static function set_request_locale() { // 1. Check the session specific preference (cookie) $locale = locales::cookie_locale(); // 2. Check the user's preference if (!$locale) { $locale = identity::active_user()->locale; } // 3. Check the browser's / OS' preference if (!$locale) { $locale = locales::locale_from_http_request(); } // If we have any preference, override the site's default locale if ($locale) { Gallery_I18n::instance()->locale($locale); } }
static function get($block_id) { $block = new Block(); switch ($block_id) { case "welcome": $block->css_id = "g-welcome"; $block->title = t("Welcome to Gallery 3"); $block->content = new View("admin_block_welcome.html"); break; case "photo_stream": $block->css_id = "g-photo-stream"; $block->title = t("Photo Stream"); $block->content = new View("admin_block_photo_stream.html"); $block->content->photos = ORM::factory("item")->where("type", "photo")->orderby("created", "DESC")->find_all(10); break; case "log_entries": $block->css_id = "g-log-entries"; $block->title = t("Log Entries"); $block->content = new View("admin_block_log_entries.html"); $block->content->entries = ORM::factory("log")->orderby(array("timestamp" => "DESC", "id" => "DESC"))->find_all(5); break; case "stats": $block->css_id = "g-stats"; $block->title = t("Gallery Stats"); $block->content = new View("admin_block_stats.html"); $block->content->album_count = ORM::factory("item")->where("type", "album")->where("id <>", 1)->count_all(); $block->content->photo_count = ORM::factory("item")->where("type", "photo")->count_all(); break; case "platform_info": $block->css_id = "g-platform"; $block->title = t("Platform Information"); $block->content = new View("admin_block_platform.html"); if (is_readable("/proc/loadavg")) { $block->content->load_average = join(" ", array_slice(split(" ", array_shift(file("/proc/loadavg"))), 0, 3)); } else { $block->content->load_average = t("Unavailable"); } break; case "project_news": $block->css_id = "g-project-news"; $block->title = t("Gallery Project News"); $block->content = new View("admin_block_news.html"); $block->content->feed = feed::parse("", 3); break; case "block_adder": $block->css_id = "g-block-adder"; $block->title = t("Dashboard Content"); $block->content = self::get_add_block_form(); break; case "language": $locales = locales::installed(); if (count($locales)) { foreach ($locales as $locale => $display_name) { $locales[$locale] = SafeString::of_safe_html($display_name); } $block = new Block(); $block->css_id = "g-user-language-block"; $block->title = t("Language Preference"); $block->content = new View("user_languages_block.html"); $block->content->installed_locales = array_merge(array("" => t("« none »")), $locales); $block->content->selected = (string) locales::cookie_locale(); } else { $block = ""; } break; } return $block; }
<iframe src="<?php echo $appId; ?> &href=<?php echo $selfURL; ?> &layout=<?php echo $layout; ?> &send=false &show_faces=<?php echo $show_faces; ?> &width=180 &locale=<?php echo locales::cookie_locale(); ?> &action=<?php echo $action; ?> &colorscheme=light&height=<?php echo $hite; ?> " scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:180px; height:<?php echo $hite; ?> px;" allowTransparency="true"> </iframe> <?php } else {
static function get($block_id) { $block = new Block(); switch ($block_id) { case "welcome": $block->css_id = "g-welcome"; $block->title = t("Welcome to Gallery 3"); $block->content = new View("admin_block_welcome.html"); break; case "photo_stream": $block->css_id = "g-photo-stream"; $block->title = t("Photo stream"); $block->content = new View("admin_block_photo_stream.html"); $block->content->photos = ORM::factory("item")->where("type", "=", "photo")->order_by("created", "DESC")->find_all(10); break; case "log_entries": $block->css_id = "g-log-entries"; $block->title = t("Log entries"); $block->content = new View("admin_block_log_entries.html"); $block->content->entries = ORM::factory("log")->order_by(array("timestamp" => "DESC", "id" => "DESC"))->find_all(5); break; case "stats": $block->css_id = "g-stats"; $block->title = t("Gallery stats"); $block->content = new View("admin_block_stats.html"); $block->content->album_count = ORM::factory("item")->where("type", "=", "album")->where("id", "<>", 1)->count_all(); $block->content->photo_count = ORM::factory("item")->where("type", "=", "photo")->count_all(); break; case "platform_info": $block->css_id = "g-platform"; $block->title = t("Platform information"); $block->content = new View("admin_block_platform.html"); break; case "project_news": $block->css_id = "g-project-news"; $block->title = t("Gallery project news"); $block->content = new View("admin_block_news.html"); $block->content->feed = feed::parse("", 3); break; case "block_adder": $block->css_id = "g-block-adder"; $block->title = t("Dashboard content"); $block->content = gallery_block::get_add_block_form(); break; case "language": $locales = locales::installed(); if (count($locales) > 1) { foreach ($locales as $locale => $display_name) { $locales[$locale] = SafeString::of_safe_html($display_name); } $block = new Block(); $block->css_id = "g-user-language-block"; $block->title = t("Language preference"); $block->content = new View("user_languages_block.html"); $block->content->installed_locales = array_merge(array("" => t("« none »")), $locales); $block->content->selected = (string) locales::cookie_locale(); } else { $block = ""; } break; case "upgrade_checker": $block = new Block(); $block->css_id = "g-upgrade-available-block"; $block->title = t("Check for Gallery upgrades"); $block->content = new View("upgrade_checker_block.html"); $block->content->version_info = upgrade_checker::version_info(); $block->content->auto_check_enabled = upgrade_checker::auto_check_enabled(); $block->content->new_version = upgrade_checker::get_upgrade_message(); } return $block; }