 public function loremizeModule($module, $nb = 10, lime_test $t = null)
     if ($t) {
         $t->comment('Loremizing module ' . $module . ' with ' . $nb . ' records');
     $this->get('table_loremizer')->execute($this->getModule($module)->getTable(), $nb);
 * @param lime_test $t
 * @return PHPGit_Repository the git repo
function _createTmpGitRepo(lime_test $t, array $options = array())
    $repoDir = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/php-git-repo/' . uniqid();
    $t->ok(!is_dir($repoDir . '/.git'), $repoDir . ' is not a Git repo');
    try {
        new PHPGit_Repository($repoDir, true, $options);
        $t->fail($repoDir . ' is not a valid git repository');
    } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
        $t->pass($repoDir . ' is not a valid git repository');
    $t->comment('Create Git repo');
    exec('git init ' . escapeshellarg($repoDir));
    $t->ok(is_dir($repoDir . '/.git'), $repoDir . ' is a Git repo');
    $repo = new PHPGit_Repository($repoDir, true, $options);
    $t->isa_ok($repo, 'PHPGit_Repository', $repoDir . ' is a valid git repo');
    $originalRepoDir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/repo';
    foreach (array('README.markdown', 'index.php') as $file) {
        copy($originalRepoDir . '/' . $file, $repoDir . '/' . $file);
    return $repo;

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../test/bootstrap/unit.php';
$t = new lime_test();
$client = new nbAntClient();
$t->comment('nbAntClientTest - Test command without options');
$t->is($client->getCommandLine('mycmd', array(), array()), 'ant mycmd');
$t->comment('nbAntClientTest - Test command with options');
$options = array('option' => 'value');
$t->is($client->getCommandLine('mycmd', array(), $options), 'ant mycmd -Doption=value');
// test command with arguments
$args = array('arg' => 'value');
$t->is($client->getCommandLine('mycmd', $args, array()), 'ant mycmd -Darg=value');
// test ANT cmd line options (library path)
$t->is($client->getCommandLine('mycmd', $args, $options), 'ant -lib C:\\AntExtensions\\lib mycmd -Darg=value -Doption=value');
// test ANT cmd line options (property file)
$t->is($client->getCommandLine('mycmd', $args, $options), 'ant -lib C:\\AntExtensions\\lib -propertyfile C:\\AntExtensions\\lib\\myfile.properties mycmd -Darg=value -Doption=value');
// test options with no value
// test ANT cmd line options (property file)
$options['incremental'] = '';
$t->is($client->getCommandLine('mycmd', $args, $options), 'ant -lib C:\\AntExtensions\\lib -propertyfile C:\\AntExtensions\\lib\\myfile.properties mycmd -Darg=value -Doption=value -Dincremental=true');

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/helper/dmUnitTestHelper.php';
$helper = new dmUnitTestHelper();
$t = new lime_test(33);
$v = new dmValidatorCssIdAndClasses();
foreach (array('a', 'a_b', 'a-c', 'qieurgfbqoiuzbfvoqiuzZFZGPSOZDNZKFjflzkh986875OoihzyfvbxoquyfvxqozufyxqzUEFV', '9', '_', ' bla rebla  ', '- _ 8', '.class', '.a b.c.d', '#myid.a b.c.d', '#myid class1 class2', 'class1 class2 #myid', '.a b#myid.c.d', '.a b#myid.c.d#myid', '.a b#myid.c.d  #myid', '#my_id', '#my-id', ' #my-id  ') as $classes) {
    try {
        $t->comment('"' . $classes . '" -> "' . $v->clean($classes) . '"');
        $t->pass('->clean() checks that the value is a valid css class name + id');
    } catch (sfValidatorError $e) {
        $t->fail('->clean() checks that the value is a valid css class name + id');
foreach (array('.zegze$g.zegf', '/', 'a/f', 'a^', 'a # @', 'é', '-{') as $nonClass) {
    try {
        $t->fail('->clean() throws an sfValidatorError if the value is not a valid css class name + id');
        $t->skip('', 1);
    } catch (sfValidatorError $e) {
        $t->pass('->clean() throws an sfValidatorError if the value is not a valid css class name + id');
        $t->is($e->getCode(), 'invalid', '->clean() throws a sfValidatorError');

require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../..') . '/unit/helper/dmModuleUnitTestHelper.php';
$helper = new dmModuleUnitTestHelper();
$t = new lime_test();
$table = dmDb::table('DmPage');
$page1 = $table->create(array('name' => 'name1', 'slug' => 'slug1', 'module' => 'test', 'action' => 'test1'));
$t->ok($page1->exists(), 'Created a page');
$t->is('slug1', $page1->slug, 'Page slug is slug1');
$t->comment('Saving page with existing slug');
$page2 = $table->create(array('name' => 'name2', 'slug' => 'slug1', 'module' => 'test', 'action' => 'test2'));
$t->ok($page2->exists(), 'Created a page');
$t->is($page2->slug, 'slug1-' . $page2->id, 'Page2 slug is slug1-' . $page2->id);
$page1->slug = 'slug1-' . $page2->id;
$t->is($page1->slug, 'slug1-' . $page2->id . '-' . $page1->id, 'Page1 slug is now slug1-' . $page2->id . '-' . $page1->id);
$page2->slug = 'slug1';
$t->is($page2->slug, 'slug1', 'Page2 slug is now slug1');
$page2->slug = '';
$t->is($page2->slug, '/' . $page2->id, 'Page2 slug is now /' . $page2->id);
$page1->slug = $page2->slug;
$t->is($page1->slug, $page2->slug . '/' . $page1->id, 'Page1 slug is now ' . $page2->slug . '/' . $page1->id);

