$offlinequizconfig->papergray = $offlinequiz->papergray;
// Load corners from DB.
$dbcorners = $DB->get_records('offlinequiz_page_corners', array('scannedpageid' => $scannedpage->id));
$corners = array();
foreach ($dbcorners as $corner) {
    $corners[] = new oq_point($corner->x, $corner->y);
// Initialize a page scanner.
$scanner = new offlinequiz_page_scanner($offlinequiz, $context->id, $maxquestions, $maxanswers);
// Load the stored picture file.
$sheetloaded = $scanner->load_stored_image($scannedpage->filename, $corners);
$pagenumber = $scannedpage->pagenumber;
// Make a first check.
// Necessary s.t. we can get the answer hotspots from the scanner.
$quba = question_engine::load_questions_usage_by_activity($result->usageid);
$slots = $quba->get_slots();
// Determine the slice of slots we are interested in.
// We start at the top of the page (e.g. 0, 96, etc).
$startindex = min(($pagenumber - 1) * $questionsperpage, count($slots));
// We end on the bottom of the page or when the questions are gone (e.g., 95, 105).
$endindex = min($pagenumber * $questionsperpage, count($slots));
// Load the choices made before from the database. There might not be any.
$choices = $DB->get_records('offlinequiz_choices', array('scannedpageid' => $scannedpage->id), 'slotnumber, choicenumber');
// Choicesdata contains the choices data from the DB indexed by slotnumber and choicenumber.
$choicesdata = array();
if (!empty($choices)) {