function fooBefore()
    echo __FUNCTION__ . ' has been executed' . PHP_EOL;
    echo '------------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL;
function fooAfter()
    echo '------------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL;
    echo __FUNCTION__ . ' has been executed' . PHP_EOL;
$model = new Model();
//Bind function
microAOP\Proxy::__bind_func__($model, 'foo', 'before', 'fooBefore');
microAOP\Proxy::__bind_func__($model, 'foo', 'after', 'fooAfter');
microAOP\Proxy::__unbind_func__($model, 'foo', 'before');
echo '==========================================' . PHP_EOL;
/*  output:

fooBefore has been executed
Model::foo has been executed
fooAfter has been executed
Model::foo has been executed
$model = new Model();
//Bind function
microAOP\Proxy::__bind_func__($model, 'foo', 'before', 'foo');
//Bind closure
microAOP\Proxy::__bind_func__($model, 'foo', 'after', $closure);
//Another way to bind closure
microAOP\Proxy::__bind_func__($model, 'three', 'after', function () {
    echo __FUNCTION__ . ' has been executed' . PHP_EOL;
//Bind Static method of class
microAOP\Proxy::__bind_func__($model, 'fooOne', 'before', 'Aspect::foo');
//Bind method of object
microAOP\Proxy::__bind_func__($model, 'two', 'before', array(new Aspect(), 'two'));
//Support for regex
microAOP\Proxy::__bind_func__($model, '/^foo.*/i', 'always', 'forRegex');
echo '==========================================' . PHP_EOL;
echo '==========================================' . PHP_EOL;
echo '==========================================' . PHP_EOL;
/*  output:

foo has been executed
Model::foo has been executed
{closure} has been executed