/** * Get an array of Role names granted to the user that permit the requested * action on the given OwnedEntity. If the user has no roles that * permit the requested action, then return an empty array. * <p> * Supported actions: EDIT_OBJECT, NGI_ADD_SITE, GRANT_ROLE, REJECT_ROLE, REVOKE_ROLE * * @param string $action * @param \OwnedEntity $entity * @param \User $callingUser * @return array of RoleName values * @throws LogicException If unsupported enitity type or action is passed */ public function authorizeAction($action, \OwnedEntity $entity, \User $callingUser) { $siteService = new \org\gocdb\services\Site(); $siteService->setEntityManager($this->em); $ngiService = new \org\gocdb\services\NGI(); $ngiService->setEntityManager($this->em); $sgService = new \org\gocdb\services\ServiceGroup(); $sgService->setEntityManager($this->em); $projectService = new \org\gocdb\services\Project(); $projectService->setEntityManager($this->em); if ($entity instanceof \NGI) { $grantingRoles = $ngiService->authorizeAction($action, $entity, $callingUser); } else { if ($entity instanceof \Site) { $grantingRoles = $siteService->authorizeAction($action, $entity, $callingUser); } else { if ($entity instanceof \Project) { $grantingRoles = $projectService->authorizeAction($action, $entity, $callingUser); } else { if ($entity instanceof \ServiceGroup) { $grantingRoles = $sgService->authorizeAction($action, $entity, $callingUser); } else { throw new \LogicException('Unsuppored OwnedEntity type'); } } } } return $grantingRoles; }
/** * Test the NGI service deleteNGI() method which recursively deletes child * sites and services, roles etc. */ public function testNgiService_deleteNgi() { print __METHOD__ . "\n"; include __DIR__ . '/resources/sampleFixtureData1.php'; // create an admin user (required to call the NGI service) $adminUser = TestUtil::createSampleUser('some', 'admin', '/some/admin'); $adminUser->setAdmin(TRUE); $this->em->persist($adminUser); // Now delete the ngi using the NGI service. $ngiService = new org\gocdb\services\NGI(); $ngiService->setEntityManager($this->em); $ngiService->deleteNgi($ngi, $adminUser, FALSE); // since we deleted the NGI, we expect an empty DB ! $result = $testConn->createQueryTable('results_table', "SELECT * FROM Roles"); $this->assertTrue($result->getRowCount() == 0); $result = $testConn->createQueryTable('results_table', "SELECT * FROM NGIs"); $this->assertTrue($result->getRowCount() == 0); $result = $testConn->createQueryTable('results_table', "SELECT * FROM Sites"); $this->assertTrue($result->getRowCount() == 0); $result = $testConn->createQueryTable('results_table', "SELECT * FROM Services"); $this->assertTrue($result->getRowCount() == 0); $result = $testConn->createQueryTable('results_table', "SELECT * FROM Downtimes"); $this->assertTrue($result->getRowCount() == 0); $result = $testConn->createQueryTable('results_table', "SELECT * FROM EndpointLocations"); $this->assertTrue($result->getRowCount() == 0); $result = $testConn->createQueryTable('results_table', "SELECT * FROM CertificationStatusLogs"); $this->assertTrue($result->getRowCount() == 0); }
public function testNgiService_removeNgi() { print __METHOD__ . "\n"; include __DIR__ . '/resources/sampleFixtureData1.php'; $adminUser = TestUtil::createSampleUser('some', 'admin', '/some/admin'); $adminUser->setAdmin(TRUE); $this->em->persist($adminUser); $ngiService = new org\gocdb\services\NGI(); $ngiService->setEntityManager($this->em); $ngiService->deleteNgi($ngi, $adminUser, FALSE); }
/** * Delete the parent NGI and ensure all sites, servcies, endponts and downtimes * are deleted leaving only the orphan dowmtime. */ public function testNgiService_removeNgi() { print __METHOD__ . "\n"; include __DIR__ . '/resources/sampleFixtureData4.php'; $adminUser = TestUtil::createSampleUser('some', 'admin', '/some/admin'); $adminUser->setAdmin(TRUE); $this->em->persist($adminUser); $ngiService = new org\gocdb\services\NGI(); $ngiService->setEntityManager($this->em); $ngiService->deleteNgi($ngi, $adminUser, FALSE); // use DB connection to check data has been deleted $con = $this->getConnection(); $result = $con->createQueryTable('results_table', "SELECT * FROM EndpointLocations"); $this->assertTrue($result->getRowCount() == 0); $result = $con->createQueryTable('results_table', "SELECT * FROM Downtimes"); $this->assertTrue($result->getRowCount() == 1); // orphanDT $result = $con->createQueryTable('results_table', "SELECT * FROM Sites"); $this->assertTrue($result->getRowCount() == 0); // site2 }
