public static function get_multiple_create_bits($node_schema, $node_table, $constraints)
     $bits = array();
     foreach ($constraints as $constraint) {
         $bits[] = mysql5_constraint::get_constraint_sql($constraint, FALSE);
         if (strcasecmp($constraint['type'], 'PRIMARY KEY') == 0) {
             // we're adding the PK constraint, so we need to add AUTO_INCREMENT on any affected columns immediately after!
             $columns = mysql5_table::primary_key_columns($node_table);
             foreach ($columns as $col) {
                 $node_column = dbx::get_table_column($node_table, $col);
                 if (mysql5_column::is_auto_increment($node_column['type'])) {
                     $bits[] = "MODIFY " . mysql5_column::get_full_definition(dbsteward::$new_database, $node_schema, $node_table, $node_column, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE);
                     // there can only be one AI column per table
     return $bits;
 public static function get_data_sql($old_schema, $old_table, $new_schema, $new_table, $delete_mode = false)
     $sql = '';
     if ($old_table == null) {
         if (!$delete_mode) {
             // old table doesnt exist, pump inserts
             $new_table_rows = dbx::get_table_rows($new_table);
             if ($new_table_rows) {
                 $new_table_row_columns = preg_split("/[\\,\\s]+/", $new_table_rows['columns'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                 foreach ($new_table_rows->row as $data_row) {
                     // is the row marked for delete?
                     if (isset($data_row['delete']) && strcasecmp($data_row['delete'], 'true') == 0) {
                         // don't insert it, we are inserting data that should be there
                     } else {
                         $sql .= static::get_data_row_insert($new_schema, $new_table, $new_table_row_columns, $data_row);
             // set serial columns with serialStart defined to that value
             // this is done in get_data_sql to ensure the serial start is set post row insertion
             $sql .= mysql5_column::get_serial_start_dml($new_schema, $new_table);
     } else {
         // data row match scenarios are based on primary key matching
         $old_table_rows = dbx::get_table_rows($old_table);
         if ($old_table_rows) {
             $old_table_row_columns = preg_split("/[\\,\\s]+/", $old_table_rows['columns'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         // is caller asking for deletes or data updates?
         if ($delete_mode) {
             // what old rows have no matches in the new rows? delete them
             if ($old_table_rows) {
                 static::table_data_rows_compare($old_table, $new_table, false, $old_rows, $new_rows, $changes);
                 $count_old_rows = count($old_rows);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $count_old_rows; $i++) {
                     static::get_data_row_delete($old_schema, $old_table, $old_table_row_columns, $old_rows[$i], $sql_append);
                     $sql .= $sql_append;
         } else {
             $new_table_rows = dbx::get_table_rows($new_table);
             if ($new_table_rows) {
                 $new_table_row_columns = preg_split("/[\\,\\s]+/", $new_table_rows['columns'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             // what columns in matching rows between old and new are different?
             if ($old_table_rows && $new_table_rows) {
                 $new_table_primary_keys = mysql5_table::primary_key_columns($new_table);
                 static::table_data_rows_compare($old_table, $new_table, true, $old_rows, $new_rows, $changes);
                 $count_old_rows = count($old_rows);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $count_old_rows; $i++) {
                     $new_data_row = null;
                     $changed_columns = null;
                     if (count($changes[$i]) > 0) {
                         // changes were found between primary key matched old_table_row and new_table_row
                         // get the sql to make that happen
                         $sql .= static::get_data_row_update($new_schema, $new_table, $old_table_row_columns, $old_rows[$i], $new_table_row_columns, $new_rows[$i], $changes[$i]);
             // what new rows are missing from the old? insert them
             if ($new_table_rows) {
                 static::table_data_rows_compare($new_table, $old_table, false, $new_rows, $old_rows, $changes);
                 $count_new_rows = count($new_rows);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $count_new_rows; $i++) {
                     $sql .= static::get_data_row_insert($new_schema, $new_table, $new_table_row_columns, $new_rows[$i]);
     return $sql;
 /** Convert from arbitrary type notations to mysql5 specific type representations */
 protected static function mysql5_type_convert($type, $value = null)
     if ($is_ai = mysql5_column::is_auto_increment($type)) {
         $type = mysql5_column::un_auto_increment($type);
     // when used in an index, varchars can only have a max of 3500 bytes
     // so when converting types, we don't know if it might be in an index,
     // so we play it safe
     if (substr($type, -2) == '[]') {
         $type = 'varchar(3500)';
     switch (strtolower($type)) {
         case 'bool':
         case 'boolean':
             // $type = 'tinyint';
             if ($value) {
                 switch (strtolower($value)) {
                     case "'t'":
                     case 'true':
                     case '1':
                         $value = '1';
                     case "'f'":
                     case 'false':
                     case '0':
                         $value = '0';
                         throw new Exception("Unknown column type boolean default {$value}");
             // boolean
         // boolean
         case 'inet':
             $type = 'varchar(16)';
         case 'int':
         case 'integer':
             $type = 'int(11)';
         case 'interval':
             $type = 'varchar(3500)';
         case 'character varying':
         case 'varchar':
             $type = 'varchar(3500)';
             // mysql's timezone support is attrocious.
             // see:
         // mysql's timezone support is attrocious.
         // see:
         case 'timestamp without timezone':
         case 'timestamp with timezone':
         case 'timestamp without time zone':
         case 'timestamp with time zone':
             $type = 'timestamp';
         case 'time with timezone':
         case 'time with time zone':
             $type = 'time';
         case 'serial':
         case 'bigserial':
             // emulated with triggers and sequences later on in the process
             // mysql5 interprets the 'serial' type as "BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT UNIQUE"
             // which is dumb compared to the emulation with triggers/sequences to act more like pgsql's
         case 'uuid':
             // 8 digits, 3 x 4 digits, 12 digits = 32 digits + 4 hyphens = 36 chars
             $type = 'varchar(40)';
     // character varying(N) => varchar(N)
     // $type = preg_replace('/character varying\((.+)\)/i','varchar($1)',$type);
     // mysql doesn't understand epoch
     if (isset($value) && strcasecmp($value, "'epoch'") == 0) {
         // 00:00:00 is reserved for the "zero" value of a timestamp field. 01 is the closest we can get.
         $value = "'1970-01-01 00:00:01'";
     if ($is_ai) {
         $type = (string) $type . " AUTO_INCREMENT";
     return array($type, $value);
    public function testTimestamps()
        $xml = <<<XML
<schema name="public" owner="NOBODY">
  <table name="test" primaryKey="id" owner="NOBODY">
    <column name="a" type="timestamp"/>
    <column name="b" type="timestamp" null="false"/>
    <column name="c" type="timestamp" null="true"/>

