public static function command($command, $post = array()) { $curl = new mycurl(PickPoint::$path . 'login'); $data = json_encode(array('Login' => PickPoint::$login, 'Password' => PickPoint::$password)); $curl->setPost($data); $curl->httpheader = array('Content-Type:application/json'); $curl->createCurl(); $json = json_decode($curl->__tostring()); $SessionId = $json->SessionId; try { $curl = new mycurl(PickPoint::$path . $command); $data = json_encode(array('Login' => PickPoint::$login, 'Password' => PickPoint::$password)); if (!empty($post)) { $curl->setPost($data); } $curl->httpheader = array('Content-Type:application/json'); $curl->createCurl(); $json = json_decode($curl->__tostring()); } catch (Exception $e) { print '<pre>'; print_r($e); } $curl = new mycurl(PickPoint::$path . 'logout'); $data = json_encode(array('SessionId' => $SessionId)); $curl->setPost($data); $curl->httpheader = array('Content-Type:application/json'); $curl->createCurl(); return $json; }
function rnPost($url, $data) { $curl = new mycurl($url); $curl->setPost($data); $curl->createCurl(); return $curl; }
public function createOrder($paid = 0) { $curl = new mycurl(Funcs::$conf['settings']['source'] . '/api/bill/user'); $post = array('token' => $_SESSION['iuser']['token'], 'user_id' => $_SESSION['iuser']['user_id']); $curl->setPost($post); $curl->createCurl(); $data = json_decode($curl->__tostring()); $sql = 'SELECT id FROM {{iusers}} WHERE code=\'' . $data->user_id . '\' AND author=0'; $iuser = DB::getOne($sql); if (!$iuser) { $sql = ' INSERT INTO {{iusers}} SET code=\'' . $data->user_id . '\', name=\'' . $data->name . '\', phone=\'' . $data->tel . '\' '; $iuser = DB::exec($sql); } $curl = new mycurl(Funcs::$conf['settings']['source'] . '/api/bill/payment'); $post = array('token' => $_SESSION['iuser']['token'], 'pay_id' => $_SESSION['iuser']['pay_id']); $curl->setPost($post); $curl->createCurl(); $data = json_decode($curl->__tostring()); if (!empty($data->goods)) { foreach ($data->goods as $item) { $sql = 'SELECT id FROM {{iusers}} WHERE code=\'' . $item->author_id . '\' AND author=1'; $author = DB::getOne($sql); if (!$author) { $sql = ' INSERT INTO {{iusers}} SET code=\'' . $item->author_id . '\', name=\'' . $item->name_author . '\', author=1 '; $author = DB::exec($sql); } $authorprice = round($item->amount - $item->amount / 100 * Funcs::$conf['settings']['comm'], 2); $sql = ' INSERT INTO {{orders}} SET iuser='******', author=' . $author . ', iuserprice=' . $item->amount . ', authorprice=' . $authorprice . ', payid=' . $_SESSION['iuser']['pay_id'] . ', paymentid=\'' . $_POST['paymentid'] . '\', commision=' . Funcs::$conf['settings']['comm'] . ', goodsid=\'' . $item->id . '\', goodsname=\'' . $item->name . '\', cdate=NOW(), paid=' . $paid . ' '; $orderid = DB::exec($sql); if ($paid == 1) { $sql = 'UPDATE {{iusers}} SET balance=balance+' . $authorprice . ' WHERE id=' . $author . ''; DB::exec($sql); $sql = 'UPDATE {{iusers}} SET balance=balance+' . $item->amount . ' WHERE id=' . $iuser . ''; DB::exec($sql); } } } }
function get_url($url) { $content = ''; $cur_time = time(); $filename = "requests/" . md5($url) . ".json"; //echo $filename; $getNew = FALSE; if (file_exists($filename)) { //echo '<br>file exists'; $file = basename($filename, ".json"); $old_time = filemtime($filename); //echo '<br> Prev time: '.$old_time; $mins = $cur_time - $old_time; //echo " -- ".$mins; if ($mins >= 300) { $getNew = TRUE; } else { $content = file_get_contents($filename); } } else { //echo '<br>file does not exists'; $getNew = TRUE; } if ($getNew) { //echo '<br> getting new'; $needLogin = TRUE; if ($needLogin) { //echo '<br>need login'; $login_url = ''; $curl = new mycurl(); $curl->setCookiFileLocation('requests/cookie.txt'); $data = array('api_type' => 'json', 'user' => 'ReillyKlevre', 'passwd' => 'password'); $curl->setPost($data); $curl->createCurl($login_url); if ($curl->getHttpStatus() != 200) { echo '<br>LOGIN ERROR > HTTP STATUS: ' . $curl->getHttpStatus(); exit; } } //echo '<br>after: '.$url; $curl = new mycurl(); $curl->setCookiFileLocation('requests/cookie.txt'); $curl->createCurl($url); if ($curl->getHttpStatus() != 200) { echo '<br>REDDIT_URL ' . $url . ' > HTTP STATUS: ' . $curl->getHttpStatus(); exit; } $content = $curl->__tostring(); if ($content) { $fp = fopen($filename, 'w'); fwrite($fp, $content); fclose($fp); } } return $content; }
