  * Executes parent method parent::render(), creates deliveryset category tree,
  * passes data to Smarty engine and returns name of template file "deliveryset_main.tpl".
  * @return string
 public function render()
     $myConfig = $this->getConfig();
     $sTheme = $this->_sTheme = $this->getEditObjectId();
     $sShopId = $myConfig->getShopId();
     if (!isset($sTheme)) {
         $sTheme = $this->_sTheme = $this->getConfig()->getConfigParam('sTheme');
     $oTheme = oxNew('oxTheme');
     if ($oTheme->load($sTheme)) {
         $this->_aViewData["oTheme"] = $oTheme;
         try {
             $aDbVariables = $this->_loadConfVars($sShopId, $this->_getModuleForConfigVars());
             $this->_aViewData["var_constraints"] = $aDbVariables['constraints'];
             $this->_aViewData["var_grouping"] = $aDbVariables['grouping'];
             foreach ($this->_aConfParams as $sType => $sParam) {
                 $this->_aViewData[$sParam] = $aDbVariables['vars'][$sType];
         } catch (oxException $oEx) {
     } else {
         oxUtilsView::getInstance()->addErrorToDisplay(oxNew("oxException", 'EXCEPTION_THEME_NOT_LOADED'));
     return 'theme_config.tpl';
 public function render()
     /** @var $oRakuten rakuten_checkout */
     $oRakuten = oxNew('rakuten_checkout');
     // Check which method will be used: Standard or Inline
     if ($this->getConfig()->getShopConfVar('sRakutenIntegrationMethod', -1) == 'STANDARD') {
         // Redirect to Rakuten Checkout
         if ($redirectUrl = $oRakuten->getRedirectUrl()) {
             // Received redirect URL
             oxUtils::getInstance()->redirect($redirectUrl, false, 302);
         } else {
             // Error returned, redirecting to the shopping cart
             oxUtils::getInstance()->redirect($this->_getBasketUrl(), false, 302);
     } elseif ($this->getConfig()->getShopConfVar('sRakutenIntegrationMethod', -1) == 'INLINE') {
         // Inline integration (iFrame)
         if ($inlineCode = $oRakuten->getRedirectUrl(true)) {
             // Loading iFrame
             $this->_aViewData['oxidBlock_content'][] = $inlineCode;
             return parent::render();
         } else {
             // Error returned, redirecting to the shopping cart
             oxUtils::getInstance()->redirect($this->_getBasketUrl(), false, 302);
     } else {
         // Unknown integration method
         oxUtilsView::getInstance()->addErrorToDisplay('Unknown integration method.');
         oxUtils::getInstance()->redirect($this->_getBasketUrl(), false, 302);
     return false;
  * Checks user login data, on success returns "admin_start".
  * @return mixed
 public function checklogin()
     $myUtilsServer = oxUtilsServer::getInstance();
     $myUtilsView = oxUtilsView::getInstance();
     $sUser = oxConfig::getParameter('user', true);
     $sPass = oxConfig::getParameter('pwd', true);
     $sProfile = oxConfig::getParameter('profile');
     try {
         // trying to login
         $oUser = oxNew("oxuser");
         $oUser->login($sUser, $sPass);
         $iSubshop = (int) $oUser->oxuser__oxrights->value;
         if ($iSubshop) {
             oxSession::setVar("shp", $iSubshop);
             oxSession::setVar('currentadminshop', $iSubshop);
     } catch (oxUserException $oEx) {
         $oStr = getStr();
         $this->addTplParam('user', $oStr->htmlspecialchars($sUser));
         $this->addTplParam('pwd', $oStr->htmlspecialchars($sPass));
         $this->addTplParam('profile', $oStr->htmlspecialchars($sProfile));
     } catch (oxCookieException $oEx) {
         $oStr = getStr();
         $this->addTplParam('user', $oStr->htmlspecialchars($sUser));
         $this->addTplParam('pwd', $oStr->htmlspecialchars($sPass));
         $this->addTplParam('profile', $oStr->htmlspecialchars($sProfile));
     } catch (oxConnectionException $oEx) {
     // success
     oxUtils::getInstance()->logger("login successful");
     // #533
     if (isset($sProfile)) {
         $aProfiles = oxSession::getVar("aAdminProfiles");
         if ($aProfiles && isset($aProfiles[$sProfile])) {
             // setting cookie to store last locally used profile
             $myUtilsServer->setOxCookie("oxidadminprofile", $sProfile . "@" . implode("@", $aProfiles[$sProfile]), time() + 31536000, "/");
             oxSession::setVar("profile", $aProfiles[$sProfile]);
     } else {
         //deleting cookie info, as setting profile to default
         $myUtilsServer->setOxCookie("oxidadminprofile", "", time() - 3600, "/");
     // languages
     $iLang = oxConfig::getParameter("chlanguage");
     $aLanguages = oxLang::getInstance()->getAdminTplLanguageArray();
     if (!isset($aLanguages[$iLang])) {
         $iLang = key($aLanguages);
     $myUtilsServer->setOxCookie("oxidadminlanguage", $aLanguages[$iLang]->abbr, time() + 31536000, "/");
     //oxSession::setVar( "blAdminTemplateLanguage", $iLang );
     return "admin_start";
  * Sets exception errros to template
  * @return null
 public function displayExceptionError()
     $aViewData = $this->getViewData();
     //add all exceptions to display
     $aErrors = $this->_getErrors();
     if (is_array($aErrors) && count($aErrors)) {
         oxUtilsView::getInstance()->passAllErrorsToView($aViewData, $aErrors);
     $oSmarty = oxUtilsView::getInstance()->getSmarty();
     $oSmarty->assign_by_ref("Errors", $aViewData["Errors"]);
     // resetting errors from session
     oxSession::setVar('Errors', array());
  * Downloads connector, displays message on  success, error on failure.