    <!-- default=NULL and not nullable doesn't make sense -->
    <column name="d" type="timestamp" default="NULL" null="true"/>

    <column name="e" type="timestamp" default="CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"/>
    <column name="f" type="timestamp" default="CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" null="false"/>
    <column name="g" type="timestamp" default="CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" null="true"/>

    <column name="h" type="timestamp" default="'2012-05-05 11:11:11'"/>
    <column name="i" type="timestamp" default="'2012-05-05 11:11:11'" null="false"/>
    <column name="j" type="timestamp" default="'2012-05-05 11:11:11'" null="true"/>
        $schema = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
        $cols = $schema->table->column;
        $def = function ($col) use(&$schema) {
            return mysql5_column::get_full_definition($schema, $schema, $schema->table, $col, true, true);
        // no default
        $this->assertEquals("`a` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", $def($cols[0]));
        $this->assertEquals("`b` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", $def($cols[1]));
        $this->assertEquals("`c` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL", $def($cols[2]));
        // default null
        $this->assertEquals("`d` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL", $def($cols[3]));
        // default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
        $this->assertEquals("`e` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", $def($cols[4]));
        $this->assertEquals("`f` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", $def($cols[5]));
        $this->assertEquals("`g` timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", $def($cols[6]));
        // default arbitrary time
        $this->assertEquals("`h` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '2012-05-05 11:11:11'", $def($cols[7]));
        $this->assertEquals("`i` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '2012-05-05 11:11:11'", $def($cols[8]));
        $this->assertEquals("`j` timestamp NULL DEFAULT '2012-05-05 11:11:11'", $def($cols[9]));
  * escape a column's value, or return the default value if none specified
  * @NOTE: it is critical to note that colmn values should always be escaped with this function
  *        as it also converts MSSQL specific values from postgresql ones
  * @return string
 public static function column_value_default($node_schema, $node_table, $data_column_name, $node_col)
     // if marked, make it null or default, depending on column options
     if (isset($node_col['null']) && strcasecmp('true', $node_col['null']) == 0) {
         return 'NULL';
     // columns that specify empty attribute are made empty strings
     if (isset($node_col['empty']) && strcasecmp('true', $node_col['empty']) == 0) {
         return "''";
     // don't esacape columns marked literal sql values
     if (isset($node_col['sql']) && strcasecmp($node_col['sql'], 'true') == 0) {
         return '(' . $node_col . ')';
     $node_column = dbx::get_table_column($node_table, $data_column_name);
     if ($node_column === NULL) {
         throw new exception("Failed to find table " . $node_table['name'] . " column " . $data_column_name . " for default value check");
     $value_type = mysql5_column::column_type(dbsteward::$new_database, $node_schema, $node_table, $node_column);
     // else if col is zero length, make it default, or DB NULL
     if (strlen($node_col) == 0) {
         // is there a default defined for the column?
         $dummy_data_column = new stdClass();
         $column_default_value = xml_parser::column_default_value($node_table, $data_column_name, $dummy_data_column);
         if ($column_default_value != NULL) {
             // run default value through value_escape to allow data value conversions to happen
             $value = mysql5::value_escape($value_type, $column_default_value);
         } else {
             $value = 'NULL';
     } else {
         $value = mysql5::value_escape($value_type, dbsteward::string_cast($node_col));
     return $value;
    public static function get_triggers_needed($schema, $table)
        $triggers = array();
        foreach ($table->column as $column) {
            // we need a trigger for each serial column
            if (mysql5_column::is_serial($column['type'])) {
                $trigger_name = mysql5_column::get_serial_trigger_name($schema, $table, $column);
                $sequence_name = mysql5_column::get_serial_sequence_name($schema, $table, $column);
                $table_name = $table['name'];
                $column_name = mysql5::get_quoted_column_name($column['name']);
                $xml = <<<XML
<trigger name="{$trigger_name}"
         function="SET NEW.{$column_name} = COALESCE(NEW.{$column_name}, nextval('{$sequence_name}'));"/>
                $triggers[] = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
            // @TODO: convert DEFAULT expressions (not constants) to triggers for pgsql compatibility
        return $triggers;