public function execute() { $data = $this->getReqiestData(); $comment_id = $data['comment_id']; unset($data['comment_id']); $data['datetime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $contact_data = $this->getContactData(); $data = array_merge($data, $contact_data); $this->errors += $this->comment_model->validate($data); if ($this->errors) { return false; } // taking into account possibility of stack $photo_id = $data['photo_id']; $photo_model = new photosPhotoModel(); $parent_id = $photo_model->getStackParentId($photo_id); if ($parent_id) { // if it is stack work with parent $photo_id = $parent_id; } $data['photo_id'] = $photo_id; if (!isset($data['ip']) && ($ip = waRequest::getIp())) { $ip = ip2long($ip); if ($ip > 2147483647) { $ip -= 4294967296; } $data['ip'] = $ip; } $id = $this->comment_model->add($data, $comment_id); $this->added_comment = $this->comment_model->getById($id); if (preg_match('/(\\d+)/', $data['photo_comments_count_text'], $m)) { $count = $m[1] + 1; $this->response['photo_comments_count_text'] = _wp('%d comment', '%d comments', $count); } $comment = $data; $comment['id'] = $id; $comment['author'] = $this->getResponseAuthorData(); $comment['status'] = photosCommentModel::STATUS_PUBLISHED; $photo_id = $comment['photo_id']; $this->view->assign('wrap_li', true); $this->view->assign('comment', $comment); $this->view->assign('contact_rights', wa()->getUser()->getRights('contacts', 'backend')); $this->response['html'] = $this->view->fetch($this->template); }
public function execute() { $photo_id = waRequest::post('photo_id', array(), waRequest::TYPE_ARRAY_INT); $one_photo = waRequest::post('one_photo', 0, waRequest::TYPE_INT); $tags = waRequest::post('tags', '', waRequest::TYPE_STRING_TRIM); $tags = $tags ? explode(',', $tags) : array(); $delete_tags = waRequest::post('delete_tags', array(), waRequest::TYPE_ARRAY_INT); $tag_model = new photosTagModel(); $photo_tag_model = new photosPhotoTagsModel(); $photo_rights_model = new photosPhotoRightsModel(); $allowed_photo_id = $photo_rights_model->filterAllowedPhotoIds($photo_id, true); $denied_photo_id = array_values(array_diff($photo_id, $allowed_photo_id)); if ($allowed_photo_id) { if ($one_photo) { $allowed_photo_id = $allowed_photo_id[0]; $photo_tag_model->set($allowed_photo_id, $tags); $photo_model = new photosPhotoModel(); if ($parent_id = $photo_model->getStackParentId($allowed_photo_id)) { $this->response['parent_id'] = $parent_id; } } else { if ($delete_tags) { $photo_tag_model->delete($allowed_photo_id, $delete_tags); } $photo_tag_model->assign($allowed_photo_id, $tag_model->getIds($tags, true)); } $allowed_photo_id = (array) $allowed_photo_id; $tags = $photo_tag_model->getTags($allowed_photo_id); if (!$tags && $allowed_photo_id) { $tags = array_fill_keys($allowed_photo_id, array()); } $this->response['tags'] = $tags; } if ($denied_photo_id) { $this->response['alert_msg'] = photosPhoto::sprintf_wplural("The operation was not performed to %d photo (%%s)", "The operation was not performed to %d photos (%%s)", count($denied_photo_id), _w("out of %d selected", "out of %d selected", count($photo_id))) . ', ' . _w("because you don't have sufficient access rights") . '.'; } $this->response['cloud'] = $tag_model->getCloud(); }
public function frontendPhoto($photo) { $this->view = $this->view(); $photo_model = new photosPhotoModel(); $photo_id = $photo['id']; if ($parent_id = $photo_model->getStackParentId($photo)) { $photo_id = $parent_id; } $comments = $this->comment()->getFullTree($photo_id, array('author' => true)); $storage = wa()->getStorage(); $adapters = array(); $current_auth = null; $current_auth_source = null; $user = wa()->getUser(); if ($user->isAuth()) { $comment_author = photosCommentModel::getAuthorInfo($user->getId(), photosCommentModel::BIG_AUTHOR_PHOTO_SIZE); $storage->del('auth_user_data'); $this->view->assign('comment_author', $comment_author); } else { $current_auth = $storage->read('auth_user_data'); $adapters = wa()->getAuthAdapters(); if (!$adapters && $current_auth) { $current_auth = null; $storage->del('auth_user_data'); } $current_auth_source = $current_auth ? $current_auth['source'] : null; $this->view->assign('comment_author', null); } $app_url = wa()->getAppStaticUrl(); $this->view->assign('current_auth_source', $current_auth_source); $this->view->assign('current_auth', $current_auth); $this->view->assign('auth_adapters', $adapters); $this->view->assign('require_authorization', $this->getSettings('require_authorization')); $this->view->assign('comments', $comments); $this->view->assign('photo_id', $photo_id); return array('bottom' => $this->view()->fetch($this->path . '/templates/FrontendPhoto.html')); }
