if (!$baddata) { /** * A D D U S E R */ $text->makeClean('slash_if_needed', 'trim'); $c = $text->clean; $timezone = $c['timezone'] - 13; $new = array('username' => $c['username'], 'password' => md5($c['password']), 'email' => $c['email'], 'access' => $config->get('default_access'), 'registered' => time(), 'last_login' => time(), 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'blog_count' => 0, 'timezone' => $timezone, 'bio' => "", 'custom' => $c['custom'], 'date_format' => $config->get('default_date_format'), 'birthday' => "", 'perpage' => 10, 'gender' => 0); $check_email = $config->get('validate_email'); if ($check_email == "true") { // include mail class thing. $new['valid'] = 0; } else { $new['valid'] = 1; } $id = $user->newUser($new); unset($user); $user = new nlb_user($db, $id); // add template into DB. $date = 1000000; // make the cache in the past so ETS will update it. $db->query('INSERT INTO ' . db_source . " ( \r\n\t\t`owner_id` , `blog` , `blog_updated` , `friends` , `friends_updated` , `profile` , `profile_updated` )\r\n\t\tVALUES (\r\n\t\t'{$id}', 'empty', '{$date}', 'empty', '{$date}', 'empty', '{$date}'\r\n\t\t);"); $db->query('INSERT INTO ' . db_cache . " ( \r\n\t\t`owner_id` , `blog` , `blog_updated` , `friends` , `friends_updated` , `profile` , `profile_updated` )\r\n\t\tVALUES (\r\n\t\t'{$id}', 'empty', '{$date}', 'empty', '{$date}', 'empty', '{$date}'\r\n\t\t);"); $user->setTemplateSource($clean['template'], $config->get('home_text')); // did the first user just register? if ($id == 1) { $user->grant('admin'); $user->updateDB(); } $sent = $user->validateEmail($config); $ets->page_body = $l['reg-done'];