$db->query(); } else { $db->setQuery("UPDATE #__extensions SET `enabled`='1' WHERE `type`='plugin' AND `element`='rsticketsprocontent' AND `folder`='search'"); $db->query(); } $plg_installer->install($this->parent->getPath('source') . DS . 'plg_user'); if (!RSTicketsProHelper::isJ16()) { $db->setQuery("UPDATE #__plugins SET published=1, ordering=900 WHERE `element`='rsticketspro' AND `folder`='user'"); $db->query(); require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'user' . DS . 'rsticketspro.php'; plgUserRSTicketsPro::onLoginUser($user = array(), $options = array()); } else { $db->setQuery("UPDATE #__extensions SET `enabled`='1' WHERE `type`='plugin' AND `element`='rsticketspro' AND `folder`='user'"); $db->query(); require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'user' . DS . 'rsticketspro' . DS . 'rsticketspro.php'; plgUserRSTicketsPro::onLoginUser($user = array(), $options = array()); } // R2 $db->setQuery("SELECT lang FROM #__rsticketspro_emails WHERE `message` LIKE '%option=com_rstickets%' AND `message` NOT LIKE '%option=com_rsticketspro%'"); if ($db->getNumRows($db->query())) { $db->setQuery("UPDATE #__rsticketspro_emails SET `message`=REPLACE(`message`, 'option=com_rstickets', 'option=com_rsticketspro') WHERE `message` LIKE '%option=com_rstickets%' AND `message` NOT LIKE '%option=com_rsticketspro%'"); $db->query(); } $db->setQuery("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `#__rsticketspro_configuration` WHERE Field='value'"); $result = $db->loadObject(); if (strtolower($result->Type) != 'text') { $db->setQuery("ALTER TABLE `#__rsticketspro_configuration` CHANGE `value` `value` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL"); if (!$db->query()) { $db->setQuery("ALTER TABLE `#__rsticketspro_configuration` CHANGE `value` `value` TEXT NOT NULL"); $db->query(); }
function save() { $row =& JTable::getInstance('RSTicketsPro_Staff', 'Table'); $post = JRequest::get('post'); $post['signature'] = JRequest::getVar('signature', '', 'post', 'none', JREQUEST_ALLOWHTML); if (!$row->bind($post)) { return JError::raiseWarning(500, $row->getError()); } if ($row->store()) { $this->_db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__rsticketspro_staff_to_department WHERE `user_id`='" . $row->user_id . "'"); $this->_db->query(); foreach ($post['department_id'] as $department_id) { $department_id = (int) $department_id; if (empty($department_id)) { continue; } $this->_db->setQuery("INSERT INTO #__rsticketspro_staff_to_department SET `department_id`='" . $department_id . "', `user_id`='" . $row->user_id . "'"); $this->_db->query(); } $this->_id = $row->id; return true; } else { JError::raiseWarning(500, $row->getError()); return false; } if (class_exists('plgUserRSTicketsPro')) { plgUserRSTicketsPro::onLoginUser($user = array(), $options = array()); } }