function vpl_get_recent_mod_activity(&$activities, &$index, $timestart, $courseid, $cmid, $userid = 0, $groupid = 0) { global $CFG, $USER, $DB; $grader = false; $vpl = new mod_vpl($cmid); $modinfo =& get_fast_modinfo($vpl->get_course()); $cm = $modinfo->cms[$cmid]; if ($vpl->is_visible()) { $vplid = $vpl->get_instance()->id; $grader = $vpl->has_capability(VPL_GRADE_CAPABILITY); } else { return; } $select = '(vpl = ?)'; $select .= ' and ((datesubmitted >= ?) or (dategraded >= ?))'; $parms = array($vplid, $timestart, $timestart); if (!$grader) { //Own activity array_unshift($parms, $USER->id); $select = '(userid = ?) and ' . $select; } $subs = $DB->get_records_select(VPL_SUBMISSIONS, $select, $parms, 'datesubmitted DESC'); $aname = format_string($vpl->get_printable_name(), true); foreach ($subs as $sub) { //Show recent activity $activity = new stdClass(); $activity->type = 'vpl'; $activity->cmid = $cm->id; $activity->name = $aname; $activity->sectionnum = $cm->sectionnum; $activity->timestamp = $sub->datesubmitted; if ($grader) { $activity->grade = $sub->grade; } $activity->user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $sub->userid)); $activities[$index++] = $activity; } return true; }
// // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with VPL for Moodle. If not, see <>. /** * Show URL to web service with token * * @package mod_vpl * @copyright 2014 Juan Carlos Rodríguez-del-Pino * @license GNU GPL v3 or later * @author Juan Carlos Rodríguez-del-Pino <*****@*****.**> */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../config.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../vpl.class.php'; require_login(); $id = required_param('id', PARAM_INT); $vpl = new mod_vpl($id); $vpl->prepare_page('views/show_webservice.php', array('id' => $id)); $vpl->require_capability(VPL_VIEW_CAPABILITY); $log_url = vpl_rel_url('views/show_webservice.php', 'id', $id); if (!$vpl->is_visible()) { notice(get_string('notavailable')); } $vpl->print_header(get_string('createtokenforuser', 'core_webservice')); $vpl->print_view_tabs('view.php'); echo '<h1>' . get_string('webservice', 'core_webservice') . '</h1>'; echo '<h3>' . get_string('createtokenforuserdescription', 'core_webservice') . '</h3>'; $service_url = vpl_get_webservice_urlbase($vpl); echo $OUTPUT->box('<div style="white-space: pre-wrap">' . s($service_url) . '</div>'); \mod_vpl\event\vpl_webservice_token_viewed::log($vpl); notice('', vpl_mod_href('view.php', 'id', $id)); $vpl->print_footer();
$urls[$url_base->out(false)] = get_string($sel, VPL); $urlindex[$sel] = $url_base->out(false); } echo $OUTPUT->url_select($urls, $urlindex[$instanceselection], array()); if (!($cms = get_coursemodules_in_course(VPL, $course->id, "m.shortdescription, m.startdate, m.duedate"))) { notice($strnopls, vpl_abs_href('/course/view.php', 'id', $course->id)); die; } $ovpls = get_all_instances_in_course(VPL, $course); $timenow = time(); $vpls = array(); //Get and select vpls to show foreach ($ovpls as $ovpl) { $vpl = new mod_vpl(false, $ovpl->id); $instance = $vpl->get_instance(); if ($vpl->is_visible()) { switch ($instanceselection) { case 'all': $vpls[] = $vpl; break; case 'open': $min = $instance->startdate; $max = $instance->duedate == 0 ? PHP_INT_MAX : $instance->duedate; if ($timenow >= $min && $timenow <= $max) { $vpls[] = $vpl; } break; case 'closed': $min = $instance->startdate; $max = $instance->duedate == 0 ? PHP_INT_MAX : $instance->duedate; if ($timenow < $min || $timenow > $max) {