function testDefaultSchemaNameForUser() { $user = '******'; $password = '******'; $default_schema = $user; $another_schema = 'bar'; $this->_dropSchema($default_schema); $this->_dropSchema($another_schema); $this->_dropUser($user); $this->_createSchema($default_schema); $this->_createSchema($another_schema); $this->_createUser($user, $password); $sql = 'CREATE TABLE %schema_name%.test_default_schema_name ( "id" SERIAL, "value" integer, PRIMARY KEY (id) )'; $this->_executeForSchema($sql, $default_schema); $this->_executeForSchema($sql, $another_schema); $this->_changeTableOwner($default_schema . '.test_default_schema_name', $user); $this->_changeTableOwner($another_schema . '.test_default_schema_name', $user); $sql = "INSERT INTO %schema_name%.test_default_schema_name(value) VALUES(1)"; $this->_executeForSchema($sql, $default_schema); $dsn = $this->_getDsnForUser($user, $password); $new_connection = $this->toolkit->createDbConnection($dsn); lmbToolkit::instance()->setDefaultDbConnection($new_connection); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count from test_default_schema_name"; $this->assertEqual(lmbDBAL::fetchOneValue($sql), 1); $dbinfo = $new_connection->getDatabaseInfo(); $this->assertTrue($dbinfo->hasTable('test_default_schema_name')); }
protected function _setPriority() { if (!($parent_id = $this->getParentId())) { $parent_id = lmbCmsDocument::findRoot()->getId(); } $sql = "SELECT MAX(priority) FROM " . $this->_db_table_name . " WHERE parent_id = " . $parent_id; $max_priority = lmbDBAL::fetchOneValue($sql); $this->setPriority($max_priority + 10); }
protected static function _getMetadataForUrl($uri = null) { if (!$uri) { $uri = lmbToolkit::instance()->getRequest()->getUri(); } $count_path = $uri->countPath(); $meta = null; $sql = 'SELECT keywords, description, title FROM lmb_cms_seo WHERE url = \'/\' OR '; for ($i = 1; $i < $count_path; $i++) { $sql .= ' url = \'' . self::getDefaultConnection()->escape($uri->getPathToLevel($i)) . '\'' . ($i < $count_path - 1 ? ' OR ' : ''); } $sql .= ' ORDER BY url DESC LIMIT 1'; $meta = lmbDBAL::fetchOneRow($sql); if (!empty($meta)) { self::$_meta = $meta; } else { self::$_meta = new lmbObject(array('title' => '', 'description' => '', 'keywords' => '')); } }
function testProcessPrefixedFieldsAsRelatedActiveRecords() { $course = $this->_createCourseWithTwoLectures(); $lecture = new LectureForTest(); $course_info = $lecture->getRelationInfo('course'); $conn = lmbToolkit::instance()->getDefaultDbConnection(); $db = new lmbSimpleDb($conn); $sql = 'SELECT ' . $conn->quoteIdentifier("lecture_for_test") . '.*, ' . $conn->quoteIdentifier("") . ' as ' . $conn->quoteIdentifier("course__id") . ', ' . $conn->quoteIdentifier("course_for_test.title") . ' as ' . $conn->quoteIdentifier("course__title") . ' FROM ' . $conn->quoteIdentifier("lecture_for_test") . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $conn->quoteIdentifier("course_for_test") . ' ON ' . $conn->quoteIdentifier("") . ' = ' . $conn->quoteIdentifier("lecture_for_test.course_id"); $decorated = lmbDBAL::fetch($sql); $iterator = new lmbARRecordSetJoinDecorator($decorated, new LectureForTest(), null, array('course' => $course_info)); // let's fetch all data in order to actually call rewind() and current(); $arr = $iterator->getArray(); // now let's remove everything from db tables so we can be sure that processing is correct $db->delete('lecture_for_test'); $db->delete('course_for_test'); $this->assertEqual($arr[0]->get('course')->getTitle(), $course->getTitle()); $this->assertEqual($arr[1]->get('course')->getTitle(), $course->getTitle()); }
} } echo "native pgsql fetching: " . (microtime(true) - $mark) . "\n"; $conn = lmbDBAL::newConnection('pgsql://*****:*****@localhost/medkrug'); $mark = microtime(true); for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) { $rs = lmbDBAL::fetch('SELECT bar FROM foo', $conn); foreach ($rs as $record) { $bar = $record['bar']; } $rs->freeQuery(); } echo "lmbDBAL :: fetch(), array access: " . (microtime(true) - $mark) . "\n"; $mark = microtime(true); for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) { $rs = lmbDBAL::fetch('SELECT bar FROM foo', $conn); foreach ($rs as $record) { $bar = $record->get('bar'); } $rs->freeQuery(); } echo "lmbDBAL :: fetch(), getter: " . (microtime(true) - $mark) . "\n"; $mark = microtime(true); for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) { $stmt = $conn->newStatement('SELECT bar FROM foo'); $rs = $stmt->getRecordSet(); foreach ($rs as $record) { $bar = $record->get('bar'); } } echo "lmbPgsqlConnection :: newStatement(), getter: " . (microtime(true) - $mark) . "\n";