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap/unit.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../lib/sfDynamics.class.php';
$testCount = 1;
class ManagerMock extends sfDynamicsManager
$t = new lime_test($testCount, new lime_output_color());
if (!sfContext::hasInstance()) {
    require_once $_SERVER['SYMFONY'] . '/autoload/sfCoreAutoload.class.php';
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../fixtures/project/config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php';
    sfContext::createInstance(ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration('frontend', 'test', isset($debug) ? $debug : true));
    if (!sfContext::hasInstance()) {
        $t->error('A context instance is required');
    $t->info('A frontend context has been initialized for tests');
sfConfig::set('app_sfDynamicsPlugin_manager', 'ManagerMock');
$t->isa_ok(sfDynamics::getManager(), 'ManagerMock', '::getManager() the manager class can be customized in app.yml');
$dirTransferConfig = $configDir . '/filesystem-dir-transfer.yml';
function isPluginEnabled($beeConfig, $plugin)
    if (!file_exists($beeConfig)) {
        throw new Exception('bee config file not found');
    $parser = sfYaml::load($beeConfig);
    $plugins = isset($parser['project']['bee']['enabled_plugins']) ? $parser['project']['bee']['enabled_plugins'] : array();
    return in_array($plugin, $plugins);
$t = new lime_test(12);
$cmd = new nbGenerateProjectCommand();
$t->ok($cmd->run(new nbCommandLineParser(), $projectDir), 'Command nbGenerateProjectCommand called successfully');
$t->ok(file_exists($beeConfig), 'bee.yml added to the destination dir :' . $beeConfig);
$t->ok(file_exists($config), 'config.yml added to the destination dir :' . $config);
$t->comment('enabling nbDummyPlugin');
$plugin = 'nbDummyPlugin';
$t->ok(!isPluginEnabled($beeConfig, $plugin), $plugin . ' not found');
$cmd = new nbEnablePluginCommand();
$t->ok($cmd->run(new nbCommandLineParser(), $plugin . ' ' . $projectDir), 'Plugin enabled successfully');
$t->ok(isPluginEnabled($beeConfig, $plugin), $plugin . ' found');
$t->comment('enabling a fake plugin');
$cmd = new nbEnablePluginCommand();
try {
    $cmd->run(new nbCommandLineParser(), 'nbNonExistentPlugin' . ' ' . $projectDir);
    $t->fail('plugin nbNonExistentPlugin exists ?');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $t->pass('plugin nbNonExistentPlugin not exists');
$t->comment('enabling nbFileSystemPlugin');
$secondPlugin = 'nbFileSystemPlugin';
 * advanced rtShopVoucher Testing
 * @package    rtShopPlugin
 * @author     Piers Warmers <*****@*****.**>
 * @author     Konny Zurcher <*****@*****.**>
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap/unit.php';
$t = new lime_test(16, new lime_output_color());
$configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration('frontend', 'test', true);
new sfDatabaseManager($configuration);
$t->comment('/// rtShopVoucher: Test range');
$numberFormat = new sfNumberFormat(sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getCulture());
// Tools
$tools = new rtShopVoucherRangeTestTools();
// Tax and shipping configurations
sfConfig::set('app_rt_shop_tax_rate', 10);
sfConfig::set('app_rt_shop_tax_mode', 'exclusive');
sfConfig::set('app_rt_shop_shipping_charges', array('default' => 20, 'AU' => 10, 'NZ' => 10));
// Add some data to play with...
// Products
try {
    $prod1 = new rtShopProduct();
    $prod1->setTitle('Product A');

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../bootstrap/unit.php';
$t = new lime_test(0);
$t->comment('nbNumberCompare - Test compare');

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../bootstrap/unit.php';
$t = new lime_test(40);
$fooArgument = new nbArgument('foo');
$barOption = new nbOption('bar');
$command1 = new DummyCommand("foo");
$command2 = new DummyCommand("ns:bar", new nbArgumentSet(array($fooArgument)));
$command3 = new DummyCommand("ns2:bas", null, new nbOptionSet(array($barOption)));
$t->comment('nbCommandTest - Test constructor');
try {
    new DummyCommand('');
    $t->fail('command name can\'t be empty');
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    $t->pass('command name can\'t be empty');
try {
    new DummyCommand('ns:');
    $t->fail('command name can\'t be empty');
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    $t->pass('command name can\'t be empty');
$command = new DummyCommand('foo');
$t->is($command->getArguments()->count(), 0, '->__construct() returns a command with no arguments');
$t->is($command->getOptions()->count(), 0, '->__construct() returns a command with no options');
$t->comment('nbCommandTest - Test name');
$t->is($command1->getName(), "foo", '->getName() returns a command with name "foo"');
$t->is($command2->getName(), "bar", '->getName() returns a command with name "bar"');
$t->comment('nbCommandTest - Test namespace');
$t->is($command1->getNamespace(), "", '->getNamespace() returns an empty namespace');
$t->is($command2->getNamespace(), "ns", '->getNamespace() returns a namespace "ns"');

