 public static function beStrtolower($mystring)
     /* parameters
        $mystring				the string to convert
     $mystring = plgContentCssgalleryHelper::beIs_utf8($mystring) ? $mystring : utf8_encode($mystring);
     $mystring = function_exists('mb_strtolower') ? mb_strtolower($mystring) : strtolower($mystring);
     return $mystring;
 public function onContentPrepare($context, &$article, &$params, $limitstart = 0)
     // checking
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     if ($document->getType() != 'html') {
     if (!isset($article->text) || !preg_match("#{becssg}(.*?){/becssg}#s", $article->text)) {
     $path_absolute = JPATH_SITE;
     $path_site = JURI::base(true);
     if (substr($path_site, -1) == "/") {
         $path_site = substr($path_site, 0, -1);
     $path_imgroot = '/images/';
     // default image root folder //1.6
     $path_ctrls = '/images/vsig_buttons/';
     // button folder
     $path_plugin = '/plugins/content/cssgallery/files/';
     // path to plugin folder
     $folder_thumbs = 'becssg_thumbs';
     // thumbnail subfolder
     $folder_images = 'becssg_images';
     // image subfolder
     // import helper
     JLoader::import('cssgalleryhelper', dirname(__FILE__) . '/files');
     if (preg_match_all("#{becssg_c}(.*?){/becssg_c}#s", $article->text, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER) > 0) {
         foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
             $_raw_cap_ = preg_replace("/{.+?}/", "", $match);
             $_raw_cap_exp_ = explode("|", $_raw_cap_);
             $cap1 = $_raw_cap_exp_[1] && trim($_raw_cap_exp_[1]) != "" ? trim(plgContentCssgalleryHelper::beStrtolower($_raw_cap_exp_[1])) : "CAPDEFAULT";
             $cap2 = $_raw_cap_exp_[2] && trim($_raw_cap_exp_[2]) != "" ? trim($_raw_cap_exp_[2]) : "";
             $cap3 = $_raw_cap_exp_[3] && trim($_raw_cap_exp_[3]) != "" ? trim($_raw_cap_exp_[3]) : "";
             $caparray = "cap_ar" . $_raw_cap_exp_[0];
             if (!isset(${$caparray})) {
                 ${$caparray} = array();
             ${$caparray}[$cap1] = array($cap2, $cap3);
             //remove the call
             $article->text = plgContentCssgalleryHelper::beReplaceCall("{becssg_c}" . $_raw_cap_ . "{/becssg_c}", '', $article->text);
     if (preg_match_all("#{becssg_l}(.*?){/becssg_l}#s", $article->text, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER) > 0) {
         $vsig_captions = array();
         foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
             $_raw_link_ = preg_replace("/{.+?}/", "", $match);
             $_raw_link_exp_ = explode("|", $_raw_link_);
             $_link1 = $_raw_link_exp_[1] && trim($_raw_link_exp_[1]) != "" ? trim(plgContentCssgalleryHelper::beStrtolower($_raw_link_exp_[1])) : "LINKDEFAULT";
             $_link2 = $_raw_link_exp_[2] && trim($_raw_link_exp_[2]) != "" ? trim($_raw_link_exp_[2]) : "";
             $_link3 = $_raw_link_exp_[3] && trim($_raw_link_exp_[3]) != "" ? trim($_raw_link_exp_[3]) : $_link2;
             $_link4 = $_raw_link_exp_[4] && trim($_raw_link_exp_[4]) != "" ? trim($_raw_link_exp_[4]) : "_self";
             $_linkarray = "_linkar" . $_raw_link_exp_[0];
             if (!isset(${$_linkarray})) {
                 ${$_linkarray} = array();
             ${$_linkarray}[$_link1] = array($_link2, $_link3, $_link4);
             //remove the call
             $article->text = plgContentCssgalleryHelper::beReplaceCall("{becssg_l}" . $_raw_link_ . "{/becssg_l}", '', $article->text);
     if (preg_match_all("#{becssg}(.*?){/becssg}#s", $article->text, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER) > 0) {
         $csscount = -1;
         //substitute article id - start
         $headerstuff = $document->getHeadData();
         foreach ($headerstuff['custom'] as $key => $custom) {
             if (stristr($custom, 'becssg_count') !== false) {
                 $cssidcount = explode(" ", trim($custom));
                 $this->cssidcounter = $cssidcount[2];
         $this->cssidcounter = $this->cssidcounter + 1;
         $document->addCustomTag('<!-- becssg_count ' . $this->cssidcounter . ' -->');
         //substitute article id - end
         foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
             //split string and check for overrides
             $becssg_code = preg_replace("/{.+?}/", "", $match);
             $becssg_raw = explode("|", $becssg_code);
             $_images_dir_ = $becssg_raw[0];
             if (substr($_images_dir_, -1, 1) != "/" && $_images_dir_ != "") {
                 $_images_dir_ = $_images_dir_ . "/";
             //add trailing slash
             if (substr($_images_dir_, 0, 1) == "/" && $_images_dir_ != "") {
                 $_images_dir_ = substr($_images_dir_, 1, strlen($_images_dir_) - 1);
             //remove leading slash
             $_images_dir_enc = implode("/", array_map("rawurlencode", explode("/", $_images_dir_)));
             //path urlencoded
             $becssg_overrides = array();
             if (count($becssg_raw) >= 2) {
                 //there are parameteroverrides
                 for ($i = 1; $i < count($becssg_raw); $i++) {
                     $overr_temp = explode("=", $becssg_raw[$i]);
                     if (count($overr_temp) >= 2) {
                         $becssg_overrides[strtolower(trim($overr_temp[0]))] = trim($overr_temp[1]);
             $noimage = 0;
             //read and process the param for the image root
             $path_imgroot = trim($this->params->get('imagepath', $path_imgroot));
             if (substr($path_imgroot, -1) != "/") {
                 $path_imgroot = $path_imgroot . "/";
             //add trailing slash
             if (substr($path_imgroot, 0, 1) != "/") {
                 $path_imgroot = "/" . $path_imgroot;
             //add leading slash
             // read directory and check for images
             if ($dh = @opendir($path_absolute . $path_imgroot . $_images_dir_)) {
                 while (($f = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
                     if (substr(strtolower($f), -4) == '.jpg' || substr(strtolower($f), -4) == '.gif' || substr(strtolower($f), -4) == '.png') {
                         $images[] = array('filename' => $f, 'flastmod' => filemtime($path_absolute . $path_imgroot . $_images_dir_ . $f));
                 //damn, found the folder but it is empty
                 $html2 = "<br />CSS Gallery:<br />No images found in folder " . $path_absolute . $path_imgroot . $_images_dir_ . "<br />";
             } else {
                 //you promised me a folder - where is it?
                 $html2 = "<br />CSS Gallery:<br />Could not find folder " . $path_absolute . $path_imgroot . $_images_dir_ . "<br />";
             if ($noimage) {
                 // read in parameters and overrides
                 $_imwidth_ = array_key_exists("width", $becssg_overrides) && $becssg_overrides['width'] != "" ? $becssg_overrides['width'] : $this->params->get('im_width', 400);
                 $_imheight_ = array_key_exists("height", $becssg_overrides) && $becssg_overrides['height'] != "" ? $becssg_overrides['height'] : $this->params->get('im_height', 300);
                 $_imquality_ = array_key_exists("iqual", $becssg_overrides) && $becssg_overrides['iqual'] != "" ? $becssg_overrides['iqual'] : $this->params->get('im_quality', 95);
                 $_imkeep_ = array_key_exists("icrop", $becssg_overrides) && $becssg_overrides['icrop'] != "" ? $becssg_overrides['icrop'] : $this->params->get('im_keep', 'keep');
                 $_throw_ = array_key_exists("throw", $becssg_overrides) && $becssg_overrides['throw'] != "" ? $becssg_overrides['throw'] : $this->params->get('th_row', 4);
                 $_tbquality_ = array_key_exists("tqual", $becssg_overrides) && $becssg_overrides['tqual'] != "" ? $becssg_overrides['tqual'] : $this->params->get('th_quality', 80);
                 $_thkeep_ = array_key_exists("tcrop", $becssg_overrides) && $becssg_overrides['tcrop'] != "" ? $becssg_overrides['tcrop'] : $this->params->get('th_keep', 'keep');
                 $_thspace_ = array_key_exists("space", $becssg_overrides) && $becssg_overrides['space'] != "" ? $becssg_overrides['space'] : $this->params->get('th_space', 5);
                 $_im_preload_ = array_key_exists("prld", $becssg_overrides) && $becssg_overrides['prld'] != "" ? $becssg_overrides['prld'] : $this->params->get('im_preload', 1);
