public function process() { //load de security class $sec = new security(); // if the user data send user and password post...!! if (!empty($_POST) && !empty($_POST["user"]) && !empty($_POST["password"])) { //we try to log in...!! $res = $sec->login($_POST["user"], $_POST["password"]); } // verify if we are login, this check session, and check $res = $sec->loged(); if ($res["success"]) { //check the action we need //$this->debug->log($_GET); $Module = null; $option = null; $action = null; if (isset($_GET["Module"])) { $Module = $_GET["Module"]; } if (isset($_GET["option"])) { $option = $_GET["option"]; } if (isset($_GET["action"])) { $action = $_GET["action"]; } if (isset($_POST["Module"])) { $Module = $_POST["Module"]; } if (isset($_POST["option"])) { $option = $_POST["option"]; } if (isset($_POST["action"])) { $action = $_POST["action"]; } switch ($Module) { case "Main": if ($action == "load_user/") { $action = "load_user"; } //TODO: dirty fix in update to ext js4 switch ($action) { case "load_user": // we get the languaje strings $languaje = json_encode($this->lang["languaje"]); // send a ok signal $json = '{"success" : true, "login": true,'; // we print user data $json = $json . '"user" : [{' . $sec->print_user(); $json = $json . '"strings":' . $languaje . ","; $modules = new modules(); $moduleStr = $modules->getUserModules(); $json = $json . '"modules": ' . $moduleStr . ' } ]}'; echo $json; break; } //<--end case action break; default: //first check the user permisión //this is a generic function $modules = new modules(); $permision = $modules->checkPermision(); //KILL THIS F*****G LINE IS JUST TO TEST //$permision=1; //$this->debug->log(var_dump($permision)); if ($permision == 1) { switch ($Module) { case 'Settings': switch ($option) { case 'Wallpaper': if ($action = "save") { $isSet = $modules->saveWallpaper(); if (!$isSet) { echo '{success:false, msg:"No se realizaron los cambios en el servidor"}'; } else { echo '{success:true, msg:"Guardado"}'; } } break; case "Shortcuts": if ($action = "save") { $isSet = $modules->saveShortcuts(); if (!$isSet) { echo '{success:false, msg:"No se realizaron los cambios en el servidor"}'; } else { echo '{success:true, msg:"Guardado"}'; } } break; case "QLaunchs": if ($action = "save") { $isSet = $modules->saveQLaunchs(); if (!$isSet) { echo '{success:false, msg:"No se realizaron los cambios en el servidor"}'; } else { echo '{success:true, msg:"Guardado"}'; } } break; case 'Theme': if ($action = "save") { $isSet = $modules->saveTheme(); if (!$isSet) { echo '{success:false, msg:"No se realizaron los cambios en el servidor"}'; } else { echo '{success:true, msg:"Guardado"}'; } } break; } //<--end case option break; default: // if we have access, // 1.- Load the class, we create the path for you // 2.- We inicialize the class for you // 3.- We call the method for you... //$Module = $Module; //$option = $option; //$action = $action; $lower = strtolower($Module); $Path = "modules/{$Module}/Server/{$Module}.php"; $initClass = "\$" . $lower . "= new {$Module};"; $Function = "\$" . "{$lower}->{$option}" . "_{$action}();"; $this->load($Path, 'configFile', true); if (class_exists($Module)) { eval($initClass); $variable = $lower; $method = $option . "_{$action}"; if (method_exists($lower, $method)) { eval($Function); } else { die('{"success" : false,msg:"The method does not exist."}'); } } else { die('{"success" : true,msg:"saved"}'); } break; } //<--end case Module } else { //you can in echo '{success:false, msg:"No tienes los permisos necesarios<br/><br/>Por favor consulta con tu administrador"}'; } //end if permision break; } //end case Module } else { // we are not logged // just send de languaje strings... $languaje = json_encode($this->lang["languaje"]); $json = '{"success" : false, "login": false,'; $json = $json . '"user" : [{'; $json = $json . '"strings":' . $languaje . "}]}"; //OutPut Json echo $json; } //<-- end if ($res["success"]) }