  * @return null
 public function getConnector()
     $oConfig = $this->getConfig();
     $sEtUsername = $this->getConfig()->getParameter("etUsername");
     $sEtPassword = $this->getConfig()->getParameter("etPassword");
     $sShopVersion = $this->getConfig()->getEdition() . " " . $this->getConfig()->getVersion();
     $blSaveCredentials = $this->getConfig()->getParameter('blSaveCredentials');
     try {
         $oConnector = oxNew("oxefidownloader");
         $oConnector->downloadConnector($sEtUsername, $sEtPassword, $sShopVersion, $blSaveCredentials);
         $this->_aViewData['message'] = oxLang::getInstance()->translateString('EFIRE_DOWNLOADER_SUCCESS');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         oxUtilsView::getInstance()->addErrorToDisplay(sprintf(oxLang::getInstance()->translateString('EFIRE_DOWNLOADER_ERROR'), $e->getMessage()));
 * Smarty plugin
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * File: block.oxid_content.php
 * Type: string, html
 * Name: block_oxifcontent
 * Purpose: Output content snippet if content exists
 * add [{oxifcontent ident="..." }][{/oxifcontent}] where you want to display content
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * @param array  $params  params
 * @param string $content rendered content
 * @param Smarty &$smarty clever simulation of a method
 * @param bool   &$repeat repeat
 * @return string
function smarty_block_oxifcontent($params, $content, &$smarty, &$repeat)
    $myConfig = oxConfig::getInstance();
    $sIdent = isset($params['ident']) ? $params['ident'] : null;
    $sOxid = isset($params['oxid']) ? $params['oxid'] : null;
    $sAssign = isset($params['assign']) ? $params['assign'] : null;
    $sObject = isset($params['object']) ? $params['object'] : 'oCont';
    if ($repeat) {
        if ($sIdent || $sOxid) {
            static $aContentCache = array();
            if ($sIdent && isset($aContentCache[$sIdent]) || $sOxid && isset($aContentCache[$sOxid])) {
                $oContent = $sOxid ? $aContentCache[$sOxid] : $aContentCache[$sIdent];
            } else {
                $oContent = oxNew("oxcontent");
                $blLoaded = $sOxid ? $oContent->load($sOxid) : $oContent->loadbyIdent($sIdent);
                if ($blLoaded) {
                    $aContentCache[$oContent->getId()] = $aContentCache[$oContent->oxcontents__oxloadid->value] = $oContent;
                } else {
                    $oContent = false;
                    if ($sOxid) {
                        $aContentCache[$sOxid] = $oContent;
                    } else {
                        $aContentCache[$sIdent] = $oContent;
            $blLoaded = false;
            if ($oContent && $oContent->oxcontents__oxactive->value) {
                $smarty->assign($sObject, $oContent);
                $blLoaded = true;
        } else {
            $blLoaded = false;
        $repeat = $blLoaded;
    } else {
        $oStr = getStr();
        $blHasSmarty = $oStr->strstr($content, '[{');
        if ($blHasSmarty) {
            $content = oxUtilsView::getInstance()->parseThroughSmarty($content, $sIdent . md5($content), $myConfig->getActiveView());
        if ($sAssign) {
            $smarty->assign($sAssign, $content);
        } else {
            return $content;
  * Set theme
  * @return null
 public function setTheme()
     $sTheme = $this->getEditObjectId();
     $oTheme = oxNew('oxtheme');
     if (!$oTheme->load($sTheme)) {
         oxUtilsView::getInstance()->addErrorToDisplay(oxNew("oxException", 'EXCEPTION_THEME_NOT_LOADED'));
     try {
     } catch (oxException $oEx) {
  * @overload
 public function executePayment($dAmount, &$oOrder)
     if (!in_array($oOrder->oxorder__oxpaymenttype->rawValue, array("paymill_cc", "paymill_elv"))) {
         return parent::executePayment($dAmount, $oOrder);
     if (oxSession::hasVar('paymill_token')) {
         $this->_token = oxSession::getVar('paymill_token');
     } else {
         oxUtilsView::getInstance()->addErrorToDisplay("No Token was provided");
         oxUtils::getInstance()->redirect($this->getConfig()->getSslShopUrl() . 'index.php?cl=payment', false);
     $this->getSession()->setVar("paymill_identifier", time());
     $this->_apiUrl = paymill_util::API_ENDPOINT;
     $this->_iLastErrorNo = null;
     $this->_sLastError = null;
     $this->_initializePaymentProcessor($dAmount, $oOrder);
     if ($this->_getPaymentShortCode($oOrder->oxorder__oxpaymenttype->rawValue) === 'cc') {
         $this->_paymentProcessor->setPreAuthAmount((int) oxSession::getVar('paymill_authorized_amount'));
     if ($this->_token === 'dummyToken') {
         $prop = 'paymill_fastcheckout__paymentid_' . $this->_getPaymentShortCode($oOrder->oxorder__oxpaymenttype->rawValue);
     $result = $this->_paymentProcessor->processPayment();
     $this->log($result ? 'Payment results in success' : 'Payment results in failure', null);
     if ($result) {
         $saveData = array('oxid' => $oOrder->oxorder__oxuserid->rawValue, 'clientid' => $this->_paymentProcessor->getClientId());
         if (oxConfig::getInstance()->getShopConfVar('PAYMILL_ACTIVATE_FASTCHECKOUT')) {
             $paymentColumn = 'paymentID_' . strtoupper($this->_getPaymentShortCode($oOrder->oxorder__oxpaymenttype->rawValue));
             $saveData[$paymentColumn] = $this->_paymentProcessor->getPaymentId();
