
 * Main File
 * @package     CustoMenu
 * @version     2.5.1
 * @author      Peter van Westen <*****@*****.**>
 * @link        http://www.nonumber.nl
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2010 NoNumber! All Rights Reserved
 * @license     http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL
// Ensure this file is being included by a parent file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
// Include the syndicate functions only once
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'customenu' . DS . 'helper.php';
$show_page = JRequest::getVar('controller') == 'menuitems';
$output = modCustoMenuHelper::getOutput($params);
require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_customenu' . DS . 'customenu');
 function getItems()
     global $Itemid, $cm_active_ids;
     $items = array();
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     if ($this->_params->use_menu) {
         $query = 'SELECT *' . ' FROM #__menu' . ' WHERE menutype = "' . $this->_params->use_menu_stucture . '"' . ' AND parent = 0' . ' AND published != -2' . ' ORDER BY ordering';
         $rows = $db->loadObjectList();
         $i = 1;
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             if ($row->type != 'separator') {
                 // check whether item should be displayed
                 // published & acceslevel
                 if (($row->published == 1 || $this->_params->show_unpublished) && ($row->access <= $this->_params->access || $this->_params->show_non_access)) {
                     $curr_item = modCustoMenuHelper::getDefaultItem();
                     $curr_item->text = $row->name;
                     if ($row->type == 'menulink') {
                         $itemid = (int) str_replace('menu_item=', '', $row->params);
                         $query = 'SELECT *' . ' FROM #__menu' . ' WHERE id = ' . $itemid . ' LIMIT 1';
                         $row = $db->loadObject();
                     $curr_item->link = $row->link;
                     // Only attach Itemid if link is internal
                     if (modCustoMenuHelper::isInternal($curr_item->link)) {
                         $curr_item->link .= strpos($curr_item->link, '?') === false ? '?' : '&';
                         $curr_item->link .= 'Itemid=' . $row->id;
                         // Translates an internal Joomla URL to a humanly readible URL.
                         $curr_item->link = JRoute::_($curr_item->link, false);
                     // Check if menu item should be set to active
                     $active_on_ids = array($row->id);
                     if ($this->_params->active_on_child_ids) {
                         $child_ids = modCustoMenuHelper::getMenuItemChildIds($row->id);
                         $active_on_ids = array_merge($active_on_ids, $child_ids);
                     if ($Itemid && in_array($Itemid, $active_on_ids)) {
                         $cm_active_ids = $active_on_ids;
                         $curr_item->active = 1;
                         // Stylesheet
                         if ($this->_params->extra_item_css) {
                             JHTML::stylesheet($this->_params->extra_item_css_prefix . $i . '.css', 'modules/mod_customenu/customenu/css_extra/');
                     // Target
                     $curr_item->target = $row->browserNav ? 1 : 0;
                     $items[$i] = $curr_item;
     } else {
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->_params->nrOfItems; $i++) {
             $item = $this->_params->items[$i];
             if ($item->menu_id || $item->overrule_text) {
                 $ok = 1;
                 $access = $item->overrule_access;
                 $curr_item = modCustoMenuHelper::getDefaultItem();
                 $curr_item->link = $item->overrule_link;
                 $curr_item->text = $item->overrule_text;
                 // Target
                 $curr_item->target = $item->target;
                 // Get menu item data from database
                 if ($item->menu_id) {
                     $query = 'SELECT name, link, browserNav, published, access' . ' FROM #__menu' . ' WHERE id = ' . $item->menu_id;
                     $row = $db->loadObject();
                     if ($row) {
                         // check whether item should be displayed
                         // published
                         if (!$item->show_unpublished && !$row->published) {
                             $ok = 0;
                         // acces level
                         if ($access == -1) {
                             $access = $row->access;
                         // Set the text
                         if (!$curr_item->text) {
                             $curr_item->text = $row->name;
                         // Set the link
                         if (!$curr_item->link) {
                             $curr_item->link = $row->link;
                         // Target
                         if ($curr_item->target == -1) {
                             $curr_item->target = $row->browserNav ? 1 : 0;
                 // acces level
                 if ($access == -1) {
                     $access = 0;
                 if (!$item->show_non_access && $access > $this->_params->access) {
                     $ok = 0;
                 if ($ok) {
                     // Only attach Itemid if link is internal
                     if (modCustoMenuHelper::isInternal($curr_item->link)) {
                         $curr_item->link .= strpos($curr_item->link, '?') === false ? '?' : '&';
                         $curr_item->link .= 'Itemid=' . $item->menu_id;
                         // Translates an internal Joomla URL to a humanly readible URL.
                         $curr_item->link = JRoute::_($curr_item->link, false);
                     // Check if menu item should be set to active
                     $active_on_ids = array($item->menu_id);
                     $active_on_ids = array_merge($active_on_ids, explode(',', $item->active_on_extra_ids));
                     if ($item->active_on_child_ids) {
                         $child_ids = modCustoMenuHelper::getMenuItemChildIds($item->menu_id);
                         $active_on_ids = array_merge($active_on_ids, $child_ids);
                     if (!$Itemid && $item->active_by_default || $Itemid && in_array($Itemid, $active_on_ids)) {
                         $cm_active_ids = $active_on_ids;
                         $curr_item->active = 1;
                         // Stylesheet
                         if ($item->stylesheet) {
                             JHTML::stylesheet($item->stylesheet, 'modules/mod_customenu/customenu/css_extra/');
                     // Target
                     if ($curr_item->target == -1) {
                         $curr_item->target = 0;
                     // Hide text
                     $curr_item->hide_text = $item->hide_text;
                     // Extra class name
                     $curr_item->class = $item->class_name;
                     $items[$i] = $curr_item;
     return $items;