/** * Adds a site. $values is in the following format: * Array * ( * [Scope] => 2 * [Country] => 6 * [Timezone] => 1 * [ProductionStatus] => 1 * [NGI] => 11 * [Certification_Status] => 1 * [Site] => Array * ( * [SHORT_NAME] => MyTestSite * [OFFICIAL_NAME] => TestSite * [HOME_URL] => https://test.host.com * [GIIS_URL] => ldap://giis_url:234 * [IP_RANGE] => * [IP_V6_RANGE] => 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000[/int] * [LOCATION] => Britain * [LATITUDE] => 234 * [LONGITUDE] => 234 * [DESCRIPTION] => Test * [EMAIL] => lcg@rl.ac.uk * [CONTACTTEL] => +44 01925 603762, +44 01235 44 5010234 * [EMERGENCYTEL] => +44 01925 603762, +44 01235 44 5010, +44 01925 603513234 * [CSIRTEMAIL] => gocdb-admins@mailtalk.ac.uk * [CSIRTTEL] => +44 01925 603762, +44 01235 44 5010, +44 01925 603513234 * [EMERGENCYEMAIL] => jcasson@234.com * [HELPDESKEMAIL] => gocdb-admins@mailtalk.ac.uk * [DOMAIN] => Test.com * ) * ) * @param array $values New Site Values * @param \User $user User making the request */ public function addSite($values, \User $user = null) { //Check the portal is not in read only mode, throws exception if it is $this->checkPortalIsNotReadOnlyOrUserIsAdmin($user); if (is_null($user)) { throw new Exception("Unregistered users may not add new sites"); } if (!$user->isAdmin()) { $ngiService = new \org\gocdb\services\NGI(); $ngiService->setEntityManager($this->em); $usersNGIs = $ngiService->getNGIsBySupportedAction(\Action::NGI_ADD_SITE, $user); if (count($usersNGIs) == 0) { throw new \Exception("You do not have permission to add a new site." . " To add a new site you require a managing role over an NGI"); } } // do as much validation before starting a new db tx // check the site object data is valid $this->validate($values['Site'], 'site'); //check there are the required number of scopes specified $this->checkNumberOfScopes($values['Scope_ids']); $this->uniqueCheck($values['Site']['SHORT_NAME']); // Populate the entity try { /* Create a PK for this site * This is persisted/flushed (but not committed) before the site * so the PK is set by the database. * If the site insertion fails the PK can still be rolled back. */ $this->em->getConnection()->beginTransaction(); $pk = new \PrimaryKey(); $this->em->persist($pk); // flush synchronizes the in-memory state of managed objects with the database // but we can still rollback $this->em->flush(); //$this->em->getConnection()->commit(); //$this->em->getConnection()->beginTransaction(); $site = new \Site(); $site->setPrimaryKey($pk->getId() . "G0"); $site->setOfficialName($values['Site']['OFFICIAL_NAME']); $site->setShortName($values['Site']['SHORT_NAME']); $site->setDescription($values['Site']['DESCRIPTION']); $site->setHomeUrl($values['Site']['HOME_URL']); $site->setEmail($values['Site']['EMAIL']); $site->setTelephone($values['Site']['CONTACTTEL']); $site->setGiisUrl($values['Site']['GIIS_URL']); $site->setLatitude($values['Site']['LATITUDE']); $site->setLongitude($values['Site']['LONGITUDE']); $site->setCsirtEmail($values['Site']['CSIRTEMAIL']); $site->setIpRange($values['Site']['IP_RANGE']); $site->setIpV6Range($values['Site']['IP_V6_RANGE']); $site->setDomain($values['Site']['DOMAIN']); $site->setLocation($values['Site']['LOCATION']); $site->setCsirtTel($values['Site']['CSIRTTEL']); $site->setEmergencyTel($values['Site']['EMERGENCYTEL']); $site->setEmergencyEmail($values['Site']['EMERGENCYEMAIL']); $site->setHelpdeskEmail($values['Site']['HELPDESKEMAIL']); $site->setTimezoneId($values['Site']['TIMEZONE']); // get the parent NGI entity $dql = "SELECT n FROM NGI n WHERE n.id = :id"; $parentNgi = $this->em->createQuery($dql)->setParameter('id', $values['NGI'])->getSingleResult(); $site->setNgiDoJoin($parentNgi); // get the target infrastructure $dql = "SELECT i FROM Infrastructure i WHERE i.id = :id"; $inf = $this->em->createQuery($dql)->setParameter('id', $values['ProductionStatus'])->getSingleResult(); $site->setInfrastructure($inf); // get the cert status if (!isset($values['Certification_Status']) || $values['Certification_Status'] == null || $values['Certification_Status'] == '') { throw new \LogicException("Missing seed data - No certification status values in the DB (required data)"); } $dql = "SELECT c FROM CertificationStatus c WHERE c.id = :id"; $certStatus = $this->em->createQuery($dql)->setParameter('id', $values['Certification_Status'])->getSingleResult(); $site->setCertificationStatus($certStatus); $now = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); $site->setCertificationStatusChangeDate($now); // create a new CertStatusLog $certLog = new \CertificationStatusLog(); $certLog->setAddedBy($user->getCertificateDn()); $certLog->setNewStatus($certStatus->getName()); $certLog->setOldStatus(null); $certLog->setAddedDate($now); $certLog->setReason('Initial creation'); $this->em->persist($certLog); $site->addCertificationStatusLog($certLog); // Set the scopes foreach ($values['Scope_ids'] as $scopeId) { $dql = "SELECT s FROM Scope s WHERE s.id = :id"; $scope = $this->em->createQuery($dql)->setParameter('id', $scopeId)->getSingleResult(); $site->addScope($scope); } // get the country $dql = "SELECT c FROM Country c WHERE c.id = :id"; $country = $this->em->createQuery($dql)->setParameter('id', $values['Country'])->getSingleResult(); $site->setCountry($country); // deprecated - don't use the lookup DB entity // $dql = "SELECT t FROM Timezone t WHERE t.id = :id"; // $timezone = $this->em->createQuery($dql) // ->setParameter('id', $values['Timezone']) // ->getSingleResult(); // $site->setTimezone($timezone); $this->em->persist($site); $this->em->flush(); $this->em->getConnection()->commit(); } catch (\Exception $ex) { $this->em->getConnection()->rollback(); //$this->em->remove($pk); //$this->em->flush(); $this->em->close(); throw $ex; } return $site; }