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../vendor/lime.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../lib/phpGitHubApi.php';
$t = new lime_test(3);
$api = new phpGitHubApi(true);
$t->comment('Test ->listIssues');
$issues = $api->listIssues('ornicar', 'php-github-api', 'closed');
$t->is($issues[0]['state'], 'closed', 'Found closed issues');
$t->comment('Test ->searchIssues');
$issues = $api->searchIssues('ornicar', 'php-github-api', 'closed', 'documentation');
$t->is($issues[0]['state'], 'closed', 'Found closed issues matching "documentation"');
$issue = $api->showIssue('ornicar', 'php-github-api', 1);
$t->is($issue['title'], 'Provide documentation', 'Found issue #1');
$t->diag('Countable interface');
$t->is(count($pager), 20, 'Pager has 20 results');
// Iterator interface
$t->diag('Iterator interface');
$normal = 0;
$iterated = 0;
foreach ($pager->getResults() as $object) {
foreach ($pager as $object) {
$t->is($iterated, $normal, '"Iterator" interface loops over objects in the current pager');
$t->is($pager->getCurrent(), $query->fetchOne(), 'Found the first post');
$t->comment('Render navigation top');
$pattern = '<div class="pager"><ul class="clearfix"><li class="page current"><span class="link">1</span></li><li class="page">.+</li></ul></div>';
$t->like($navigation = $pager->renderNavigationTop(), '|^' . $pattern . '$|', 'navigation top: ' . $navigation);
$t->comment('Pass custom classes with array');
$pager->setOption('class', 'custom_class1 class2');
$pattern = '<div class="pager custom_class1 class2"><ul class="clearfix"><li class="page current"><span class="link">1</span></li><li class="page">.+</li></ul></div>';
$t->like($navigation = $pager->renderNavigationTop(), '|^' . $pattern . '$|', 'navigation top: ' . $navigation);
$t->comment('Pass custom classes with CSS expression');
$pager->setOption('class', null);
$pattern = '<div class="pager custom_class1 class2"><ul class="clearfix"><li class="page current"><span class="link">1</span></li><li class="page">.+</li></ul></div>';
$t->like($navigation = $pager->renderNavigationTop('.custom_class1.class2'), '|^' . $pattern . '$|', 'navigation top: ' . $navigation);
$t->comment('Disable navigation top');
$pager->setOption('class', null)->setOption('navigation_top', false);
$t->is($navigation = $pager->renderNavigationTop(), '', 'navigation top: ' . $navigation);
$t->comment('Pass custom separator');
$pager->setOption('navigation_top', true)->setOption('separator', '-');
 * With some old version of sqlite, like on continuous integration server
 * This test will not work as expected
if (strpos(getcwd(), 'hudson')) {
$t->ok($page = $domain->getDmPage(), 'Domain has a page');
$t->is(dmDb::table('DmPage')->count(), $nbPage + 1, 'One new page');
$t->is($page->isActive, false, 'The page is not active');
$t->is($page->Record, $domain, 'The page record is the domain');
$domain = dmDb::table('DmTestDomain')->create(array('title' => dmString::random(), 'is_active' => true))->saveGet();
$t->ok($domain->exists(), 'Record has been saved');
$t->ok($domain->isActive, 'Record is active');
$t->is(dmDb::table('DmPage')->count(), $nbPage + 1, 'No new page');
$t->ok($page = $domain->getDmPage(), 'Domain has a page');
$t->is(dmDb::table('DmPage')->count(), $nbPage + 2, 'One new page');
$t->is($page->isActive, true, 'The page is active');
$t->is($page->Record, $domain, 'The page record is the domain');
$categ = dmDb::table('DmTestCateg')->create(array('name' => dmString::random(), 'is_active' => false))->saveGet();
$t->is(dmDb::table('DmPage')->count(), $nbPage + 2, 'No new page');
$t->ok(!$categ->getDmPage(), 'Categ has a NO page');
$t->is(dmDb::table('DmPage')->count(), $nbPage + 2, 'No new page');
$t->comment('link the categ to a domain');
$t->is(dmDb::table('DmPage')->count(), $nbPage + 2, 'No new page');
$t->ok($page = $categ->getDmPage(), 'Categ has a page');
$t->is(dmDb::table('DmPage')->count(), $nbPage + 3, 'One new page');
$t->is($page->isActive, false, 'The page is not active');
$t->is($page->Record, $categ, 'The page record is the categ');

require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap/unit.php';
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../lib/model/sfAssetsManagerPackage.class.php';
$t = new lime_test(7, new lime_output_color());
$package = new sfAssetsManagerPackage('test');
$t->is($package->get('css'), array(), '->get() method returns an empty array by default');
$package->set('css', 'script.css');
$t->is($package->get('css'), array('script.css'), '->set() and ->get() write and read property');
$package->add('import', 'reference1');
$package->add('import', 'reference2');
$t->is($package->get('import'), array('reference1', 'reference2'), '->add() adds reference packages retrieved by ->get()');
$t->comment('Configuration from array');
$package = new sfAssetsManagerPackage('test2');
$package->fromArray(array('import' => 'reference', 'js' => 'script.js', 'css' => array('style1.css', 'style2.css')));
$t->is($package->get('import'), array('reference'), '->fromArray() inject imports property');
$t->is($package->get('js'), array('script.js'), '->fromArray() inject javascripts property');
$t->is($package->get('css'), array('style1.css', 'style2.css'), '->fromArray() inject stylesheets property');
$t->is_deeply($package->toArray(), array('import' => array('reference'), 'js' => array('script.js'), 'css' => array('style1.css', 'style2.css')), '->toArray() exports values into an array');

