function ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() { // $this->useRawIMoutput = true; if (phpthumb_functions::gd_version()) { // if GD is not available, must use whatever ImageMagick can output // $UnAllowedParameters contains options that can only be processed in GD, not ImageMagick // note: 'fltr' *may* need to be processed by GD, but we'll check that in more detail below $UnAllowedParameters = array('xto', 'ar', 'bg', 'bc'); // 'ra' may be part of this list, if not a multiple of 90° foreach ($UnAllowedParameters as $parameter) { if (isset($this->{$parameter})) { $this->DebugMessage('$this->useRawIMoutput=false because "' . $parameter . '" is set', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->useRawIMoutput = false; break; } } } $this->DebugMessage('$this->useRawIMoutput=' . ($this->useRawIMoutput ? 'true' : 'false') . ' after checking $UnAllowedParameters', __FILE__, __LINE__); $outputFormat = $this->thumbnailFormat; if (phpthumb_functions::gd_version()) { if ($this->useRawIMoutput) { switch ($this->thumbnailFormat) { case 'gif': $ImageCreateFunction = 'ImageCreateFromGIF'; $this->is_alpha = true; break; case 'png': $ImageCreateFunction = 'ImageCreateFromPNG'; $this->is_alpha = true; break; case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': $ImageCreateFunction = 'ImageCreateFromJPEG'; break; default: $this->DebugMessage('Forcing output to PNG because $this->thumbnailFormat (' . $this->thumbnailFormat . ' is not a GD-supported format)', __FILE__, __LINE__); $outputFormat = 'png'; $ImageCreateFunction = 'ImageCreateFromPNG'; $this->is_alpha = true; $this->useRawIMoutput = false; break; } if (!function_exists(@$ImageCreateFunction)) { // ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() depends on ImageCreateFromPNG/ImageCreateFromGIF //$this->DebugMessage('ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() aborting because '.@$ImageCreateFunction.'() is not available', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->useRawIMoutput = true; //return false; } } else { $outputFormat = 'png'; $ImageCreateFunction = 'ImageCreateFromPNG'; $this->is_alpha = true; $this->useRawIMoutput = false; } } // if (!$this->sourceFilename && $this->rawImageData) { $this->SourceDataToTempFile(); } if (!$this->sourceFilename) { $this->DebugMessage('ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() aborting because $this->sourceFilename is empty', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->useRawIMoutput = false; return false; } if ($this->issafemode) { $this->DebugMessage('ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() aborting because safe_mode is enabled', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->useRawIMoutput = false; return false; } // TO BE FIXED //if (true) { // $this->DebugMessage('ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() aborting it is broken right now', __FILE__, __LINE__); // $this->useRawIMoutput = false; // return false; //} $commandline = $this->ImageMagickCommandlineBase(); if ($commandline) { if ($IMtempfilename = $this->phpThumb_tempnam()) { $IMtempfilename = $this->realPathSafe($IMtempfilename); $IMuseExplicitImageOutputDimensions = false; if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable('thumbnail') && $this->config_imagemagick_use_thumbnail) { $IMresizeParameter = 'thumbnail'; } else { $IMresizeParameter = 'resize'; // some (older? around 2002) versions of IM won't accept "-resize 100x" but require "-resize 100x100" $commandline_test = $this->ImageMagickCommandlineBase() . ' logo: -resize 1x ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement($IMtempfilename) . ' 2>&1'; $IMresult_test = phpthumb_functions::SafeExec($commandline_test); $IMuseExplicitImageOutputDimensions = preg_match('#image dimensions are zero#i', $IMresult_test); $this->DebugMessage('IMuseExplicitImageOutputDimensions = ' . intval($IMuseExplicitImageOutputDimensions), __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($fp_im_temp = @fopen($IMtempfilename, 'wb')) { // erase temp image so ImageMagick logo doesn't get output if other processing fails fclose($fp_im_temp); } } if (!is_null($this->dpi) && $this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable('density')) { // for raster source formats only (WMF, PDF, etc) $commandline .