         if (oxConfig::getInstance()->getShopConfVar('PAYMILL_SET_PAYMENTDATE')) {
         // set transactionId to session for updating the description after order execute
         $transactionId = $this->_paymentProcessor->getTransactionId();
         $this->getSession()->setVar('paymillPgTransId', $transactionId);
     } else {
     return $result;
  * Does Export line by line on position iCnt
  * @param integer $iCnt export position
  * @return bool
 public function nextTick($iCnt)
     $iExportedItems = $iCnt;
     $blContinue = false;
     if ($oArticle = $this->getOneArticle($iCnt, $blContinue)) {
         $myConfig = oxConfig::getInstance();
         $oSmarty = oxUtilsView::getInstance()->getSmarty();
         $oSmarty->assign("sCustomHeader", oxSession::getVar("sExportCustomHeader"));
         $oSmarty->assign_by_ref("linenr", $iCnt);
         $oSmarty->assign_by_ref("article", $oArticle);
         $oSmarty->assign("spr", $myConfig->getConfigParam('sCSVSign'));
         $oSmarty->assign("encl", $myConfig->getConfigParam('sGiCsvFieldEncloser'));
         $this->write($oSmarty->fetch("genexport.tpl", $this->getViewId()));
         return ++$iExportedItems;
     return $blContinue;
  * Renders requested RSS feed
  * Template variables:
  * <b>rss</b>
  * @return  string  $this->_sThisTemplate   current template file name
 public function render()
     $oSmarty = oxUtilsView::getInstance()->getSmarty();
     // #2873: In demoshop for RSS we set php_handling to SMARTY_PHP_PASSTHRU
     // as SMARTY_PHP_REMOVE removes not only php tags, but also xml
     if ($this->getConfig()->isDemoShop()) {
         $oSmarty->php_handling = SMARTY_PHP_PASSTHRU;
     foreach (array_keys($this->_aViewData) as $sViewName) {
         $oSmarty->assign_by_ref($sViewName, $this->_aViewData[$sViewName]);
     // variables are set as deprecated, use getters
     // $oSmarty->assign('xmldef', $this->getXmlDef());
     // return rss xml, no further processing
     oxUtils::getInstance()->setHeader("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=" . oxLang::getInstance()->translateString("charset"));
     oxUtils::getInstance()->showMessageAndExit($this->_processOutput($oSmarty->fetch($this->_sThisTemplate, $this->getViewId())));
  * Does Export line by line on position iCnt
  * @param integer $iCnt export position
  * @return bool
 public function nextTick($iCnt)
     $myConfig = oxConfig::getInstance();
     $iExportedItems = $iCnt;
     if ($oArticle = $this->getOneArticle($iCnt, $blContinue)) {
         $smarty = oxUtilsView::getInstance()->getSmarty();
         $smarty->assign_by_ref("linenr", $iCnt);
         $smarty->assign_by_ref("article", $oArticle);
         $smarty->assign("spr", $myConfig->getConfigParam('sCSVSign'));
         $smarty->assign("encl", $myConfig->getConfigParam('sGiCsvFieldEncloser'));
         $smarty->assign("sManufacturer", $this->_getManufactorTitle($oArticle->oxarticles__oxmanufacturerid->value));
         $smarty->assign("sPictureUrl", $this->_checkPictureUrl($oArticle));
         $smarty->assign("sCategory", $oArticle->getCategory()->oxcategories__oxtitle->value);
         $this->write($smarty->fetch("googlebase_genexport.tpl", $this->getViewID()));
         return ++$iExportedItems;
     return $blContinue;
  * Saves payment parameters changes.
  * @return mixed
 public function save()
     $oDb = oxDb::getDb();
     $aParams = oxConfig::getParameter("confbools");
     // Deleting old blocks for Tradoria Checkout ver.1.0.2 and updating payment type for old Tradoria Checkout orders
     $oDb->execute("DELETE `oxtplblocks` WHERE `OXID` IN ('tradoria_btn_top', 'tradoria_btn_bottom', 'tradoria_btn_minicart');");
     $oDb->execute("UPDATE `oxorder` SET `OXPAYMENTTYPE` = 'rakuten' WHERE `OXPAYMENTTYPE`='tradoria';");
     if ($aParams['blRakutenActive'] == 'true') {
         $oDb->execute("INSERT INTO `oxtplblocks` (`OXID`, `OXACTIVE`, `OXSHOPID`, `OXTEMPLATE`, `OXBLOCKNAME`, `OXPOS`, `OXFILE`, `OXMODULE`) VALUES ('rakuten_btn_top', '1', 'oxbaseshop', 'page/checkout/basket.tpl', 'basket_btn_next_top', '0', 'button', 'rakuten') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `OXACTIVE` = 1;");
         $oDb->execute("INSERT INTO `oxtplblocks` (`OXID`, `OXACTIVE`, `OXSHOPID`, `OXTEMPLATE`, `OXBLOCKNAME`, `OXPOS`, `OXFILE`, `OXMODULE`) VALUES ('rakuten_btn_bottom', '1', 'oxbaseshop', 'page/checkout/basket.tpl', 'basket_btn_next_bottom', '0', 'button', 'rakuten') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `OXACTIVE` = 1;");
         $oDb->execute("INSERT INTO `oxtplblocks` (`OXID`, `OXACTIVE`, `OXSHOPID`, `OXTEMPLATE`, `OXBLOCKNAME`, `OXPOS`, `OXFILE`, `OXMODULE`) VALUES ('rakuten_btn_minicart', '1', 'oxbaseshop', 'widget/minibasket/minibasket.tpl', 'widget_minibasket_total', '0', 'button', 'rakuten') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `OXACTIVE` = 1;");
     } else {
         $oDb->execute("UPDATE `oxtplblocks` SET `OXACTIVE` = 0 WHERE `OXID` IN ('rakuten_btn_top', 'rakuten_btn_bottom', 'rakuten_btn_minicart');");
     // Refresh Smarty cache to hide/show Rakuten Checkout button on the front-end
     // oxUtils::getInstance()->rebuildCache();
     // TODO: Discover "right" way to refresh Smarty cache. Line above doesn't work! (Oxid bug?)