require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../..') . '/unit/helper/dmUnitTestHelper.php';
$helper = new dmUnitTestHelper();
$t = new lime_test(39);
$wtm = $helper->get('widget_type_manager');
$widgetType = $wtm->getWidgetType('dmWidgetNavigation', 'menu');
$formClass = $widgetType->getOption('form_class');
$page1 = dmDb::table('DmPage')->findOneByModuleAndAction('main', 'page1');
$t->comment('Create a menu widget');
$widget = dmDb::create('DmWidget', array('module' => $widgetType->getModule(), 'action' => $widgetType->getAction(), 'value' => '[]', 'dm_zone_id' => $page1->PageView->Area->Zones[0]));
$t->comment('Create a ' . $formClass . ' instance');
$form = new $formClass($widget);
$html = $form->render();
$t->like($html, '_^<form\\s(.|\\n)*</form>$_', 'Successfully obtained and rendered a ' . $formClass . ' instance');
$t->is(count($form->getStylesheets()), 2, 'This widget form requires 2 additional stylesheets');
$t->is(count($form->getJavascripts()), 3, 'This widget form requires 3 additional javascripts');
$t->comment('Submit an empty form');
$form->bind(array(), array());
$t->is($form->isValid(), true, 'The form is  valid');
$t->comment('Save the widget');
$t->ok($widget->exists(), 'Widget has been saved');
$expected = array('ulClass' => '', 'liClass' => '', 'items' => array());
$t->is_deeply($widget->values, $expected, 'Widget values are correct');
$t->comment('Recreate the form from the saved widget');
$form = new $formClass($widget);
$t->is($form->getDefault('link'), array(), 'The form default text is correct');

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../bootstrap/unit.php';
class testShellCommand extends nbShellExecuteCommand
    public function getAlias($command)
        return parent::getAlias($command);
$shellCommand = new testShellCommand();
$t = new lime_test();
$t->is($shellCommand->getAlias('command'), null, '->getAlias() returns null if param isn\'t an alias');
nbConfig::set('project_shell_aliases_command', 'realCommand');
nbConfig::set('project_shell_aliases_anotheralias', 'another real command');
$t->is($shellCommand->getAlias('command'), 'realCommand', '->getAlias() returns real command if param is an alias');
$t->is($shellCommand->getAlias('anotheralias'), 'another real command', '->getAlias() returns real command if param is an alias');
$t->comment('nbShellExecuteCommandTest - pass args value to command line');
$t->ok(!$shellCommand->run(new nbCommandLineParser(array(), array()), 'dir --args="-Doption=true"'));
$contents = ob_get_contents();
$t->ok($shellCommand->run(new nbCommandLineParser(array(), array()), 'dir'));
$contents = ob_get_contents();

include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/Propel.php';
$t = new lime_test(3);
$job = JobeetJobPeer::doSelectOne(new Criteria());
$t->is($job->getCompanySlug(), Jobeet::slugify($job->getCompany()), '->getCompanySlug() return the slug for the company');
$job = create_job();
$expiresAt = date('Y-m-d', time() + 86400 * sfConfig::get('app_active_days'));
$t->is($job->getExpiresAt('Y-m-d'), $expiresAt, '->save() updates expires_at if not set');
$job = create_job(array('expires_at' => '2008-08-08'));
$t->is($job->getExpiresAt('Y-m-d'), '2008-08-08', '->save() does not update expires_at if set');
function create_job($defaults = array())
    static $category = null;
    if (is_null($category)) {
        $category = JobeetCategoryPeer::doSelectOne(new Criteria());
    $job = new JobeetJob();
    $job->fromArray(array_merge(array('category_id' => $category->getId(), 'company' => 'Sensio Labs', 'position' => 'Senior Tester', 'location' => 'Paris, France', 'description' => 'Testing is fun', 'how_to_apply' => 'Send e-Mail', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'token' => rand(1111, 9999), 'is_activated' => true), $defaults), BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME);
    return $job;