= ' -density ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement($this->dpi); } ob_start(); $getimagesize = GetImageSize($this->sourceFilename); $GetImageSizeError = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (is_array($getimagesize)) { $this->DebugMessage('GetImageSize(' . $this->sourceFilename . ') SUCCEEDED: ' . print_r($getimagesize, true), __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { $this->DebugMessage('GetImageSize(' . $this->sourceFilename . ') FAILED with error "' . $GetImageSizeError . '"', __FILE__, __LINE__); } if (is_array($getimagesize)) { $this->DebugMessage('GetImageSize(' . $this->sourceFilename . ') returned [w=' . $getimagesize[0] . ';h=' . $getimagesize[1] . ';f=' . $getimagesize[2] . ']', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->source_width = $getimagesize[0]; $this->source_height = $getimagesize[1]; $this->DebugMessage('source dimensions set to ' . $this->source_width . 'x' . $this->source_height, __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->SetOrientationDependantWidthHeight(); if (!preg_match('#(' . implode('|', $this->AlphaCapableFormats) . ')#i', $outputFormat)) { // not a transparency-capable format $commandline .= ' -background ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement('#' . ($this->bg ? $this->bg : 'FFFFFF')); if ($getimagesize[2] == IMAGETYPE_GIF) { $commandline .= ' -flatten'; } } if ($getimagesize[2] == IMAGETYPE_GIF) { $commandline .= ' -coalesce'; // may be needed for animated GIFs } if ($this->source_width || $this->source_height) { if ($this->zc) { $borderThickness = 0; if (!empty($this->fltr)) { foreach ($this->fltr as $key => $value) { if (preg_match('#^bord\\|([0-9]+)#', $value, $matches)) { $borderThickness = $matches[1]; break; } } } $wAll = intval(max($this->w, $this->wp, $this->wl, $this->ws)) - 2 * $borderThickness; $hAll = intval(max($this->h, $this->hp, $this->hl, $this->hs)) - 2 * $borderThickness; $imAR = $this->source_width / $this->source_height; $zcAR = $wAll && $hAll ? $wAll / $hAll : 1; $side = phpthumb_functions::nonempty_min($this->source_width, $this->source_height, max($wAll, $hAll)); $sideX = phpthumb_functions::nonempty_min($this->source_width, $wAll, round($hAll * $zcAR)); $sideY = phpthumb_functions::nonempty_min($this->source_height, $hAll, round($wAll / $zcAR)); $thumbnailH = round(max($sideY, $sideY * $zcAR / $imAR)); $commandline .= ' -' . $IMresizeParameter . ' ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement(($IMuseExplicitImageOutputDimensions ? $thumbnailH : '') . 'x' . $thumbnailH); switch (strtoupper($this->zc)) { case 'T': $commandline .= ' -gravity north'; break; case 'B': $commandline .= ' -gravity south'; break; case 'L': $commandline .= ' -gravity west'; break; case 'R': $commandline .= ' -gravity east'; break; case 'TL': $commandline .= ' -gravity northwest'; break; case 'TR': $commandline .= ' -gravity northeast'; break; case 'BL': $commandline .= ' -gravity southwest'; break; case 'BR': $commandline .= ' -gravity southeast'; break; case '1': case 'C': default: $commandline .= ' -gravity center'; break; } if ($wAll > 0 && $hAll > 0) { $commandline .= ' -crop ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement($wAll . 'x' . $hAll . '+0+0'); } else { $commandline .= ' -crop ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement($side . 'x' . $side . '+0+0'); } if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable('repage')) { $commandline .= ' +repage'; } else { $this->DebugMessage('Skipping "+repage" because ImageMagick (v' . $this->ImageMagickVersion() . ') does not support it', __FILE__, __LINE__); } } elseif ($this->sw || $this->sh || $this->sx || $this->sy) { $crop_param = ''; $crop_param .= $this->sw ? $this->sw < 2 ? round($this->sw * $this->source_width) : $this->sw : $this->source_width; $crop_param .= 'x' . ($this->sh ? $this->sh < 2 ? round($this->sh * $this->source_height) : $this->sh : $this->source_height); $crop_param .= '+' . ($this->sx < 2 ? round($this->sx * $this->source_width) : $this->sx); $crop_param .= '+' . ($this->sy < 2 ? round($this->sy * $this->source_height) : $this->sy); // TO BE FIXED // makes 1x1 output //[]=lvl&sx=0.05&sy=0.25&sw=0.92&sh=0.42 // '/usr/bin/convert' -density 150 -thumbnail 100x100 -contrast-stretch '0.1%' '/var/www/vhosts/[0]' png:'/var/www/vhosts/' $commandline .