$order = pageVar('order', '1A', isset($_REQUEST['reset']));
/** filters */
$filter_where = '';
/** List table */
$table = new pSimpleTable("100%", 'grid');
$table->addSimpleField(!isset($hdr['Name']) ? _('Nome') : $hdr['Name'], 'do_name', 'CALCULATED', null, array('visible' => true, 'sortable' => true, 'order_fields' => 'do_name, do_auth_type'));
$table->addSimpleField(!isset($hdr['Alias']) ? _('Alias') : $hdr['Alias'], 'do_alais', 'CALCULATED', null, array('visible' => true));
$table->addSimpleField(!isset($hdr['Applications']) ? _('Applicativi') : $hdr['Applications'], 'do_applications', 'CALCULATED', null, array('visible' => true));
$table->addSimpleField(!isset($hdr['action']) ? _('Azione') : $hdr['action'], '', 'LINK', 100);
$limit = max(10, $auth->getConfigValue('SETTINGS', 'ROW_COUNT', 10));
$pg = max(1, PageVar('pg', 1, isset($_REQUEST['reset'])));
$st = ($pg - 1) * $limit;
/** Get the users list */
$list = $auth->getDomainsList(array('fields' => 'dn_name as do_name, do_auth_type', 'order' => $table->getSQLOrder($order), 'offset' => $st, 'limit' => $limit), $tot);
$table_html = $table->CreateTableHeader($order);
foreach ($list as $value) {
    // Get the lockup data
    $data = $auth->getDomainData($value['do_name'], true);
    $table->addCalcValue('do_name', $data['names'][0]);
    /** The 1st element is the name, the others are alias) */
    // Alias
    $alias = array();
    for ($i = 1; $i < count($data['names']); $i++) {
        $alias[] = $data['names'][$i];
    $s = implode(', ', $alias);
    $table->addCalcValue('do_alais', $s, $s);
    // Applications
    $apps = array();
    foreach ($data['applications'] as $val) {