     * Make request.
     * Allow the module's client code to make a request of its server code (class).
     * Example ajax call:
     * Ext.Ajax.request({
     *    url: this.app.connection,
     *    // Could also pass the module id and action in querystring like this,
     *    // instead of in the Ext.Ajax.request params config option.
     *    // url: this.app.connection+'?method=myMethodName&moduleId='+this.id,
     *    params: {
     *			method: 'myMethodName',
     *			moduleId: this.id,
     *			...
     *		},
     *		success: this.mySuccessFn,
     *		failure: this.myFailureFn,
     *		scope: this
     *	});
    $method_name = isset($_GET['method']) ? $_GET['method'] : $_POST['method'];
    $module_id = isset($_GET['moduleId']) ? $_GET['moduleId'] : $_POST['moduleId'];
    if (isset($module_id, $method_name) && $module_id != '' && $method_name != '') {
        require 'server/os.php';
        if (class_exists('os')) {
            $os = new os();
            $os->make_request($module_id, $method_name);