= ' -crop ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement($crop_param); // this is broken for aoe=1, but unsure how to fix. Send advice to if ($this->w || $this->h) { //if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable('repage')) { if (false) { // TO BE FIXED // newer versions of ImageMagick require -repage <geometry> $commandline .= ' -repage'; } else { $this->DebugMessage('Skipping "-repage" because ImageMagick (v' . $this->ImageMagickVersion() . ') does not support it', __FILE__, __LINE__); } if ($IMuseExplicitImageOutputDimensions) { if ($this->w && !$this->h) { $this->h = ceil($this->w / ($this->source_width / $this->source_height)); } elseif ($this->h && !$this->w) { $this->w = ceil($this->h * ($this->source_width / $this->source_height)); } } $commandline .= ' -' . $IMresizeParameter . ' ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement($this->w . 'x' . $this->h); } } else { if ($this->iar && intval($this->w) > 0 && intval($this->h) > 0) { list($nw, $nh) = phpthumb_functions::TranslateWHbyAngle($this->w, $this->h, $this->ra); $nw = round($nw) != 0 ? round($nw) : ''; $nh = round($nh) != 0 ? round($nh) : ''; $commandline .= ' -' . $IMresizeParameter . ' ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement($nw . 'x' . $nh . '!'); } else { $this->w = ($this->aoe || $this->far) && $this->w ? $this->w : ($this->w ? phpthumb_functions::nonempty_min($this->w, $getimagesize[0]) : ''); $this->h = ($this->aoe || $this->far) && $this->h ? $this->h : ($this->h ? phpthumb_functions::nonempty_min($this->h, $getimagesize[1]) : ''); if ($this->w || $this->h) { if ($IMuseExplicitImageOutputDimensions) { if ($this->w && !$this->h) { $this->h = ceil($this->w / ($this->source_width / $this->source_height)); } elseif ($this->h && !$this->w) { $this->w = ceil($this->h * ($this->source_width / $this->source_height)); } } list($nw, $nh) = phpthumb_functions::TranslateWHbyAngle($this->w, $this->h, $this->ra); $nw = round($nw) != 0 ? round($nw) : ''; $nh = round($nh) != 0 ? round($nh) : ''; $commandline .= ' -' . $IMresizeParameter . ' ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement($nw . 'x' . $nh); } } } } } else { $this->DebugMessage('GetImageSize(' . $this->sourceFilename . ') failed', __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($this->w || $this->h) { $exactDimensionsBang = $this->iar && intval($this->w) > 0 && intval($this->h) > 0 ? '!' : ''; if ($IMuseExplicitImageOutputDimensions) { // unknown source aspect ratio, just put large number and hope IM figures it out $commandline .= ' -' . $IMresizeParameter . ' ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement(($this->w ? $this->w : '9999') . 'x' . ($this->h ? $this->h : '9999') . $exactDimensionsBang); } else { $commandline .= ' -' . $IMresizeParameter . ' ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement($this->w . 'x' . $this->h . $exactDimensionsBang); } } } if ($this->ra) { $this->ra = intval($this->ra); if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable('rotate')) { if (!preg_match('#(' . implode('|', $this->AlphaCapableFormats) . ')#i', $outputFormat) || phpthumb_functions::version_compare_replacement($this->ImageMagickVersion(), '6.3.7', '>=')) { $this->DebugMessage('Using ImageMagick rotate', __FILE__, __LINE__); $commandline .= ' -rotate ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement($this->ra); if ($this->ra % 90 != 0) { if (preg_match('#(' . implode('|', $this->AlphaCapableFormats) . ')#i', $outputFormat)) { // alpha-capable format $commandline .= ' -background rgba(255,255,255,0)'; } else { $commandline .= ' -background ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement('#' . ($this->bg ? $this->bg : 'FFFFFF')); } } $this->ra = 0; } else { $this->DebugMessage('Not using ImageMagick rotate because alpha background buggy before v6.3.7', __FILE__, __LINE__); } } else { $this->DebugMessage('Not using ImageMagick rotate because not supported', __FILE__, __LINE__); } } $successfullyProcessedFilters = array(); foreach ($this->fltr as $filterkey => $filtercommand) { @(list($command, $parameter) = explode('|', $filtercommand, 2)); switch ($command) { case 'brit': if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable('modulate')) { $commandline .