  * Add a new user to the database. This user is just able to give and receive referrals.
  * @return int
 function add_member()
     global $Conf, $order, $User;
     // Process and store payment information
     $privateKey = genPrivateKey();
     //Generate a private key - This will made into a static value after generating it once
     $data = array('status' => $this->ccStatus, 'details' => $this->ccDetails, 'error' => $this->ccError, 'tcode' => $this->ccTCode, 'name' => $order->name, 'ccType' => $order->cardtype, 'ccNum' => $order->cardnumber, 'MM' => $order->cardexpmonth, 'YY' => $order->cardexpyear, 'ccCODE' => $order->cvmvalue);
     $data = encrypt(serialize($data), $privateKey);
     //Catches the ciphertext from the encrypt function
     // Convert the string value users enter and update it to and numeric string, autoid
     $state = $User->get_province_by_name(strtoupper($order->state));
     $fields = array("`userFirstname`" => "'{$this->Firstname}'", "`userLastname`" => "'{$this->Lastname}'", "`useremail`" => "'{$this->Email}'", "`passwd`" => "'{$this->password}'", "`shipAddr1`" => "'{$order->address1}'", "`shipCity`" => "'{$order->city}'", "`shipState`" => "'{$state->autoid}'", "`shipZip`" => "'{$order->zip}'", "`cc`" => "'{$data}'", "`level`" => "'member'", "`is_enabled`" => "'yes'", "`date_added`" => "NOW()", "`paymentType`" => "'Credit Card'");
     myDBC::insert_Record($Conf['data']->UserTable, $fields);
     $ID = myDBC::last_insert_id();
     capture_cc($ID, '', $privateKey);
     // Create private key
  * Copy user details to the Shipping table after an order has been processed.
  * @return int
 function copy_user()
     global $Conf, $cart, $order;
     $ccNum = substr($order->cardnumber, strlen($order->cardnumber) - 4, 4);
     $fields = array("`CartID`" => "'{$this->CartID}'", "`billEmail`" => "'{$this->username}'", "`billFirstname`" => "'{$this->BILLFirstName}'", "`billLastname`" => "'{$this->BILLLastName}'", "`billCompany`" => "'{$this->BILLCompany}'", "`billAddr1`" => "'{$this->BILLAddress1}'", "`billAddr2`" => "'{$this->BILLAddress2}'", "`billCity`" => "'{$this->BILLCity}'", "`billState`" => "'{$this->BILLState}'", "`billZip`" => "'{$this->BILLZip}'", "`billCountry`" => "'{$this->BILLCountry}'", "`billPhone`" => "'{$this->BILLPhone}'", "`billAltPhone`" => "'{$this->BILLAltPhone}'", "`shipFirstname`" => "'{$this->SHIPFirstName}'", "`shipLastname`" => "'{$this->SHIPLastName}'", "`shipAddr1`" => "'{$this->SHIPAddress1}'", "`shipAddr2`" => "'{$this->SHIPAddress2}'", "`shipCity`" => "'{$this->SHIPCity}'", "`shipState`" => "'{$this->SHIPState}'", "`shipZip`" => "'{$this->SHIPZip}'", "`shipCountry`" => "'{$this->SHIPCountry}'", "`shipPhone`" => "'{$this->SHIPPhone}'", "`shipAltPhone`" => "'{$this->SHIPAltPhone}'", "`shipComments`" => "'{$this->SHIPComments}'", "`orderShipping`" => "'{$cart->Shipping}'", "`orderTax`" => "'{$order->tax}'", "`orderTotal`" => "'{$order->chargetotal}'", "`orderDate`" => "NOW()", "`promoCode`" => "'{$this->promoCode}'", "`promoDiscount`" => "'{$order->discount}'", "`referredBy`" => "''", "`paymentType`" => "'{$order->cardtype}'");
     myDBC::insert_Record($Conf['data']->ShipTable, $fields);
     return myDBC::last_insert_id();