function testSetDontReInsertSameRecordsIfTheyExists() { $group1 = $this->_initGroup(); $group2 = $this->_initGroup(); $group3 = $this->_initGroup(); $group4 = $this->_initGroup(); $user = $this->_createUserAndSave(array($group1, $group2, $group3)); $table = lmbDBAL::table('user_for_test2group_for_test', $this->conn); $records = $table->select()->getArray(); $this->assertEqual(count($records), 3); $collection = new lmbARManyToManyCollection('groups', $user); $collection->set(array($group1, $group2, $group3, $group4)); $new_records = $table->select()->getArray(); $this->assertEqual(count($new_records), 4); $this->assertEqual($records[0]['id'], $new_records[0]['id']); $this->assertEqual($records[1]['id'], $new_records[1]['id']); $this->assertEqual($records[2]['id'], $new_records[2]['id']); $this->assertEqual($new_records[3]['user_id'], $user->getId()); }
function testDeleteQueryUsingDefaultConnection() { $query = lmbDBAL::deleteQuery('test_db_table'); $this->assertIsA($query, 'lmbDeleteQuery'); $this->assertEqual($query->getTable(), 'test_db_table'); }
} } echo "native linter fetching: " . (microtime(true) - $mark) . "\n"; $conn = lmbDBAL::newConnection('linter://*****:*****@localhost/Demo'); $mark = microtime(true); for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) { $rs = lmbDBAL::fetch('SELECT "bar" FROM "foo";', $conn); foreach ($rs as $record) { $bar = $record['bar']; } $rs->freeQuery(); } echo "lmbDBAL :: fetch(), array access: " . (microtime(true) - $mark) . "\n"; $mark = microtime(true); for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) { $rs = lmbDBAL::fetch('SELECT "bar" FROM "foo";', $conn); foreach ($rs as $record) { $bar = $record->get('bar'); } $rs->freeQuery(); } echo "lmbDBAL :: fetch(), getter: " . (microtime(true) - $mark) . "\n"; $mark = microtime(true); for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) { $stmt = $conn->newStatement('SELECT "bar" FROM "foo";'); $rs = $stmt->getRecordSet(); foreach ($rs as $record) { $bar = $record->get('bar'); } } echo "lmbLinterConnection :: newStatement(), getter: " . (microtime(true) - $mark) . "\n";
/** * @desc create db by specified DSN * @deps project_db_init_config * @example project.php create_db -D DSN=mysqli://root:test@localhost/limb_app?charset=utf8 */ function task_project_db_create($args) { lmb_package_require('dbal'); lmb_require('limb/dbal/src/lmbDbDSN.class.php'); $code = <<<EOD \$toolkit = lmbToolkit :: instance(); echo \$toolkit->getDefaultDbDSN()->toString(); EOD; $output = lmb_cli_run_code_in_project_env($code); $dsn = new lmbDbDSN($output); $db_name = $dsn->database; $dsn->database = false; $conn = lmbToolkit::instance()->createDbConnection($dsn); lmbDBAL::execute('CREATE DATABASE ' . $conn->quoteIdentifier($db_name), $conn); taskman_msg("Database ({$db_name}) created...\n"); }
protected function _createRootElementIfNotExists() { if (!($root = lmbDBAL::fetchOneRow('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->_table->getName()))) { lmbDBAL::execute('INSERT INTO ' . $this->_table->getName() . ' (parent_id, level, priority, is_published, path, identifier, ctime, utime) VALUES (0,0,0,0,\'/1/\',\'\',0,0)'); } }
protected function _changeItemsPriority($model, $where_field, $where_field_value) { $priority_items = $this->request->get('priority_items'); $info_item = new $model(); $sql = 'SELECT id, priority FROM ' . $info_item->getTableName() . ' WHERE ' . $where_field . '=' . $where_field_value; $current_priorities_object = lmbDBAL::fetch($sql); $current_priorities_object = $current_priorities_object->getArray(); $current_priorities = array(); foreach ($current_priorities_object as $item) { $current_priorities[$item->get('id')] = $item->get('priority'); } foreach ($priority_items as $id => $priority) { $current_priorities[$id] = $priority; } asort($current_priorities); $i = 10; $table_name = $info_item->getTableName(); foreach ($current_priorities as $id => $priority) { $sql = "UPDATE " . $table_name . " SET priority='" . $i . "' WHERE id='" . $id . "'"; lmbDBAL::execute($sql); $i += 10; } }