protected function workupPhotos(&$photos) { $renderer = new photosPhotoHtmlRenderer($this->getTheme()); $photo_model = new photosPhotoModel(); // parent of current photo (that stacked, i.e. in stack) $parent_id = null; if ($this->photo_url) { $stacked_photo = $photo_model->getByField('url', $this->photo_url); if (!$stacked_photo) { throw new waException(_w('Page not found', 404)); } $parent_id = $photo_model->getStackParentId($stacked_photo); } // During going over all photos we also look if some photo is a parent of current stacked photo foreach ($photos as &$photo) { $photo['stack_nav'] = ''; $stack = (array) $photo_model->getStack($photo['id'], array('tags' => true)); if ($stack) { foreach ($stack as &$item) { $item['thumb_custom'] = array('url' => photosPhoto::getPhotoUrlTemplate($item)); $item['full_url'] = photosFrontendAlbum::getLink($this->album) . $item['url'] . '/'; } unset($item); // iterable photo is parent of current stacked photo - replace if ($parent_id == $photo['id']) { $photo = $stacked_photo; $photo['full_url'] = photosFrontendAlbum::getLink($this->album) . $photo['url'] . '/'; $photo['stack_nav'] = $renderer->getStackNavigationPanel($stack, $photo); } else { $photo['stack_nav'] = $renderer->getStackNavigationPanel($stack, $photo); } } $photo['frontend_link'] = photosFrontendPhoto::getLink($photo, array('full_url' => $this->album_url)); } unset($photo); }
public function execute() { $name = waRequest::post('name', '', waRequest::TYPE_STRING_TRIM); if (in_array($name, $this->availableFields) === false) { throw new waException("Can't update photo: unknown field"); } $photo_id = waRequest::post('id', null, waRequest::TYPE_ARRAY_INT); $value = waRequest::post('value', '', waRequest::TYPE_STRING_TRIM); if ($photo_id) { $photo_rights_model = new photosPhotoRightsModel(); if (count($photo_id) == 1) { // editing only one photo if (!$photo_rights_model->checkRights(current($photo_id), true)) { throw new waException(_w("You don't have sufficient access rights")); } // validations for one photo if ($name == 'url') { if (!$this->validateUrl($value, current($photo_id))) { // $photo_id is array of ids, so make current() $this->errors['url'] = _w('URL is in use'); return; } } $allowed_photo_id = $photo_id; $denied_photo_id = array(); } else { $allowed_photo_id = $photo_rights_model->filterAllowedPhotoIds($photo_id, true); $denied_photo_id = array_diff($photo_id, $allowed_photo_id); } if ($allowed_photo_id) { if ($name == 'rate') { $value = (int) $value; if ($value < 0 || $value > 5) { $value = 0; } } $data[$name] = $value; $this->photo_model = new photosPhotoModel(); if ($name == 'description' || $name == 'rate') { $this->photo_model->update($allowed_photo_id, $data); if (count($photo_id) == 1 && $allowed_photo_id) { // means that we edit field in one-photo page $photo_id = current($photo_id); if ($parent_id = $this->photo_model->getStackParentId($photo_id)) { $this->response['parent_id'] = $parent_id; } } // change count of rated if ($name == 'rate') { $this->response['count'] = $this->photo_model->countRated(); $this->log('photos_rate', 1); } } else { // update only parent photo(s) $this->photo_model->updateById($allowed_photo_id, $data); } if ($name == 'name') { $this->response['value'] = photosPhoto::escape($value); } } if (count($denied_photo_id) > 0 && count($photo_id) > 0) { $this->response['alert_msg'] = photosPhoto::sprintf_wplural("The operation was not performed to %d photo (%%s)", "The operation was not performed to %d photos (%%s)", count($denied_photo_id), _w("out of %d selected", "out of %d selected", count($photo_id))) . ', ' . _w("because you don't have sufficient access rights") . '.'; } $allowed_photo_id_map = array(); foreach ($allowed_photo_id as $id) { $allowed_photo_id_map[$id] = true; } $this->response['allowed_photo_id'] = $allowed_photo_id_map; } }
