function operation($id, $operation, $returl)
     global $_CAMILA;
     if ($operation == 'delete') {
         require_once CAMILA_DIR . 'datagrid/form.class.php';
         require_once CAMILA_DIR . 'datagrid/elements/form/hidden.php';
         $form3 = new phpform('camila', 'cf_worktable_admin.php');
         $form3->submitbutton = camila_get_translation('camila.worktable.delete');
         $form3->drawrules = false;
         new form_hidden($form3, 'custom', $id);
         new form_hidden($form3, 'worktable_op', $operation);
         if ($returl != '') {
             new form_hidden($form3, 'returl', $returl);
         if ($form3->process()) {
             $result = $_CAMILA['db']->Execute('select tablename,scriptname from ' . CAMILA_TABLE_WORKT . ' where id=' . $_CAMILA['db']->qstr($id));
             if ($result === false) {
                 camila_error_page(camila_get_translation('camila.sqlerror') . ' ' . $_CAMILA['db']->ErrorMsg());
             $table = $result->fields['tablename'];
             $script = $result->fields['scriptname'];
             $result = $_CAMILA['db']->Execute('delete from ' . CAMILA_TABLE_WORKT . ' where id=' . $_CAMILA['db']->qstr($id));
             if ($result === false) {
                 camila_error_page(camila_get_translation('camila.sqlerror') . ' ' . $_CAMILA['db']->ErrorMsg());
             $result = $_CAMILA['db']->Execute('delete from ' . CAMILA_TABLE_WORKC . ' where (wt_id=' . $_CAMILA['db']->qstr($id) . ' and is_deleted<>' . $_CAMILA['db']->qstr('y') . ')');
             if ($result === false) {
                 camila_error_page(camila_get_translation('camila.sqlerror') . ' ' . $_CAMILA['db']->ErrorMsg());
             $stmt = sprintf($_CAMILA['db']->_dropSeqSQL, $table);
             $result = $_CAMILA['db']->Execute($stmt);
             //if ($result === false)
             //    camila_error_page(camila_get_translation('camila.sqlerror') . ' ' . $_CAMILA['db']->ErrorMsg());
             $record = array();
             $record['visible'] = 'no';
             $record['active'] = 'no';
             $updateSQL = $_CAMILA['db']->AutoExecute(CAMILA_TABLE_PAGES, $record, 'UPDATE', 'url=' . $_CAMILA['db']->qstr($script));
             //if (!$updateSQL) {
             //    camila_information_text(camila_get_translation('camila.worktable.db.error'));
             //    $success3 = false;
         } else {
             $result = $_CAMILA['db']->Execute('select short_title from ' . CAMILA_TABLE_WORKT . ' where id=' . $_CAMILA['db']->qstr($id));
             if ($result === false) {
                 camila_error_page(camila_get_translation('camila.sqlerror') . ' ' . $_CAMILA['db']->ErrorMsg());
             $name = $result->fields['short_title'];
             $myText = new CHAW_text($name, HAW_TEXTFORMAT_BOLD);
             $success = false;
     } elseif ($operation == 'rebuild') {
         require_once CAMILA_DIR . 'datagrid/form.class.php';
         require_once CAMILA_DIR . 'datagrid/elements/form/hidden.php';
         $form3 = new phpform('camila', 'cf_worktable_admin.php');
         $form3->submitbutton = camila_get_translation('camila.worktable.delete');
         $form3->drawrules = false;
         new form_hidden($form3, 'custom', $id);
         new form_hidden($form3, 'worktable_op', $operation);
         if ($returl != '') {
             new form_hidden($form3, 'returl', $returl);
         if ($form3->process()) {
             $this->configure_table($id, true, $returl);
         } else {
             $result = $_CAMILA['db']->Execute('select short_title from ' . CAMILA_TABLE_WORKT . ' where id=' . $_CAMILA['db']->qstr($id));
             if ($result === false) {
                 camila_error_page(camila_get_translation('camila.sqlerror') . ' ' . $_CAMILA['db']->ErrorMsg());
             $name = $result->fields['short_title'];