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/helper/dmUnitTestHelper.php';
$helper = new dmUnitTestHelper();
$t = new lime_test(59);
$t->comment('iconv available : ' . function_exists('iconv'));
$t->is(dmString::slugify(" phrâse avèc dés accënts "), $expected = "phrase-avec-des-accents", $expected);
$t->is(dmString::slugify("fonctionnalité"), $expected = "fonctionnalite", $expected);
$t->is(dmString::urlize(" phrâse avèc dés accënts "), $expected = "phrase-avec-des-accents", $expected);
$t->is(dmString::urlize("fonctionnalité"), $expected = "fonctionnalite", $expected);
$t->is(dmString::slugify("an-url.htm"), $expected = "an-url-htm", $expected);
$t->is(dmString::slugify("an-url.html"), $expected = "an-url-html", $expected);
$t->is(dmString::urlize("an-url.htm"), $expected = "an-url.htm", $expected);
$t->is(dmString::urlize("an-url.html"), $expected = "an-url.html", $expected);
$hexTests = array(array('ffffff', 'FFFFFF'), array('#ffffff', 'FFFFFF'), array('#0Cd4fe', '0CD4FE'), array('aaa', null), array('fffff', null), array('fffxff', null));
foreach ($hexTests as $hexTest) {
    $t->is(dmString::hexColor($hexTest[0]), $hexTest[1], 'dmString::hexColor(' . $hexTest[0] . ') = ' . (null === $hexTest[1] ? 'NULL' : $hexTest[1]));
$t->is(dmString::lcfirst('TEST'), 'tEST', 'lcfirst test');
$t->is(dmString::lcfirst('another test'), 'another test', 'lcfirst test');
// ::retrieveOptFromString()
// Empty string
$t->diag('  ::retrieveOptFromString() empty string');
$string = '';
$opt = array('aa' => 'bb');
$originalOpt = $opt;
$t->is_deeply(dmString::retrieveOptFromString($string, $opt), null, '::retrieveOptFromString() with an empty string returns null');
$t->is_deeply($opt, $originalOpt, '::retrieveOptFromString() with an empty string does not modify opt');
$t->is_deeply($string, '', '::retrieveOptFromString() with an empty string does not modify string');

include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap/unit.php';
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../apps/client/lib/StreemeItunesPlaylistParser.class.php';
// Initialize the test object
$t = new lime_test(7, new lime_output_color());
try {
    $missing_file = new StreemeItunesPlaylistParser(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../files/nonexistent xml file.xml');
    $t->fail('This should halt execution until the user fixes the file');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    if ($e->getMessage() === 'Could not open iTunes File') {
        $t->pass('File Does not Exist Exception thrown properly');
    } else {
        $t->fail('Unexpected exception thrown...');
$parser = new StreemeItunesPlaylistParser(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../files/iTunes Music Library.xml');
$playlist_name = $itunes_playlist_id = null;
$playlist_songs = array();
$parser->getPlaylist($playlist_name, $itunes_playlist_id, $playlist_songs);
$t->is($playlist_name, 'Library', 'Correct name for first library entry');
$t->is($itunes_playlist_id, 'E913B5CC1E293488', 'Correct playlist permanent id');
$t->is($playlist_songs, array(0 => array('filename' => 'file://localhost/E:/music/TheKingOfLimbs-MP3/The%20King%20Of%20Limbs/01%20Bloom.MP3'), 1 => array('filename' => 'file://localhost/E:/music/03%20Hoppipolla.mp3'), 2 => array('filename' => 'file://localhost/E:/music/1Xtra%20D&B%20Show%20%5B2010-08-04%5D%20%E2%80%93%20Bailey%20&%20DJ%20Fresh/1Xtra%20D&B%20Show%20%5B2010-08-04%5D%20%E2%80%93%20Bailey%20&%20DJ%20Fresh.mp3')), 'playlist songs are correct');
$playlist_name = $itunes_playlist_id = null;
$playlist_songs = array();
$parser->getPlaylist($playlist_name, $itunes_playlist_id, $playlist_songs);
$t->is($playlist_name, '90\'s Rock', 'Correct name for first library entry');
$t->is($itunes_playlist_id, 'B16E9C5DFFC4695D', 'Correct playlist permanent id');
$t->is($playlist_songs, array(0 => array('filename' => 'file://localhost/E:/music/TheKingOfLimbs-MP3/The%20King%20Of%20Limbs/01%20Bloom.MP3'), 1 => array('filename' => 'file://localhost/E:/music/03%20Hoppipolla.mp3')), 'playlist songs are correct');

include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap/doctrine.php';
// Initialize the test object
$t = new lime_test(6, new lime_output_color());
$genre_table = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Genre');
$first_insert_id = $genre_table->addGenre('Electronic');
$t->is($first_insert_id, '53', 'Successfully selected an existing genre.');
$second_insert_id = $genre_table->addGenre('Electronic');
$t->is($first_insert_id, $second_insert_id, 'Got the same genre fixture.');
$third_insert_id = $genre_table->addGenre('Some Awesome Custom Genre! Woo!');
$t->like($third_insert_id, '/\\d+/', 'Successfully added a new genre entry.');
$fourth_insert_id = $genre_table->addGenre(' Some Awesome Custom Genre! Woo! ');
$t->is($third_insert_id, $fourth_insert_id, 'Selected retargeted the second genre entry.');
$fifth_insert_id = $genre_table->addGenre('Русский');
$t->like($fifth_insert_id, '/\\d+/', 'Successfully added a new UTF-8 entry');
$genre_table->addGenre('This should be deleted on next finalize');
$t->is($genre_table->finalizeScan(), 3, 'finalized scan successfully');
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap/unit.php';
$logDir = $symfonyRootDir . '/log';
$cacheDir = $symfonyRootDir . '/cache';
$dbName = 'nbSymfonyPlugintest_dev';
$adminUsername = nbConfig::get('mysql_admin-username');
$adminPassword = nbConfig::get('mysql_admin-password');
$t = new lime_test(2);
try {
    $cmd = new nbMysqlDropCommand();
    $commandLine = sprintf('%s %s %s', $dbName, $adminUsername, $adminPassword);
    $cmd->run(new nbCommandLineParser(), $commandLine);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $t->comment('Drop database: ' . $e->getMessage());
try {
    $cmd = new nbMysqlCreateCommand();
    $commandLine = sprintf('%s %s %s', $dbName, $adminUsername, $adminPassword);
    $cmd->run(new nbCommandLineParser(), $commandLine);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $t->comment('Create database: ' . $e->getMessage());
$cmd = new nbSymfonyDeployCommand();
$parser = new nbCommandLineParser();
$parser->setDefaultConfigurationDirs(array(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/config'));
$t->comment('Symfony Deploy dry run');
$commandLine = '--config-file ';
$t->ok($cmd->run($parser, $commandLine), 'Symfony project deployed successfully');
$cmd = new nbSymfonyDeployCommand();