     $smarty = oxUtilsView::getInstance()->getSmarty();
  * Does Export line by line on position iCnt
  * @param integer $iCnt export position
  * @return bool
 public function nextTick($iCnt)
     $myConfig = oxConfig::getInstance();
     $iExportedItems = $iCnt;
     if ($oArticle = $this->getOneArticle($iCnt, $blContinue)) {
         $smarty = oxUtilsView::getInstance()->getSmarty();
         $smarty->assign_by_ref("linenr", $iCnt);
         $smarty->assign_by_ref("article", $oArticle);
         #TODO: find out why its not working from config
         #$smarty->assign( "spr", $myConfig->getConfigParam( 'sCSVSign' ) );
         #$smarty->assign( "encl", $myConfig->getConfigParam( 'sGiCsvFieldEncloser' ) );
         $smarty->assign("spr", ";");
         $smarty->assign("encl", '"');
         $smarty->assign("sManufacturer", $this->_getManufactorTitle($oArticle->oxarticles__oxmanufacturerid->value));
         $smarty->assign("sPictureUrl", $this->_checkPictureUrl($oArticle));
         $smarty->assign("sCategory", $oArticle->getCategory()->oxcategories__oxtitle->value);
         $smarty->assign("sPriceBrut", $oArticle->getPrice(1)->getBruttoPrice());
         $smarty->assign("sPriceNet", $oArticle->getPrice(1)->getNettoPrice());
         $this->write($smarty->fetch("superclix_genexport.tpl", $this->getViewID()));
         return ++$iExportedItems;
     return $blContinue;
  * Method applies validation to entry and saves it to DB.
  * On error/success returns name of action to perform
  * (on error: "guestbookentry?error=x"", on success: "guestbook").
  * @return string
 public function saveEntry()
     $sReviewText = trim((string) oxConfig::getParameter('rvw_txt', true));
     $sShopId = $this->getConfig()->getShopId();
     $sUserId = oxSession::getVar('usr');
     // guest book`s entry is validated
     if (!$sUserId) {
         //return to same page
     if (!$sShopId) {
         return 'guestbookentry';
     // empty entries validation
     if ('' == $sReviewText) {
         return 'guestbookentry';
     // flood protection
     $oEntrie = oxNew('oxgbentry');
     if ($oEntrie->floodProtection($sShopId, $sUserId)) {
         return 'guestbookentry';
     // double click protection
     if ($this->canAcceptFormData()) {
         // here the guest book entry is saved
         $oEntry = oxNew('oxgbentry');
         $oEntry->oxgbentries__oxshopid = new oxField($sShopId);
         $oEntry->oxgbentries__oxuserid = new oxField($sUserId);
         $oEntry->oxgbentries__oxcontent = new oxField($sReviewText);
     return 'guestbook';
  * Executes parent method parent::render(), prints shop and
  * PHP configuration information.
  * @return null
 public function render()
     $myConfig = $this->getConfig();
     $oAuthUser = oxNew('oxuser');
     $blisMallAdmin = $oAuthUser->oxuser__oxrights->value == "malladmin";
     if ($blisMallAdmin && !$myConfig->isDemoShop()) {
         $aClassVars = get_object_vars($myConfig);
         $aSystemInfo = array();
         $oSmarty = oxUtilsView::getInstance()->getSmarty();
         while (list($name, $value) = each($aClassVars)) {
             if (gettype($value) == "object") {
             // security fix - we do not output dbname and dbpwd cause of demoshops
             if ($name == "oDB" || $name == "dbUser" || $name == "dbPwd" || $name == "oSerial" || $name == "aSerials" || $name == "sSerialNr") {
             $value = var_export($value, true);
             $value = str_replace("\n", "<br>", $value);
             $aSystemInfo[$name] = $value;
             //echo( "$name = $value <br>");
         $oSmarty->assign("oViewConf", $this->_aViewData["oViewConf"]);
         $oSmarty->assign("shop", $this->_aViewData["shop"]);
         $oSmarty->assign("isdemo", $myConfig->isDemoShop());
         $oSmarty->assign("aSystemInfo", $aSystemInfo);
         echo $oSmarty->fetch("systeminfo.tpl");
         echo "<br><br>";
     } else {
         return oxUtils::getInstance()->showMessageAndExit("Access denied !");
  * Send request to Rakuten Checkout
  * @param  string $xml
  * @return array|bool|string
  * @throws Exception
 public function sendRequest($xml)
     try {
         $rockinUrl = $this->getRockinUrl();
          * Setting the curl parameters. 
