$SRC = getParameter('SRC'); $Amount = getParameter('Amount'); $CheckSum = getParameter('CheckSum'); $ApprovalCode = getParameter('ApprovalCode'); $BankResponseCode = getParameter('BankResponseCode'); $BatchNumber = getParameter('BatchNumber'); $Code = "abcd1234"; $chkstr = $MerchantNumber . $OrderNumber . $PRC . $SRC . $Code . $Amount; $chkstr = md5($chkstr); //--購物車 $shopping_car = new order($conn, PREFIX . "shopping_car", PREFIX . "shopping_car_list", PREFIX . "products"); //判斷交易狀態 if ($PRC == "0" && $SRC == "0") { //-- 回傳成功,但結果有可能遭竄改,因此需和編碼內容比較 if (strtolower($chkstr) == strtolower($CheckSum)) { $shopping_car->paycheck($OrderNumber); //alert('付款成功!!','../member.php?act=order'); echo '<br>' . $chkstr; echo '<br>' . $CheckSum; //echo '<br>交易成功'; echo '<br>訂單編號 : ' . $OrderNumber; echo ' <br>交易金額 : ' . $Amount; echo ' <br>授權碼 : ' . $ApprovalCode; echo ' <br>銀行回傳碼: ' . $BankResponseCode; echo '<br>批次號碼 :' . $BatchNumber; } else { //-- 資料遭竄改 echo '交易結果有誤,請與我們聯絡!'; } } else { if ($PRC == "34" && $SRC == "171") {
<?php include_once "../../includes/main_inc.php"; $member_key = 'Aa10270601'; //--商家密碼 /* $_POST["Td"] = '140368101519'; $_POST["web"] = 'S1405270206'; $_POST["buysafeno"] = 'abcd1234'; $_POST["MN"] = 1500; $_POST["errcode"] = 00; $_POST["ChkValue"] = strtoupper(sha1($_POST["web"].$member_key.$_POST["buysafeno"].$_POST["MN"].$_POST["errcode"])); */ if ($_POST) { /**資料記憶*/ $data["data"] = 'ok==>' . json_encode($_POST); $data["create_date"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $avalue = $conn->AutoExecute(PREFIX . 'temp', $data, "INSERT"); //--購物車 $shopping_car = new order($conn, PREFIX . "shopping_car", PREFIX . "shopping_car_list", PREFIX . "products"); if ($_POST["errcode"] * 1 == 0) { if ($_POST["ChkValue"] == strtoupper(sha1($_POST["web"] . $member_key . $_POST["buysafeno"] . $_POST["MN"] . $_POST["errcode"]))) { $shopping_car->paycheck($_POST["Td"]); alert('付款成功!!', '../member.php?act=order'); } } }
// check whether the payment_status is Completed if ($_POST['payment_status'] == "Completed" || $_POST['payment_status'] == "Pending") { // check that txn_id has not been previously processed $temp = $conn->GetRow("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "shopping_car WHERE txn_id='" . $_POST['txn_id'] . "'"); if (!$temp) { //賣家Paypal帳號 if ($_POST['test_ipn'] == 1) { //snadbox 測試 $account = "*****@*****.**"; } else { //live 正式 $account = "*****@*****.**"; } // check that receiver_email is your PayPal email $_POST['item_number'] if ($_POST['receiver_email'] == $account) { $shopping_car->paycheck($_POST['item_number']); } } } if (DEBUG == true) { error_log(date('[Y-m-d H:i e] ') . "Verified IPN: {$req} " . PHP_EOL, 3, LOG_FILE); } } else { if (strcmp($res, "INVALID") == 0) { // log for manual investigation // Add business logic here which deals with invalid IPN messages if (DEBUG == true) { error_log(date('[Y-m-d H:i e] ') . "Invalid IPN: {$req}" . PHP_EOL, 3, LOG_FILE); } } }
<?php $temp_nowurl = explode('includes', __FILE__); include_once $temp_nowurl[0] . "includes/main_inc.php"; if ($_GET['sn_id'] !== '00000000') { if (strlen($_GET['sn_id']) > 8) { //-判斷是否取貨付款 $shopping_car = new order($conn, PREFIX . "shopping_car", PREFIX . "shopping_car_list", PREFIX . "products"); $shopping_car->paycheck($_GET['order_id']); alert('訂單 ' . $_GET['order_id'] . ' 已完成取貨付款申請!!', ''); } else { //--超商取貨 $shopping_car = new order($conn, PREFIX . "shopping_car", PREFIX . "shopping_car_list", PREFIX . "products"); $order = $shopping_car->getorder(" where order_no='" . $_GET['order_id'] . "'"); $indata['MerchantNumber'] = '1'; $shopping_car->update($indata, $order['id']); //$shopping_car->paycheck($_GET['order_id']); alert('訂單' . $_GET['order_id'] . '已完成超商取貨申請!!\\r\\n 到店編號 [ ' . $_GET['sn_id'] . ' ]', '/'); } }
echo "data<br>"; print_r($data); echo 'POST LIST'; echo "<pre>"; print_r($_POST); echo "</pre>"; */ //判斷交易狀態 -- 回傳成功,但結果有可能遭竄改,因此需和編碼內 if ($_POST['RtnCode'] == "1" && $_POST['CheckMacValue']) { //調整ksort排序規則--依自然排序法(大小寫不敏感) ksort($data, SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE); //取得 Mac Value echo 'CHKCODE='; echo $chkstr = _getMacValue($hash_key, $hash_iv, $data); echo '<br>'; //比較安全碼 if (strtoupper($chkstr) == $_POST['CheckMacValue']) { $shopping_car->paycheck($_POST['MerchantTradeNo']); echo '1|OK'; } else { echo '0|ErrorMessage'; } } else { echo '0|ErrorMessage'; } /* $info=ob_get_contents(); //得到緩衝區的內容並且賦值給$info $file=fopen('output.html','w'); //打開文件info.txt fwrite($file,$info); //寫入信息到info.txt fclose($file); //關閉文件info.txt */
<?php $temp_nowurl = explode('includes', __FILE__); include_once $temp_nowurl[0] . "includes/main_inc.php"; $member_id = '8089009467'; //特店代號 $member_key = 'EOVVASTMGPBIWUFQEKOREYEHSUJRN1EB'; $shopping_car = new order($conn, PREFIX . "shopping_car", PREFIX . "shopping_car_list", PREFIX . "products"); echo 'test'; if ($_GET['RC'] === '00') { //--購物車 $data = $_GET; $temp_key_str = $data['RC'] . '&' . $data['MID'] . '&' . $data['ONO'] . '&' . $data['LTD'] . '&' . $data['LTT'] . '&' . $data['RRN'] . '&' . $data['AIR'] . '&' . $data['AN'] . '&' . $member_key; if (strtolower(md5($temp_key_str)) === $data['M']) { $shopping_car->paycheck($data["ONO"]); alert('付款成功!!', '../../member.php?act=order'); } else { echo '驗證比對失敗!!'; } } else { switch ($_GET["RC"]) { case "G6": alert('金流已交易失敗,請重新建立訂單交易!!', '../../member.php?act=order'); break; case "G0": alert('金流方系統維護中!!', '../../member.php?act=order'); break; default: alert('交易失敗!!', '../../member.php?act=order'); break; }