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap/unit.php';
require_once sfConfig::get("sf_plugins_dir") . '/sfPaymentPlugin/lib/sfPaymentMockGatewayInterface.php';
$t = new lime_test(8, new lime_output_color());
$gateway = new sfPaymentMockGatewayInterface();
$transaction = new sfPaymentTransaction($gateway);
$t->is($transaction->getVendor(), "", "vendor not set yet");
$t->is($transaction->getVendor(), "test", "::setVendor");
$t->is($transaction->getCurrency(), "", "currency not set yet");
$t->is($transaction->getCurrency(), "USD", "::setCurrency");
$t->is($transaction->getAmount(), "", "amount not set yet");
$t->is($transaction->getAmount(), 100, "::setAmount");
$t->is($transaction->getProductName(), "", "product name not set yet");
$transaction->setProductName("Symfony Book");
$t->is($transaction->getProductName(), "Symfony Book", "::setProductName");
//$adminUrl = 'http://symfony/admin.php';
//$t->is(£link('app:admin')->getHref(), $adminUrl, $adminUrl);
//$adminUrl2 = 'http://symfony/admin.php/main/test';
//$t->is(£link('app:admin/main/test')->getHref(), $adminUrl2, $adminUrl2);
//$adminUrl3 = 'http://symfony/admin.php?var1=val2';
//$t->is(£link('app:admin?var1=val2')->getHref(), $adminUrl3, $adminUrl3);
$blankLink = sprintf('<a class="link" href="%s" target="%s">%s</a>', 'http://diem-project.org', '_blank', 'http://diem-project.org');
$t->is((string) £link('http://diem-project.org')->target('blank'), $blankLink, 'blank link is ' . $blankLink);
$blankLink = sprintf('<a class="link" href="%s">%s</a>', 'http://diem-project.org', 'http://diem-project.org');
$t->is((string) £link('http://diem-project.org')->target('blank')->target(false), $blankLink, 'canceled blank link is ' . $blankLink);
$t->diag('media links');
$t->comment('Create a test image media');
$mediaFileName = 'test_image_' . dmString::random() . '.jpg';
copy(dmOs::join(sfConfig::get('dm_core_dir'), 'data/image/defaultMedia.jpg'), dmOs::join(sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir'), $mediaFileName));
$media = dmDb::create('DmMedia', array('file' => $mediaFileName, 'dm_media_folder_id' => dmDb::table('DmMediaFolder')->checkRoot()->id))->saveGet();
$t->ok($media->exists(), 'A test media has been created');
$mediaLink = sprintf('<a class="link" href="%s">%s</a>', $helper->get('request')->getAbsoluteUrlRoot() . '/' . $media->webPath, $media->file);
$t->is((string) £link($media), $mediaLink, '$media -> ' . $mediaLink);
$t->is((string) £link('media:' . $media->id), $mediaLink, 'media:' . $media->id . ' -> ' . $mediaLink);
$t->is((string) £link('/' . $media->webPath)->text($media->file), $expected = str_replace($helper->get('request')->getAbsoluteUrlRoot(), '', $mediaLink), $media->webPath . ' -> ' . $expected);
sfConfig::set('sf_debug', true);
$badSource = dmString::random() . '/' . dmString::random();
$errorText = '[EXCEPTION] ' . $badSource . ' is not a valid link resource';
$expr = '_^<a class="link" href="\\?dm\\_debug=1" title="[^"]+">' . preg_quote($errorText, '_') . '</a>$_';
$errorLink = (string) £link($badSource);
$t->like($errorLink, $expr, $errorLink);
sfConfig::set('sf_debug', false);

// test/unit/fixtures/CustomerTest.php
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/Doctrine.php';
$t = new lime_test(2);
# Check the existence of all available Customers.
$t->comment('-> fixture Customer');
$number_of_Customers = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Customer')->createQuery()->count();
$t->is($number_of_Customers, 1, '-> fixture Customer. There is 1 Customer counted via DQL');
# Test or the (Customer)name and sfGuardUser.name proper are added via the fixtures.
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('Customer c INDEXBY c.company')->innerJoin('c.GuardUser');
$companies = $q->execute();
$t->is($companies['AuxZambia']->GuardUser->username, 'hansrip', '-> fixture Customer. CompanyName and GuardUserName proper defined.');

