function extraerTags($ID) { global $db_source, $prefix; /* * Importación de Categorías */ $m = new mysql(); #SQL: extrae los tags de WP para el ID del post que se pase como parámetro. $m->query("SELECT t.term_id,t.slug,,tr.object_id FROM {$db_source}.wp_terms as t \n\n\t\tinner join {$db_source}.wp_term_taxonomy as tt on tt.term_id = t.term_id \n\n\t\tinner join {$db_source}.wp_term_relationships as tr on tr.term_taxonomy_id = t.term_id \n\n\t\tWHERE tt.taxonomy = 'category' and tr.object_id={$ID} \n\n\t\t"); $sql_tags = "INSERT INTO " . $prefix . "tags(tag_id,tag,urlfriendly) VALUES "; $insertTags = false; $sql_relation = "INSERT INTO " . $prefix . "tags_rel(tag_id,post_id) VALUES "; $hasTags = false; /* * Para cada tag del post extraido de WP * 1.- Revisar si existe, si no, lo inserta. */ if ($m->total() > 0) { while ($m->fetch()) { $m2 = new mysql(); /* * Si no existe tag, lo insertamos. */ $m2->query("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "tags WHERE tag_id=" . $m->sql_quote($m->row['term_id']) . ""); if (!$m2->fetch()) { $sql_tags .= "(" . $m->sql_quote($m->row['term_id']) . "," . "'" . $m->sql_quote($m->row['name']) . "'," . "'" . $m->sql_quote($m->row['slug']) . "'" . "), "; $insertTags = true; } /* * Buscamos si existe la relacion entre el tag y el post, si no, la creamos. */ $m2->query("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "tags_rel WHERE tag_id=" . $m->sql_quote($m->row['term_id']) . " AND post_id=" . $ID); if (!$m2->fetch()) { $sql_relation .= " (" . $m->sql_quote($m->row['term_id']) . "," . $m->sql_quote($ID) . "), "; $hasTags = true; } } //while } else { //no tiene tags, entonces lo ponemos bajo el tag 'general'. Generalmente id=1 $sql_relation .= " (1," . $m->sql_quote($ID) . "), "; $hasTags = true; } //if if ($insertTags) { $sql_tags = substr($sql_tags, 0, -2) . ';'; $m->query($sql_tags); } if ($hasTags) { $sql_relation = substr($sql_relation, 0, -2) . ';'; $m->query($sql_relation); } }
function get_slider($limit, $name_file) { $sql = 'select * from splash where status=1 order by sort limit ' . $limit; $result = mysql::query($sql, 0); // выполняем tpl return system::show_tpl(array('splash' => $result), $name_file); }
/** * выводим материал */ function indexAction() { $_sql = 'select * from ' . $this->tablename . ' where status=1 order by sort'; // выполняем запрос + при необходимости выводим сам запрос $result = mysql::query($_sql, 0); return system::show_tpl(array('result' => $result, 'tpl_folder' => $this->tpl_folder), $this->tpl_folder . '/index.php'); }
/** * Zeigt die Einträge an * * @param integer $max_entries_pp Anzahl Einträge pro Seite */ private function _view($max_entries_pp) { $this->_tplfile = 'gbook.tpl'; $gbook_array = array(); if (isset($this->_gpc['GET']['page']) && is_numeric($this->_gpc['GET']['page']) && $this->_gpc['GET']['page'] > 0) { $page = $this->_gpc['GET']['page']; } else { $page = 1; } $gbook_array = $this->_msbox->getEntries($max_entries_pp, $page, 'DESC', 'ASC', $this->_timeformat); $this->_mysql->query('SELECT COUNT(*) as many FROM `gbook` WHERE `gbook_ref_ID` = \'0\''); $entries = $this->_mysql->fetcharray('num'); $this->_mysql->query('SELECT COUNT(*) as many FROM `gbook` WHERE `gbook_ref_ID` != \'0\''); $comments = $this->_mysql->fetcharray('num'); $pagesnav_array = Page::get_static_pagesnav_array($entries[0], $max_entries_pp, $this->_gpc['GET']); //Inhalt parsen (Smilies) und an Smarty-Array übergeben foreach ($gbook_array as $key => $value) { $gbook_array[$key] = array('ID' => $value['gbook_ID'], 'title' => htmlentities($value['gbook_title']), 'content' => $this->_smilie->show_smilie(nl2br(htmlentities($value['gbook_content'])), $this->_mysql), 'name' => htmlentities($value['gbook_name']), 