= ' -modulate ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement(100 + intval($parameter) . ',100,100'); $successfullyProcessedFilters[] = $filterkey; } break; case 'cont': if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable('contrast')) { $contDiv10 = round(intval($parameter) / 10); if ($contDiv10 > 0) { $contDiv10 = min($contDiv10, 100); for ($i = 0; $i < $contDiv10; $i++) { $commandline .= ' -contrast'; // increase contrast by 10% } } elseif ($contDiv10 < 0) { $contDiv10 = max($contDiv10, -100); for ($i = $contDiv10; $i < 0; $i++) { $commandline .= ' +contrast'; // decrease contrast by 10% } } else { // do nothing } $successfullyProcessedFilters[] = $filterkey; } break; case 'ds': if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable(array('colorspace', 'modulate'))) { if ($parameter == 100) { $commandline .= ' -colorspace GRAY'; $commandline .= ' -modulate 100,0,100'; } else { $commandline .= ' -modulate ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement('100,' . (100 - intval($parameter)) . ',100'); } $successfullyProcessedFilters[] = $filterkey; } break; case 'sat': if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable(array('colorspace', 'modulate'))) { if ($parameter == -100) { $commandline .= ' -colorspace GRAY'; $commandline .= ' -modulate 100,0,100'; } else { $commandline .= ' -modulate ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement('100,' . (100 + intval($parameter)) . ',100'); } $successfullyProcessedFilters[] = $filterkey; } break; case 'gray': if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable(array('colorspace', 'modulate'))) { $commandline .= ' -colorspace GRAY'; $commandline .= ' -modulate 100,0,100'; $successfullyProcessedFilters[] = $filterkey; } break; case 'clr': if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable(array('fill', 'colorize'))) { @(list($amount, $color) = explode('|', $parameter)); $commandline .= ' -fill ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement('#' . preg_replace('#[^0-9A-F]#i', '', $color)); $commandline .= ' -colorize ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement(min(max(intval($amount), 0), 100)); } break; case 'sep': if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable('sepia-tone')) { @(list($amount, $color) = explode('|', $parameter)); $amount = $amount ? $amount : 80; if (!$color) { $commandline .= ' -sepia-tone ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement(min(max(intval($amount), 0), 100) . '%'); $successfullyProcessedFilters[] = $filterkey; } } break; case 'gam': @(list($amount) = explode('|', $parameter)); $amount = min(max(floatval($amount), 0.001), 10); if (number_format($amount, 3) != '1.000') { if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable('gamma')) { $commandline .= ' -gamma ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement($amount); $successfullyProcessedFilters[] = $filterkey; } } break; case 'neg': if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable('negate')) { $commandline .= ' -negate'; $successfullyProcessedFilters[] = $filterkey; } break; case 'th': @(list($amount) = explode('|', $parameter)); if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable(array('threshold', 'dither', 'monochrome'))) { $commandline .= ' -threshold ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement(round(min(max(intval($amount), 0), 255) / 2.55) . '%'); $commandline .= ' -dither'; $commandline .= ' -monochrome'; $successfullyProcessedFilters[] = $filterkey; } break; case 'rcd': if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable(array('colors', 'dither'))) { @(list($colors, $dither) = explode('|', $parameter)); $colors = $colors ? (int) $colors : 256; $dither = strlen($dither) > 0 ? (bool) $dither : true; $commandline .= ' -colors ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement(max($colors, 8)); // ImageMagick will otherwise fail with "cannot quantize to fewer than 8 colors" $commandline .= $dither ? ' -dither' : ' +dither'; $successfullyProcessedFilters[] = $filterkey; } break; case 'flip': if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable(array('flip', 'flop'))) { if (strpos(strtolower($parameter), 'x') !== false) { $commandline .= ' -flop'; } if (strpos(strtolower($parameter), 'y') !== false) { $commandline .= ' -flip'; } $successfullyProcessedFilters[] = $filterkey; } break; case 'edge': if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable('edge')) { $parameter = !empty($parameter) ? $parameter : 2; $commandline .