                 $_im_align_ = array_key_exists("align", $becssg_overrides) && $becssg_overrides['align'] != "" ? $becssg_overrides['align'] : $this->params->get('im_align', 1);
                 $_im_fixstart_ = array_key_exists("fixstart", $becssg_overrides) && $becssg_overrides['fixstart'] != "" ? $becssg_overrides['fixstart'] : $this->params->get('im_fixstart', 1);
                 $_cap_show_ = array_key_exists("caps", $becssg_overrides) && $becssg_overrides['caps'] != "" ? $becssg_overrides['caps'] : $this->params->get('cap_show', 1);
                 $_th_sort_ = array_key_exists("sort", $becssg_overrides) && $becssg_overrides['sort'] != "" ? $becssg_overrides['sort'] : $this->params->get('th_sort', 0);
                 $_link_use_ = array_key_exists("links", $becssg_overrides) && $becssg_overrides['links'] != "" ? $becssg_overrides['links'] : $this->params->get('link_use', 1);
                 $thumbwidth = intval(($_imwidth_ - $_thspace_ * ($_throw_ - 1)) / $_throw_);
                 $thumbheight = intval($thumbwidth * ($_imheight_ / $_imwidth_));
                 $_imwidth_ = $_thspace_ * ($_throw_ - 1) + $thumbwidth * $_throw_;
                 //sort images
                 $images = plgContentCssgalleryHelper::beSortImages($images, $_th_sort_);
                 //create a unique identifier for the current gallery
                 $identifier = $this->cssidcounter . "_" . $csscount;
                 //set the var for the current array of captions
                 $captions = "cap_ar" . $csscount;
                 //set the var for the current array of links
                 $cssglinks = "_linkar" . $csscount;
                 //set path of thumbnail directory
                 $thumbdir = $path_absolute . $path_imgroot . $_images_dir_ . $folder_thumbs . '/';
                 //check_existence_of/create thumbdirectory
                 if (!is_dir($thumbdir)) {
                     plgContentCssgalleryHelper::beMakeFolder($thumbdir, 'thumbnail');
                 //set path of image directory
                 $imgdir = $path_absolute . $path_imgroot . $_images_dir_ . $folder_images . '/';
                 //check_existence_of/create imagedirectory
                 if (!is_dir($imgdir)) {
                     plgContentCssgalleryHelper::beMakeFolder($imgdir, 'image');
                 //main div
                 $html2 = "\n<div id='becssg_holder_" . $identifier . "' class='becssg_holder'><a id='g_" . $identifier . "'></a>\n";
                 $html2 .= "<div id='becssg_main_" . $identifier . "' class='becssg_main'>\n";
                 if ($_im_preload_) {
                     $html3 = "\n<div id='becssg_pre_" . $identifier . "' class='becssg_pre'>\n";
                 //initiate arrays for css
                 $thecss = array();
                 $thetopcss = array();
                 for ($a = 0; $a < $noimage; $a++) {
                     if ($images[$a]['filename'] != '') {
                         //check_existence_of/create thumb
                         $thethumb = plgContentCssgalleryHelper::beResizeImg($path_absolute . $path_imgroot . $_images_dir_ . $images[$a]['filename'], $folder_thumbs, $thumbwidth, $thumbheight, $_thkeep_, 'no', $_tbquality_);
                         //check_existence_of/create image
                         $theimage = plgContentCssgalleryHelper::beResizeImg($path_absolute . $path_imgroot . $_images_dir_ . $images[$a]['filename'], $folder_images, $_imwidth_, $_imheight_, $_imkeep_, 'no', $_imquality_);
                         //prepare captions
                         $capstoshow = "";
                         $alttext = htmlspecialchars(utf8_encode(substr($images[$a]['filename'], 0, -4)), ENT_QUOTES);
                         if (isset(${$captions})) {
                             if (array_key_exists(plgContentCssgalleryHelper::beStrtolower($images[$a]['filename']), ${$captions})) {
                                 $currentarray = ${$captions}[plgContentCssgalleryHelper::beStrtolower($images[$a]['filename'])];
                                 $alttext = htmlspecialchars($currentarray[0], ENT_QUOTES);
                             } elseif (array_key_exists("CAPDEFAULT", ${$captions})) {