'time' => $value['gbook_time'], 'email' => htmlentities($value['gbook_email']), 'hp' => htmlentities($value['gbook_hp']), 'number_of_comments' => $value['number_of_comments']); $count = 0; //Kommentare durchackern foreach ($value['comments'] as $ckey => $cvalue) { $gbook_array[$key]['comments'][$ckey] = array('ID' => $cvalue['gbook_ID'], 'title' => htmlentities($cvalue['gbook_title']), 'content' => $this->_smilie->show_smilie(nl2br(htmlentities($cvalue['gbook_content'])), $this->_mysql), 'name' => htmlentities($cvalue['gbook_name']), 'time' => $cvalue['gbook_time'], 'email' => htmlentities($cvalue['gbook_email']), 'hp' => htmlentities($cvalue['gbook_hp'])); $count++; } } $this->_smarty->assign('gbook', $gbook_array); $this->_smarty->assign('pages', $pagesnav_array); $this->_smarty->assign('entries', $entries[0]); $this->_smarty->assign('comments', $comments[0]); }
private static function query($arrSea, $isFind) { $model = get_called_class(); $limit = isset($arrSea["limit"]) ? "LIMIT " . $arrSea["limit"] : ""; if (!$isFind) { $limit = "LIMIT 1"; } $order = isset($arrSea["order"]) ? "ORDER BY " . $arrSea["order"] : ""; $where = isset($arrSea["where"]) ? "WHERE " . $arrSea["where"] : ""; $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$model}` {$where} {$order} {$limit}"; $res = mysql::query($sql); if ($res) { $findArr = array(); for ($i = 0; $i !== $res->num_rows; $i++) { $res->data_seek($i); $row = $res->fetch_assoc(); $class = new $model(false); foreach ($class as $key => &$val) { $val = $row[$key]; } if (!$isFind) { return $class; } array_push($findArr, $class); } return $findArr; } else { return false; } }
function process_message($msg) { echo "\n############ 信息日志开始 ###############\n"; echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "=====" . $msg->body; echo "\n############ 信息日志结束 ###############\n"; //执行SQL语句 $db_config = C("DB_CONFIG"); $dbConn = new mysql(); $dbConn->connect($db_config["master1"][0], $db_config["master1"][1], $db_config["master1"][2], ''); $dbConn->select_db($db_config["master1"][4]); $sql = $msg->body; $query = $dbConn->query($sql); if (!$query) { Log::write($sql, Log::ERR); } else { echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '===== [ok] ', '=====', $sql, "\n"; //确认消费OK $msg->delivery_info['channel']->basic_ack($msg->delivery_info['delivery_tag']); } $dbConn->close(); // Send a message with the string "quit" to cancel the consumer. if ($msg->body === 'quit') { $msg->delivery_info['channel']->basic_cancel($msg->delivery_info['consumer_tag']); } }
function query($query) { $mt = $this->getmicrotime(); $return = parent::query($query); $time = $this->getmicrotime() - $mt; $r = mysql_query('EXPLAIN ' . $query, $this->mysql_link); $explain = $this->result_to_data($r); $ex_echo .= '<table border="1">'; foreach ($explain as $key => $value) { if ($key == 0) { $ex_echo .= '<tr>'; foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { $ex_echo .= '<td>' . $key2 . '</td>'; } $ex_echo .= '</tr>'; } $ex_echo .= '<tr>'; foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { $ex_echo .= '<td>' . $value2 . '</td>'; } $ex_echo .= '</tr>'; } $ex_echo .= '</table>'; echo '<tr><td>' . $query . '</td><td>' . $ex_echo . '</td><td>' . $time . '</td></tr>'; return $return; }
public function query($sql) { if ($this->params && strtoupper(substr($sql, 0, 6)) == 'SELECT') { parent::getInstance_slave($this->params); return parent::query($sql, self::$instance_slave->db_link); } else { return parent::query($sql); } }