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap/unit.php';
$mode = '644';
$folder = nbConfig::get('nb_sandbox_dir') . '/folder';
$fs = nbFileSystem::getInstance();
if (php_uname('s') == 'Linux') {
    $t = new lime_test(1);
    $cmd = new nbChangeModeCommand();
    $commandLine = sprintf('%s %s', $folder, $mode);
    $t->ok($cmd->run(new nbCommandLineParser(), $commandLine), 'Folder mode changed successfully');
} else {
    $t = new lime_test(0);
    $t->comment('No tests under Windows');
文件: dmMenuTest.php 项目: jdart/diem
$t->is(get_class($new), get_class($menu), 'Test child is correct class type');
$new2 = $new['Root 3']['Child 1'];
$t->is((string) $new, '<ul><li class="first">Child 1<ul><li class="first last">Child 2</li></ul></li><li class="last">Root 3<ul><li class="first last">Child 1</li></ul></li></ul>', 'Test __toString()');
$menu['Test']['With Route']->link('http://www.google.com');
$t->is((string) $menu['Test'], '<ul><li class="first last"><a class="link" href="http://www.google.com">With Route</a></li></ul>', 'Test __toString()');
$menu['Test']['With Route']->getLink()->set('target', '_BLANK');
$t->is((string) $menu['Test'], '<ul><li class="first last"><a class="link" href="http://www.google.com" target="_blank">With Route</a></li></ul>', 'Test __toString()');
$menu['Test']['With Route']->secure(true)->showId(true);
$t->is((string) $menu['Test'], '', 'Test secure()');
$user = $helper->get('user');
$t->is($user->isAuthenticated(), true, 'Test isAuthenticated()');
$t->is($menu['Test']['With Route']->checkUserAccess($user), true, 'Test checkUserAccess()');
$t->is((string) $menu['Test'], '<ul id="test-menu"><li id="test-menu-with-route" class="first last"><a class="link" href="http://www.google.com" target="_blank">With Route</a></li></ul>', 'Test authentication');
$t->comment('test notAuthenticated');
$menu['Test']['With Route']->secure(false)->notAuthenticated(true);
$t->is($menu['Test']['With Route']->checkUserAccess($user), false, 'Test checkUserAccess()');
$t->is($menu['Test']['With Route']->checkUserAccess($user), true, 'Test checkUserAccess()');
$t->comment('misc tests');
$t->is($menu->getLevel(), -1, 'Test getLevel()');
$t->is($menu['Test']['With Route']->getParent()->getLabel(), $menu['Test']->getLabel(), 'Test getLabel()');
$menu['Root 4']['Test'];
$t->is($menu['Root 4']->toArray(), array('name' => 'Root 4', 'level' => 0, 'options' => array('ul_class' => NULL, 'li_class' => NULL, 'show_id' => false, 'show_children' => true, 'translate' => true), 'children' => array('Test' => array('name' => 'Test', 'level' => 1, 'options' => array('ul_class' => NULL, 'li_class' => NULL, 'show_id' => false, 'show_children' => true, 'translate' => true), 'children' => array()))), 'Test toArray()');
$test = $helper->get('menu')->name('Test');
$test->fromArray($menu['Root 4']->toArray());
$t->is($test->toArray(), $menu['Root 4']->toArray(), 'Test fromArray()');
$t->is($menu['Root 4']['Test']->getPathAsString(), 'Test Menu > Root 4 > Test', 'Test getPathAsString()');
$t->is($menu->getFirstChild()->getName(), 'Root 1', 'Test getFirstChild()');
$t->is($menu->getLastChild()->getName(), 'Root 4', 'Test getLastChild()');