             $myText = new CHAW_text($name, HAW_TEXTFORMAT_BOLD);
             $success = false;
     } elseif ($operation == 'showtemplatefields') {
         $stmt = "select wt_id,name,name_abbrev,col_name as colname_form, col_name as colname_table from " . CAMILA_TABLE_WORKC . ' where (wt_id=' . $_CAMILA['db']->qstr($id) . ' and is_deleted<>' . $_CAMILA['db']->qstr('y') . ') order by name';
         require_once CAMILA_DIR . 'datagrid/report.class.php';
         $report = new report($stmt);
         $report->mapping = camila_get_translation('camila.worktable.mapping.worktable');
         $report->fields['colname_form']->onprint = camila_configurator_template_fieldname_form;
         $report->fields['colname_form']->dummy = true;
         $report->fields['colname_form']->orderable = false;
         $report->fields['colname_table']->onprint = camila_configurator_template_fieldname_table;
         $report->fields['colname_table']->dummy = true;
         $report->fields['colname_table']->orderable = false;
         $report->fields['wt_id']->print = false;
         $report->fields['name']->orderable = false;
         $report->fields['name_abbrev']->orderable = false;
         $report->drawfilterbox = false;
         $report->drawnavigationbox = false;
     if ($success) {
         $myText = new CHAW_text(camila_get_translation('camila.worktable.db.importok'));
$export_deck_title->set_color($_CAMILA['page_title_color'], $_CAMILA['page_title_boxcolor']);
$form = new phpform('camila');
$form->submitbutton = camila_get_translation('camila.export.xml2pdf');
$form->drawrules = false;
$form->preservecontext = true;
global $_CAMILA;
$pos = strrpos($_CAMILA['page_url'], '?');
if ($pos !== false) {
    new form_hidden($form, substr($_CAMILA['page_url'], $pos + 1));
new form_template_file_listbox($form, 'xml2pdf', camila_get_translation('camila.export.template'), CAMILA_TMPL_DIR . '/' . $_CAMILA['lang'], false, $_CAMILA['adm_usergroup'], '', true);
new form_text_separator(&$form, camila_get_translation('camila.export.options'));
$nodata = 'n';
new form_checklist($form, xml2pdf_checklist_options, '', array(camila_get_translation('camila.export.nodata')), array('y'));
new form_text_separator(&$form, '');
$export_format = 'camila_xml2pdf';
$url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
$url = ereg_replace("&" . $export_format, '', $url);
$url = ereg_replace("\\?" . $export_format, '', $url);
$myLink = new CHAW_link(camila_get_translation(''), $url);
$myImage = new HAW_image(CAMILA_IMG_DIR . 'wbmp/resultset_previous.wbmp', CAMILA_IMG_DIR . 'png/resultset_previous.png', '-');
$_CAMILA['page']->use_simulator(CAMILA_CSS_DIR . 'skin0.css');
require CAMILA_DIR . 'deck_settings.php';
require CAMILA_DIR . 'footer.php';
 function _newdir()
     require_once CAMILA_DIR . 'datagrid/form.class.php';
     require_once CAMILA_DIR . 'datagrid/elements/form/hidden.php';
     require_once CAMILA_DIR . 'datagrid/elements/form/textbox.php';
     require_once CAMILA_DIR . 'datagrid/elements/form/fm_dir_listbox.php';
     $form = new phpform('camila');
     $form->submitbutton = camila_get_translation('camila.create');
     $form->drawrules = false;
     new form_hidden($form, 'update', 'newdir');
     global $_CAMILA;
     $pos = strrpos($_CAMILA['page_url'], '?');
     if ($pos !== false) {
         new form_hidden($form, substr($_CAMILA['page_url'], $pos + 1));
     new form_textbox($form, 'name', camila_get_translation(''), true, 30);
     new form_fm_dir_listbox($form, 'dir', camila_get_translation(''), $this->usergroup, true);
     $fp = $form->process();
     if ($fp) {
         $this->_createdir($this->usergroup, $form->fields['dir']->value, $form->fields['name']->value);
     } else {
     return $fp;
 function draw_filter()
     if (!$this->drawfilterbox) {