/** * отображаем весь список материалов */ function indexAction() { $this->table_name = $_GET['tablename']; // строим запрос $_sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table_name . ' where id>0 ' . general::get_status_for_filter($_GET['tablename']) . ' order by sort'; // выполняем запрос + при необходимости выводим сам запрос $result = mysql::query($_sql, 0); return system::show_tpl(array('result' => $result, 'msg' => $this->msg, '_status' => isset($_POST['status']) ? $_POST['status'] : 2, 'tpl_folder' => $this->tpl_folder), $this->tpl_folder . '/index.php'); }
static function get_otvet($name_file, $id_parent) { // выбираем вопрос $_sql = "SELECT\n\t\t\,\n\t\t\tvoting.id_parent,\n\t\t\tvoting.`text`,\n\t\t\tvoting.kolvo,\n\t\t\tROUND(voting.kolvo*100/voting.summa) as summa\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\tvoting\n\t\t\tjoin (select SUM(voting.kolvo) as summa from voting WHERE voting.status = 1 and voting.id_parent = " . intval($id_parent) . ") as voting\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\tvoting.status = 1 and\n\t\t\t\tvoting.id_parent = " . intval($id_parent) . "\n\t\t\torder by voting.sort\n\t\t\t"; // выполняем запрос + при необходимости выводим сам запрос $result = mysql::query($_sql, 0); // выполняем tpl return system::show_tpl(array('otvet' => $result), $name_file); }
public function testAction() { $conn = new mysql(); $conn->open(getSqlConfig('main')); $sql = "select * from userinfo"; $result = $conn->query_select($sql); var_dump($result); $r1 = $conn->query($sql); echo Carbon\Carbon::today(); return false; }
/** * Destroys a record in the table * * @param integer $id () * @access public */ function destroy($id) { $sql = "DELETE FROM {$this->table} WHERE {$this->primary_key} = {$id}"; $result = $this->db->query($sql); if ($this->debug) { echo '<p><strong>Destroy SQL:</strong> ' . $sql . '</p>'; if ($this->db->isError()) { echo $this->db->getErrorMsg(); return false; } } return true; }
/** * редактирование настроек */ function editAction() { if ($_POST) { // записываем в базу forms::multy_update_form_all_records($this->tablename, 'zna', 0); $this->msg = general::messages(1, v::getI18n('backend_after_save')); } // строим запрос $_sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->tablename . ' where status=1 order by sort'; // выполняем запрос + при необходимости выводим сам запрос $result = mysql::query($_sql, 0); return system::show_tpl(array('result' => $result, 'msg' => $this->msg, 'tpl_folder' => $this->tpl_folder), $this->tpl_folder . '/edit.php'); }
/** * отображаем весь список материалов */ function indexAction() { // если перешли по get ссылке из меню //if(isset($_GET['status'])) { $_POST['status']=$_GET['status']; } if (isset($_POST['status'])) { $_SESSION['status'] = $_POST['status']; } // строим запрос $_sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->tablename . ' where id>0 ' . general::get_status_for_filter($this->tablename) . ' order by id desc'; // выполняем запрос + при необходимости выводим сам запрос $result = mysql::query($_sql, 0); return system::show_tpl(array('result' => $result, 'msg' => $this->msg, '_status' => isset($_POST['status']) ? $_POST['status'] : 2, 'tpl_folder' => $this->tpl_folder), $this->tpl_folder . '/index.php'); }
private function __construct() { //-----------需要页面显示调试信息, 注释掉下面两行即可--- set_error_handler(array("Core", 'appError')); set_exception_handler(array("Core", 'appException')); date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Shanghai"); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', '<')) { @set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); define('MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC', get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? True : False); } //设置根目录 if (!defined('WEB_PATH')) { define("WEB_PATH", "/data/web/"); } //加载通用检测方法 include_once WEB_PATH . "lib/common.php"; //加载全局配置信息 C(include_once WEB_PATH . 