= ' -edge ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement(!empty($parameter) ? intval($parameter) : 1); $successfullyProcessedFilters[] = $filterkey; } break; case 'emb': if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable(array('emboss', 'negate'))) { $parameter = !empty($parameter) ? $parameter : 2; $commandline .= ' -emboss ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement(intval($parameter)); if ($parameter < 2) { $commandline .= ' -negate'; // ImageMagick negates the image for some reason with '-emboss 1'; } $successfullyProcessedFilters[] = $filterkey; } break; case 'lvl': @(list($band, $method, $threshold) = explode('|', $parameter)); $band = $band ? preg_replace('#[^RGBA\\*]#', '', strtoupper($band)) : '*'; $method = strlen($method) > 0 ? intval($method) : 2; $threshold = strlen($threshold) > 0 ? min(max(floatval($threshold), 0), 100) : 0.1; $band = preg_replace('#[^RGBA\\*]#', '', strtoupper($band)); if ($method > 1 && !$this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable(array('channel', 'contrast-stretch'))) { // Because ImageMagick processing happens before PHP-GD filters, and because some // clipping is involved in the "lvl" filter, if "lvl" happens before "wb" then the // "wb" filter will have (almost) no effect. Therefore, if "wb" is enabled then // force the "lvl" filter to be processed by GD, not ImageMagick. foreach ($this->fltr as $fltr_key => $fltr_value) { list($fltr_cmd) = explode('|', $fltr_value); if ($fltr_cmd == 'wb') { $this->DebugMessage('Setting "lvl" filter method to "0" (from "' . $method . '") because white-balance filter also enabled', __FILE__, __LINE__); $method = 0; } } } switch ($method) { case 0: // internal RGB // internal RGB case 1: // internal grayscale break; case 2: // ImageMagick "contrast-stretch" if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable('contrast-stretch')) { if ($band != '*') { $commandline .= ' -channel ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement(strtoupper($band)); } $threshold = preg_replace('#[^0-9\\.]#', '', $threshold); // should be unneccesary, but just to be double-sure //$commandline .= ' -contrast-stretch '.phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement($threshold.'%'); $commandline .= ' -contrast-stretch \'' . $threshold . '%\''; if ($band != '*') { $commandline .= ' +channel'; } $successfullyProcessedFilters[] = $filterkey; } break; case 3: // ImageMagick "normalize" if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable('normalize')) { if ($band != '*') { $commandline .= ' -channel ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement(strtoupper($band)); } $commandline .= ' -normalize'; if ($band != '*') { $commandline .= ' +channel'; } $successfullyProcessedFilters[] = $filterkey; } break; default: $this->DebugMessage('unsupported method (' . $method . ') for "lvl" filter', __FILE__, __LINE__); break; } if (isset($this->fltr[$filterkey]) && $method > 1) { $this->fltr[$filterkey] = $command . '|' . $band . '|0|' . $threshold; $this->DebugMessage('filter "lvl" remapped from method "' . $method . '" to method "0" because ImageMagick support is missing', __FILE__, __LINE__); } break; case 'wb': if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable(array('channel', 'contrast-stretch'))) { @(list($threshold) = explode('|', $parameter)); $threshold = !empty($threshold) ? min(max(floatval($threshold), 0), 100) : 0.1; $threshold = preg_replace('#[^0-9\\.]#', '', $threshold); // should be unneccesary, but just to be double-sure //$commandline .= ' -channel R -contrast-stretch '.phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement($threshold.'%'); // doesn't work on Windows because most versions of PHP do not properly //$commandline .= ' -channel G -contrast-stretch '.phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement($threshold.'%'); // escape special characters (such as %) and just replace them with spaces //$commandline .= ' -channel B -contrast-stretch '.phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement($threshold.'%'); // $commandline .= ' -channel R -contrast-stretch \'' . $threshold . '%\''; $commandline .= ' -channel G -contrast-stretch \'' . $threshold . '%\''; $commandline .= ' -channel B -contrast-stretch \'' . $threshold . '%\''; $commandline .