\\s*(.*)/i', $line, $matches)) {
                         // Matched to what looks like a file related warning so check particular cases
                         switch (strtolower($matches[2])) {
                             case "could not open for reading:":
                                 $zip_warnings[self::ZIP_WARNING_SKIPPED][$id] = trim($line);
                             case "filtered:":
                                 $zip_warnings[self::ZIP_WARNING_FILTERED][$id] = trim($line);
                             case "filename too long:":
                                 $zip_warnings[self::ZIP_WARNING_LONGPATH][$id] = trim($line);
                             case "unknown add status:":
                                 $zip_warnings[self::ZIP_WARNING_GENERIC][$id] = trim($line);
                             case "name not matched:":
                                 $zip_other[self::ZIP_OTHER_GENERIC][$id] = trim($line);
                                 $zip_warnings[self::ZIP_WARNING_GENERIC][$id] = trim($line);
                     } else {
                         // Didn't match to what would look like a file related warning so count it regardless
                         $zip_warnings[self::ZIP_WARNING_GENERIC][$id] = trim($line);
                 } elseif (preg_match('/^\\s*(zip info:)/i', $line)) {
                     // An informational may have associated reason and filename so
                     // check for that
                     if (preg_match('/^\\s*(zip info:)\\s*([^:]*:)\\s*(.*)/i', $line, $matches)) {
                         // Matched to what looks like a file related info so check particular cases
                         switch (strtolower($matches[2])) {
                             case "ignored symlink:":
                                 $zip_other[self::ZIP_OTHER_IGNORED_SYMLINK][$id] = trim($line);
                                 $zip_other[self::ZIP_OTHER_GENERIC][$id] = trim($line);
                     } else {
                         // Didn't match to what would look like a file related info so count it regardless
                         $zip_other[self::ZIP_OTHER_GENERIC][$id] = trim($line);
                 } elseif (preg_match('/^\\s*(zip error:)/i', $line)) {
                     $zip_errors[$id] = trim($line);
                 } elseif (preg_match('/^\\s*(adding:)/i', $line)) {
                     // Currently not processing additions entried
                     //$zip_additions[] = trim( $line );
                 } elseif (preg_match('/^\\s*(sd:)/i', $line)) {
                     $zip_debug[$id] = trim($line);
                 } elseif (preg_match('/^.*(skipped:)\\s*(?P<skipped>\\d+)/i', $line, $matches)) {
                     // Each burst may have some skipped files and each will report separately
                     if (isset($matches['skipped'])) {
                         $zip_skipped_count += $matches['skipped'];
                 } else {
                     // Currently not processing other entries
                     //$zip_other[] = trim( $line );
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Something fishy - we should have been able to open the log file...
             $error_string = $e->getMessage();
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Zip log file could not be opened - error reported: %1$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $error_string));
         // Set convenience flags
         $have_zip_warnings = 0 < $zip_warnings_count;
         $have_zip_errors = 0 < $zip_errors_count;
         $have_zip_additions = 0 < $zip_additions_count;
         $have_zip_debug = 0 < $zip_debug_count;
         $have_zip_other = 0 < $zip_other_count;
         // Always report the exit code regardless of whether we might ignore it or not
         $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip process exit code: ', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . $exitcode);
         // Always report the number of warnings - even just to confirm that we didn't have any
         $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: %1$s warning%2$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zip_warnings_count, 1 == $zip_warnings_count ? '' : 's'));
         // Always report warnings regardless of whether user has selected to ignore them
         if (true === $have_zip_warnings) {
             $this->log_zip_reports($zip_warnings, self::$_warning_desc, "WARNING", self::MAX_WARNING_LINES_TO_SHOW, dirname(dirname($tempdir)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pb_backupbuddy' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::ZIP_WARNINGS_FILE_NAME);
         // Always report other reports regardless
         if (true === $have_zip_other) {
             // Only report number of informationals if we have any as they are not that important
             $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: %1$s information%2$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zip_other_count, 1 == $zip_other_count ? 'al' : 'als'));
             $this->log_zip_reports($zip_other, self::$_other_desc, "INFORMATION", self::MAX_OTHER_LINES_TO_SHOW, dirname(dirname($tempdir)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pb_backupbuddy' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::ZIP_OTHERS_FILE_NAME);
         // See if we can figure out what happened - note that $exitcode could be non-zero for actionable warning(s) or error
         // if ( (no zip file) or (fatal exit code) or (not ignoring warnable exit code) )
         // TODO: Handle condition testing with function calls based on mapping exit codes to exit type (fatal vs non-fatal)
         if (!@file_exists($temp_zip) || 0 != $exitcode && 18 != $exitcode || 18 == $exitcode && !$this->get_ignore_warnings()) {
             // If we have any zip errors reported show them regardless
             if (true === $have_zip_errors) {
                 $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: %1$s error%2$s', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zip_errors_count, 1 == $zip_errors_count ? '' : 's'));
                 foreach ($zip_errors as $line) {
                     $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: ', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . $line);
             // Report whether or not the zip file was created (whether that be in the final or temporary location)
             if (!@file_exists($temp_zip)) {
                 $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip Archive file not created - check process exit code.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
             } else {
                 $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip Archive file created but with errors/actionable-warnings so will be deleted - check process exit code and warnings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
             // The operation has failed one way or another. Note that as the user didn't choose to ignore errors the zip file
             // is always created in a temporary location and then only moved to final location on success without error or warnings.