                                 $currentarray = ${$captions}["CAPDEFAULT"];
                                 $alttext = htmlspecialchars($currentarray[0], ENT_QUOTES);
                             } else {
                                 $currentarray = array("", "");
                             if ($_cap_show_ && ($currentarray[0] != "" || $currentarray[1] != "")) {
                                 $capstoshow = "<span>";
                                 $capstoshow .= $currentarray[0] != "" ? "<span class='becssg_cap_title'>" . $currentarray[0] . "</span>" : "";
                                 $capstoshow .= $currentarray[1] != "" ? "<span>" . $currentarray[1] . "</span>" : "";
                                 $capstoshow .= "</span>";
                         //prepare link
                         if (isset($currentlink)) {
                         $currentlink = array("#g_" . $identifier, $alttext, "_self");
                         if ($_link_use_ && isset(${$cssglinks})) {
                             if (array_key_exists(plgContentCssgalleryHelper::beStrtolower($images[$a]['filename']), ${$cssglinks})) {
                                 $currentlink = ${$cssglinks}[plgContentCssgalleryHelper::beStrtolower($images[$a]['filename'])];
                                 $alttext = htmlspecialchars(${$cssglinks}[plgContentCssgalleryHelper::beStrtolower($images[$a]['filename'])][1], ENT_QUOTES);
                             } elseif (array_key_exists("LINKDEFAULT", ${$cssglinks})) {
                                 $currentlink = ${$cssglinks}["LINKDEFAULT"];
                         //write thumb
                         $html2 .= "<img src='" . $path_site . $path_imgroot . $_images_dir_enc . $folder_thumbs . '/' . $thethumb[1] . "' alt='" . $currentlink[1] . "' title='" . $currentlink[1] . "' class='i_" . $identifier . "_" . $a . "'/><a href='" . $currentlink[0] . "' class='l_" . $identifier . "_" . $a . " i_" . $identifier . "_" . $a . " mylink_" . $identifier . " mylink' title='" . $currentlink[1] . "' target='" . $currentlink[2] . "'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $capstoshow . "</a>\n";
                         //write preload-img
                         if ($_im_preload_) {
                             $html3 .= "<img src='" . $path_site . $path_imgroot . $_images_dir_enc . $folder_images . '/' . $theimage[1] . "' alt='" . $currentlink[1] . "' />\n";
                         //fed css-array
                         $thumbrow = intval($a / $_throw_);
                         $thumbrowpos = $a % $_throw_;
                         $thumbleft = intval(($thumbwidth + $_thspace_) * $thumbrowpos + ($thumbwidth - $thethumb[3]) / 2);
                         $thumbtop = intval($_imheight_ + ($_thspace_ + $thumbheight) * ($thumbrow + 1) - $thethumb[4]);
                         $capbottom = intval(($_thspace_ + $thumbheight) * intval(($noimage - 1) / $_throw_ + 1));
                         $backgroundleft = intval(($_imwidth_ - $theimage[3]) / 2);
                         $backgroundtop = intval(($_imheight_ - $theimage[4]) / 2);
                         $thecss[] = ".i_" . $identifier . "_" . $a . " {font-size:" . $thumbheight . "px;line-height:" . $thumbheight . "px;position:absolute;left:" . $thumbleft . "px;top:" . $thumbtop . "px;width:" . $thethumb[3] . "px;height:" . $thethumb[4] . "px;}";
                         //						$thecss[]=".l_".$identifier."_".$a." {}";
                         $thecss[] = ".l_" . $identifier . "_" . $a . ":hover {background-image:url(" . $path_site . $path_imgroot . $_images_dir_enc . $folder_images . '/' . $theimage[1] . ") !important;background-position:" . $backgroundleft . "px " . $backgroundtop . "px !important;}";
                         //css for top image
                         if ($a == 0) {
                             $thetopcss[] = $theimage[1];
                             $thetopcss[] = $backgroundleft;
                             $thetopcss[] = $backgroundtop;
                 //calculate gallerheight
                 $galleryheight = intval($_imheight_ + ($thumbrow + 1) * ($_thspace_ + $thumbheight));
