  * @param array already loaded plugin scripts
  * load the javascript class that manages interaction with the form element
  * should only be called once
  * @since 3.0
 function formJavascriptClass(&$srcs)
     plgFabrik_Element::formJavascriptClass($srcs, 'media/com_fabrik/js/window.js');
  * this builds an array containing the filters value and condition
  * @param string initial $value
  * @param string intial $condition
  * @param string eval - how the value should be handled
  * @return array (value condition)
 function getFilterValue($value, $condition, $eval)
     $value = $this->prepareFilterVal($value);
     $return = parent::getFilterValue($value, $condition, $eval);
     return $return;
  * build the filter query for the given element.
  * @param $key element name in format `tablename`.`elementname`
  * @param $condition =/like etc
  * @param $value search string - already quoted if specified in filter array options
  * @param $originalValue - original filter value without quotes or %'s applied
  * @param string filter type advanced/normal/prefilter/search/querystring/searchall
  * @return string sql query part e,g, "key = value"
 function getFilterQuery($key, $condition, $label, $originalValue, $type = 'normal')
     $value = $label;
     if ($type == 'searchall') {
         // $$$ hugh - (sometimes?) $label is already quoted, which is causing havoc ...
         $db = JFactory::getDbo();
         $values = $this->replaceLabelWithValue(trim($label, "'"));
         if (empty($values)) {
             $value = '';
         } else {
             $value = $values[0];
         if ($value == '') {
             $value = $label;
         if (!preg_match('#^\'.*\'$#', $value)) {
             $value = $db->Quote($value);
     $params =& $this->getParams();
     if ($params->get('multiple')) {
         $originalValue = trim($value, "'");
         return " ({$key} {$condition} {$value} OR {$key} LIKE \"{$originalValue}',%\"" . " OR {$key} LIKE \"%:'{$originalValue}',%\"" . " OR {$key} LIKE \"%:'{$originalValue}'\"" . " )";
     } else {
         return parent::getFilterQuery($key, $condition, $value, $originalValue, $type);
  * When the element is a repeatble join (e.g. db join checkbox) then figure out how many
  * records have been selected
  * @param   array  $data    data
  * @param   object  $oJoin  join model
  * @since 3.0rc1
  * @return  int		number of records selected
 public function getJoinRepeatCount($data, $oJoin)
     $displayType = $this->getParams()->get('database_join_display_type', 'dropdown');
     if ($displayType === 'multilist') {
         $join = $this->getJoinModel()->getJoin();
         $repeatName = $join->table_join . '___' . $this->getElement()->name;
         return count(JArrayHelper::getValue($data, $repeatName, array()));
     } else {
         return parent::getJoinRepeatCount($data, $oJoin);
  * Build the filter query for the given element.
  * Can be overwritten in plugin - e.g. see checkbox element which checks for partial matches
  * @param   string  $key            element name in format `tablename`.`elementname`
  * @param   string  $condition      =/like etc
  * @param   string  $label          search string - already quoted if specified in filter array options
  * @param   string  $originalValue  original filter value without quotes or %'s applied
  * @param   string  $type           filter type advanced/normal/prefilter/search/querystring/searchall
  * @return  string	sql query part e,g, "key = value"
 public function getFilterQuery($key, $condition, $label, $originalValue, $type = 'normal')
     $value = $label;
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     if ($type == 'searchall') {
         // $$$ hugh - (sometimes?) $label is already quoted, which is causing havoc ...
         $values = $this->replaceLabelWithValue(trim($label, "'"));
         if (empty($values)) {
             $value = '';
         } else {
             $value = $values[0];
         if ($value == '') {
             $value = $label;
         if (!preg_match('#^\'.*\'$#', $value)) {
             $value = $db->quote($value);
     $params = $this->getParams();
     if ($params->get('multiple')) {
         $originalValue = trim($value, "'");
          * JSON stored values will back slash "/". So wwe need to add "\\\\"
          * before it to escape it for the query.
         $originalValue = str_replace("/", "\\\\/", $originalValue);
         $where1 = '["' . $originalValue . '",%';
         $where2 = '%,"' . $originalValue . '",%';
         $where3 = '%,"' . $originalValue . '"]';
         $str = "({$key} {$condition} {$value} " . " OR {$key} LIKE " . $db->quote('["' . $originalValue . '"%') . " OR {$key} LIKE " . $db->quote('%"' . $originalValue . '"%') . " OR {$key} LIKE " . $db->quote('%"' . $originalValue . '"]') . ")";
         return $str;
     } else {
         return parent::getFilterQuery($key, $condition, $value, $originalValue, $type);
  * build the filter query for the given element.
  * @param $key element name in format `tablename`.`elementname`
  * @param $condition =/like etc
  * @param $value search string - already quoted if specified in filter array options
  * @param $originalValue - original filter value without quotes or %'s applied
  * @param string filter type advanced/normal/prefilter/search/querystring/searchall
  * @return string sql query part e,g, "key = value"
 function getFilterQuery($key, $condition, $label, $originalValue, $type = 'normal')
     $value = $label;
     if ($type == 'searchall') {
         // $$$ hugh - (sometimes?) $label is already quoted, which is causing havoc ...
         $db = JFactory::getDbo();
         $values = $this->replaceLabelWithValue(trim($label, "'"));
         if (empty($values)) {
             $value = '';
         } else {
             $value = $values[0];
         if ($value == '') {
             $value = $label;
         if (!preg_match('#^\'.*\'$#', $value)) {
             $value = $db->Quote($value);
     $params = $this->getParams();
     if ($params->get('multiple')) {
         $originalValue = trim($value, "'");
         $where1 = '["' . $originalValue . '",%';
         $where2 = '%,"' . $originalValue . '",%';
         $where3 = '%,"' . $originalValue . '"]';
         return ' (' . $key . ' ' . $condition . ' ' . $value . ' OR ' . $key . ' LIKE \'' . $where1 . '\' OR ' . $key . ' LIKE \'' . $where2 . '\' OR ' . $key . ' LIKE \'' . $where3 . '\' )';
     } else {
         return parent::getFilterQuery($key, $condition, $value, $originalValue, $type);
  * Determines the value for the element in the form view
  * @param   array  $data           form data
  * @param   int    $repeatCounter  when repeating joinded groups we need to know what part of the array to access
  * @param   array  $opts           options
  * @return  string	value
 public function getValue($data, $repeatCounter = 0, $opts = array())
     $v = parent::getValue($data, $repeatCounter, $opts);
     // $$$ rob see http://fabrikar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25965
     if (is_array($v) && count($v) == 1) {
         $v = $v[0];
     return $v;