     global $_CAMILA;
     if (!$_CAMILA['page']->camila_exporting()) {
         require_once CAMILA_DIR . 'datagrid/form.class.php';
         require_once CAMILA_DIR . 'datagrid/elements/form/hidden.php';
         require_once CAMILA_DIR . 'datagrid/elements/form/static_listbox.php';
         require_once CAMILA_DIR . 'datagrid/elements/form/textbox.php';
         $count = 0;
         $options = '';
         $options_array = array();
         $fields_array = array();
         $addfilterconds = '';
         while ($fld = each($this->fields)) {
             if ($fld[1]->print && $fld[1]->onprint == '' && substr($fld[1]->field, 0, 10) != 'camilakey_' && substr($fld[1]->field, 0, 8) != 'cf_bool_' && substr($fld[1]->field, 0, 11) != 'cf_formula_' && substr($fld[1]->field, 0, 11) != 'cf_query_' && !($fld[1]->field == 'count(*)' && $this->gbyconditionpresent)) {
                 $options .= '_' . $fld[1]->metatype . '_' . $fld[1]->field . ';' . $fld[1]->title . ',';
                 $options_array[$count][0] = '_' . $fld[1]->metatype . '_' . $fld[1]->field;
                 $options_array[$count][1] = $fld[1]->title;
                 $fields_array['_' . $fld[1]->metatype . '_' . $fld[1]->field] = $fld[1]->title;
             if (substr($fld[1]->field, 0, 8) == 'cf_bool_') {
                 $addfilterconds .= ',' . $fld[1]->field . '_n' . ';' . '(' . camila_get_translation('') . ' ' . $this->map($fld[1]->field) . ')';
                 $addfilterconds .= ',' . $fld[1]->field . '_y' . ';' . '(' . camila_get_translation('') . ' ' . $this->map($fld[1]->field) . ')';
         $form = new phpform('camila', null, HAW_METHOD_GET);
         $form->submitbutton = camila_get_translation('camila.filterbutton');
         $form->drawrules = false;
         $process = false;
         if ($this->filternum == 0) {
             $this->filternum = 1;
         $hidden = split('&', substr($this->urlappend, 1));
         foreach ($hidden as $k => $v) {
             $split = explode('=', $v);
             $l = substr($split[0], -1);
             if (!(strlen($split[0]) == 10 && substr($split[0], 0, 8) == 'camila_w' && ($l == 'f' || $l == 'v' || $l == 'c' || $l == 'w'))) {
                 new form_hidden($form, $split[0], $split[1]);
             } else {
                 if (substr($split[0], 0, 8) == 'camila_w' && $l == 'f') {
                     $field = $split[1];
                     if (substr($split[1], 0, 1) == '_' && substr($split[1], 2, 1) == '_') {
                         $field = substr($split[1], 3);
                     if (!in_array($field, $this->fields) && strpos($options, $field . ';') == false) {
                         $options .= $split[1] . ';' . $this->map($field) . ',';
                         $options_array[$count][0] = $split[1];
                         $options_array[$count][1] = $this->map($field);
                         $fields_array[$split[1]] = $options_array[$count][1];
                 $process = true;
         $filterstring = '';
         $condstring = camila_get_translation('') . $addfilterconds;
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->filternum; $i++) {
             $val = null;
             if ($i == $this->filternum) {
                 $val = 'ignore';
             if ($i > 1) {
                 new form_static_listbox($form, 'w' . $i . 'w', camila_get_translation('') . ' ' . $i, 'and;' . camila_get_translation('') . ',or;' . camila_get_translation(''), false, $val);
             new form_static_listbox($form, 'w' . $i . 'f', camila_get_translation('') . ' ' . $i, $options_array, false, $val);
             new form_static_listbox($form, 'w' . $i . 'c', camila_get_translation('') . ' ' . $i, $condstring, false, $val);
             $searchtextbox = 'w' . $i . 'v';
             new form_textbox($form, $searchtextbox, camila_get_translation('') . ' ' . $i, false, 50, 50, $val);