         $ch = curl_init();
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $rockinUrl);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
          * Setting the request
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $xml);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
          * Getting response from server
         $response = curl_exec($ch);
         if (curl_errno($ch)) {
             throw new Exception(curl_error($ch), curl_errno($ch));
         } else {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         oxUtilsView::getInstance()->addErrorToDisplay(sprintf('CURL Error #%s: %s', $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()));
         return false;
     return $response;
  * Sending email to selected customer
  * @return null
 public function send()
     $blError = true;
     // error
     if ($sOxid = $this->getEditObjectId()) {
         $oPricealarm = oxNew("oxpricealarm");
         $aParams = oxConfig::getParameter("editval");
         $sMailBody = isset($aParams['oxpricealarm__oxlongdesc']) ? stripslashes($aParams['oxpricealarm__oxlongdesc']) : '';
         if ($sMailBody) {
             $sMailBody = oxUtilsView::getInstance()->parseThroughSmarty($sMailBody, $oPricealarm->getId());
         $sRecipient = $oPricealarm->oxpricealarm__oxemail->value;
         $oEmail = oxNew('oxemail');
         $blSuccess = (int) $oEmail->sendPricealarmToCustomer($sRecipient, $oPricealarm, $sMailBody);
         // setting result message
         if ($blSuccess) {
             $oPricealarm->oxpricealarm__oxsended->setValue(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
             $blError = false;
     if (!$blError) {
         $this->_aViewData["mail_succ"] = 1;
     } else {
         $this->_aViewData["mail_err"] = 1;
  * Starts session manager
  * @return null
 public function init()
     include getShopBasePath() . 'config.inc.php';
     include getShopBasePath() . 'core/oxconfk.php';
     //adding trailing slashes
     $oFileUtils = oxUtilsFile::getInstance();
     $this->sShopDir = $oFileUtils->normalizeDir($this->sShopDir);
     $this->sCompileDir = $oFileUtils->normalizeDir($this->sCompileDir);
     $this->sShopURL = $oFileUtils->normalizeDir($this->sShopURL);
     $this->sSSLShopURL = $oFileUtils->normalizeDir($this->sSSLShopURL);
     $this->sAdminSSLURL = $oFileUtils->normalizeDir($this->sAdminSSLURL);
     // some important defaults
     if (!$this->getConfigParam('sDefaultLang')) {
         $this->setConfigParam('sDefaultLang', 0);
     $this->setConfigParam('sTheme', 'basic');
     $blLogChangesInAdmin = $this->getConfigParam('blLogChangesInAdmin');
     if (!isset($blLogChangesInAdmin)) {
         $this->setConfigParam('blLogChangesInAdmin', false);
     $blCheckTemplates = $this->getConfigParam('blCheckTemplates');
     if (!isset($blCheckTemplates)) {
         $this->setConfigParam('blCheckTemplates', false);
     $blAllowArticlesubclass = $this->getConfigParam('blAllowArticlesubclass');
     if (!isset($blAllowArticlesubclass)) {
         $this->setConfigParam('blAllowArticlesubclass', false);
     $iAdminListSize = $this->getConfigParam('iAdminListSize');
     if (!isset($iAdminListSize)) {
         $this->setConfigParam('iAdminListSize', 9);
     // #1173M  for EE - not all pic are deleted
     $iPicCount = $this->getConfigParam('iPicCount');
     if (!isset($iPicCount)) {
         $this->setConfigParam('iPicCount', 7);
     $iZoomPicCount = $this->getConfigParam('iZoomPicCount');
     if (!isset($iZoomPicCount)) {
         $this->setConfigParam('iZoomPicCount', 4);
     //max shop id default value
     $iMaxShopId = $this->getConfigParam('iMaxShopId');
     if (!isset($iMaxShopId)) {
         $this->setConfigParam('iMaxShopId', 64);
     // disabling caching according to DODGER #655 : disable Caching as it doesnt work good enought
     $this->setConfigParam('blTemplateCaching', false);
     //setting ADODB timeout
     global $ADODB_SESS_LIFE;
     $ADODB_SESS_LIFE = 1;
     // ADODB cachelifetime
     $iDBCacheLifeTime = $this->getConfigParam('iDBCacheLifeTime');
     if (!isset($iDBCacheLifeTime)) {
         $this->setConfigParam('iDBCacheLifeTime', 3600);
     // 1 hour
     $sCoreDir = $this->getConfigParam('sShopDir');
     $this->setConfigParam('sCoreDir', $sCoreDir . '/core/');
     try {
         $sShopID = $this->getShopId();
         $blConfigLoaded = $this->_loadVarsFromDb($sShopID);
         // load now
         if (empty($sShopID) || !$blConfigLoaded) {
             // if no config values where loaded (some problmems with DB), throwing an exception
             $oEx = oxNew("oxConnectionException");
             $oEx->setMessage("Unable to load shop config values from database");
             throw $oEx;
         // loading theme config options
         $this->_loadVarsFromDb($sShopID, null, oxConfig::OXMODULE_THEME_PREFIX . $this->getConfigParam('sTheme'));
         // checking if custom theme (which has defined parent theme) config options should be loaded over parent theme (#3362)
         if ($this->getConfigParam('sCustomTheme')) {
             $this->_loadVarsFromDb($sShopID, null, oxConfig::OXMODULE_THEME_PREFIX . $this->getConfigParam('sCustomTheme'));
         //starting up the session
     } catch (oxConnectionException $oEx) {
         if (defined('OXID_PHP_UNIT')) {
             return false;
         } elseif (0 != $this->iDebug) {
         } else {
             header("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error");
             header("Location: offline.html");
             header("Connection: close");
     } catch (oxCookieException $oEx) {
         //starting up the session
         // redirect to start page and display the error
         oxUtils::getInstance()->redirect($this->getShopHomeURL() . 'cl=start', true, 302);
     //application initialization
     $this->_oStart = new oxStart();
  * get long description, parsed through smarty
  * @return string
 public function getLongDesc()
     return oxUtilsView::getInstance()->parseThroughSmarty($this->oxactions__oxlongdesc->getRawValue(), $this->getId() . $this->getLanguage());
 * Check if this template is registered for block extends. If yes, then collect
 * the extended blocks and replace them into the compile result of this template.
 * Else, replace block tags to smarty comments.