                 //prepare caption for main image
                 if ($_cap_show_ && isset(${$captions})) {
                     if (array_key_exists(plgContentCssgalleryHelper::beStrtolower($images[0]['filename']), ${$captions})) {
                         $currentarray = ${$captions}[plgContentCssgalleryHelper::beStrtolower($images[0]['filename'])];
                     } elseif (array_key_exists("CAPDEFAULT", ${$captions})) {
                         $currentarray = ${$captions}["CAPDEFAULT"];
                     } else {
                         $currentarray = array("", "");
                     if ($_cap_show_ && ($currentarray[0] != "" || $currentarray[1] != "")) {
                         $html2 .= "<span id='becssg_cap_" . $identifier . "' class='becssg_cap'>";
                         $html2 .= $currentarray[0] != "" ? "<span class='becssg_cap_title'>" . $currentarray[0] . "</span>" : "";
                         $html2 .= $currentarray[1] != "" ? "<span>" . $currentarray[1] . "</span>" : "";
                         $html2 .= "</span>";
                 $html2 .= "</div>\n</div>\n";
                 if ($_im_preload_) {
                     $html3 .= "</div>\n";
                     $html2 .= $html3;
                 $csstoinsert = "<style type='text/css'>\n";
                 $csstoinsert .= "#becssg_holder_" . $identifier . " {width:" . $_imwidth_ . "px;height:" . $galleryheight . "px;";
                 if ($_im_align_ == 0) {
                     $csstoinsert .= "margin:0 0 0 auto;padding:0;display:block;";
                 } elseif ($_im_align_ == 1) {
                     $csstoinsert .= "margin:auto;padding:0;display:block;";
                 } elseif ($_im_align_ == 3) {
                     $csstoinsert .= "margin:10px;float:left;";
                 } elseif ($_im_align_ == 4) {
                     $csstoinsert .= "margin:10px;float:right;";
                 $csstoinsert .= "}\n";
                 $csstoinsert .= "#becssg_main_" . $identifier . " {width:" . $_imwidth_ . "px;height:" . $galleryheight . "px;background-image:url(" . $path_site . $path_imgroot . $_images_dir_enc . $folder_images . '/' . $thetopcss[0] . ");background-position:" . $thetopcss[1] . "px " . $thetopcss[2] . "px;}\n";
                 if (!$_im_fixstart_) {
                     $csstoinsert .= "#becssg_main_" . $identifier . ":hover {background-image:url('');}\n";
                 $csstoinsert .= "a.mylink_" . $identifier . ":hover {width:" . $_imwidth_ . "px;height:" . $galleryheight . "px;}\n";
                 if ($_cap_show_ && isset(${$captions})) {
                     $csstoinsert .= ".mylink_" . $identifier . ":hover span {bottom:" . $capbottom . "px;}\n";
                     $csstoinsert .= "#becssg_cap_" . $identifier . " {bottom:" . $capbottom . "px;}\n";
                     if (!$_im_fixstart_) {
                         $csstoinsert .= "#becssg_main_" . $identifier . ":hover > span {visibility:hidden;}\n";
                 if ($_im_preload_) {
                     $lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
                     if ($lang->isRTL()) {
                         $csstoinsert .= "#becssg_pre_" . $identifier . " {right:-1000px;}\n";
                     } else {
                         $csstoinsert .= "#becssg_pre_" . $identifier . " {left:-1000px;}\n";
                 $csstoinsert .= "\n";
                 for ($i = 0; $i <= count($thecss) - 1; $i++) {
                     $csstoinsert .= trim($thecss[$i]) . "\n";
                 $csstoinsert .= "</style>\n";
                 //remove duplicate links to stylesheet - start
                 $headerstuff = $document->getHeadData();
                 foreach ($headerstuff['custom'] as $key => $custom) {
                     if (stristr($custom, 'cssgallery.css') !== false) {
                 //remove duplicate links to stylesheet - end
                 $document->addCustomTag('<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $path_site . $path_plugin . 'cssgallery.css" type="text/css" />');
             //replace the call with the gallery
             $article->text = plgContentCssgalleryHelper::beReplaceCall("{becssg}" . $becssg_code . "{/becssg}", $html2, $article->text);