'conf/common.php'); include_once WEB_PATH . "lib/auth.php"; //鉴权 //Auth::setAccess(include WEB_PATH.'conf/access.php'); include_once WEB_PATH . "lib/log.php"; include_once WEB_PATH . "lib/page.php"; include_once WEB_PATH . "lib/authuser.class.php"; include_once WEB_PATH . "lib/opensys_functions.php"; //加载数据接口层及所需支撑 include_once WEB_PATH . "lib/service/http.php"; //网络接口 include_once WEB_PATH . "lib/functions.php"; include_once WEB_PATH . "lib/cache/cache.php"; //memcache if (C("DATAGATE") == "db") { $db = C("DB_TYPE"); include_once WEB_PATH . "lib/db/" . $db . ".php"; //db直连 if ($db == "mysql") { global $dbConn; $db_config = C("DB_CONFIG"); $dbConn = new mysql(); $dbConn->connect($db_config["master1"][0], $db_config["master1"][1], $db_config["master1"][2]); $dbConn->select_db($db_config["master1"][4]); $dbConn->query('set names utf8'); } if ($db == "mongodb") { //....... } } //自动加载类 spl_autoload_register(array('Core', 'autoload')); }
/** * выбираем все заказы юзера */ static function get_Order($id) { // строим запрос $_sql = 'SELECT orders.* FROM orders WHERE orders.number_order=' . intval($id); // выполняем запрос + при необходимости выводим сам запрос $result = mysql::query($_sql, 0); if ($result) { return $result; } else { return false; } }
/** * отображаем весь список материалов */ function indexAction() { // строим запрос $_sql = 'SELECT price.*, count( as count FROM price GROUP BY desc'; // выполняем запрос + при необходимости выводим сам запрос $result = mysql::query($_sql, 0); return system::show_tpl(array('result' => $result, 'msg' => $this->msg, 'tpl_folder' => $this->tpl_folder), $this->tpl_folder . '/index.php'); }
function _post($response) { include_once "../main.php"; // ищем группы меню и проверяем на СуперАдмина if (general::sadmin()) { $_sql = "select * from menu where id_parent=0 and status=1 order by zindex"; } else { $_sql = "select * from menu where id_parent=0 and status=1 and adm!=1 order by zindex"; } $result = mysql::query($_sql, 0); $this->menu = system::show_tpl(array('result' => $result), 'mainmenu/menu.php'); $this->center_block = $response; echo system::show_tpl((array) $this, $this->layout); }
/** * add new podrazdel */ function add_answerAction() { if ($_POST) { // проверяем на checkbox forms::check_box(array('status')); // записываем в базу forms::multy_insert_form($this->tablename, 0); $this->msg = general::messages(1, v::getI18n('backend_after_save')); $_GET['id_parent'] = $_POST['FORM']['id_parent']; } // выбираем разделы у которых могут быть подразделы $_sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->tablename . ' where id=' . $_GET['id_parent']; $select = mysql::query($_sql, 0); return system::show_tpl(array('select' => $select, 'msg' => $this->msg, 'tpl_folder' => $this->tpl_folder), $this->tpl_folder . '/add_answer.php'); }
/** * отображаем весь список материалов */ function indexAction() { // если перешли по get ссылке из меню //if(isset($_GET['status'])) { $_POST['status']=$_GET['status']; } if (isset($_POST['status'])) { $_SESSION['status'] = $_POST['status']; } // строим запрос $_sql = 'SELECT news_gb.*, news.zag as zag FROM news_gb, news WHERE ' . general::get_status_for_filter('news_gb') . ' ORDER by id desc'; // выполняем запрос + при необходимости выводим сам запрос $result = mysql::query($_sql, 0); return system::show_tpl(array('result' => $result, 'msg' => $this->msg, '_status' => isset($_POST['status']) ? $_POST['status'] : 2, 'tpl_folder' => $this->tpl_folder), $this->tpl_folder . '/index.php'); }