             // Therefore if there is a zip file (produced but with warnings) it will not be visible and will be deleted when the
             // temporary directory is deleted below.
             $result = false;
         } else {
             // NOTE: Probably the two paths below can be reduced to one because even if we are
             // ignoring warnings we are still building the zip in temporary location and finally
             // moving it because we are growing it.
             // Got file with no error or warnings _or_ with warnings that the user has chosen to ignore
             if (false === $this->get_ignore_warnings()) {
                 // Because not ignoring warnings the zip archive was built in temporary location so we need to move it
                 $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Moving Zip Archive file to local archive directory.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                 // Make sure no stale file information
                 @rename($temp_zip, $zip);
                 if (@file_exists($zip)) {
                     $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip Archive file moved to local archive directory.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                     $this->log('message', __('Zip process reported: Zip Archive file successfully created with no errors or actionable warnings.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                     $this->log_archive_file_stats($zip, array('content_size' => $total_size));
                     // Temporary for now - try and incorporate into stats logging (makes the stats logging function part of the zip helper class?)
                     $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Zip Archive file size: %1$s of %2$s (directories + files) actually added', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zm->get_added_dir_count() + $zm->get_added_file_count() - $zip_skipped_count, $total_count));
                     // Work out percentage on items
                     if (0 < $total_count) {
                         $percentage_complete = (int) (($zm->get_added_dir_count() + $zm->get_added_file_count() - $zip_skipped_count) / $total_count * 100);
                         $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Zip archive file size: %1$s%% of %2$s (directories + files) actually added', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $percentage_complete, $total_count));
                     $result = true;
                 } else {
                     $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip Archive file could not be moved to local archive directory.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                     $result = false;
             } else {
                 // With multi-burst we haev to always build the zip in temp location  so always have to move it
                 $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Moving Zip Archive file to local archive directory.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                 // Make sure no stale file information
                 @rename($temp_zip, $zip);
                 if (@file_exists($zip)) {
                     $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip Archive file moved to local archive directory.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                     $this->log('message', __('Zip process reported: Zip Archive file successfully created with no errors (any actionable warnings ignored by user settings).', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                     $this->log_archive_file_stats($zip, array('content_size' => $total_size));
                     // Temporary for now - try and incorporate into stats logging (makes the stats logging function part of the zip helper class?)
                     $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Zip Archive file size: %1$s of %2$s (directories + files) actually added', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $zm->get_added_dir_count() + $zm->get_added_file_count() - $zip_skipped_count, $total_count));
                     // Work out percentage on items
                     if (0 < $total_count) {
                         $percentage_complete = (int) (($zm->get_added_dir_count() + $zm->get_added_file_count() - $zip_skipped_count) / $total_count * 100);
                         $this->log('details', sprintf(__('Zip process reported: Zip archive file size: %1$s%% of %2$s (directories + files) actually added', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), $percentage_complete, $total_count));
                     $result = true;
                 } else {
                     $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Zip Archive file could not be moved to local archive directory.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
                     $result = false;
     // Cleanup the temporary directory that will have all detritus and maybe incomplete zip file
     $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Removing temporary directory.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'));
     if (!$this->delete_directory_recursive($tempdir)) {
         $this->log('details', __('Zip process reported: Temporary directory could not be deleted: ', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . $tempdir);
     return $result;