function generate_producer_summary($producer_id, $delivery_id, $detail_type, $use)
    global $connection, $include_header, $include_footer, $producer_markdown, $retail_markup, $wholesale_markup;
    $query = '
        ' . TABLE_ORDER_CYCLES . '
        delivery_id = ' . mysql_real_escape_string($delivery_id);
    $result = mysql_query("{$query}") or die("Error: " . mysql_error());
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $delivery_date = date("M j, Y", strtotime($row['delivery_date']));
    ///                 OBTAIN PRODUCER BUSINESS AND NAME INFO.                  ///
    $sqlp = '
        ' . TABLE_PRODUCER . '.business_name,
        ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.first_name,
        ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.last_name,
        ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.address_line1,
        ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.address_line2,
        ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.city,
        ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.state,
        ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.zip,
        ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.county,
        ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.email_address,
        ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.home_phone,
        ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.work_phone,
        ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.mobile_phone
        ' . TABLE_PRODUCER . ',
        ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '
        ' . TABLE_PRODUCER . '.producer_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($producer_id) . '"
        AND ' . TABLE_PRODUCER . '.member_id = ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.member_id
      GROUP BY
        ' . TABLE_PRODUCER . '.producer_id
      ORDER BY
        business_name ASC,
        last_name ASC';
    $resultp = @mysql_query($sqlp, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 762930 ", array($sqlp, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultp)) {
        $a_business_name = $row['business_name'];
        $a_first_name = $row['first_name'];
        $a_last_name = $row['last_name'];
        $a_address_line1 = $row['address_line1'];
        $a_address_line2 = $row['address_line2'];
        $a_city = $row['city'];
        $a_state = $row['state'];
        $a_zip = $row['zip'];
        $a_county = $row['county'];
        $a_email_address = $row['email_address'];
        $a_home_phone = $row['home_phone'];
        $a_work_phone = $row['work_phone'];
        $a_mobile_phone = $row['cell_phone'];
    $sqlpr = '
        ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS . '.*,
        ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . '.*,
        ' . TABLE_PRODUCT_STORAGE_TYPES . '.storage_code,
        ' . NEW_TABLE_SITES . '.site_id,
        ' . NEW_TABLE_SITES . '.site_short,
        ' . NEW_TABLE_SITES . '.site_long,
        ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.first_name,
        ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.last_name,
        ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.business_name,
        ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.preferred_name,
        ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.member_id,
        ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.auth_type,
        ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKETS . '.delivery_type
        ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKET_ITEMS . '
      LEFT JOIN ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . ' USING(product_id,product_version)
      LEFT JOIN ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKETS . ' USING(basket_id)
      LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_MEMBER . ' USING(member_id)
      LEFT JOIN ' . NEW_TABLE_SITES . ' USING(site_id)
        ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . '.producer_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($producer_id) . '"
        AND hide_from_invoice = 0
        AND ' . NEW_TABLE_BASKETS . '.delivery_id = ' . $delivery_id . '
      ORDER BY
        ' . NEW_TABLE_SITES . '.site_long,
        ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . '.product_name,
        ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.last_name,
        ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.business_name,
        ' . TABLE_MEMBER . '.first_name';
    $resultpr = @mysql_query($sqlpr) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 758493 ", array($sqlp, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultpr)) {
        $product_adjust_fee = $row['product_fee_percent'];
        $subcat_adjust_fee = $row['subcategory_fee_percent'];
        $producer_adjust_fee = $row['producer_fee_percent'];
        // Set the coop_markup according to auth_type
        if (in_array('institution', explode(',', $row['auth_type']))) {