/** * @descrpition 从微信服务器获取微信ACCESS_TOKEN * @return Ambigous|bool */ private static function _getAccessToken() { $url = '' . WECHAT_APPID . '&secret=' . WECHAT_APPSECRET; $accessToken = Curl::callWebServer($url, '', 'GET'); if (!isset($accessToken['access_token'])) { return Msg::returnErrMsg(MsgConstant::ERROR_GET_ACCESS_TOKEN, '获取ACCESS_TOKEN失败'); } $accessToken['time'] = time(); $accessTokenJson = json_encode($accessToken); //存入数据库 $db = new mysql(); $db->connect(DBHOST, DBUSER, DBPASSWORD, DBNAME); $sql = "update accesstoken set access_token='" . $accessTokenJson . "' where id=1"; $db->query($sql); return $accessToken; }
/** * @descrpition 从微信服务器获取js sdk api_ticket * @return Ambigous|bool */ private static function _getJsapiTicket() { $accessToken = AccessToken::getAccessToken(); $url = "" . $accessToken; $JsapiTicket = Curl::callWebServer($url, '', 'GET'); if (!isset($JsapiTicket['ticket'])) { return Msg::returnErrMsg(MsgConstant::ERROR_GET_ACCESS_TOKEN, '获取js ticket失败'); } $JsapiTicket['time'] = time(); $JsapiTicketJson = json_encode($JsapiTicket); //存入数据库 $db = new mysql(); $db->connect(DBHOST, DBUSER, DBPASSWORD, DBNAME); $sql = "update jsapiticket set ticket='" . $JsapiTicketJson . "' where id=1"; $db->query($sql); return $JsapiTicket; }
/** * отображаем весь список материалов */ function indexAction() { if (isset($_POST['status'])) { $_SESSION['status'] = $_POST['status']; } // строим запрос $_sql = 'SELECT * FROM gallery_grupa WHERE gallery_grupa.id_parent=0' . general::get_status_for_filter('gallery_grupa') . ' GROUP BY order by gallery_grupa.sort'; // выполняем запрос + при необходимости выводим сам запрос $result = mysql::query($_sql, 0); return system::show_tpl(array('result' => $result, 'msg' => $this->msg, '_status' => isset($_POST['status']) ? $_POST['status'] : 2, 'tpl_folder' => $this->tpl_folder), $this->tpl_folder . '/index.php'); }
/** * отображаем весь список материалов */ function indexAction() { if (isset($_POST['status'])) { $_SESSION['status'] = $_POST['status']; } if (isset($_POST['status'])) { $limit = 1000; } else { $_total_news = dbh::news_get_total_count(); $limit = pager::pager_limit($_total_news, ADMIN_NEWS_AT_PAGE); } // строим запрос $_sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->tablename . ' where id>0 ' . general::get_status_for_filter($this->tablename) . ' order by created_at desc, sort limit ' . $limit; // выполняем запрос + при необходимости выводим сам запрос $result = mysql::query($_sql, 3); return system::show_tpl(array('result' => $result, 'msg' => $this->msg, '_status' => isset($_POST['status']) ? $_POST['status'] : 2, 'tpl_folder' => $this->tpl_folder, '_total_news' => $_total_news), $this->tpl_folder . '/index.php'); }
/** * добавляем новый материал */ function addAction() { global $_sklad; if ($_POST) { // проверяем на checkbox forms::check_box(array('status')); //for($i=0; $i<50; $i++) { // записываем в базу forms::multy_insert_form($this->tablename, 0); $this->msg = general::messages(1, v::getI18n('backend_after_save')); //} } // строим запрос $_sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->tablename . ' where id>0 order by sort desc'; // выполняем запрос + при необходимости выводим сам запрос $select = mysql::query($_sql, 0); return system::show_tpl(array('city' => dbh::get_city(), 'msg' => $this->msg, 'tpl_folder' => $this->tpl_folder), $this->tpl_folder . '/add.php'); }
function get_content($action) { $lang = '_' . $_GET['lang']; // выбираем родителя // запрос $_sql = 'SELECT * FROM content where status=1 and action="' . $action . '"'; // выполняем запрос + при необходимости выводим сам запрос $parent = mysql::query_one($_sql, 0); // выбираем детей $_sql = "select name_" . $_GET['lang'] . ", action from content where id_parent=" . $parent->id . " order by sort"; // выполняем запрос + при необходимости выводим сам запрос $child = mysql::query($_sql, 0); // выбираем файлы загруженные к этому разделу $_sql_files = 'SELECT * FROM files where id_content=' . $parent->id . ' order by id'; $_files = mysql::query($_sql_files, 0); // выполняем tpl return system::show_tpl(array('parent' => $parent, 'child' => $child, 'gallery_grupa' => $gallery_grupa, '_files' => $_files), '/frontend/content/index.php'); }