 * @param string $sSource          source content
 * @param object &$oSmartyCompiler smarty compiler instance
 * @return string
function smarty_prefilter_oxblock($sSource, &$oSmartyCompiler)
    $blUseSmarty3 = false;
    if (strpos($oSmartyCompiler->_version, 'Smarty3') === 0) {
        $blUseSmarty3 = true;
    $blDebugTemplateBlocks = (bool) oxConfig::getInstance()->getConfigParam('blDebugTemplateBlocks');
    $aBlocks = oxUtilsView::getInstance()->getTemplateBlocks($oSmartyCompiler->_current_file);
    $iLimit = 500;
    while (--$iLimit && preg_match('/\\[\\{\\s*block\\s+name\\s*=\\s*([\'"])([a-z0-9_]+)\\1\\s*\\}\\](.*?)\\[\\{\\s*\\/block\\s*\\}\\]/is', $sSource, $m)) {
        $sBlock = $m[0];
        $sBlockName = $m[2];
        $sBlockContent = $m[3];
        if (preg_match('/^.+(\\[\\{\\s*block\\s+name\\s*=\\s*([\'"])([a-z0-9_]+)\\2\\s*\\}\\](.*?)\\[\\{\\s*\\/block\\s*\\}\\])$/is', $sBlock, $m)) {
            // shift to (deepest) nested tag opening
            $sBlock = $m[1];
            $sBlockName = $m[3];
            $sBlockContent = $m[4];
        $sPrepend = '';
        $sAppend = '';
        if ($blUseSmarty3) {
            $sPrepend = '[{__smartyblock__ name="' . $sBlockName . '"}]' . $sPrepend;
            $sAppend .= '[{/__smartyblock__}]';
        if ($blDebugTemplateBlocks) {
            $sTplDir = trim(oxConfig::getInstance()->getConfigParam('_sTemplateDir'), '/\\');
            $sFile = str_replace(array('\\', '//'), '/', $oSmartyCompiler->_current_file);
            if (preg_match('@/' . preg_quote($sTplDir, '@') . '/(.*)$@', $sFile, $m)) {
                $sFile = $m[1];
            $sDbgName = $sFile . '-&gt;' . $sBlockName;
            $sPrepend = '[{capture name="_dbg_blocks"}]' . $sPrepend;
            $sDbgId = 'block_' . sprintf("%u", crc32($sDbgName)) . '_[{$_dbg_block_idr1}][{$_dbg_block_idr2}]';
            $sAppend .= '[{/capture}][{math equation="rand()" assign="_dbg_block_idr1"}][{math equation="rand()" assign="_dbg_block_idr2"}]' . '<hr style="visibility:hidden;height:0;margin:0;padding:0;border:0;line-height:0;font-size:0;" class="debugBlocksStart" id="' . $sDbgId . '" title="' . $sDbgName . '">' . '[{$smarty.capture._dbg_blocks}]' . '<hr style="visibility:hidden;height:0;margin:0;padding:0;border:0;line-height:0;font-size:0;" class="debugBlocksEnd" title="' . $sDbgId . '">';
        if (!isset($aBlocks[$sBlockName]) || !is_array($aBlocks[$sBlockName])) {
            // block is unused, just use its content
            $sSource = str_replace($sBlock, $sPrepend . $sBlockContent . $sAppend, $sSource);
        } else {
            // go through the replacement array and fill in parent values
            // specified by [{$smarty.block.parent}] tag
            $sCurrBlock = $sBlockContent;
            foreach ($aBlocks[$sBlockName] as $sOverBlock) {
                $sCurrBlock = preg_replace('/\\[\\{\\s*\\$smarty\\.block\\.parent\\s*\\}\\]/i', $sCurrBlock, $sOverBlock);
            $sSource = str_replace($sBlock, $sPrepend . $sCurrBlock . $sAppend, $sSource);
    if (!$iLimit) {
        if ($blUseSmarty3) {
            $oSmartyCompiler->trigger_error("block tags mismatch (or there are more than 500 blocks in one file).", E_USER_ERROR);
        } else {
            $oSmartyCompiler->_syntax_error("block tags mismatch (or there are more than 500 blocks in one file).", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    if ($blUseSmarty3) {
        $sSource = str_replace('__smartyblock__', 'block', $sSource);
    return $sSource;
  * Check language input errors
  * @return bool
 protected function _validateInput()
     $blResult = true;
     $sOxId = $this->getEditObjectId();
     $aParams = oxConfig::getParameter("editval");
     // if creating new language, checking if language already exists with
     // entered language abbervation
     if ($sOxId == -1) {
         if ($this->_checkLangExists($aParams['abbr'])) {
             $oEx = oxNew('oxExceptionToDisplay');
             $blResult = false;
     // checking if language name is not empty
     if (empty($aParams['desc'])) {
         $oEx = oxNew('oxExceptionToDisplay');
         $blResult = false;
     return $blResult;
  * Checks if password is fine and updates old one with new
  * password. On success user is redirected to success page
  * @return string
 public function updatePassword()
     $sNewPass = oxConfig::getParameter('password_new', true);
     $sConfPass = oxConfig::getParameter('password_new_confirm', true);
     $oUser = oxNew('oxuser');
     if ($oExcp = $oUser->checkPassword($sNewPass, $sConfPass, true)) {
         switch ($oExcp->getMessage()) {
             case 'EXCEPTION_INPUT_EMPTYPASS':
                 return oxUtilsView::getInstance()->addErrorToDisplay('FORGOTPWD_ERRPASSWORDTOSHORT', false, true);
                 return oxUtilsView::getInstance()->addErrorToDisplay('FORGOTPWD_ERRPASSWDONOTMATCH', false, true);
     // passwords are fine - updating and loggin user in
     if ($oUser->loadUserByUpdateId($this->getUpdateId())) {
         // setting new pass ..
         // resetting update pass params
         // saving ..
         // forcing user login
         oxSession::setVar('usr', $oUser->getId());
         return 'forgotpwd?success=1';
     } else {
         // expired reminder
         return oxUtilsView::getInstance()->addErrorToDisplay('FORGOTPWD_ERRLINKEXPIRED', false, true);
  * Checks for order rules confirmation ("ord_agb", "ord_custinfo" form values)(if no
  * rules agreed - returns to order view), loads basket contents (plus applied
  * price/amount discount if available - checks for stock, checks user data (if no
  * data is set - returns to user login page). Stores order info to database
  * (oxorder::finalizeOrder()). According to sum for items automatically assigns user to
  * special user group ( oxuser::onOrderExecute(); if this option is not disabled in
  * admin). Finally you will be redirected to next page (order::_getNextStep()).
  * @return string
 public function execute()
     if (!$this->getSession()->checkSessionChallenge()) {
     $myConfig = $this->getConfig();
     if (!oxConfig::getParameter('ord_agb') && $myConfig->getConfigParam('blConfirmAGB')) {
         $this->_blConfirmAGBError = 1;
     // for compatibility reasons for a while. will be removed in future
     if (oxConfig::getParameter('ord_custinfo') !== null && !oxConfig::getParameter('ord_custinfo') && $this->isConfirmCustInfoActive()) {
         $this->_blConfirmCustInfoError = 1;
     // additional check if we really really have a user now
     if (!($oUser = $this->getUser())) {
         return 'user';
     // get basket contents
     $oBasket = $this->getSession()->getBasket();
     if ($oBasket->getProductsCount()) {
         try {
             $oOrder = oxNew('oxorder');
             // finalizing ordering process (validating, storing order into DB, executing payment, setting status ...)
