public static function adviceAboveList() { $bps = BPS::getAllProperties("FileManagerGUI"); # $bps["path"] = str_replace('\\', "/", preg_replace("/^([A-Z]):/", "\\1%", $bps["path"])); #print_r($bps); $mF = new mFileGUI(); return $mF->getUploadForm($bps["path"], BPS::getProperty("FileManagerGUI", "reloadFunction", "contentManager.reloadFrame('contentLeft');"), false, "width:100%;"); }
public function getPopupManager($rootDir = null, $class = null, $classID = null, $usePool = false, $fieldDefaultFile = "", $uploadTargetFilename = null) { if ($rootDir != null) { $T = new HTMLTable(1); #$rel = "$rootDir"; $root = FileStorage::getFilesDir() . $rootDir; $_SESSION["BPS"]->setProperty("mFileGUI", "path", $root); $_SESSION["BPS"]->setProperty("mFileGUI", "root", $root); $F = new File($root); $F->loadMe(); if ($F->getA() == null) { if (is_writable(FileStorage::getFilesDir())) { mkdir($root, 0777, true); } else { $B = new Button("", "stop"); $B->type("icon"); $B->style("float:left;margin-right:10px;"); $T->addRow($B . "Das Verzeichnis <code>{$rootDir}</code> existiert nicht und kann nicht automatisch angelegt werden, da keine Schreibberechtigung für <code>specifics</code> vorliegt."); die($T); } } } $bps = $this->getMyBPSData(); if (strpos($bps["path"], $bps["root"]) === false) { $bps["path"] = $bps["root"]; } if ($bps != -1 and isset($bps["path"])) { $this->setDir($bps["path"]); } $this->hideDirs(true); $gui = new HTMLGUIX(); $gui->object($this); $cols = array(); if ($fieldDefaultFile != "") { $C = new $class($classID); self::$fieldDefaultFile = array($C, $C->A($fieldDefaultFile), $fieldDefaultFile); $cols[] = "isDefault"; $gui->colWidth("isDefault", 20); $gui->parser("isDefault", "mFileGUI::parserDefault"); } $cols[] = "FileName"; $gui->attributes($cols); $gui->parser("FileName", "mFileGUI::nameParser2"); $gui->options(true, false, false); $gui->name("Datei"); $gui->addToEvent("onDelete", OnEvent::reloadPopup("mFile")); $oldFiles = ""; if ($class != null and $classID != null) { $AC = anyC::get("Datei", "DateiClassID", $classID); $AC->addAssocV3("DateiClass", "=", $class); $oldFiles = new HTMLTable(2, "Verknüpfte Dateien"); while ($F = $AC->getNextEntry()) { $BDL = new Button("Datei herunterladen", "./plugins/Files/download.png", "icon"); $BDL->onclick("windowWithRme('File','" . $F->A("DateiPath") . "','download','');"); $BDL->style("float:right;"); $oldFiles->addRow(array($BDL . $F->A("DateiName"))); } } $BPool = new Button("Pool\nanzeigen", "./lightCRM/Mail/images/attach.png"); $BPool->style("float:right;margin:10px;"); $BPool->onclick(OnEvent::popupSidePanel("mFile", -1, "sidePanelPool", array("'{$class}Pool'", "'{$rootDir}'"))); if ($usePool and $rootDir) { echo $BPool . "<div style=\"clear:both;\"></div>"; if (file_exists(FileStorage::getFilesDir() . "{$class}Pool")) { echo OnEvent::script("window.setTimeout(function(){ if(\$j('#editDetailsmFileSidePanel').length > 0) return; " . OnEvent::popupSidePanel("mFile", -1, "sidePanelPool", array("'{$class}Pool'", "'{$rootDir}'")) . "}, 100);"); } } $F = new HTMLForm("fileUpload", array("datei")); $s = array("path" => $bps["path"], "class" => "File"); if ($uploadTargetFilename != null) { $s["targetFilename"] = $uploadTargetFilename; } $F->setType("datei", "file", null, $s); $F->addJSEvent("datei", "onChange", OnEvent::reloadPopup("mFile")); $F->getTable()->setColWidth(1, 120); echo "<p class=\"prettyTitle\">/" . basename($bps["path"]) . "</p><p style=\"color:grey;margin-top:-15px;margin-bottom:10px;\"><small>" . dirname(realpath($bps["path"])) . "</small></p>" . $F . $gui->getBrowserHTML(-1) . $oldFiles; }
public function addFile($id) { mFileGUI::addFile("Todo", $this->ID, $id); echo "message:EventMessages.M004"; }