/** * get guestbook first page * @param int $limit - count of news for return * text $name_file - name of tamplate (plus path '/tpl/....') */ static function get_guestbook_first_page($name_file, $limit = false) { $__limit = ''; if ($limit) { $__limit = 'limit ' . $limit; } $_sql = 'SELECT * FROM guestbook WHERE status=1 order by rand() ' . $__limit; // выполняем запрос + при необходимости выводим сам запрос $result = mysql::query($_sql, 0); if ($result) { return system::show_tpl(array('gallery' => $result), $name_file); } else { return ''; } }
/** * get gallery first page * @param int $limit - count of news for return * text $name_file - name of tamplate (plus path '/tpl/....') */ static function get_gallery_first_page($name_file, $limit = false) { $__limit = ''; if ($limit) { $__limit = 'limit ' . $limit; } $_sql = 'SELECT gallery.*, gallery_grupa.url FROM gallery, gallery_grupa WHERE and gallery.status=1 and gallery.firstpage=1 order by rand() ' . $__limit; // выполняем запрос + при необходимости выводим сам запрос $result = mysql::query($_sql, 0); if ($result) { return system::show_tpl(array('gallery' => $result), $name_file); } else { return ''; } }
/** * 执行SQL语句 * @param string $sql 需要执行的sql语句 */ public function query($sql) { if (empty($sql)) { return false; } $this->sql = $sql; try { $this->connect(); return $this->db->query($this->sql); } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($this->config['debug'] !== false) { throw new \Exception($e->getMessage()); } else { $this->error = $e->getMessage(); } } return; }
function synlogin($user) { global $timestamp, $uc_key; list($winduid, $windid, $windpwd) = explode("\t", $this->base->strcode($user, false)); header('P3P: CP="CURa ADMa DEVa PSAo PSDo OUR BUS UNI PUR INT DEM STA PRE COM NAV OTC NOI DSP COR"'); require_once "../../config/db.config.php"; require_once "../../app/include/mysql.class.php"; require_once "../../app/include/public.function.php"; require_once "../../data/plus/config.php"; $ip = fun_ip_get(); $time = time(); if ($config[sy_pw_type] == "pw_center") { $db = new mysql($db_config['dbhost'], $db_config['dbuser'], $db_config['dbpass'], $db_config['dbname'], ALL_PS, $db_config['charset']); $user_query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$db_config['def']}member WHERE `username`='{$windid}'"); while ($userrs = $db->fetch_array($user_query)) { $userinfo = $userrs; } //判断是否是重名用户 if ($userinfo["uid"] > 0) { if ($userinfo["pw_repeat"] != "1") { //判断账户名密码是否一致 if ($userinfo["password"] == md5($windpwd . $userinfo[salt])) { $db->query("UPDATE {$db_config['def']}member SET `pwuid`='{$winduid}' WHERE `uid`='{$userinfo['uid']}'"); $this->unset_cookie(); $this->add_cookie($userinfo[uid], $userinfo[username], $userinfo[salt], $userinfo[email], $userinfo[password]); } else { //不一致标注为重名用户 $db->query("UPDATE {$db_config['def']}member SET `pw_repeat`='1' WHERE `uid`='{$userinfo['uid']}'"); } } } else { //用户不存在 新建一个用户 $salt = substr(uniqid(rand()), -6); $pass = md5($windpwd . $salt); $db->query("INSERT INTO {$db_config['def']}member SET `username`='{$windid}',`password`='{$pass}',`salt`='{$salt}',`usertype`='1',`reg_ip`='{$ip}',`reg_date`='{$time}',`pwuid`='{$winduid}'"); $uid = $db->insert_id(); $db->query("INSERT INTO {$db_config['def']}resume SET `uid`='" . $uid . "'"); $db->query("INSERT INTO {$db_config['def']}member_statis SET `uid`='" . $uid . "'"); $this->unset_cookie(); $this->add_cookie($winduid, $windid, $salt, "", $pass); } } }