             if ($_CAMILA['page']->camila_worktable && count($this->tables) == 1) {
                 $form->fields[$searchtextbox]->autosuggest_table = $this->tables[0];
                 $script = 'function (input) { field = document.getElementById("camila_w1f").value; field = field.substring(3); return "index.php?input="+input+"&camila_autosuggest_filterbox&table=' . $this->tables[0] . '&field="+field+"&id=id&infofields="+field+"&pickfields="+field+"&maxresults=5&"; }';
                 $form->fields[$searchtextbox]->autosuggest_advanced_script = $script;
             if ($i > 1) {
                 $filterstring .= ' ' . camila_get_translation('' . $_REQUEST['camila_w' . $i . 'w']) . ' ';
             if ($_REQUEST['camila_w' . $i . 'f'] != '') {
                 if (substr($_REQUEST['camila_w' . $i . 'c'], 0, 8) != 'cf_bool_') {
                     $filterstring .= '"' . $fields_array[$_REQUEST['camila_w' . $i . 'f']] . '" ' . $form->fields['w' . $i . 'c']->options2[$_REQUEST['camila_w' . $i . 'c']];
                 } else {
                     $filterstring .= $form->fields['w' . $i . 'c']->options2[$_REQUEST['camila_w' . $i . 'c']];
             if ($_REQUEST['camila_w' . $i . 'v'] != '' && substr($_REQUEST['camila_w' . $i . 'c'], 0, 8) != 'cf_bool_') {
                 $filterstring .= ' "' . $_REQUEST['camila_w' . $i . 'v'] . '"';
         if (isset($_REQUEST['camila_share_key'])) {
             new form_hidden($form, 'share_key', $_REQUEST['camila_share_key']);
         if ($process) {
         $_CAMILA['page']->camila_collapsible_start('reportfilter', true, camila_get_translation(''));
         $myLink = new CHAW_link(camila_get_translation(''), basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . $this->urlappend . '&camila_addfilter=1');
         if ($filterstring != '') {
             $text = new CHAW_text("\n" . camila_get_translation('') . "\n" . $filterstring, HAW_TEXTFORMAT_BOLD);
             if ($_CAMILA['page']->camila_worktable) {
                 $_CAMILA['page']->camila_worktable_filter = $filterstring;
         $text = new CHAW_text('');
 function draw()
     if ($this->mapping != '') {
         $this->selform->mapping = $this->mappingseparator . $this->mapping . $this->mappingseparator;
     if ($this->formupdatelinktext != '') {
         $this->selform->formupdatelinktext = $this->formupdatelinktext;
     if ($this->_data_inserted == true) {
         if ($this->selform != 0) {
         global $_CAMILA;
         $pos = strpos($_CAMILA['page_url'], '?');
         if ($pos === false) {
             $link = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '?camila_update=new';
         } else {
             $link = $_CAMILA['page_url'] . '&camila_update=new';
         if ($this->caninsert) {
             $myLink = new CHAW_link(camila_get_translation(''), $link);
         if (isset($_REQUEST['submitandnew_button_header']) && $this->caninsert) {
             $_CAMILA['page']->set_redirection(1, $link);
     if ($this->selform != 0 && !isset($_GET['camila_delete']) && !isset($_GET['camila_update']) && !isset($_POST["{$this->table}_sess_mode"])) {
     global $_CAMILA;
     if ($this->selform == 0 || isset($_REQUEST['camila_delete']) || isset($_GET['camila_update']) || $_REQUEST[$this->table . '_sess_mode'] == 'update' || $_REQUEST[$this->table . '_sess_mode'] == 'insert') {
         if (!isset($_REQUEST['camila_popup']) && !$_CAMILA['page']->camila_exporting() && (isset($_REQUEST['camila_returl']) && $_REQUEST['camila_returl'] != '') && (!is_object($this->validator) || count($this->validator->getErrors()) == 0)) {
             $myLink = new CHAW_link(camila_get_translation('camila.back.table'), $_REQUEST['camila_returl']);
         //if (!$this->_data_inserted && !$this->_data_updated)