= ' +channel'; $successfullyProcessedFilters[] = $filterkey; } break; case 'blur': if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable('blur')) { @(list($radius) = explode('|', $parameter)); $radius = !empty($radius) ? min(max(intval($radius), 0), 25) : 1; $commandline .= ' -blur ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement($radius); $successfullyProcessedFilters[] = $filterkey; } break; case 'gblr': @(list($radius) = explode('|', $parameter)); $radius = !empty($radius) ? min(max(intval($radius), 0), 25) : 1; // "-gaussian" changed to "-gaussian-blur" sometime around 2009 if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable('gaussian-blur')) { $commandline .= ' -gaussian-blur ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement($radius); $successfullyProcessedFilters[] = $filterkey; } elseif ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable('gaussian')) { $commandline .= ' -gaussian ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement($radius); $successfullyProcessedFilters[] = $filterkey; } break; case 'usm': if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable('unsharp')) { @(list($amount, $radius, $threshold) = explode('|', $parameter)); $amount = $amount ? min(max(intval($radius), 0), 255) : 80; $radius = $radius ? min(max(intval($radius), 0), 10) : 0.5; $threshold = strlen($threshold) ? min(max(intval($radius), 0), 50) : 3; $commandline .= ' -unsharp ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement(number_format($radius * 2 - 1, 2, '.', '') . 'x1+' . number_format($amount / 100, 2, '.', '') . '+' . number_format($threshold / 100, 2, '.', '')); $successfullyProcessedFilters[] = $filterkey; } break; case 'bord': if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable(array('border', 'bordercolor', 'thumbnail', 'crop'))) { if (!$this->zc) { @(list($width, $rX, $rY, $color) = explode('|', $parameter)); $width = intval($width); $rX = intval($rX); $rY = intval($rY); if ($width && !$rX && !$rY) { if (!phpthumb_functions::IsHexColor($color)) { $color = !empty($this->bc) && phpthumb_functions::IsHexColor($this->bc) ? $this->bc : '000000'; } $commandline .= ' -border ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement(intval($width)); $commandline .= ' -bordercolor ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement('#' . $color); if (preg_match('# \\-crop "([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\\+0\\+0" #', $commandline, $matches)) { $commandline = str_replace(' -crop "' . $matches[1] . 'x' . $matches[2] . '+0+0" ', ' -crop ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement($matches[1] - 2 * $width . 'x' . ($matches[2] - 2 * $width) . '+0+0') . ' ', $commandline); } elseif (preg_match('# \\-' . $IMresizeParameter . ' "([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)" #', $commandline, $matches)) { $commandline = str_replace(' -' . $IMresizeParameter . ' "' . $matches[1] . 'x' . $matches[2] . '" ', ' -' . $IMresizeParameter . ' ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement($matches[1] - 2 * $width . 'x' . ($matches[2] - 2 * $width)) . ' ', $commandline); } $successfullyProcessedFilters[] = $filterkey; } } } break; case 'crop': break; case 'sblr': break; case 'mean': break; case 'smth': break; case 'bvl': break; case 'wmi': break; case 'wmt': break; case 'over': break; case 'hist': break; case 'fram': break; case 'drop': break; case 'mask': break; case 'elip': break; case 'ric': break; case 'stc': break; case 'size': break; default: $this->DebugMessage('Unknown $this->fltr[' . $filterkey . '] (' . $filtercommand . ') -- deleting filter command', __FILE__, __LINE__); $successfullyProcessedFilters[] = $filterkey; break; } if (!isset($this->fltr[$filterkey])) { $this->DebugMessage('Processed $this->fltr[' . $filterkey . '] (' . $filtercommand . ') with ImageMagick', __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { $this->DebugMessage('Skipping $this->fltr[' . $filterkey . '] (' . $filtercommand . ') with ImageMagick', __FILE__, __LINE__); } } $this->DebugMessage('Remaining $this->fltr after ImageMagick: (' . $this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($this->fltr) . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__); if (count($this->fltr) > 0) { $this->useRawIMoutput = false; } if (preg_match('#jpe?g#i', $outputFormat) && $this->q) { if ($this->ImageMagickSwitchAvailable(array('quality', 'interlace'))) { $commandline .