function orderModule($uid, $inc, $option, $client = 'admin') { global $database; $row = new mosModule($database); $row->load((int) $uid); if ($client == 'admin') { $where = "client_id = 1"; } else { $where = "client_id = 0"; } $row->move($inc, "position = " . $database->Quote($row->position) . " AND ( {$where} )"); mosCache::cleanCache('com_content'); $redirect = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'redirect', 'index2.php?option=' . $option . '&client=' . $client); mosRedirect($redirect); }
/** * Moves the order of a record * @param integer The unique id of record * @param integer The increment to reorder by */ function orderModule($uid, $inc, $option) { global $database; josSpoofCheck(); $client = strval(mosGetParam($_POST, 'client', '')); $row = new mosModule($database); $row->load((int) $uid); if ($client == 'admin') { $where = "client_id = 1"; } else { $where = "client_id = 0"; } $row->move($inc, "position = " . $database->Quote($row->position) . " AND ( {$where} )"); if ($client) { $client = '&client=admin'; } else { $client = ''; } mosCache::cleanCache('com_content'); mosRedirect('index2.php?option=' . $option . '&client=' . $client); }
/** * Moves the order of a record * @param integer The unique id of record * @param integer The increment to reorder by */ function orderModule($uid, $inc, $option) { global $database; $client = mosGetParam($_POST, 'client', ''); $row = new mosModule($database); $row->load($uid); if ($client == 'admin') { $where = "client_id='1'"; } else { $where = "client_id='0'"; } $row->move($inc, "position='{$row->position}' AND ({$where})"); if ($client) { $client = '&client=admin'; } else { $client = ''; } mosRedirect('index2.php?option=' . $option . '&client=' . $client); }