  * Export the config params to the client, thus the client can adjust it's logic according the config.
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function exportConfig()
     $view = new stdclass();
     $view->version = $this->config->version;
     $view->requestType = $this->config->requestType;
     $view->pathType = $this->config->pathType;
     $view->requestFix = $this->config->requestFix;
     $view->moduleVar = $this->config->moduleVar;
     $view->methodVar = $this->config->methodVar;
     $view->viewVar = $this->config->viewVar;
     $view->sessionVar = $this->config->sessionVar;
     $this->session->set('rand', mt_rand(0, 10000));
     $view->sessionName = session_name();
     $view->sessionID = session_id();
     $view->rand = $this->session->rand;
     $view->expiredTime = ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');
     echo json_encode($view);
  * Sets http headers for proper caching with 304-code according to the file's change data.
  * @param ojbect $fileObject    the fileObject who's change date should be compared against the
  *                              browser's cache-timestsamp
  * @return bool indicating if file is cached in browser
 private function _setHttpCacheHeaders($fileObject)
     # Do not force 304 caching if disabled by config
     if (static::$_aggressiveCaching !== true) {
         return false;
     # Collect some information about file requested and file in browser's cache
     $fileModifiedTimestamp = $fileObject->getMTime();
     $fileName = $fileObject->getFileName();
     $browserModifiedTimestamp = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) ? strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) : null;
     # Makes the browser respond with HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE and If-None-Match for E-Tag validation
     header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $fileModifiedTimestamp) . " GMT");
     header('ETag: "' . md5($fileModifiedTimestamp . $fileName) . '"');
     header('Cache-Control: public');
     # Now check if file content needs to be send
     if ($browserModifiedTimestamp !== null && $fileModifiedTimestamp <= $browserModifiedTimestamp) {
         return true;
     return false;