            $coop_markup = 1 + $wholesale_markup;
        } else {
            $coop_markup = 1 + $retail_markup;
        // Set the adjust_markup
        $adjust_markup = 1 + $product_adjust_fee + $subcat_adjust_fee + $producer_adjust_fee;
        $product_id = $row['product_id'];
        $product_name = $row['product_name'];
        $customer_notes_to_producer = $row['customer_notes_to_producer'];
        $site_id = $row['site_id'];
        $site_short = $row['site_short'];
        $site_long = $row['site_long'];
        $member_id = $row['member_id'];
        $last_name = $row['last_name'];
        $first_name = $row['first_name'];
        $business_name = $row['business_name'];
        $preferred_name = $row['preferred_name'];
        $delivery_type = $row['delivery_type'];
        $out_of_stock = $row['out_of_stock'];
        $extra_charge = $row['extra_charge'];
        // Set the display_unit_price according to SHOW_ACTUAL_PRICE
        if (SHOW_ACTUAL_PRICE) {
            $unit_price = round($row['item_price'] * $adjust_markup * $coop_markup, 2);
        } else {
            $unit_price = round($row['item_price'] * $adjust_markup, 2);
        $quantity = $row['quantity'];
        $total_weight = $row['total_weight'];
        $ordering_unit = $row['ordering_unit'];
        $pricing_unit = $row['pricing_unit'];
        $storage_code = $row['storage_code'];
        // Figure out how to display the quantity
        $pricing_per_unit = '';
        if ($unit_price != 0) {
            $pricing_per_unit = '$' . number_format($unit_price, 2) . '/' . Inflect::singularize($pricing_unit);
        if ($unit_price != 0 && $extra_charge != 0) {
            $pricing_per_unit .= ' + ';
        if ($extra_charge != 0) {
            $pricing_per_unit .= '$' . number_format($extra_charge, 2) . '/' . Inflect::singularize($ordering_unit);
        if ($out_of_stock == 1) {
            $show_quantity = $quantity;
            $show_unit = '<img src="' . DIR_GRAPHICS . 'checkmark_wht.gif"> ' . Inflect::pluralize_if($show_quantity, $ordering_unit);
            $pricing_per_unit = 'N/A';
            // Clobber the value
        } elseif ($quantity) {
            $show_quantity = $quantity;
            $show_unit = Inflect::pluralize_if($show_quantity, $ordering_unit);
        } elseif ($total_weight) {
            $show_quantity = $total_weight;
            $show_unit = Inflect::pluralize_if($show_quantity, $pricing_unit);
        // Set up primary data structure
        $summary_qty[$site_id][$product_id][$member_id] = $show_quantity;
        // Configure delivery_type to only show when order is a delivery
        if ($delivery_type != 'P') {
            $summary_delivery_type[$member_id] = $delivery_type . '-';
            // Will give something like D-BOISE-117
        } else {
            $summary_delivery_type[$member_id] = '';
            // Will give something like BOISE-117
        $summary_unit[$product_id] = $show_unit;
        $sordering_unit[$product_id] = $pricing_unit;
        $site_subtotal[$site_id][$product_id] += $show_quantity;
        $product_subtotal[$product_id] += $show_quantity;
        // Set up trivial data relationships
        $site_id_2_site[$site_id] = $site_long;
        $site_id_2_site_short[$site_id] = $site_short;
        $product_id_2_product_name[$product_id] = $product_name;
        $product_id_2_storage_code[$product_id] = $storage_code;
        $product_id_2_pricing_per_unit[$product_id][$member_id] = $pricing_per_unit;
        $member_id_2_preferred_name[$member_id] = $preferred_name;
        $customer_notes_2_member_product[$product_id][$member_id] = $customer_notes_to_producer;
    if ($a_address_line1 && $a_address_line2) {
        $a_address = "{$a_address_line1}<br>\n{$a_address_line2}";
    } else {
        $a_address = $a_address_line1 . $a_address_line2;
    $producer_header = '
      <table cellspacing="5">
          <td colspan="2" width="95%"><h3>' . $a_business_name . '</h3></td><td><font size="+1"><strong>Order #' . $delivery_id . ' - ' . $delivery_date . '</strong></font></td>
          <td rowspan="4" width="35%" valign="top">
            ' . $a_address . '<br>
            ' . $a_city . ', ' . $a_state . ' ' . $a_zip . '<br>
            (' . $a_county . ' County)
          <td width="15%" align="right"> Email address: </td><td width="45%">' . $a_email_address . '</td></tr>
        <tr><td width="15%" align="right">Home phone: </td><td width="45%">' . $a_home_phone . '</td></tr>
        <tr><td width="15%" align="right">Work phone: </td><td width="45%">' . $a_work_phone . '</td></tr>
        <tr><td width="15%" align="right">Mobile phone: </td><td width="45%">' . $a_mobile_phone . '</td></tr>
    if (is_array($summary_qty)) {
        $include_header = true;
        $include_footer = true;
        if ($detail_type == '' || $detail_type == 'customer') {
            $page_links = '
            <a href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?detail_type=product">Summary by product</a><br>