public function execute() { $id = waRequest::post('id', 0, waRequest::TYPE_INT); $in_stack = waRequest::post('in_stack', 0, waRequest::TYPE_INT); $hash = waRequest::post('hash', null, waRequest::TYPE_STRING_TRIM); $hash = urldecode($hash); // get photo $this->photo_model = new photosPhotoModel(); $this->photo = $this->photo_model->getById($id); if (!$this->photo) { throw new waException(_w("Photo doesn't exists"), 404); } $photo_rights_model = new photosPhotoRightsModel(); if (!$photo_rights_model->checkRights($this->photo)) { throw new waRightsException(_w("You don't have sufficient access rights")); } $this->photo['name_not_escaped'] = $this->photo['name']; $this->photo = photosPhoto::escapeFields($this->photo); $this->photo['upload_datetime_formatted'] = waDateTime::format('humandate', $this->photo['upload_datetime']); $this->photo['upload_timestamp'] = strtotime($this->photo['upload_datetime']); $this->photo['edit_rights'] = $photo_rights_model->checkRights($this->photo, true); $this->photo['private_url'] = photosPhotoModel::getPrivateUrl($this->photo); $this->photo['thumb'] = photosPhoto::getThumbInfo($this->photo, photosPhoto::getThumbPhotoSize()); $this->photo['thumb_big'] = photosPhoto::getThumbInfo($this->photo, photosPhoto::getBigPhotoSize()); $this->photo['thumb_middle'] = photosPhoto::getThumbInfo($this->photo, photosPhoto::getMiddlePhotoSize()); $original_photo_path = photosPhoto::getOriginalPhotoPath($this->photo); if (wa('photos')->getConfig()->getOption('save_original') && file_exists($original_photo_path)) { $this->photo['original_exists'] = true; } else { $this->photo['original_exists'] = false; } $photo_tags_model = new photosPhotoTagsModel(); $tags = $photo_tags_model->getTags($id); $this->photo['tags'] = $tags; $this->response['photo'] = $this->photo; // get stack if it's possible if (!$in_stack && ($stack = $this->photo_model->getStack($id, array('thumb' => true, 'thumb_crop' => true, 'thumb_big' => true, 'thumb_middle' => true)))) { $this->response['stack'] = $stack; } // get albums $album_photos_model = new photosAlbumPhotosModel(); $albums = $album_photos_model->getAlbums($id, array('id', 'name')); $this->response['albums'] = isset($albums[$id]) ? array_values($albums[$id]) : array(); // exif info $exif_model = new photosPhotoExifModel(); $exif = $exif_model->getByPhoto($this->photo['id']); if (isset($exif['DateTimeOriginal'])) { $exif['DateTimeOriginal'] = waDateTime::format('humandatetime', $exif['DateTimeOriginal'], date_default_timezone_get()); } $this->response['exif'] = $exif; // get author $contact = new waContact($this->photo['contact_id']); $this->response['author'] = array('id' => $contact['id'], 'name' => photosPhoto::escape($contact['name']), 'photo_url' => $contact->getPhoto(photosPhoto::AUTHOR_PHOTO_SIZE), 'backend_url' => $this->getConfig()->getBackendUrl(true) . 'contacts/#/contact/' . $contact['id']); // for making inline-editable widget $this->response['frontend_link_template'] = photosFrontendPhoto::getLink(array('url' => '%url%')); $hooks = array(); $parent_id = $this->photo_model->getStackParentId($this->photo); $photo_id = $parent_id ? $parent_id : $id; /** * Extend photo page * Add extra widget(s) * @event backend_photo * @return array[string][string]string $return[%plugin_id%]['bottom'] In bottom, under photo any widget */ $hooks['backend_photo'] = wa()->event('backend_photo', $photo_id); $this->response['hooks'] = $hooks; if ($hash !== null) { $collection = new photosCollection($hash); if (strstr($hash, 'rate>0') !== false) { $collection->orderBy('p.rate DESC,'); } $this->response['photo_stream'] = $this->getPhotoStream($collection); if ($collection->getAlbum()) { $this->response['album'] = $collection->getAlbum(); } } }