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../../test/bootstrap/unit.php';
$t = new lime_test(23);
$t->comment('nbVisualStudioClientTest - Test default compiler line for LIB DEBUG project');
$client = new nbVisualStudioClient('outputFile');
$t->is($client->getCompilerCmdLine(), 'cl /c /nologo /EHsc /Gd /TP /Od /RTC1 /MDd /DUNICODE /D_UNICODE /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG', '->getCompilerCmdLine() has all default flags for LIB + DEBUG configuration');
$t->is($client->getLinkerCmdLine(), 'lib /nologo /OUT:outputFile obj/Debug/*.obj', '->getLinkerCmdLine() has all default flags for LIB + DEBUG configuration');
$t->comment('nbVisualStudioClientTest - Test default compiler line for LIB RELEASE project');
$client = new nbVisualStudioClient('outputFile', nbVisualStudioClient::LIB, nbVisualStudioClient::RELEASE);
$t->is($client->getCompilerCmdLine(), 'cl /c /nologo /EHsc /Gd /TP /O2 /Oi /GL /MD /Gy /DUNICODE /D_UNICODE /DWIN32 /DNDEBUG', '->getCompilerCmdLine() has all default flags for LIB + RELEASE configuration');
$t->is($client->getLinkerCmdLine(), 'lib /nologo /OUT:outputFile obj/Release/*.obj', '->getLinkerCmdLine() has all default flags for LIB + RELEASE configuration');
$t->comment('nbVisualStudioClientTest - Test default compiler line for APP DEBUG project');
$client = new nbVisualStudioClient('outputFile', nbVisualStudioClient::APP);
$t->is($client->getCompilerCmdLine(), 'cl /c /nologo /EHsc /Gd /TP /Od /RTC1 /MDd /DUNICODE /D_UNICODE /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG', '->getCompilerCmdLine() has all default flags for APP + DEBUG configuration');
$t->is($client->getLinkerCmdLine(), 'link /nologo /OUT:outputFile obj/Debug/*.obj', '->getLinkerCmdLine() has all default flags for APP + DEBUG configuration');
$t->comment('nbVisualStudioClientTest - Test default compiler line for APP RELEASE project');
$client = new nbVisualStudioClient('outputFile', nbVisualStudioClient::APP, nbVisualStudioClient::RELEASE);
$t->is($client->getCompilerCmdLine(), 'cl /c /nologo /EHsc /Gd /TP /O2 /Oi /GL /MD /Gy /DUNICODE /D_UNICODE /DWIN32 /DNDEBUG', '->getCompilerCmdLine() has all default flags for APP + RELEASE configuration');
$t->is($client->getLinkerCmdLine(), 'link /nologo /OUT:outputFile obj/Release/*.obj', '->getLinkerCmdLine() has all default flags for APP + RELEASE configuration');
$t->comment('nbVisualStudioClientTest - Test set additional defines to compiler');
$client = new nbVisualStudioClient('outputFile', nbVisualStudioClient::APP);
$t->is($client->getCompilerCmdLine(), 'cl /c /nologo /EHsc /Gd /TP /Od /RTC1 /MDd /DUNICODE /D_UNICODE /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /DCUSTOM', '->setProjectDefines() sets one additional define to compiler command line');
$client->setProjectDefines(array('CUSTOM1', 'CUSTOM2'));
$t->is($client->getCompilerCmdLine(), 'cl /c /nologo /EHsc /Gd /TP /Od /RTC1 /MDd /DUNICODE /D_UNICODE /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /DCUSTOM1 /DCUSTOM2', '->setProjectDefines() sets all additional defines to compiler command line');
$t->comment('nbVisualStudioClientTest - Test set additional includes to compiler');
$client = new nbVisualStudioClient('outputFile');
$t->is($client->getCompilerCmdLine(), 'cl /c /nologo /EHsc /Gd /TP /Od /RTC1 /MDd /DUNICODE /D_UNICODE /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /I"include1"', '->setProjectIncludes() sets one additional include to compiler command line');
        return '<script type="text/javascript" src="/dynamics/foo.js"></script>';
$t = new lime_test(7, new lime_output_color());
if (!sfContext::hasInstance()) {
    require_once $_SERVER['SYMFONY'] . '/autoload/sfCoreAutoload.class.php';
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../fixtures/project/config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php';
    sfContext::createInstance(ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration('frontend', 'test', isset($debug) ? $debug : true));
    if (!sfContext::hasInstance()) {
        $t->error('A context instance is required');
    $t->info('A frontend context has been initialized for tests');
sfConfig::set('app_sfDynamicsPlugin_manager', 'ManagerMock');
$manager = sfDynamics::getManager();
$t->info('New placeholder system');
$content = <<<END
    <!-- Include sfDynamics css tags -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="/bar.css" />
    <p>Lorem ipsum</p>

    <!-- Include sfDynamics js tags -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/bar.js"></script>

// test/unit/fixtures/TransportLoadTest.php
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/Doctrine.php';
$t = new lime_test(6);
# Check the existence of all available TransportLoads.
$t->comment('-> fixture TransportLoad');
$number_of_TransportLoads = Doctrine_Core::getTable('TransportLoad')->createQuery()->count();
$t->is($number_of_TransportLoads, 1, '-> fixture TransportLoad. There is 1 TransportLoad counted via DQL');
# Test or the (company)name and sfGuardUser.name proper are added via the fixtures.
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()->select('df.name as df_name, dt.name as dt_name, tg.username as tg_username, cg.username as cg_username, t.sf_guard_user_id as t_guard_user, c.sf_guard_user_id as c_guard_user, tl.bid as bid ')->from('TransportLoad tl')->leftJoin('tl.FromDistrict df')->leftJoin('tl.ToDistrict dt')->leftJoin('tl.Customer c, c.GuardUser cg')->leftJoin('tl.Transporter t, t.GuardUser tg');
$transportLoads = $q->execute();
/* Test purpose */
$t->is($transportLoads->toArray(), 'NULL', '-> fixture TransportLoad. Array checked');
$t->is($transportLoads[0]->tg_username, 'ericsummeling', '-> fixture TransportLoad. Transporter proper defined.');
$t->is($transportLoads[0]->cg_username, 'hansrip', '-> fixture TransportLoad. Customer proper defined.');
$t->is($transportLoads[0]->bid, 'Open', '-> fixture TransportLoad. Bid proper defined.');
$t->is($transportLoads[0]->df_name, 'Lusaka City', '-> fixture TransportLoad. DistrictFrom proper defined');
$t->is($transportLoads[0]->dt_name, 'Lusaka City', '-> fixture TransportLoad. DistrictTo proper defined');

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../vendor/lime.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../lib/phpGitHubApi.php';
$t = new lime_test(3);
$api = new phpGitHubApi(true);
$t->comment('Test ->listObjectTree');
$tree = $api->listObjectTree('ornicar', 'php-github-api', '691c2ec7fd0b948042047b515886fec40fe76e2b');
$firstFile = array_pop($tree);
$t->cmp_ok($firstFile['sha'], '!=', null, 'Tree returned with SHA listings');
$blob = $api->showObjectBlob('ornicar', 'php-github-api', '691c2ec7fd0b948042047b515886fec40fe76e2b', 'CHANGELOG');
$t->is($blob['name'], 'CHANGELOG', 'Returned CHANGELOG blob');
$blobs = $api->listObjectBlobs('ornicar', 'php-github-api', '691c2ec7fd0b948042047b515886fec40fe76e2b');
$t->cmp_ok(count($blobs), '>', 0, 'Returned array of blobs');