            <a href="' . PATH . 'product_list.php?&type=labels_bystoragecustomer">One Label per Customer/Storage</a><br>
            <a href="' . PATH . 'product_list.php?&type=labels_byproduct">One Label per Item</a><br>
            <!--<a href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?detail_type=labels">Labels for this order</a><br>
            <a href="configure_labels.php">Configure or select label format</a><br>--><br>
            <h2>Summary for<br>' . $a_business_name . '</h2>
            $display_page .= '
            <table border="0" cellspacing="0" width="95%">
            foreach (array_keys($summary_qty) as $site_id) {
                $display_page .= '
                <tr><th colspan="5">&nbsp;</th></tr>
                <tr><th colspan="5" bgcolor="#444444"><font size="+1" color="#ffffff" align="center">' . $site_id_2_site[$site_id] . ' (' . $site_id_2_site_short[$site_id] . ')</font></td></tr>
                <tr><th colspan="5">&nbsp;</th></tr>
                foreach (array_keys($summary_qty[$site_id]) as $product_id) {
                    $display_page .= '
                    <tr><td colspan="5"><br>' . $a_business_name . ' &ndash; (#' . $product_id . ') ' . $product_id_2_product_name[$product_id] . ' [' . $product_id_2_storage_code[$product_id] . ']</td></tr>
                    foreach (array_keys($summary_qty[$site_id][$product_id]) as $member_id) {
                        $quantity = $summary_qty[$site_id][$product_id][$member_id];
                        $display_page .= '
                          <tr><td width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
                          <td width="10%">#' . $member_id . '</td>
                          <td width="40%">' . $member_id_2_preferred_name[$member_id] . '</td>
                          <td width="20%">' . $product_id_2_pricing_per_unit[$product_id][$member_id] . '</td>
                          <td width="20%">(' . $quantity . ') - ' . Inflect::pluralize_if($quantity, $summary_unit[$product_id]) . '<br></td></tr>';
                        if ($customer_notes_2_member_product[$product_id][$member_id]) {
                            $display_page .= '
                              <tr><td width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
                              <td colspan="4" width="90%"><b>Customer Notes: </b>' . $customer_notes_2_member_product[$product_id][$member_id] . '</td></tr>';
                    // Delivery Code summary
                    $subtotal = $site_subtotal[$site_id][$product_id];
                    $total = $product_subtotal[$product_id];
                    // Product summary
                    $display_page .= '
                    <tr><td width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
                    <td width="70%" colspan="3" bgcolor="#dddddd">Product quantity (' . $site_id_2_site[$site_id] . '): </td>
                    <td width="20%" bgcolor="#dddddd">(' . $subtotal . ' of ' . $total . ') - ' . Inflect::pluralize_if($total, $summary_unit[$product_id]) . '</td></tr>
            //       $display_page .= '<hr width="50%" style="text-align:left;margin:3em 0em 3em;">';
            $display_page .= '</table>';
            if ($use == 'batch') {
                $display_page = $producer_header . $display_page;
            } else {
                $display_page = '</font><div style="font-size:0.9em;">' . $page_links . $producer_header . $display_page . "</div>";
        } elseif ($detail_type == 'product') {
            $include_header = true;
            $include_footer = true;
            $page_links = '
            <a href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?detail_type=customer">Summary by customer</a><br>
            <a href="' . PATH . 'product_list.php?&type=labels_bystoragecustomer">One Label per Customer/Storage</a><br>
            <a href="' . PATH . 'product_list.php?&type=labels_byproduct">One Label per Item</a><br>
            <!--<a href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?detail_type=labels">Labels for this order</a><br>
            <a href="configure_labels.php">Configure or select label format</a><br>--><br>
            <h2>Overall Product Summary for<br>' . $a_business_name . '</h2>
            foreach (array_keys($product_id_2_storage_code) as $product_id) {
                // Delivery Code summary
                $total = $product_subtotal[$product_id];
                $unit = $summary_unit[$product_id];
                // Product summary
                $display_page .= '<div style="width:40em;float:left;">' . $product_id_2_product_name[$product_id] . ' (#' . $product_id . ') [' . $product_id_2_storage_code[$product_id] . ']</div><div style="width:10em;float:left;">(' . $total . ') - ' . Inflect::pluralize_if($total, $unit) . '</div><br>';
            if ($use == 'batch') {
                $display_page = $producer_header . $display_page;
            } else {
                $display_page = '</font><div style="font-size:0.9em;">' . $page_links . $producer_header . $display_page . '</div>';