/** * @param string $parameters * @param bool $checkResultTag * @param string|null $filecontent * @param string $filename * @param Array $moreOptions * @return DomDocument */ public function sendRequest(&$parameters, $checkResultTag = false, &$filecontent = null, $filename = '', $moreOptions = array()) { $sendThroughPost = false; if (is_array($parameters)) { $sendThroughPost = true; } $host = $this->apihost; if ($this->port != 443) { $host .= ':' . $this->port; } if (isset($this->serial) && !is_null($this->serial)) { $finalUrl = 'https://' . $host . '/api/'; if (!$sendThroughPost) { $finalUrl .= '?key=' . $this->apikey . '&target=' . $this->serial; } } else { $finalUrl = 'https://' . $host . '/api/'; if (!$sendThroughPost) { $finalUrl .= '?key=' . $this->apikey; } } if (!$sendThroughPost) { $url = str_replace('#', '%23', $parameters); $finalUrl .= '&' . $parameters; } if (isset($moreOptions['timeout'])) { $timeout = $moreOptions['timeout']; } else { $timeout = 7; } $c = new mycurl($finalUrl, false, $timeout); if (array_key_exists('lowSpeedTime', $moreOptions)) { $c->_lowspeedtime = $moreOptions['lowSpeedTime']; } if (!is_null($filecontent)) { $c->setInfile($filecontent, $filename); } if ($sendThroughPost) { if (isset($this->serial) && !is_null($this->serial)) { $parameters['target'] = $this->serial; } $parameters['key'] = $this->apikey; $properParams = http_build_query($parameters); $c->setPost($properParams); } if ($this->showApiCalls) { if ($sendThroughPost) { $paramURl = '?'; foreach ($parameters as $paramIndex => &$param) { $paramURl .= '&' . $paramIndex . '=' . str_replace('#', '%23', $param); } print "API call through POST: \"" . $finalUrl . '?' . $paramURl . "\"\r\n"; } else { print "API call: \"" . $finalUrl . "\"\r\n"; } } if (!$c->createCurl()) { derr('Could not retrieve URL: ' . $finalUrl . ' because of the following error: ' . $c->last_error); } if ($c->getHttpStatus() != 200) { derr('HTTP API ret: ' . $c->__tostring()); } $xmlDoc = new DOMDocument(); if (!$xmlDoc->loadXML($c->__tostring(), LIBXML_PARSEHUGE)) { derr('Invalid xml input :' . $c->__tostring()); } $firstElement = DH::firstChildElement($xmlDoc); if ($firstElement === false) { derr('cannot find any child Element in xml'); } $statusAttr = DH::findAttribute('status', $firstElement); if ($statusAttr === false) { derr('XML response has no "status" field: ' . DH::dom_to_xml($firstElement)); } if ($statusAttr != 'success') { var_dump($statusAttr); derr('API reported a failure: "' . $statusAttr . "\"with the following addition infos: " . $firstElement->nodeValue); } if (!is_null($filecontent)) { return $xmlDoc; } if (!$checkResultTag) { return $xmlDoc; } //$cursor = &searchForName('name', 'result', $xmlarr['children']); $cursor = DH::findFirstElement('result', $firstElement); if ($cursor === false) { derr('XML API response has no <result> field', $xmlDoc); } DH::makeElementAsRoot($cursor, $xmlDoc); return $xmlDoc; }
protected function get_data_curl($entityID, $termID, $FYFQ, $specialFormat) { //first we attempt to get the data from the session //if no data is stored in the session, we get data from API $cacheKey = $this->get_cache_key($entityID, $termID, $FYFQ, $specialFormat); $use_cache = FALSE; if ($this->config->item('use_cache') === TRUE) { $use_cache = TRUE; $from_session = true; $result = $this->session->userdata($cacheKey); } if (empty($result)) { $url = API_URL . API_GET_DATA_SERVICE; $user = API_AUTH__USER; $pass = API_AUTH_PASSE; //var_dump($data); $this->benchmark->mark('Api_model-curl_start'); $_mycurl = new mycurl($url, $user, $pass); $_mycurl->setPost($cacheKey); $_mycurl->createCurl(); $result = (string) $_mycurl; $result = json_decode($result, true); $this->benchmark->mark('Api_model-curl_end'); log_message('debug', 'Api_model-curl: ' . $this->benchmark->elapsed_time('Api_model-curl_start', 'Api_model-curl_end')); //log_message('debug', 'Api_model-curl: json_decode: ' . print_r($result, true)); $from_session = false; } /* don't cache */ if ($use_cache === TRUE && !$from_session && !empty($result)) { $this->session->set_userdata($cacheKey, $result); } /* */ //var_dump($result); return $result; }