public function onLoad($param) { parent::onLoad($param); if (isset($this->Request['barcode'])) { $objCode = new pi_barcode(); $objCode->setSize(50); $objCode->hideCodeType(); $objCode->setColors('#000000'); $objCode->setSize(80); $param = Prado::getApplication()->getParameters(); $objCode->setType($param['barcodetype']); $objCode->setCode($this->Request['code']); $objCode->setFiletype('PNG'); $objCode->showBarcodeImage(); exit; } }
public function onLoad($param) { parent::onLoad($param); if (!$this->isPostBack) { $this->id->Value = $this->Request['id']; $this->setData(); $this->onTypeChanged(NULL, NULL); } if (isset($this->Request['barcode'])) { $objCode = new pi_barcode(); $objCode->setSize(50); $objCode->hideCodeType(); $objCode->setColors('#000000'); $objCode->setSize(80); $param = Prado::getApplication()->getParameters(); $objCode->setType($param['barcodetype']); $objCode->setCode($this->Request['code']); $objCode->setFiletype('PNG'); $objCode->showBarcodeImage(); exit; } }
protected function onPrint() { $param = Prado::getApplication()->getParameters(); $nbreOfColumn = $param['barcodeprintcolumn']; $orderOfColumn = $param['orderprintcolumn']; parent::onPrint(); $this->pdf->AddPage(); $type = $this->Request['f1']; //type $typeText = ''; switch ($type) { case '0': break; case 'leave': $typeText = " - " . Prado::localize("Leave"); break; case 'absence': $typeText = " - " . Prado::localize("Absence"); break; case 'overtime': $typeText = " - " . Prado::localize("Overtime"); break; case 'load': $typeText = " - " . Prado::localize("Load"); break; } $this->pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 11); $this->pdf->Cell(0, 10, utf8_decode(Prado::localize('List of time code') . $typeText), 0, 0, 'L'); $this->pdf->Ln(10); $this->pdf->setDefaultFont(); if ($type == '0') { $cmd = $this->db->createCommand("SELECT * FROM hr_timux_timecode ORDER BY {$orderOfColumn}"); } else { $cmd = $this->db->createCommand("SELECT * FROM hr_timux_timecode WHERE type=:type ORDER BY {$orderOfColumn}"); $cmd->bindValue(":type", $type); } $data = $cmd->query(); $timeCode = $data->readAll(); while (count($timeCode) % $nbreOfColumn > 0) { $timeCode[] = array('name' => '', 'abbreviation' => ''); } $i = 0; $j = 0; $x = 10; $y = 38; $width = 190 / $nbreOfColumn; foreach ($timeCode as $tc) { $this->pdf->Cell($width, 6, utf8_decode($tc['name']), 'LTR'); $objCode = new pi_barcode(); $objCode->setSize(20); $objCode->hideCodeType(); $objCode->setColors('#000000'); $objCode->setSize(30); $param = Prado::getApplication()->getParameters(); if ($tc['abbreviation'] != '') { $objCode->setType($param['barcodetype']); $objCode->setCode($tc['abbreviation']); $objCode->setFiletype('PNG'); $objCode->writeBarcodeFile('./tmp/bctc' . $i . '.png'); $this->pdf->Image('./tmp/bctc' . $i . '.png', $x, $y); $x += 93; } $i++; if ($i % $nbreOfColumn == 0) { $this->pdf->Ln(); for ($c = 0; $c < $nbreOfColumn; $c++) { $this->pdf->Cell($width, 20, '', 'LRB'); } $j++; if ($j % 9 == 0) { $this->pdf->AddPage(); $x = 15; $y = 38; $this->pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 11); $this->pdf->Cell(0, 10, utf8_decode(Prado::localize('List of time code')), 0, 0, 'L'); $this->pdf->Ln(10); $this->pdf->setDefaultFont(); } else { $this->pdf->Ln(); $y += 26; $x = 10; } } } $this->pdf->render(); $i = 0; }