             $iSuccess = $oOrder->finalizeOrder($oBasket, $oUser);
             // performing special actions after user finishes order (assignment to special user groups)
             $oUser->onOrderExecute($oBasket, $iSuccess);
             // proceeding to next view
             return $this->_getNextStep($iSuccess);
         } catch (oxOutOfStockException $oEx) {
             oxUtilsView::getInstance()->addErrorToDisplay($oEx, false, true, 'basket');
         } catch (oxNoArticleException $oEx) {
         } catch (oxArticleInputException $oEx) {
  * changes current user password
  * @return null
 public function changePassword()
     $oUser = $this->getUser();
     if (!$oUser) {
     $sOldPass = oxConfig::getParameter('password_old', true);
     $sNewPass = oxConfig::getParameter('password_new', true);
     $sConfPass = oxConfig::getParameter('password_new_confirm', true);
     if ($oExcp = $oUser->checkPassword($sNewPass, $sConfPass, true)) {
         switch ($oExcp->getMessage()) {
             case 'EXCEPTION_INPUT_EMPTYPASS':
                 return oxUtilsView::getInstance()->addErrorToDisplay('ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_ERRPASSWORDTOSHORT', false, true);
                 return oxUtilsView::getInstance()->addErrorToDisplay('ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_ERRPASSWDONOTMATCH', false, true);
     if (!$sOldPass || !$oUser->isSamePassword($sOldPass)) {
         return oxUtilsView::getInstance()->addErrorToDisplay('ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_ERRINCORRECTCURRENTPASSW', false, true, 'user');
     // testing passed - changing password
     if ($oUser->save()) {
         $this->_blPasswordChanged = true;
  * Returns array of basket oxarticle objects
  * @return array
 public function getBasketArticles()
     $aBasketArticles = array();
     foreach ($this->_aBasketContents as $sItemKey => $oBasketItem) {
         try {
             $oProduct = $oBasketItem->getArticle();
             if ($this->getConfig()->getConfigParam('bl_perfLoadSelectLists')) {
                 // marking chosen select list
                 $aSelList = $oBasketItem->getSelList();
                 if (is_array($aSelList) && ($aSelectlist = $oProduct->getSelectLists($sItemKey))) {
                     while (list($conkey, $iSel) = each($aSelList)) {
                         $aSelectlist[$conkey][$iSel] = $aSelectlist[$conkey][$iSel];
                         $aSelectlist[$conkey][$iSel]->selected = 1;
         } catch (oxNoArticleException $oEx) {
         } catch (oxArticleInputException $oEx) {
         $aBasketArticles[$sItemKey] = $oProduct;
     return $aBasketArticles;
  * Saves modified extended article parameters.
  * @return mixed
 public function save()
     $soxId = $this->getEditObjectId();
     $aParams = oxConfig::getParameter("editval");
     // checkbox handling
     if (!isset($aParams['oxarticles__oxissearch'])) {
         $aParams['oxarticles__oxissearch'] = 0;
     if (!isset($aParams['oxarticles__oxblfixedprice'])) {
         $aParams['oxarticles__oxblfixedprice'] = 0;
     // new way of handling bundled articles
     //#1517C - remove posibility to add Bundled Product
     //$this->setBundleId($aParams, $soxId);
     // default values
     $aParams = $this->addDefaultValues($aParams);
     $oArticle = oxNew("oxarticle");
     $oArticle->loadInLang($this->_iEditLang, $soxId);
     if ($aParams['oxarticles__oxtprice'] != $oArticle->oxarticles__oxtprice->value && $aParams['oxarticles__oxtprice'] && $aParams['oxarticles__oxtprice'] <= $oArticle->oxarticles__oxprice->value) {
         //$aParams['oxarticles__oxtprice'] = $oArticle->oxarticles__oxtprice->value;
         $this->_aViewData["errorsavingtprice"] = 1;
     //$aParams = $oArticle->ConvertNameArray2Idx( $aParams);
     $oArticle = oxUtilsFile::getInstance()->processFiles($oArticle);
     //saving media file
     $sMediaUrl = oxConfig::getParameter("mediaUrl");
     $sMediaDesc = oxConfig::getParameter("mediaDesc");
     $aMediaFile = $this->getConfig()->getUploadedFile("mediaFile");
     if ($sMediaUrl && $sMediaUrl != 'http://' || $aMediaFile['name'] || $sMediaDesc) {
         if (!$sMediaDesc) {
             return oxUtilsView::getInstance()->addErrorToDisplay('EXCEPTION_NODESCRIPTIONADDED');
         if ((!$sMediaUrl || $sMediaUrl == 'http://') && !$aMediaFile['name']) {
             return oxUtilsView::getInstance()->addErrorToDisplay('EXCEPTION_NOMEDIAADDED');
         $oMediaUrl = oxNew("oxMediaUrl");
         $oMediaUrl->oxmediaurls__oxisuploaded = new oxField(0, oxField::T_RAW);
         //handle uploaded file
         if ($aMediaFile['name']) {
             try {
                 $sMediaUrl = oxUtilsFile::getInstance()->processFile('mediaFile', 'out/media/');
                 $oMediaUrl->oxmediaurls__oxisuploaded = new oxField(1, oxField::T_RAW);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 return oxUtilsView::getInstance()->addErrorToDisplay($e->getMessage());
         //save media url
         $oMediaUrl->oxmediaurls__oxobjectid = new oxField($soxId, oxField::T_RAW);
         $oMediaUrl->oxmediaurls__oxurl = new oxField($sMediaUrl, oxField::T_RAW);
         $oMediaUrl->oxmediaurls__oxdesc = new oxField($sMediaDesc, oxField::T_RAW);
  * Checks if any error occured during import and displays them
  * @param object $oErpImport Import object
  * @return null
 protected function _checkImportErrors($oErpImport)
     foreach ($oErpImport->getStatistics() as $aValue) {
         if (!$aValue['r']) {
             $oEx = oxNew("oxExceptionToDisplay");
             oxUtilsView::getInstance()->addErrorToDisplay($oEx, false, true, 'genimport');
  * Sets mailer additional settings and sends "InviteMail" mail to user.