        } elseif ($detail_type == 'labels') {
            require_once "../func/label_config.class.php";
            // Choose the labels that were selected from configure_labels.php
            $label_name = $_SESSION['label_select'];
            // Set up the label based on stored cookie label values
            $current_label = output_Label::cookieToLabel($label_name);
            if ($label_name) {
                // If a printer has been chosen, then include label styles
                $label_sheet_styles .= '
                  .container {
                  ' . $current_label->getLabelCSS();
                // Set up font scaling
                $font_scaling = $current_label->font_scaling;
                if (!$font_scaling) {
                    $font_scaling = 1.0;
                $font_scaling_link = '';
                // Scaling is automatic, so not controls are given
            } else {
                // Otherwise include a simple spacer style between labels
                $label_sheet_styles .= '
                  .container {
                    margin-bottom: 3em;
                  a {
                    text-decoration: none;
                  a:hover {
                    text-decoration: underline;
                // Set up font scaling
                $font_scaling = $_GET['font_scaling'];
                if (!$font_scaling) {
                    $font_scaling = 1.0;
                if ($font_scaling < 0.3) {
                    $font_scaling = 0.3;
                if ($font_scaling > 4.0) {
                    $font_scaling = 4.0;
                // Controls for scaling the label
                $font_scaling_link = '<!-- A custom label-sheet is NOT selected.<br>
                  Click <a href="configure_labels.php">here</a> to configure custom labels (i.e. Avery labels)<br> -->
                  Change label size: 
                  [<a href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?detail_type=labels&font_scaling=' . ($font_scaling - 0.1) . '">Smaller</a>]
                  [<a href="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?detail_type=labels&font_scaling=' . ($font_scaling + 0.1) . '">Larger</a>]
            // Include the header and styles for this particular application
            $label_sheet .= '
              .counter {
                font-size:' . number_format(3 * $font_scaling, 2) . 'em;
              .site {
                font-size:' . number_format(1.2 * $font_scaling, 2) . 'em;
              .customer {
                font-size:' . number_format(1.0 * $font_scaling, 2) . 'em;
              .producer {
                font-size:' . number_format(1.0 * $font_scaling, 2) . 'em;
              .product {
                font-size:' . number_format(0.9 * $font_scaling, 2) . 'em;
              ' . $label_sheet_styles;
            // Close the header and open the body
            $label_sheet .= '
              <body>' . $font_scaling_link;
            // Begin the label sheet content
            $label_sheet .= $current_label->beginLabelSheet();
            foreach (array_keys($product_id_2_product_name) as $product_id) {
                foreach (array_keys($summary_qty) as $site_id) {
                    if (is_array($summary_qty[$site_id][$product_id])) {
                        foreach (array_keys($summary_qty[$site_id][$product_id]) as $member_id) {
                            $quantity = $summary_qty[$site_id][$product_id][$member_id];
                            $delivery_type = $summary_delivery_type[$member_id];
                            $unit = $summary_unit[$product_id];
                            $label_sheet .= '
                              <div class="container">
                              <div class="site">' . $delivery_type . $site_id . '-' . $member_id . '[' . $product_id_2_storage_code[$product_id] . ']</div>
                              <div class="customer">' . $member_id_2_preferred_name[$member_id] . '</div>
                              <div class="producer">' . $a_business_name . '</div>
                              <div class="product">(' . $quantity . ') - ' . Inflect::pluralize_if($quantity, $summary_unit[$product_id]) . $product_id_2_product_name[$product_id] . ' (#' . $product_id . ')</div>
                            $label_sheet .= $current_label->advanceLabel();
            $label_sheet .= $current_label->finishLabelSheet();
            // Finally, just before printing, clear the $_SESSION['label_select']
            // variable so the next use of this function will require choosing a
            // label type again.
            //    unset ($_SESSION['label_select']);
            $display_page .= $label_sheet;
    } else {
        $include_header = true;
        $include_footer = true;
        $display_page .= "</font>";
        $display_page .= '<div style="font-size:0.9em;">';
        $display_page .= "<h2>No products to report</h2><br>\n";
        $display_page .= '</div>';
    return $display_page;