= ' -quality ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement($this->thumbnailQuality); if ($this->config_output_interlace) { // causes weird things with animated GIF... leave for JPEG only $commandline .= ' -interlace line '; // Use Line or Plane to create an interlaced PNG or GIF or progressive JPEG image } } } $commandline .= ' ' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement(preg_replace('#[/\\\\]#', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->sourceFilename) . ($outputFormat == 'gif' ? '' : '[' . intval($this->sfn) . ']')); // [0] means first frame of (GIF) animation, can be ignored $commandline .= ' ' . $outputFormat . ':' . phpthumb_functions::escapeshellarg_replacement($IMtempfilename); if (!$this->iswindows) { $commandline .= ' 2>&1'; } $this->DebugMessage('ImageMagick called as (' . $commandline . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__); $IMresult = phpthumb_functions::SafeExec($commandline); clearstatcache(); if (!@file_exists($IMtempfilename) || !@filesize($IMtempfilename)) { $this->FatalError('ImageMagick failed with message (' . trim($IMresult) . ')'); $this->DebugMessage('ImageMagick failed with message (' . trim($IMresult) . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($this->iswindows && !$IMresult) { $this->DebugMessage('Check to make sure that PHP has read+write permissions to "' . dirname($IMtempfilename) . '"', __FILE__, __LINE__); } } else { foreach ($successfullyProcessedFilters as $dummy => $filterkey) { unset($this->fltr[$filterkey]); } $this->IMresizedData = file_get_contents($IMtempfilename); $getimagesize_imresized = @GetImageSize($IMtempfilename); $this->DebugMessage('GetImageSize(' . $IMtempfilename . ') returned [w=' . $getimagesize_imresized[0] . ';h=' . $getimagesize_imresized[1] . ';f=' . $getimagesize_imresized[2] . ']', __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($this->config_max_source_pixels > 0 && $getimagesize_imresized[0] * $getimagesize_imresized[1] > $this->config_max_source_pixels) { $this->DebugMessage('skipping ImageMagickThumbnailToGD::' . $ImageCreateFunction . '() because IM output is too large (' . $getimagesize_imresized[0] . 'x' . $getimagesize_imresized[0] . ' = ' . $getimagesize_imresized[0] * $getimagesize_imresized[1] . ' > ' . $this->config_max_source_pixels . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__); } elseif (function_exists(@$ImageCreateFunction) && ($this->gdimg_source = @$ImageCreateFunction($IMtempfilename))) { $this->source_width = ImageSX($this->gdimg_source); $this->source_height = ImageSY($this->gdimg_source); $this->DebugMessage('ImageMagickThumbnailToGD::' . $ImageCreateFunction . '() succeeded, $this->gdimg_source is now (' . $this->source_width . 'x' . $this->source_height . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->DebugMessage('ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() returning $this->IMresizedData (' . strlen($this->IMresizedData) . ' bytes)', __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { $this->useRawIMoutput = true; $this->DebugMessage('$this->useRawIMoutput set to TRUE because ' . @$ImageCreateFunction . '(' . $IMtempfilename . ') failed', __FILE__, __LINE__); } if (file_exists($IMtempfilename)) { $this->DebugMessage('deleting "' . $IMtempfilename . '"', __FILE__, __LINE__); @unlink($IMtempfilename); } return true; } if (file_exists($IMtempfilename)) { $this->DebugMessage('deleting "' . $IMtempfilename . '"', __FILE__, __LINE__); @unlink($IMtempfilename); } } elseif ($this->issafemode) { $this->DebugMessage('ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() aborting because PHP safe_mode is enabled and phpThumb_tempnam() failed', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->useRawIMoutput = false; } else { if (file_exists($IMtempfilename)) { $this->DebugMessage('deleting "' . $IMtempfilename . '"', __FILE__, __LINE__); @unlink($IMtempfilename); } $this->DebugMessage('ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() aborting, phpThumb_tempnam() failed', __FILE__, __LINE__); } } else { $this->DebugMessage('ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() aborting because ImageMagickCommandlineBase() failed', __FILE__, __LINE__); } $this->useRawIMoutput = false; return false; }