  * Returns true on success.
  * @param object $oParams Mailing parameters object
  * @return bool
 public function sendInviteMail($oParams)
     $myConfig = $this->getConfig();
     //sets language of shop
     $iCurrLang = $myConfig->getActiveShop()->getLanguage();
     // shop info
     $oShop = $this->_getShop($iCurrLang);
     // mailer stuff
     $this->setFrom($oParams->send_email, $oParams->send_name);
     // create messages
     $oSmarty = oxUtilsView::getInstance()->getSmarty();
     $sHomeUrl = $this->getViewConfig()->getHomeLink();
     //setting recommended user id
     if ($myConfig->getActiveView()->isActive('Invitations') && ($oActiveUser = $oShop->getUser())) {
         $sHomeUrl = oxUtilsUrl::getInstance()->appendParamSeparator($sHomeUrl);
         $sHomeUrl .= "su=" . $oActiveUser->getId();
     if (is_array($oParams->rec_email) && count($oParams->rec_email) > 0) {
         foreach ($oParams->rec_email as $sEmail) {
             if (!empty($sEmail)) {
                 $sRegisterUrl = oxUtilsUrl::getInstance()->appendParamSeparator($sHomeUrl);
                 //setting recipient user email
                 $sRegisterUrl .= "re=" . md5($sEmail);
                 $this->setViewData("sHomeUrl", $sRegisterUrl);
                 // Process view data array through oxoutput processor
                 $this->setReplyTo($oParams->send_email, $oParams->send_name);
         return true;
     return false;
  * Send request to Rakuten Checkout
  * @param  string $xml
  * @return array|bool|string
  * @throws Exception
 public function sendRequest($xml)
     try {
         $rockinUrl = $this->getRockinUrl();
         // TODO: add debugging
         // $this->_debugData['request_url'] = $this->_config->getRockinUrl();
         // $this->_debugData['request'] = $xml;
         //setting the curl parameters.
         $ch = curl_init();
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $rockinUrl);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
         //setting the request
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $xml);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
         //getting response from server
         $response = curl_exec($ch);
         if (curl_errno($ch)) {
             // TODO: log error, redirect to ERROR_URL
             // moving to display page to display curl errors
             // $_SESSION['curl_error_no'] = curl_errno($ch);
             // $_SESSION['curl_error_msg'] = curl_error($ch);
             throw new Exception(curl_error($ch), curl_errno($ch));
             // return $this->errorUrl;
         } else {
             //closing the curl
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // TODO: log error, redirect to ERROR_URL
         // $this->_debugData['http_error'] = array('error' => $e->getMessage(), 'code' => $e->getCode());
         // $this->_debug($this->_debugData);
         // throw $e;
         oxUtilsView::getInstance()->addErrorToDisplay(sprintf('CURL Error #%s: %s', $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()));
         return false;
     // TODO: log response...
     // $this->_debugData['response'] = $response;
     // $this->_debug($this->_debugData);
     return $response;
  * Uploaded file processor (filters, etc), sets configuration parameters to
  * passed object and returns it.
  * @param object $oObject          object, that parameters are modified according to passed files
  * @param array  $aFiles           name of files to process
  * @param bool   $blUseMasterImage use master image as source for processing
  * @param bool   $blUnique         TRUE - forces new file creation with unique name
  * @return object
 public function processFiles($oObject = null, $aFiles = array(), $blUseMasterImage = false, $blUnique = true)
     $aFiles = $aFiles ? $aFiles : $_FILES;
     if (isset($aFiles['myfile']['name'])) {
         $oConfig = $this->getConfig();
         $oStr = getStr();
         // A. protection for demoshops - strictly defining allowed file extensions
         $blDemo = (bool) $oConfig->isDemoShop();
         // folder where images will be processed
         $sTmpFolder = $oConfig->getConfigParam("sCompileDir");
         $iNewFilesCounter = 0;
         $aSource = $aFiles['myfile']['tmp_name'];
         $aError = $aFiles['myfile']['error'];
         $sErrorsDescription = '';
         $oEx = oxNew("oxExceptionToDisplay");
         // process all files
         while (list($sKey, $sValue) = each($aFiles['myfile']['name'])) {
             $sSource = $aSource[$sKey];
             $iError = $aError[$sKey];
             $aFiletype = explode("@", $sKey);
             $sKey = $aFiletype[1];
             $sType = $aFiletype[0];
             $sValue = strtolower($sValue);
             $sImagePath = $this->_getImagePath($sType);
             // Should translate error to user if file was uploaded
             if (UPLOAD_ERR_OK !== $iError && UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE !== $iError) {
                 $sErrorsDescription = $this->translateError($iError);
                 oxUtilsView::getInstance()->addErrorToDisplay($oEx, false);
             // checking file type and building final file name
             if ($sSource && ($sValue = $this->_prepareImageName($sValue, $sType, $blDemo, $sImagePath, $blUnique))) {
                 // moving to tmp folder for processing as safe mode or spec. open_basedir setup
                 // usually does not allow file modification in php's temp folder
                 $sProcessPath = $sTmpFolder . basename($sSource);
                 if ($sProcessPath) {
                     if ($blUseMasterImage) {
                         //using master image as source, so only copying it to
                         $blMoved = $this->_copyFile($sSource, $sImagePath . $sValue);
                     } else {
                         $blMoved = $this->_moveImage($sSource, $sImagePath . $sValue);
                     if ($blMoved) {
                         // New image successfully add.
                         // assign the name
                         if ($oObject && isset($oObject->{$sKey})) {
     return $oObject;