																	WHERE appGuid = ? AND imageIndex = ?', 'si', [$guid, $i]);
                        //Get screenshot blob name from URL
                        $screenshotToDeleteBlobName = substr($matchingScreenshotsToDelete[0]['url'], strrpos($matchingScreenshotsToDelete[0]['url'], '/') + 1);
                        //Delete screenshot from Azure storage
                        $blobRestProxy->deleteBlob(getConfigValue('azure_container_screenshots'), $screenshotToDeleteBlobName);
            unset($_SESSION['myapps_token' . $guid]);
            unset($_SESSION['publish_token' . $guid]);
            if ($isDeveloper || $updatingApp && $currentPublishState === 1 && !$updating3dsx && !$uploadingAppData) {
                echo 'Your application has been published.';
            } else {
                //Prepare notification
                $notificationSummary = '"' . $appName . '" is awaiting approval.';
                $notificationBody = $notificationSummary;
                //Create notification
                $notificationManager = new notification_manager($mysqlConn);
                $notificationManager->createGroupNotification('Moderators', $notificationSummary, $notificationBody, '/secure/mod/apps.php');
                if (!$updatingApp) {
                    echo 'Your application has been submitted and is now pending approval from our staff.';
                } else {
                    echo 'Your update has been submitted and is now pending approval from our staff. The current version is still available.';
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $errorMessage = $e->getMessage();